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Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 |OT3| To infinites... and beyond!

Azure J

Haha, are you trying to AA him?
Yeah, I was playing that matchup terribly (first experience and all), Didn't play enough neutral game and got swooped out of tons of moves or c.L'd out of my c.L attempts. Started adjusting midway though and even beat the unblockable a few times with all three characters of mine (Viper - Focus Attack - Dash Cancel, Dante - wakeup Twister or Snap Back, Strider - wake up Vajra L/M). Still need to respect some Sentinel though and ankle biting Ammy too.

In other news, Maziodyne's at it again also Acid Rain stuff.

Edit: Jesus the meter build...
I agree with this. The second team is much more well rounded. He might want to consider Nova/Doom/Strider too, though he seems set on having bionic AAAAARRRRM on the team.

Nova/Doom/Strider is my current team, I want to learn Spencer and have two characters I am familiar with. I can't see myself losing/dropping Strider.

mr. puppy

Add a teleport to the mix and you have my Dormammu setup. ;-)

I played 20 matches today with my team and got Dark Phoenix every time except for when she died once on snap-in and died once on an assist call (damn it). Then it was time to DHC Dormammu in and summon the power...

what are the normal flight patterns that you do? i just kinda go one side of the screen to the other.


Nova/Doom/Strider is my current team, I want to learn Spencer and have two characters I am familiar with. I can't see myself losing/dropping Strider.

Well -/Doom/Strider is a really good shell (Maximillian has Wesker there, HAZ Forward has Viper there, etc), so I'd start with slapping Spencer into there.


Yeah, I was playing that matchup terribly (first experience and all), Didn't play enough neutral game and got swooped out of tons of moves or c.L'd out of my c.L attempts. Started adjusting midway though and even beat the unblockable a few times with all three characters of mine (Viper - Focus Attack - Dash Cancel, Dante - wakeup Twister or Snap Back, Strider - wake up Vajra L/M). Still need to respect some Sentinel though and ankle biting Ammy too.

In other news, Maziodyne's at it again also Acid Rain stuff.

Edit: Jesus the meter build...

Haha, I knew C.Viper/Strange/Dante would have great synergy! Gonna have to spend some time in the lab and learn Viper. :p
Nova/Doom/Strider is my current team, I want to learn Spencer and have two characters I am familiar with. I can't see myself losing/dropping Strider.

Nova/Spence is so fun and easy. I love that combo almost as much as Dante/Vergil. I don't even play my so called "main" team anymore really. Just those two combos up there most of the time.


People pick Vergil because he doesn't require thought.
The worst c.L's aren't rapid fire, though, they're non-rapid fire but +1 on block (WESKER). Rapid fire c.L usually just means an easy pushblock for me. Anyone with non-rapid fire c.L's can stagger the hits to counter pushblocking. Even Dormammu players do it, and his c.L is really negative on block (because who is going to mash attacks while blocking c.L?). And of course, Wesker is the best example of the command grab issue as well. I almost want Yipes to focus on Wesker so people will stop pretending that the character isn't one of the best in the game. It gets old damn it!
The worst are the ones + on block AND rapid fire =p. I don't think Wesker has "fallen off" as people have said. They've just learned how to approach him and how to defend against him. Yipes shows that Wesker is still very much a threat and a top tier character. I mean, how many times did he command grab Dieminion, I can't even recall it was the entire round though. Just sickening.
Dante is high execution, but it's not like whiffing a normal and then pushing A+S during a cinematic screen is.

I think Dante players often get confused and think that a character that stands a decent chance against him is the same as a bad matchup...
Well I guess they could change it so that Bold Move can only be cancelled into on contact... I'm not really in favor of Dante nerfs though lol.

I don't know I think that even though Dante has alot of god damned options, he's still vulnerable. Perhaps having a bad matchup is not the right term, but rather he still has weaknesses despite being THE most versatile character in the game.
Don't you counterpick me! >:-O

And why would you want to burn X-Factor on Phoenix before she goes Dark? I do not think that's wise.
I just realized that even if I do a random THC to lockdown Phoenix, I'll lose to a Phoenix Rage... I have to go into the lab...

