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Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 |OT3| To infinites... and beyond!


Oh the tutorial I watched didn't even mention to do that. Will give that a try.

What exact combo are you doing? You should only be doing one j.M before the double foot dive- that way you can get four reps of the loop before the jump H plasma beam into finger lasers ender.

Remember you have two OTG options (standing M and standing H) and two launchers (fwd.H and S). I find relaunching with st.H xx fwd.H to be the most consistent (though st.M to OTG is almost identical). Launching with S instead of fwd.H causes certain characters to drop out of the combo.


For Iron Man how do you get the cr.M from this:

j.M, j.S, c.M, s.H xx fly, j.M, j.M, j.H xx unfly, j.H, land, j.u+F, j.M, j.M, j.d+H, j.S, land, c.M, s.H, s.S, sj.M, j.M, j.d+H, j.S, land, H Smart Bombs xx Proton Cannon

To connect?
My new goal is to pull off that setup online.

And stop that Dormammu's video to 1:07 and pause it. j.S looks fricken incredible his hurtbox is so far away.
The hurtbox is within the hitbox at the bottom, which says "not that great" to me. :p

It's too bad they didn't show the hitbox behind Dormammu, though, since that's what really counts. It's dangerous to j.S or j.H in front of your opponent.

Azure J

Nobody laugh, but I need help breaking something down. I have an online acquaintance I run sets against and his team is Hawkeye (Triple Arrow)/Ammy (Cold Shots)/Frank (Cart) and I'm getting consistently blown up by both the idea of a rushdown Hawkeye, said rushdown Hawkeye with Cart assist and Frank in general. I really don't understand the matchup enough.

- Match starts and he is always walking forward. The opening gambit is literally walk forward then offenseoffenseoffenseoffenseoffense. It starts with him calling Cart almost immediately while slowly pushing me to the corner with H arrow xx Speed Shot. If he sniffs out a change in my approach, he'll use Trick (H i believe?) to back flip over and cross up for Cart to do its dirty work and open me up free. If I'm cornered, I have to stick to blocking or blow X-Factor (easily the worst decision) for a Hail Mary EX or something of the sort. Otherwise, I deal with relentless pressure between cart and Slide - Poison Tip block strings until he gets a tick throw and hits me with the H arrow - Net Arrow loop for like 25 fucking Marvel seconds (you people complaining about watching the game or long combos have never been stuck in something as monotonous as that). There's also this absolutely disgusting reset I find myself eating more times than not where after a launcher, he does Triple Piercing and forces me to keep blocking while he goes up for an invisible air grab.

- When I back away, I'm full screen versus Hawkeye. He out prioritizes any Seismo start up and stays on the ground in prime arrow shooting positioning to make sure I can't jc - ADDF - Seismo for better positioning or approach. There's also the idea that he has Ammy to enhance the zoning and lockdown when necessary.

- His Amaterasu is great, but since I played a basic Amaterasu myself at one point, I can manage her just a bit better. As long as I'm outside of c.L range.

- Frank is a nuisance character on point, anchor assist, what the hell ever. I am at a total loss versus this guy. Can't keep him full screen because zombie toss is a projectile that doesn't clash with projectiles, can't have him nearby because guy has his 0 - 5 setups down perfectly, Frank-Ammy THC makes Doom-Ammy THC look tame, somehow zombie toss that has the zombie run forward hits high enough to stuff a double jump attempt on incoming, absolutely nuts normals, dat roll...

Basically I don't have enough match up experience against this. Any thoughts guys?
Learn how to use the round trip glitch with Viper and eyebeam the crap out of Hawkeye. Full charged eye laser is one of the most durable non hyper projectiles. Let him eat that and yes, you can use the same glitch with round trip with the eye laser for the charge.

Azure J

Learn how to use the round trip glitch with Viper and eyebeam the crap out of Hawkeye. Full charged eye laser is one of the most durable non hyper projectiles. Let him eat that and yes, you can use the same glitch with round trip with the eye laser for the charge.

I do know how to do this already, my issue is that he knows what's up and is usually RTSD'ing or floods with Speed Shot to get into the blind spot for that move.


What exact combo are you doing? You should only be doing one j.M before the double foot dive- that way you can get four reps of the loop before the jump H plasma beam into finger lasers ender.

