Nova does not need Doom.
GGs Slasher. After losing to XF3 Turnabout Wright a few times I thought "Okay, it's worth burning the meter". I'm still trying to find the balance between burning meter and not burning meter with Dormammu, because when I burn meter I feel like I get it back so fast that it doesn't matter, but at the same time I know that's false, haha. I always forget that Wright's Turnabout crouching finger doesn't hit low and get caught with the overhead.
Ahem, sir. Ahem.
I had a chance to watch the video finally- that's not the combo I gave you, it's the Maziodyne loop. It's much more difficult than his 'normal' corner loops (though it's becoming the standard corner loop in tourney play).
I made a quick video of the combo I posted notation for earlier:
edit: oops, DP![]()
Nova/Doom/Strider. Doon on Beam, Nova on overhead assist for unblockable setups.
Well, I think you got me with both of your setups once each, so it's not a bad plan! It's definitely not an easy team for yours to fight. I'll have to mess with things to see if there are ways to down the Maya shield without burning meter, though, because I'd rather not have to do that. Maybe Dark Hole + TK Overdrive will burn it down...turning on the PS3 to test that now...yep.Yea that was a really tough team for me. I already have a tough time against Dormammu and I am not very experienced Phoenix since the Vanilla days. I feel you team if a pretty good counter to mine. I would like to practice some snap in setups but I rarely feel like I need to. I usually focused on powering my team up and not trying to stop somebody else's team from powering up. With Morigan backing up your meter gain you can get your five bars pretty easily since your on point character does pretty well against me. I felt my best chance was to get tournabout Wright, save X-Factor and wait for DP. As long as I survived the incoming I felt like I had a good chance. My plan was to use Order in the Court invincibility > X-Factor Cancel > Maya Super > put you in block stun > J.H. unblockable or just time a Ace Attorney super if there is an opening. That was the plan at least
It's like footsies at superjump height - I love it. I really thought I'd have a harder time with Wesker using Dormammu on point, but it's been so long since I tried (Vanilla) that I didn't know what to expect. I was pleasantly surprised to find Wesker's walk speed to be just slightly better than Dormammu's so I could s.M into Flame Carpet at the start. I'm having to relearn a weird mix of Vanilla Dormammu and Ultimate Dormammu to make this work (c.M was godlike in Vanilla, but I hardly use it in Ultimate).Dude I could definitely tell. Your Dorm feels like he's only on the ground to do a special move and cancel into a super any other time your tridashing fricking everywhere. I gotta learn to do mini up back blocks against you instead of just crouching blocks. I feel the only time my Wesker wrecked shit up was when I put him first. I either steam rolled you at the begining or you steam rolled me.
I saw that! I didn't count, but there was a match where I thought "holy crap, that's a lot of bad evidence".Also the one match we played I had the most bad evidence in a rows I have ever had. Nine times in a row. Seven bads and 3 meat buns. I literally said what the fuck!? I can usually deal with bad evidence not so bad but fuck that.
Yeah, I'm still iffy on when to burn meter in a combo. If I Chaotic Flame, I get a Dark Harmonizer + Dark Matter afterwards which can lead to full combos. If I just use Purification, then I have to go for a teleport mix-up or something. I'm still messing with it.I think you adapted the right idea of only using meter when
A. You had 5 bars and all three characters left
B. A choatic flame would kill a character
Your Dorm is great so I don't feel he is handicapped at the starting position, but Dorm is at his best when he has meter and a Phoenix team always needs meter on the back burner. So against a team that does decent against him or a really good player I don't think Dorm is your strongest choice. Morrigan of course is excellent on the team for obvious reasons.
You have to slightly delay the last d+H so that the j.S hits as low to the ground as possible. If you are able to get that far then you are pretty close to incorporating that combo into your game play because you are able to do the hard part of the combo, the unfly part.
I can do his combos since I mess with him in training mode, but I find his personality abrasive enough that I've never given him serious use in matches. At most I whored him out for the assist for Dormammu since it's so good (top 5).Yo karst you ever play dante for a bit?
seems like a waste to use nova's barrier assist. go with his overhead assist and try getting some unblockables thanks to hawkeye's lows and slide. not a big fan of hawkeye without some kind of projectile assist. you have to jump too much to zone with him and that leaves you open to air throws and it also lets people chase you down quicker as they can just duck your arrows. yeah jam session helps keep people out but it won't be enough.hmmmm hawkeye/nova barrier assist/jam session, lets see how i could zone with that shit.
