I have a really really dumb idea that Strider + Jam Session is better than Dante + Vajra. Is this possible?
Did anyone else peep Aliounes performance at fgtv? This guys movement and execution is out of this world.
One of my theory teams for a bit was an inverted Devil May Stride with Strider (Vajra)/Dante (Jam Session)/Vergil (Rapid Slash), just because of the blender you can put someone into on incoming or if they block either of those assists with Jam Session being pants on head retarded.
People should play Stride, Cry, Dream. (Strider/Dante/Magneto)
Hey Karst, someone on the X-23 forum figured out that you can stop Hard Drive.
If you do a level three right as the opponent is coming in, they can't hyper right away, so if they're pinned by an assist, they just have to deal with it.
Wow Clock just made a legendary comeback with Strider against ShadyK.
He is motivated.
But he's using Doom on Rocks assist. Not top tier enough.
well the one thing that stood out was all the dropped combos with viper. you also prematurely used up your XF to save her. if you have strider on anchor then you should just let her die and save it for him. although a few times you used xfactor and didn't kill haggar with her. if you are going to use it then make it count. what's the highest damage you can get with her meter less with XF1?Wait, I could swear that I had a post here saying GGs to Smurf and asking if he had comments on that last FT10... I hope I'm not going crazy here. :X
Derp, sorry it's late. Fixed.Enzo your link goes to a dead page.
Why does he keep addressing this and why does he keep saying "for now there's nothing for me to talk about"?Svensson: Guys, we're aware of the interest [in an update to UMvC3] and I wish we'd be able to make it happen, but for now there's nothing for me to talk about.
Yes, I am posting non-news. You can never have too many nails.
well the one thing that stood out was all the dropped combos with viper. you also prematurely used up your XF to save her. if you have strider on anchor then you should just let her die and save it for him. although a few times you used xfactor and didn't kill haggar with her. if you are going to use it then make it count. what's the highest damage you can get with her meter less with XF1?
At this point, I'm not sure who to blame more, Sven, or the people who keep asking the same goddamn questions over and over. If it didn't work the 37th time, it won't work the 38th.Why does he keep addressing this and why does he keep saying "for now there's nothing for me to talk about"?
Fucking cock teasing motha focker.
Svensson: Guys, we're aware of the interest [in an update to UMvC3] and I wish we'd be able to make it happen, but for now there's nothing for me to talk about.
Yes, I am posting non-news. You can never have too many nails.
At this point, I'm not sure who to blame more, Sven, or the people who keep asking the same goddamn questions over and over. If it didn't work the 37th time, it won't work the 38th.
At this point, I'm not sure who to blame more, Sven, or the people who keep asking the same goddamn questions over and over. If it didn't work the 37th time, it won't work the 38th.
You said exactly what I've been wanting to say since the end of EVO. In fact, I just want this whole year to be over with already. I don't care for Street Fighter outside of 3S all that much and the anniversary fumes are killing me. I want to see them talk about something that doesn't wear a headband for once.Fucking SFxT. It's not even about Marvel for me, I just want that game to go away.
I am not even asking Capcom for it, I am telling them to stop answering questions unless there is actual information in the responses. The blame is on Capcom for choosing to answer a useless question. They can't choose their questions but they can choose their answers or lack of it.Blame the people who keep asking, like Dahbomb.
Blame the people who keep giving Sven attention, like enzo.
Or just stop asking questions altogether and accept the game's fate, like me.
Although I am completely up for a soft ban on all useless Sven comments on Marvel GAF, nothing but vitriol comes out of it.
Wait, I could swear that I had a post here saying GGs to Smurf and asking if he had comments on that last FT10... I hope I'm not going crazy here. :X
@God's Beard: I actually knew about that from that Zero guard break video a while back. If you use Raikousen M, it completely forces a block and can hit counterhit if they commit to anything.
Really, the single easiest one is to time your teleport to start as soon as Strider's disappeared and do stuff at the end of both animations. It's so derpy I know, but if you want layers, you gotta make them block something. My personal favorite is Weasel Shot (mashing every shot out) and on the second or third to last, calling him while buffering an Air Trick. If you do it on the second shot, that's for the instant mixup, if you do it on the third, you'll appear before Strider and can sorta psyche someone with a simple air dash back to the opposite side as Strider kicks them in the head.
Another one (which actually has made me start appreciating Dante's grabs lately) is to Ground Grab forward, wave (plink works best for me personally) dash forward calling the assist from about the second dash, whiff a normal (s.H works best) and teleport. Gives you enough time to track the tech roll they doand get another silly mixup. I kinda took that from watching Yipes' use of Rapid Slash assist when he was sharing tech on his stream a while back.