Remember you have two OTG options (standing M and standing H) and two launchers (fwd.H and S). I find relaunching with st.H xx fwd.H to be the most consistent (though st.M to OTG is almost identical). Launching with S instead of fwd.H causes certain characters to drop out of the combo.

I've been using two j.m and a double foot each loop and using S as my launcher. I'm able to get it pretty consistent now that I'm timing my OTG better. Though it seems there are better ones to use...

Are you referring to this one?


I'd like to use the optimal one but there are so many supposed bnb tutorials it is hard to know which one is most current.


Thing is, there's a weird circumstance with doing the crumple tag like that where some characters will recover quicker from the floor than others depending on the number of hits used beforehand. What's more, the HSD makes it kinda nuts to get a lot after the pickup unless the setup puts you in the corner perfectly. You have to hit consistently with moves getting smaller time frame (although it's really just the second j.H as you call Strider that's "hard" there).
Ahh you are the expert on the subject, I just think it's more plausible to hard tag after a longer combo since you won't always have 1 meter! I totally understand the part after the crumple though, Viper likes to Free Ride™ during that EX TK pretty long!
Haha, give me a while and you won't see that happen. I'm just not used to the character enough yet in those situations. I'm not mashing the L button because I'm panicking, I'm doing it because I honestly don't know how to convert off of the anti-air L! With c.L I tended to go into TK Overdrive L, but I should get used to taking a moment to dash forward and do a combo from the hit confirm.
I don't think L should be rapid-fire if it's not on contact, that's just dumb. I guess I'm biased because I play alot of characters that don't have that option.
Besides, you have Strider anchor! You don't get to complain about Dark Phoenix anything! Phoenix honestly could use some buffs IMO. I could feel the salt on your end because you would spam attacks on my dead character, and you usually don't do that. :p
My Strider is bad, I draw a blank completely whenever he's in. I'm so fraudulent.
I don't think DP needs buffs, regular Phoenix sure.
You were really good at air throwing my tridash pressure. I've only played a handful of people who make me hesitate to tridash H with Dormammu.
I've leveled up my air throw game! I'm proud of that :lol.
Your team is pretty unique in the assist punishing area. Against most players, I can run around calling Dark Harmonizer all day and Morrigan never gets hit. Those Magnum shots put the hurt on her, and I didn't even think about you continuing the chain on her with continual OTGs at first.
Yah I guess it's a conditional team weakness, since Morrigan isn't vulnerable for very long. But I could sense when you were likely to call her.
Can you expand on this?
What I mean is, when you start Dormammu, I can approach you and treat your team normally. Because you're saving meter for Phoenix and you don't have the meter to play keep away with Stalking Flares. So I'm not afraid to just rush in.