Thats my team! Its fun.
There's a timing where you can call Spencer earlier but still connect sS TK H Rocket Punch.It is a fantastic team. If I was good with Strider I would run it.
Quick Nova/Spencer question. I always see players do the Spencer assist into crumple rocket punch, and tag in Doom or Dante or Strange, etc. The problem is that the tag never comes out in time. I just did Spencer assist, so there is a cooldown before I can tag anyone in. What can I do to speed up the process?
It is a fantastic team. If I was good with Strider I would run it.
Quick Nova/Spencer question. I always see players do the Spencer assist into crumple rocket punch, and tag in Doom or Dante or Strange, etc. The problem is that the tag never comes out in time. I just did Spencer assist, so there is a cooldown before I can tag anyone in. What can I do to speed up the process?
j.H/S - s.MH - f.H - Gram L - Formation B Shot - Gram L - Formation B Summon - Formation B Shot - s.S - j.H xx Gram L - (land) - Formation B Summon - Formation B Shot - s.S...
What if you replace the last Formation B relaunch with Jam Session+slide and see what you can get?
Top three things I want changed:
Zero's damage scaling reduced to the same as Dante's.
Round Trip/Eye Laser/whatever glitch removed.
TACs now cost meter (up-one meter, side- half meter, down-free), hit stun scaling is reset like it is currently after a TAC but it immediately starts re-accumulating post-TAC.
I would just make TACs identical to TVC and remove the infinites
Remind me of TvC's TAC mechanics? I know they weren't random, which is the #1 issue for me.I would just make TACs identical to TVC and remove the infinites
100% perfect, assuming the tagged in character builds no meter (otherwise people would always TAC to Doom and rebuild the bar).Spend 1 bar to tag in the next character. There's no guessing nor meter gain/drain nor hsd reset iirc.
TACs have 4 problems, in order:Lose the meter gain from post-TAC combos and they're pretty much fixed.
Box dash has decent speed if you want movement at normal jump height. Plink dashing the ground dash makes it less garbage. You space yourself with normals and up/down air dash in the air. On the ground you use cr.H cancel into either Unibeam or Repulsar.Finally completed Iron Mans Krispy kreme combo for the first time, now to get it consistent.
How do you properly move around and space yourself with Iron Man? I know you can't wave dash with him and his non sj. tri dash is garbage.
Box dash has decent speed if you want movement at normal jump height. Plink dashing the ground dash makes it less garbage. You space yourself with normals and up/down air dash in the air. On the ground you use cr.H cancel into either Unibeam or Repulsar.
After the KK you should learn some aerial confirms which are going to be at least as hard but very important for IM. Confirming a full combo from a sj.H grows hair on your chest.
First is okay, second is ass.What do you guys think about these two teams:
Skrull(orbital grudge)-shuma(ray)-Doom(molecular shield)
I didn't even understand what "low combo" meant until I thought about who was saying it.Hey Karst give me Skrull tips for my low-combo team of Wolverine/Skrull/Sentinel.
Box dash is just a forward air dash low to the ground.How do you box dash?
And what would be his best/most important aerial confirm to learn?
Box dash is just a forward air dash low to the ground.
Give me a second so I can find some aerial confirms. People use different confirms that suits their style.
I use this one it's the easiest for me:
Um, that's all I can think of right now. Skrull isn't low combo FYI, you can always master his infinite in training mode to feel good. ;-)
Some are really hard, but that's why no one does them. This is over a year old, so there's newer stuff out there, but IMO these are often difficult:Thanks Karst!
Aren't his BnBs super simple, though?
I look forward to being a part of your battles! However for a while my parents will be visiting.So my locked-in teams for the Thousand-Battle No Training Mode challenge starting next weekend are as follows:
Main Team: Strider(Vajra)/X-23(Ankle Slicer)/Magneto(EMD)
Simple Team: Wolverine(Barrage)/Skrull(Stone Smite)/Sentinel(Drones)
Zoning Team: Hawkeye(Triple Shot)/Nova(Centurion Rush M)/Strider(Vajra)
I'm picking these teams because I'm less comfortable with them and I'm hoping to learn a lot without falling back on Wesker/Magneto/Phoenix. The plan is to get at least 500 with the first team and divide the rest up amongst the other two depending on how much fun they are.