Also, playing some ranked today has made me seriously love Jam Session. I was not calling this assist anywhere near as much as I should have. Holy fuuuuuck. I came up with a double layer Strider incoming mixup on the fly that I have to put into video soon just because of it. If anyone wants the transcript, it's basically:
Call Bird Bomb - Call Second Bird Bomb - Call Jam Session - Wall Cling
- Depending on what you do, the first bird bomb will hit as a side switch on incoming (the normal stuff)
- If they don't get hit with that, Jam Session's activation says fuck you if you aren't blocking correctly.
- If they block both of those, Jam Session holds them in place and forces them to drop straight to the ground. Say hello to the second Bird Bomb coming down and hitting with those weird as fuck extended frames.
- If they block all of the above, you're still on the wall at frame advantage. L for overheads and combo on.
Fair enough.I am not even asking Capcom for it, I am telling them to stop answering questions unless there is actual information in the responses. The blame is on Capcom for choosing to answer a useless question. They can't choose their questions but they can choose their answers or lack of it.
Although I am completely up for a soft ban on all useless Sven comments on Marvel GAF, nothing but vitriol comes out of it.
Whats makes Vajra different from disrupter? Im running dante/mag/strider. And can't you do that teleport mixups with mag, but you can do it immediately instead of having to wait for strider to appear?
what would you say about unibeam compared to disruptor for dante?Vajra pretty much gives Dante everything by virtue of also adding much needed damage to his combos for relatively little extra work, controlling SJ offense types, and adding layers on to his already potent reset game while coming with some moderate mixup on its own.
The way I see it is this: you run Disruptor if you're more about high speed mixups and don't feel any way about the somewhat awkward confirms you have to do with the assist and Dante's lowish damage scaling. You pick Vajra if you want to trade off speed and number of mixups for consistency of character KOs from one or two choice mix ups. You also happen to unlock "almost Vanilla Dante" mode with its secondary benefits.
Svensson: Guys, we're aware of the interest [in an update to UMvC3] and I wish we'd be able to make it happen, but for now there's nothing for me to talk about.
Yes, I am posting non-news. You can never have too many nails.
Honestly, I'd love to see a Megaman x Capcom game in general, maybe as a offshoot side series. Get a rep DMC, Darkstalkers, Street Fighter, Monster Hunter, Ace Attorney/Ghost Trick, Sengoku Basara, Onimusha, and Breath of Fire and go nuts.On that note. I would love MM x DMC and have Megaman go through fighting Nightmares, Griffons, Cerberus, Nevan, Agni and Rudra, Beowulf, and other DMC bosses with Temen-ni-gru being the Wily Castle.
See, I personally couldn't recommend Unibeam because I love my hyper optimized Dante stuff and have made my team with the condition that it always has to focus on maximizing Dante's damage. At the same time, Unibeam is one of the most oppressive assists in the game and a sleeper sitting somewhere outside of the top 5 assists in the game because of the character it's attached to. It gives so many mixup opportunities because of the unique way it locks down and on hit it keeps them in place for greater hit confirm flexibility. Problem is, it scales really badly and on top of that, you will be confirming off one of these with Dante who doesn't have the greatest scaling in the world. It's a bit better if you have a good repetoire of resets to make concerns over damage an afterthought though.what would you say about unibeam compared to disruptor for dante?
Honestly, I'd love to see a Megaman x Capcom game in general, maybe as a offshoot side series. Get a rep DMC, Darkstalkers, Street Fighter, Monster Hunter, Ace Attorney/Ghost Trick, Sengoku Basara, Onimusha, and Breath of Fire and go nuts.
Might have a lobby tonight.
Complaining about the SF tournament during its 25th anniversary is just grasping at straws.guys we haven't put out a good game in like 3 years except for marvel and unlike every american company that knows how to exploit the shit out of an FPS, we are just completely baffled about what to do so here is some more fucking tekken games and a tournament for games that were fun in 1992
OTGxxBuster->Lightning? Seems easy to me.
Zero's slow, if he's half or fullscreen he can't easily capitalize off a knockdown from Vajra.
If he's close, sure, that'd work fine.
Don't believe his lies.gifNever believe anything Sven says.
I'm taking a break from Marvel for a while. Too many obsessive thoughts. I think I might try to learn some AE. It's free on Playstation Plus this month so that's cool.