When you have Dormammu with 5 meters and Dark Harmonizer with X-Factor, shit gets scary because any hit is basically going to lead to death when you XF2, and that usually results in losing all characters.
If it makes you feel worse, I haven't played Marvel in a week. ;-) It's cool if you like SFxT. I don't hate the game for its mechanics, I hate the game because it's boring and that much DLC is a horrible rip-off, and people need to let Capcom know it is not okay.
Yah the DLC is definitely a rip-off, mechanically it's fun. Combo flexibility is really marvel-esque, but just sluggish in comparison.
I think Ghost Rider might have the advantage against Chris, but we'd need to play more matches. There were a few tools I wasn't utilizing that would help (anti-air chains while you're coming down from air attacks).
It definitely feels like GR has a matchup advantage... Definitely gets skewed when assists get thrown in, it doesn't help that Chris' full screen attack range is limited and slower in comparison.
Hahaha, I was really surprised the Cold Shower, Prop Shredder chain didn't drop. Dante is still a top 5 bullshit character in my opinion, I'd love to see more nerfs on him.
Leave Dante alone! ;_; Poor guy doesn't even have his own game series anymore. Cold Shower xx Prop Shredder X2 only works on a stand opponent haha.
Maybe you were mashing pushblock when I XFCed? I know I had lots of "that should not have happened" moments. Usually any time Dark Phoenix died because I still suck with her. DARK PHOENIX SHOULD ALWAYS WIN DAMN IT! I spent 5 bars on this chick, she better put out.
Yah probably, I hate when that happens, inputs always mess up during freezes or supers, that's why you hit me with alot of chaotic flames when I got for Instant Super Jump Magnum, and then I would get a standing Magnum. Fucking game!!
Phoenix is the only character in this game that makes me want to instantly quit playing. DP is so herp derp over powered it's incredibly unfun. Maybe I get one unlucky or lucky hit and instantly win or lose, it's dumb. I know there is anti Phoenix tech but as of now I'm not eager to learn any. I feel like most people think she is still good and is a great high risk character with great rewards but at the same time it never feels rewarding. Oh I won with DP whoop de do.
I think winning against Phoenix feels really rewarding! But I share the same sentiments lol. They should nerf the hitstun on Feathers because frankly, they are stupid. But she IS Dark Phoenix, so I guess they had to give her that.
If Phoenix were a normal character with 750K health (Strider health), I'd use her without the Dark portion. She's everything I love in a character. Good aerial movement, ability to keepaway or rush, teleport, and a trijump normal that crosses up. That's just not how the cookie crumbles, though.
I think alot of people would appreciate an incarnation of Phoenix like this, how many top Phoenix players do we have in the world after Vanilla?
I find her greatly rewarding because of how fun she is to play. I don't need to "work hard" to feel good about my wins. Though of course I do work hard with my team because of how it's constructed. Alternatively, other top anchors like Vergil, Strider, and Wesker get all their goodies for free, and they steamroll teams just as easily as Dark Phoenix does. Especially the first two.
I think there needs to be a balance between working hard, and no effort required to win. Playing Chris helps me put things in perspective, the most honest characters in the game are probably PW, Hsien-Ko and Chris. He doesn't have any cheap tactics, he has sub-optimal movement, and he isn't a "cool" character. But he just feels so fun to play by laming out. I don't play any zoners in any other game except MvC3, and Chris is the most fun zoner by far for me. He hits like a truck so when you get that hit it's gonna hurt. And it feels satisfying to win with a mid-tier character I guess.
Edit: Sollune, which match did you PM me "Nuuuuuuuuuuuu!" about?
I think it was the match where I killed Morrigan, and I got hit by Phoenix coming in swinging, when all I had to do was a better mixup. Eithter that or a Strider loss in a mirror match.
I'm curious what you thought of the team, and @Solune and you: what do you think of tagging Phoenix in early to get her Dark so I can re-acquire meter vs. burning meter with Dormammu and re-topping myself to 5 bars? I feel like I have mixed success with both approaches.
I think it's smarter to burn meter with Dormammu, playing Phoenix like Filipino Champ is the better approach because it's better to scare people into making Phoenix think she's the most threatening character on the team, but they don't realize that, both options are terrifying.

Also, I imagined the vertical size of chaotic flame would be larger. Would Chris be able to prone position under it or no?

Yup, watch this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zHIVFs4k5jI


I do know how to do this already, my issue is that he knows what's up and is usually RTSD'ing or floods with Speed Shot to get into the blind spot for that move.

How can he rush you down so hard? Viper has some of the best defensive options in the game. If it's that bad, just x-factor cancel out of blockstun, kill hawkeye and deal with lvl1 Frank and Ammy. There's no character you need to save x-factor for (outside of hawkeye who should be dead at this point. Also at full screen, wouldn't getting a single laser out stuff all of his projectiles and allow you to transition to constant rapid seismos? I always assumed viper had a massive advantage in this match-up.


Nobody laugh, but I need help breaking something down. I have an online acquaintance I run sets against and his team is Hawkeye (Triple Arrow)/Ammy (Cold Shots)/Frank (Cart) and I'm getting consistently blown up by both the idea of a rushdown Hawkeye, said rushdown Hawkeye with Cart assist and Frank in general. I really don't understand the matchup enough.
Why can't you just EX Seismo him when he calls assists and pressures you with Hawkeye?
Nobody laugh, but I need help breaking something down. I have an online acquaintance I run sets against and his team is Hawkeye (Triple Arrow)/Ammy (Cold Shots)/Frank (Cart) and I'm getting consistently blown up by both the idea of a rushdown Hawkeye, said rushdown Hawkeye with Cart assist and Frank in general. I really don't understand the matchup enough.