It seems like to me you want to tell me "you're just being salty" indirectly!Eh, it's just another thing some characters have that others don't. No different from air dashes or anything else.
Yah I also feel that since you have to save up all that meter and you did everything "right" in that match she should be the overpowered character, since there's also very specific anti-character tech against her. I just dislike that her feathers or whatever all ignore hitstun I suppose.I think DP could use buffs. TK Shot making her prone in the air is stupid. For 5 bars, this bitch needs to be the most overpowered thing in the game. I could have 9 Stalking Flares on the screen for what I'm paying for to get Dark Phoenix. That's 1.5 million chip damage. Dark Phoenix rolls through teams, but Vergil with half as much meter does the same thing, and he does it in a much, much safer manner.
Dark Phoenix without X-Factor, I wager to say, isn't even that good. As someone who played her on point for a month straight in Vanilla, I cringed every time I got Dark Phoenix because of the life drain. I'd say her life shouldn't drain and she should be able to TK Shot without falling prone in the air again. The biggest "WTF" factor of Dark Phoenix in Vanilla was XF3, and her speed was toned down so that she can't just mash teleports into c.L safely anymore, and her chip damage was toned down.
Haha well I literally have to save a portion of my brain power and concentrate during air techable points or air vulnerability. Since I'm so concentrated though, it magnifies my sodium levels =(And your air throw tech game! I think I only reset you once or twice with Dormammu, and every time you teched my throw I said "what?!"
It's funny because X-Factor ready Dorm + Meter is almost essentially fighting Dark Phoenix, You can't really do anything! But maybe there's an illusion of what's "fair" and what isn't "fair". It's really frightening how much team order changes everything.Yay! :-D
I read this as "I can't pushblock, Chaotic Flame punish him on point like I can to all those other losers"Hahaha. The only thing that bothers me about Dante is how he can bold cancel whiffed normals into safety. Dante players have to do really stupid stuff for me to punish them, and I don't think any character should be that safe all the time.
Well it's strange, I'll input whatever, jump Magnum, but I guess at the same time I complete the input, the opponent has done the super and the freeze occurs at the same time which doesn't allow the jump to come out. Or something.I only have this problem when I'm doing Soul Fist walls with Morrigan, and I'm not sure if she's finished her fly animation yet.
Right I think what it comes down to is. You both work your ass off for the end game, Phoenix for 5 bars, the other to kill her before 5 bars. But when it's time for face off, all that work meant nothing, comes down to 1 action. It's both intense and stupid at the same time. If you recall whenever I got a random Dante super on Phoenix I always thought, "that was dumb". It just wasn't as satisfying as I'd like.5 bars of meter and she dies in a hit! Totally fair IMO. Those feathers went full screen in the in-house beta, don't you forget it!
PZPoy, and I think that covers it?Um, I'm not sure. There's F. Champ and Alioune, Neo, Viscant, that it?
I never said Strider is honest! Justice...Ambition...Whatever. He just does his job. Nothing else matters.Chris is honest, but you getting mauled and saved by Vajra and then getting a full combo is not.I swear this happened once a game. Nerf Vajra.
Well tbf they take something like 60 frames before exploding and 90 or something for Incendiary grenades. It explodes when Chris is hit, but the fire comes out regardless and it's essentially a flame carpet.Also, his grenades are fucking dumb. One of my top 3 hated things in this game. If the fire can't hit me, then the graphic should go the fuck away. I never know when the hell I can move, which is why I sometimes just sit there eating grenades and up-backing, because the developers made it impossible to know what's going on visually. I would really like for them to fix the visuals on that sometime.
As honest as it gets for Marvel!You call that honest?!
Why wouldn't I care? I always enjoy talking with you about our matches. And I know that feeling. Luckily, I've never lost something as important as a term paper (worst was a Starcraft strategy guide I wrote in 9th grade).I had this post saved and ready to go mostly until someone at work fucked my computer over. Hate losing progress during a post, it's like losing your 40 hour save file in an RPG.
More frankly, I'd like to know why you think rapid fire L's are more bothersome than the many other ridiculous things in this game (1F command grabs into full combos, air dashes, teleports, etc.).It seems like to me you want to tell me "you're just being salty" indirectly!