And I was saying burning X-Factor on Phoenix to prevent her from turning Dark is ok, since you posted that Dormammy Vanilla setup. But I guess you pointed out that , theoretically you could still have Dormammu. Dark Harmonizer really causes alot of problems =/.
I watched it, and I saw GC Yoshi dropping a lot of combos, so it doesn't count in my mind! :p
Haha dropped combos or not, that's not a condition of a bad matchup! Did you watch Rayray vs Bum yesterday? Same thing!
Hey, it could be worse. You could be me where no one else in the world uses your shell, and people think it's some kind of joke.
Well, that's when you tell them FT10 you, and then we'll see who's shell is a joke lol. As much as I have fun playing you, since I feel like I level up after our sessions, it's also a nightmare! You should go out to locals... You're in Detroit though right? I know Wolfkrone is from Michigan... and he's an online warrior lol....
Theme tournaments are boss.
That and CvS/KoF style just makes me REALLY want CvS3 so bad ;_;
Also, Magneto's cr.L is rapid fire and +1 on block. Why would you ever do that, Capcom?
The thing that I hate about rapidfire L's really is that, when Mag players go to anti-air, they can whiff as many s.L's as they'd like and still get a hitconfirm. Pretty dumb too me.
I think this is one of the problems with most Dante players. Instead of learning a thing called spacing to make those faster normals a non-issue, they're crying that they can't just push buttons. It's not like Wolverine doesn't make everyone's life hell when he in their face. No one can just just push buttons when Wolverine is in their face, so why is it treated like a unique case for Dante, especially when he can out-normal Wolverine with good spacing? If playing the neutral game, Dante can make Wolverine's life a living hell if you've got good awareness, but nooo, 'i can't push buttons when he's in my face :(:(:('
I'm having a hard time coming up with a rebuttal because I definitely agree with you. I guess it just comes down to grinding the matchup out and team comp.
There's a glitch with Gravity Squeeze. If you do it midscreen, you're stuck at the edge of the screen and can't dash as early as you normally would. The animation comes out but Magneto doesn't move. This makes certain combos that would work in the corner impossible. I should be able to dash and use attraction with ankle slicer to get a full combo, but I can't.
I don't think this is a glitch? Sentinel's Command Grab has the same effect. It's like using Wesker's Ghost Butterfly or Spencer's Armor Piercer after using your wallbounce already, except that they don't cause hard knockdown.

Teleport xx EX Seismo... Hot damn. :lol
Orso on the break weekly was doing Bolts of Balthakk > teleport into Somersault with Jill, it was pretty sick. It's too bad , if his execution was better, he would roll teams.

Meza winning with his fraudulent Vergil upsets me though. No one showed up for it this week!


I'd go with the first team personally, Though Doom on beam on the second team would not be bad either.
Oooo, TK Overdrive lets Dormammu charge two Dark Spells in corner combos (835,700K damage)!

what are the normal flight patterns that you do? i just kinda go one side of the screen to the other.
I usually use Dormammu's flight to either fly away with UF/DF air dash sequences, or I'll do UF/DF/UF/D+S or something similar to hit people a little farther away from normal. If my opponent jumps at any time, I Mass Change M, ADDB+j.L to get grounded, and lay Flame Carpet or Mass Change M, call TK Overdrive, Mass Change M for the cross-up. If TK Overdrive is blocked, j.H, c.LH, Flame Carpet and then start doing jump, ADDB+j.L to create space.

Let's not beat around the bush. :p

The worst are the ones + on block AND rapid fire =p. I don't think Wesker has "fallen off" as people have said. They've just learned how to approach him and how to defend against him. Yipes shows that Wesker is still very much a threat and a top tier character. I mean, how many times did he command grab Dieminion, I can't even recall it was the entire round though. Just sickening.
If I believed in single character rankings, Wesker would still be in my top 5. People are just terrible at this game. The fact that the top 5 are so clear, and after that it's an abyss of "pretty good", should tell people how uncertain tiers are even from a single character tier list perspective.