- Match starts and he is always walking forward. The opening gambit is literally walk forward then offenseoffenseoffenseoffenseoffense. It starts with him calling Cart almost immediately while slowly pushing me to the corner with H arrow xx Speed Shot. If he sniffs out a change in my approach, he'll use Trick (H i believe?) to back flip over and cross up for Cart to do its dirty work and open me up free. If I'm cornered, I have to stick to blocking or blow X-Factor (easily the worst decision) for a Hail Mary EX or something of the sort. Otherwise, I deal with relentless pressure between cart and Slide - Poison Tip block strings until he gets a tick throw and hits me with the H arrow - Net Arrow loop for like 25 fucking Marvel seconds (you people complaining about watching the game or long combos have never been stuck in something as monotonous as that). There's also this absolutely disgusting reset I find myself eating more times than not where after a launcher, he does Triple Piercing and forces me to keep blocking while he goes up for an invisible air grab.

- When I back away, I'm full screen versus Hawkeye. He out prioritizes any Seismo start up and stays on the ground in prime arrow shooting positioning to make sure I can't jc - ADDF - Seismo for better positioning or approach. There's also the idea that he has Ammy to enhance the zoning and lockdown when necessary.

- His Amaterasu is great, but since I played a basic Amaterasu myself at one point, I can manage her just a bit better. As long as I'm outside of c.L range.

- Frank is a nuisance character on point, anchor assist, what the hell ever. I am at a total loss versus this guy. Can't keep him full screen because zombie toss is a projectile that doesn't clash with projectiles, can't have him nearby because guy has his 0 - 5 setups down perfectly, Frank-Ammy THC makes Doom-Ammy THC look tame, somehow zombie toss that has the zombie run forward hits high enough to stuff a double jump attempt on incoming, absolutely nuts normals, dat roll...

Basically I don't have enough match up experience against this. Any thoughts guys?
You should play keepaway against Frank. If Frank got to level 5, then you just have to outplay him - there are no real answers since the roll is so good.

I don't have an answer for Hawkeye. In fact, I've long thought that rushdown Hawkeye would be really effective if someone took the time to learn it, because he has such good priority on his normals and you don't really want to pushblock him out. Your best bet is probably to catch him with EX Seismo during his frame traps. If you can record some matches via webcam, we can probably offer more specific advice.
For anyone who follows comics even loosely, the ending to ASM (700) is out... looooool is all I can say, as nutty as this game. Thread in OT forum has em. What an option select too.

Peter Parker's main line just can't catch a break, once a decade it's time for the craziest shenanigans. I don't follow closely/buy comics even, but I know the general plot, and it's just....oof.

Well, there's always this game, Spectacular, some old runs, and most of the movies when you need good stuff with Parker :p

Azure J

Why can't you just EX Seismo him when he calls assists and pressures you with Hawkeye?

That was one of the first things I simulated in training mode after the set was over. Turns out, cart can stuff the beginning instance of it fairly easily. I'm thinking of doing Focus - EX Seismo more though. Just have to try and stay out of grab range at match start for that.


I've been using two j.m and a double foot each loop and using S as my launcher. I'm able to get it pretty consistent now that I'm timing my OTG better. Though it seems there are better ones to use...

Are you referring to this one?


I'd like to use the optimal one but there are so many supposed bnb tutorials it is hard to know which one is most current.

I'm at work right now, so I can't check the video until later, but the combo I'm referring to is (against a cornered opponent):

cr.L, cr.H, S, (j.M, fwd.H, S, air dash cancel down, whiff j.M on the way down to fall faster, st.H to OTG, fwd.H to relaunch)x4, on the last rep instead of OTG into relaunch, just normal jump up, plasma beam H, cancel into finger lasers hyper.

That will definitely do more damage than the version you've been doing.


I'm at work right now, so I can't check the video until later, but the combo I'm referring to is (against a cornered opponent):

cr.L, cr.H, S, (j.M, fwd.H, S, air dash cancel down, whiff j.M on the way down to fall faster, st.H to OTG, fwd.H to relaunch)x4, on the last rep instead of OTG into relaunch, just normal jump up, plasma beam H, cancel into finger lasers hyper.

That will definitely do more damage than the version you've been doing.

