Glad to hear your were having fun, because I wasn't everytime I lost to DP! I need to improve my anti-Phoenix tech, that is certain.
Haha, she's such a rush to play. I used Phoenix/Dormammu/Morrigan in Vanilla for a while and had a blast, but dropped Phoenix because she's not playable on point with stuff like Vajra around combined with all her nerfs.
My salt levels reach maximum when I get hitconfirmed off 7 or 8 Ls in a row. In all honesty it is just pure stupidity. I don't particularly care if I sound like a scrub. That shit needs to go, in fact characters with rapid fire Ls are just ugh.
Haha, give me a while and you won't see that happen. I'm just not used to the character enough yet in those situations. I'm not mashing the L button because I'm panicking, I'm doing it because I honestly don't know how to convert off of the anti-air L! With c.L I tended to go into TK Overdrive L, but I should get used to taking a moment to dash forward and do a combo from the hit confirm.
Besides, you have Strider anchor! You don't get to complain about Dark Phoenix
anything! Phoenix honestly could use some buffs IMO. I could feel the salt on your end because you would spam attacks on my dead character, and you usually don't do that.
As I said before Chris or myself I guess, is free to tri-dash pressure if he has no mine out. And it doesn't make sense to lay out a mine full screen if the opponent isn't approaching because that's a free punish, especially to fast shit like Chaotic Flame. I wouldn't count on countering Vajra everytime, because there WILL be times where you aren't aware that it's coming. If you react to it, great but it's really messy when you get hit by it and I get a large combo from it.
I'm pretty good at sensing when Vajra is coming, just not so great at punishing it. That will change, though, since you and APP both love Strider assist. I'll learn the timing more and more. Ditto for Morrigan and fly-canceling into Shadow Blade.
You were really good at air throwing my tridash pressure. I've only played a handful of people who make me hesitate to tridash H with Dormammu.
I think the team is great, And also starting Dorm is fine, at least when you're not faced with a RTSD character. Using Morrigan to get that 5 Levels fast is a double edged sword IMO. If i was better I could probably kill Morrigan more often than not with 2 opportunities, but I started to play sluggishly after the halfway mark and you started to dominate.
Your team is pretty unique in the assist punishing area. Against most players, I can run around calling Dark Harmonizer all day and Morrigan never gets hit. Those Magnum shots put the hurt on her, and I didn't even think about you continuing the chain on her with continual OTGs at first.
Yeah, we'll see how the team functions against the likes of Wolverine. If I can get half a second of breath I'll be home free. I might have to run Morrigan on point against those teams. I like that I can combo into Astral Vision and make it meter neutral with Dark Hole.
The team is also interesting in that, usually if I killed your point character when it was X/Dorm/Morrigan, I'd still be fucked because fully stocked Dorm + Morg is almost impossible to penetrate sometimes. But when you start Dorm and Morg, I don't feel any fear at all, even though I got happy bdayed a few times (It happens ALOT with Vajra!) I never felt overwhelmed and lost due to a mistake.
Can you expand on this?
Chris vs GR was really interesting, GR seems to have the upperhand even after a blocked Magnum since that s.H is so good. It takes alot of patience that I lost over the matches to open him up. Also I'm just gonna admit. I'm salty that I lost to your Strider, everytime. I haven't been playing Marvel at all though... Been playing SFxT. I KNOW I KNOW blasphemy, I got a PM from a certain someone calling me a heathen! I like the game, what can I say. It just has alot of flaws that I'm ok with playing with. I don't play it competitively though.
If it makes you feel worse, I haven't played Marvel in a week. ;-) It's cool if you like SFxT. I don't hate the game for its mechanics, I hate the game because it's boring and that much DLC is a horrible rip-off, and people need to let Capcom know it is not okay.
I think Ghost Rider might have the advantage against Chris, but we'd need to play more matches. There were a few tools I wasn't utilizing that would help (anti-air chains while you're coming down from air attacks).
My highlights were when I did Cold Shower xx Prop Shredder X 2 and finish Phoenix or when I did Chris Combination Punch assist Teleport incoming mixup. FEELS GOOD MAN. Any win against Phoenix feels good =p. Dat Morrigan Phoenix Menage a Trois I got with Strider felt good too

Hahaha, I was really surprised the Cold Shower, Prop Shredder chain didn't drop. Dante is still a top 5 bullshit character in my opinion, I'd love to see more nerfs on him.
That shouldn't even have happened =(. Somehow I blocked the Chaotic Flame with Dante but got hit with the XFC Dark Hole xx Chaotic Flame after I blocked the initial Chaotic Flame =(.
Maybe you were mashing pushblock when I XFCed? I know I had lots of "that should not have happened" moments. Usually any time Dark Phoenix died because I still suck with her. DARK PHOENIX SHOULD ALWAYS WIN DAMN IT! I spent 5 bars on this chick, she better put out.