The feathers definitely don't ignore hitstun, they just cause a decent amount of it because otherwise her combos would drop.Yah I also feel that since you have to save up all that meter and you did everything "right" in that match she should be the overpowered character, since there's also very specific anti-character tech against her. I just dislike that her feathers or whatever all ignore hitstun I suppose.
Well, I was one of the few people who thought Vanilla Phoenix was very fair. Toward the end of Vanilla people were finally developing anti-Phoenix tech, and only the best of the best were winning with Phoenix. Viscant made it to grand finals, but top 4 had PR Balrog and JWong, neither of which used her. I just looked up top 8 to refresh my memory:I think it's just that X-factor and Phoenix are intertwined. As you said DP isn't even that good without X-Factor is true, and buffing her as a point character doesn't really matter anyways. But if they did "fix" DP and make her better, like much better, that can potentially make her teams even stronger since, you would be able to blow X-Factor and then when DP comes out, it wouldn't matter since she's already self-sustainable. I don't know, I guess that's all up for debate!
Winner: Viscant (Wesker/Haggar/Phoenix)
2. PR Balrog (Wolverine/Dante/Tron/Amaterasu)
3. Justin Wong (She Hulk/Wolverine/Akuma/Storm/Wesker)
4. Combofiend (She Hulk/Taskmaster/Spencer)
5. Noel Brown (Wolverine/Wesker/Akuma/Phoenix)
5. Filipino Champ (Magneto/Sentinel/Phoenix/Dormammu)
7. X-Ray (Dante/Amaterasu/Magneto)
7. Mine (Wesker/Taskmaster/Phoenix)
I know that feeling. I forget to mash a TAC direction until I get hit. -_-Haha well I literally have to save a portion of my brain power and concentrate during air techable points or air vulnerability. Since I'm so concentrated though, it magnifies my sodium levels =(
Everything costs something. It has taken me a lot of work and practice to play Dormammu without any assists. I could go back to using Hidden Missiles like I did in Vanilla...It's funny because X-Factor ready Dorm + Meter is almost essentially fighting Dark Phoenix, You can't really do anything! But maybe there's an illusion of what's "fair" and what isn't "fair". It's really frightening how much team order changes everything.
Do you think that a character should have normals that are impossible to punish?I read this as "I can't pushblock, Chaotic Flame punish him on point like I can to all those other losers"
Hmm. Maybe you need to be less pre-emptive with your inputs? I know it's a bad habit I have, and I am overly predictive with Purification at times.Well it's strange, I'll input whatever, jump Magnum, but I guess at the same time I complete the input, the opponent has done the super and the freeze occurs at the same time which doesn't allow the jump to come out. Or something.
I never feel like it all went for nothing just because there's a different kind of game being played. I don't recall any of your thoughts (haha), but I thought it was dumb, too. The more I play her the less I'll get caught by that crap, though.Right I think what it comes down to is. You both work your ass off for the end game, Phoenix for 5 bars, the other to kill her before 5 bars. But when it's time for face off, all that work meant nothing, comes down to 1 action. It's both intense and stupid at the same time. If you recall whenever I got a random Dante super on Phoenix I always thought, "that was dumb". It just wasn't as satisfying as I'd like.
He's so inconsistent I forget about him, but yeah.PZPoy, and I think that covers it?
He invalidates honest play for Chris when he gives you 600K combos off of me hitting you (lol).I never said Strider is honest! Justice...Ambition...Whatever. He just does his job. Nothing else matters.
I'm totally cool with the grenades and how they function. I think they're a good and fair tool. I'm not cool with how the animation sticks around after the grenade is done hitting, and as the opposing player I don't know when it's safe to do anything visually. Very annoying.Well tbf they take something like 60 frames before exploding and 90 or something for Incendiary grenades. It explodes when Chris is hit, but the fire comes out regardless and it's essentially a flame carpet.
Haha. There is no honesty in Marvel, there are just better and worse teams! ;-)As honest as it gets for Marvel!
Anyone up for some matches?![]()
Are you still up for them in like 15 minutes?
Anyways, today I realized that I fucking hate Spencer more than any other character in the game. I'm sure my team's overall health doesn't help (seriously, only way it could be lower is if I put Phoenix in there).