Awesome, thanks. Will try this out!


That was one of the first things I simulated in training mode after the set was over. Turns out, cart can stuff the beginning instance of it fairly easily. I'm thinking of doing Focus - EX Seismo more though. Just have to try and stay out of grab range at match start for that.
I would pick Vergil, press st.H and then Spiral Swords. Profit.

That does seem like an interesting dilemma right there.


What's he doing at the start of the round besides just calling Shopping Cart? Does he go for throw, airthrow, just call an assist?

Personally, I'd just walk forward as well and OS forward heavy into another OS of EX Seismo, cr.L, or snapback. EX Seismo in particular should blow up every option he has afterwards while being safe and allowing Viper to start her pressure. I also think s.H would catch Hawkeye as an anti-air if he jumped at the start of the round, but it probably depends on when he jumps. You might also have to worry about Shopping Cart if he goes for an airthrow, but s.H may stuff it as well.


Viper has great opening gambit options. Cart can also be stuffed on start-up so I've gotta believe if this guy is mashing assist as the fight starts, opening with ex-seismo would hit him before he could do anything.


I've been using two j.m and a double foot each loop and using S as my launcher. I'm able to get it pretty consistent now that I'm timing my OTG better. Though it seems there are better ones to use...

Are you referring to this one?


I'd like to use the optimal one but there are so many supposed bnb tutorials it is hard to know which one is most current.

I had a chance to watch the video finally- that's not the combo I gave you, it's the Maziodyne loop. It's much more difficult than his 'normal' corner loops (though it's becoming the standard corner loop in tourney play).

I made a quick video of the combo I posted notation for earlier: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L9GZqIJG9Os

edit: oops, DP :(

Azure J

What's he doing at the start of the round besides just calling Shopping Cart? Does he go for throw, airthrow, just call an assist?

Personally, I'd just walk forward as well and OS forward heavy into another OS of EX Seismo, cr.L, or snapback. EX Seismo in particular should blow up every option he has afterwards while being safe and allowing Viper to start her pressure. I also think s.H would catch Hawkeye as an anti-air if he jumped at the start of the round, but it probably depends on when he jumps. You might also have to worry about Shopping Cart if he goes for an airthrow, but s.H may stuff it as well.

I think I need to step up my Grab/post Grab OS game a lot more in general. The start of the round is quite literally walk up grab attempt plus Cart with variances (spaced out booty scratcher xx Freeze or Speed Shot on whiff) to catch a jump or close the distance ASAP should I make room and attempt an EX Seismo. Interestingly enough though, I had some success with having him walk into a spaced out s.L - Snapback that also came with the benefit of Frank coming in.

Viper's s.H blows up so many things by accident sometimes, it never fails to surprise me when I get one while dashing about and it saves my life. :lol


'x-factor reliance is for the skilled players'. It's been a while since I've gotten a salty message, and I'm not even sure what it means. I'm sorry that I used my X-Factor when I got a hit to kill a character or two, I guess? I haven't gotten a true rage/salt mail in a while, and it's kind of weird. In fact, I've probably gotten six or so compliments to my Dante in the last month alone. When did XBL become civil?

Also, the guy was running Zero/Wesker/Doom while I ran Strider/Strange/Dante. Which team do you think takes more skill to win with? lol

I think I need to step up my Grab/post Grab OS game a lot more in general. The start of the round is quite literally walk up grab attempt plus Cart with variances (spaced out booty scratcher xx Freeze or Speed Shot on whiff) to catch a jump or close the distance ASAP should I make room and attempt an EX Seismo. Interestingly enough though, I had some success with having him walk into a spaced out s.L - Snapback that also came with the benefit of Frank coming in.

Viper's s.H blows up so many things by accident sometimes, it never fails to surprise me when I get one while dashing about and it saves my life. :lol
I would recommend just walking forward and going for a grab yourself, then. Sometimes, ya just gotta have no fear and make sure the other person knows that. Even if it doesn't pay off all the time, it might stick with them enough that they play it safer, which gives you more options.

Azure J

Also, the guy was running Zero/Wesker/Doom while I ran Strider/Strange/Dante. Which team do you think takes more skill to win with? lol

Clearly the former because Bestker is barely mid tier now. #RIP #Kappa

I would recommend just walking forward and going for a grab yourself, then. Sometimes, ya just gotta have no fear and make sure the other person knows that. Even if it doesn't pay off all the time, it might stick with them enough that they play it safer, which gives you more options.

Noted. In other news, up for games later today?


You have to slightly delay the last d+H so that the j.S hits as low to the ground as possible. If you are able to get that far then you are pretty close to incorporating that combo into your game play because you are able to do the hard part of the combo, the unfly part.


Well, I don't know any other combos to start off with, so this is my "beginner" combo, even though it's nowhere near beginner level lol. The combo looks and right now seems harder than Dante's combos :/

Well the KK combo is the combo to work around the very bad launcher Iron Man has and being able to hit confirm from max distance cr.M which he needs. It's nowhere near beginner friendly but it's the best bnb he has.

I'd say watch some Joker, Alukard or Condor Missile footage to see what they do but from what I remember they just hit confirm real close to the opponent.


Since for geographic reasons I can't play with marvel GAF online, I asked a while ago if anybody would be willing to critique my sorry ass if I recorded some online matches(Karst at least mentioned he'd give it a shot). I recorded a random one to test and see if the quality from my point and shoot digital camera was good enough that people could tell what's going on. Thoughts?

I'm messing around with Hawkeye/Nova/Strider because of Sasa's post, and it's actually really fun. Hawkeye can make a lot more use out of Nova's ground bounce assist than I thought at first. Lots of cool combos and setups.

Also, I'm not 100% sure, but I'm pretty confident that there's a way to go from Kiss of Fire to Human Rocket then throw an Energy Javelin to combo off the arrows.
I don't think L should be rapid-fire if it's not on contact, that's just dumb. I guess I'm biased because I play alot of characters that don't have that option.
Eh, it's just another thing some characters have that others don't. No different from air dashes or anything else.

My Strider is bad, I draw a blank completely whenever he's in. I'm so fraudulent.
I don't think DP needs buffs, regular Phoenix sure.
I think DP could use buffs. TK Shot making her prone in the air is stupid. For 5 bars, this bitch needs to be the most overpowered thing in the game. I could have 9 Stalking Flares on the screen for what I'm paying for to get Dark Phoenix. That's 1.5 million chip damage. Dark Phoenix rolls through teams, but Vergil with half as much meter does the same thing, and he does it in a much, much safer manner.

Dark Phoenix without X-Factor, I wager to say, isn't even that good. As someone who played her on point for a month straight in Vanilla, I cringed every time I got Dark Phoenix because of the life drain. I'd say her life shouldn't drain and she should be able to TK Shot without falling prone in the air again. The biggest "WTF" factor of Dark Phoenix in Vanilla was XF3, and her speed was toned down so that she can't just mash teleports into c.L safely anymore, and her chip damage was toned down.

I've leveled up my air throw game! I'm proud of that :lol.
And your air throw tech game! I think I only reset you once or twice with Dormammu, and every time you teched my throw I said "what?!"

Yah I guess it's a conditional team weakness, since Morrigan isn't vulnerable for very long. But I could sense when you were likely to call her.
She's only vulnerable for 10 frames (Vanilla Double Lariat inversed). Yeah, people can sense when I'll call her, but it's the unique combination of a keepaway team + Vajra that makes the calls less safe. Against any other team I'd be able to Mass Change M as I call to make it safer, but against Vajra Dormammu is likely to get hit so I can't. Still, I think she only died 2-3 times in our 30 matches, and last night was my first time playing the team, so I'm not too upset about that.

What I mean is, when you start Dormammu, I can approach you and treat your team normally. Because you're saving meter for Phoenix and you don't have the meter to play keep away with Stalking Flares. So I'm not afraid to just rush in.
Gotcha. As I get better with the team I'll mess with expending meter early to see if I can get net meter gain. Dark Harmonizer + Purification x Stalking Flare, Dark Harmonizer, charge 1D2C, release 1D2C, Dark Harmonizer is meter neutral, so I can call Stalking Flare at any time and recover the bar, but I'm also not going to get to 5 bars that way. As I work on the team I'll try to find ways to make this a meter positive plan.

When you have Dormammu with 5 meters and Dark Harmonizer with X-Factor, shit gets scary because any hit is basically going to lead to death when you XF2, and that usually results in losing all characters.
Yay! :-D

Yah the DLC is definitely a rip-off, mechanically it's fun. Combo flexibility is really marvel-esque, but just sluggish in comparison.
The combos just don't look fun to do or watch, and something about the animations doesn't hit me right.

It definitely feels like GR has a matchup advantage... Definitely gets skewed when assists get thrown in, it doesn't help that Chris' full screen attack range is limited and slower in comparison.

Leave Dante alone! ;_; Poor guy doesn't even have his own game series anymore. Cold Shower xx Prop Shredder X2 only works on a stand opponent haha.
Hahaha. The only thing that bothers me about Dante is how he can bold cancel whiffed normals into safety. Dante players have to do really stupid stuff for me to punish them, and I don't think any character should be that safe all the time.

Yah probably, I hate when that happens, inputs always mess up during freezes or supers, that's why you hit me with alot of chaotic flames when I got for Instant Super Jump Magnum, and then I would get a standing Magnum. Fucking game!!
I only have this problem when I'm doing Soul Fist walls with Morrigan, and I'm not sure if she's finished her fly animation yet.

I think winning against Phoenix feels really rewarding! But I share the same sentiments lol. They should nerf the hitstun on Feathers because frankly, they are stupid. But she IS Dark Phoenix, so I guess they had to give her that.
5 bars of meter and she dies in a hit! Totally fair IMO. Those feathers went full screen in the in-house beta, don't you forget it!

I think alot of people would appreciate an incarnation of Phoenix like this, how many top Phoenix players do we have in the world after Vanilla?
Um, I'm not sure. There's F. Champ and Alioune, Neo, Viscant, and...is that it?

I think there needs to be a balance between working hard, and no effort required to win. Playing Chris helps me put things in perspective, the most honest characters in the game are probably PW, Hsien-Ko and Chris. He doesn't have any cheap tactics, he has sub-optimal movement, and he isn't a "cool" character. But he just feels so fun to play by laming out. I don't play any zoners in any other game except MvC3, and Chris is the most fun zoner by far for me. He hits like a truck so when you get that hit it's gonna hurt. And it feels satisfying to win with a mid-tier character I guess.
Chris is honest, but you getting mauled and saved by Vajra and then getting a full combo is not. :p I swear this happened once a game. Nerf Vajra.

Also, his grenades are fucking dumb. One of my top 3 hated things in this game. If the fire can't hit me, then the graphic should go the fuck away. I never know when the hell I can move, which is why I sometimes just sit there eating grenades and up-backing, because the developers made it impossible to know what's going on visually. I would really like for them to fix the visuals on that sometime.

I think it's smarter to burn meter with Dormammu, playing Phoenix like Filipino Champ is the better approach because it's better to scare people into making Phoenix think she's the most threatening character on the team, but they don't realize that, both options are terrifying.
That's what I'd like to accomplish.

You call that honest?!

Since for geographic reasons I can't play with marvel GAF online, I asked a while ago if anybody would be willing to critique my sorry ass if I recorded some online matches(Karst at least mentioned he'd give it a shot). I recorded a random one to test and see if the quality from my point and shoot digital camera was good enough that people could tell what's going on. Thoughts?

I found it totally watchable. rofl @ the end there, and Phoenix Wright players that call the Maya shield and then dash back infuriate me. This isn't Flame Carpet morons, you need to run into the shield to be safe.


I found it totally watchable. rofl @ the end there, and Phoenix Wright players that call the Maya shield and then dash back infuriate me. This isn't Flame Carpet morons, you need to run into the shield to be safe.

Cool. I'll try to record a couple (hopefully better, haha) matches in the next day or two then to see what advice people have.
Hawkeye M(+ NOva assist)6H is sucj an amazing blockstring. Jump back to run away on block, roll forward for perfect throw timing, or cancel into the trap arrow on hit then dash forward and slide for the full conversion.
5 bars of meter and she dies in a hit! Totally fair IMO. Those feathers went full screen in the in-house beta, don't you forget it!

I still think the reason they changed that was for framerate considerations, not balance.


Also, I'm not 100% sure, but I'm pretty confident that there's a way to go from Kiss of Fire to Human Rocket then throw an Energy Javelin to combo off the arrows.

If you can connect the Javelin, I wonder if you could go..

Kiss of Fire, Human Rocket (two hits, go down on the second), Javelin, Human Rocket (two hits, go down on the second one), LMHS, jump, MMHS, call Strider during your descent, Centurion Arts L, Strider hits, Centurion Arts L, Nova Force?

It'd probably depend on what happens prior to Kiss of Fire. Worst case, though, is if you land Javelin and are quick (and can connect the second Rocket), is link it to a Nova Force after the second Rocket.

Totally implausible, but fun.
So far no Javelin, but you can just whiff Human Rocket and call Vajra LOL

Also, raw Glimlet or Trick Maneuver whatever into Gimlet DHC to Human Rocket is an amazing punish. Fuck yo assist.


So far no Javelin, but you can just whiff Human Rocket and call Vajra LOL

Also, raw Glimlet or Trick Maneuver whatever into Gimlet DHC to Human Rocket is an amazing punish. Fuck yo assist.

Yeah, it's nasty.

What's the hyper's name where Hawkeye shoots arrows up into the air? Kiss of Fire? If not I misunderstood, but Sasa could be nasty with it.

They jump at him, do that hyper and DHC into Rocket, becames a mean mixup as he has total control where he lands. And he can call Vajra as you just mentioned for added complexity.

If he has 3-4 bars stocked and Hawkeye is dead, leaving him Nova / Strider, can do a full Nova combo, end in Gravimetric Blaster, directly into Ragnarok.

And then have nasty shenanigans using Nova assist. And Nova is amazing with level 3 X-factor even without meter.

Ew, nasty team.


Fuck it, I'm gonna pick up Nova and go with Nova/Taskmaster/Doom or Sent.

GAF, gimme some ideas on what assists and anchor characters to go with this team, plz. :3
Yeah, it's nasty.

What's the hyper's name where Hawkeye shoots arrows up into the air? Kiss of Fire? If not I misunderstood, but Sasa could be nasty with it.

They jump at him, do that hyper and DHC into Rocket, becames a mean mixup as he has total control where he lands. And he can call Vajra as you just mentioned for added complexity.

If he has 3-4 bars stocked and Hawkeye is dead, leaving him Nova / Strider, can do a full Nova combo, end in Gravimetric Blaster, directly into Ragnarok.

And then have nasty shenanigans using Nova assist. And Nova is amazing with level 3 X-factor even without meter.

Ew, nasty team.
Plus, the Nova TAC solves some of Hawkeye's damage problems. And everybody has fun fighting Hawkeye with Vajra.

Zoning hell -> TAC -> Orbs

mr. puppy

Fuck it, I'm gonna pick up Nova and go with Nova/Taskmaster/Doom or Sent.

GAF, gimme some ideas on what assists and anchor characters to go with this team, plz. :3

Nova/Task/Dante! Use jam session/THC to get those Task unblockables. I used to do it for awhile but Task kinda gets boring.


Plus, the Nova TAC solves some of Hawkeye's damage problems. And everybody has fun fighting Hawkeye with Vajra.

Zoning hell -> TAC -> Orbs

The only "risky" thing about it is I don't think he can one touch kill without previous zoning hell damage.

Which is fine, obviously, but I always feel hesitant about it.


Clearly the former because Bestker is barely mid tier now. #RIP #Kappa
Well, the guy mashed Maximum Wesker three times in a row because he didn't know wtf to do and got punished for all of them, so maybe you're right.

I love when people complain about 'skill' when they're not exactly shining examples of skill themselves. Warms my heart.

Noted. In other news, up for games later today?
Maybe. I've been feeling under the weather the past week, so it all depends on how I feel later on.

Azure J

That feel when someone you play is an actual lag warrior (back H all day, Missiles assist on every team, has a Sentinel/Doom/MODOK pocket team), you don't have a good day with inputs, and after the fact, you find out that your diagonals are fucked...

Solar, I'm cool with it.


Fuck it, I'm gonna pick up Nova and go with Nova/Taskmaster/Doom or Sent.

GAF, gimme some ideas on what assists and anchor characters to go with this team, plz. :3

Nova/Doom/Strider. Doon on Beam, Nova on overhead assist for unblockable setups.
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