Well I guess they could change it so that Bold Move can only be cancelled into on contact... I'm not really in favor of Dante nerfs though lol.
I'd be cool with him just not being able to guard-cancel Bold Move. There are 16 frames between the input and a point where Dante can act (which prevents Bold Move -> Vortex spam, fortunately!), and if he could just not block during those 16 frames just as he can't perform any other action, I would be happy. It seriously pisses me off that Dante can swing s.H like a moron at full-screen and it's perfectly safe, though. That's all I want changed.

I don't know I think that even though Dante has alot of god damned options, he's still vulnerable. Perhaps having a bad matchup is not the right term, but rather he still has weaknesses despite being THE most versatile character in the game.
Well yeah, everyone is vulnerable. I think of it this way. Dante has Dormammu-speed normals, except he has a good ground dash, an excellent defensive air dash into Air Play to keep him safe, and amazing defensive moves like j.S, The Hammer, and Reverb Shock. Yes, Wolverine directly in his face is not a good thing, but it's not a good thing for anyone. He has an enormous defensive toolset that Dante players rarely use because they're too busy spamming j.H like it's going out of style (get it?).

I just realized that even if I do a random THC to lockdown Phoenix, I'll lose to a Phoenix Rage... I have to go into the lab...

And I was saying burning X-Factor on Phoenix to prevent her from turning Dark is ok, since you posted that Dormammy Vanilla setup. But I guess you pointed out that , theoretically you could still have Dormammu. Dark Harmonizer really causes alot of problems =/.
Yeah, I had someone kill Phoenix during TK Overdrive today (d'oh), and let's just say that by the time the match ended, I had summoned 10 Stalking Flares and used 2 Chaotic Flames. Chipchipchipchip! It helps that when people snap Phoenix back, if she does die, Morrigan comes in next, and she can DHC Dormammu in safely through Shadow Servant.

Are you sure that you lose to Phoenix Rage? Won't Chris's Grenade Launcher hyper nullify it as it does with beams? Gah. I have to go into the lab and test how every hyper interacts with Phoenix Rage, because I keep having to guess in matches and it does not please me.

Haha dropped combos or not, that's not a condition of a bad matchup! Did you watch Rayray vs Bum yesterday? Same thing!
Well, that's why you need an anti-air assist! :p

Well, that's when you tell them FT10 you, and then we'll see who's shell is a joke lol. As much as I have fun playing you, since I feel like I level up after our sessions, it's also a nightmare! You should go out to locals... You're in Detroit though right? I know Wolfkrone is from Michigan... and he's an online warrior lol....
I don't like challenging people I don't know to FT10's because there's a high chance that they have a bad connection (especially on GFAQs, half of the posters aren't even in NA). So then I have to slog through a meaningless, laggy FT10 or leave and get called out on "dodging".

I live in Chicago right now, actually. I moved about a year ago for grad school. I went to one local tournament here, but it was back in Vanilla. The only good tournaments here at the Galloping Ghost Arcade, but I seem to keep missing them. Last year UFGT was the same weekend as my finals. -_-

Plus everyone here plays on the 360, and I don't have a dual-modded stick. -_-

That and CvS/KoF style just makes me REALLY want CvS3 so bad ;_;
I never got the CvS love. It's a decent game, but I prefer a more interactive team.


So, you're gonna show us some crumple tech right ??
Let's not beat around the bush. :p
I use him because I love DMC3!! Alot of frauds picking him up and winning upsets me though. Gives the character a bad name, much like Wesker. RE5 Wesker basically made that game for me.

I'd be cool with him just not being able to guard-cancel Bold Move. There are 16 frames between the input and a point where Dante can act (which prevents Bold Move -> Vortex spam, fortunately!), and if he could just not block during those 16 frames just as he can't perform any other action, I would be happy. It seriously pisses me off that Dante can swing s.H like a moron at full-screen and it's perfectly safe, though. That's all I want changed.
Ahh yah that would make sense. I would be OK with this change then.
Well yeah, everyone is vulnerable. I think of it this way. Dante has Dormammu-speed normals, except he has a good ground dash, an excellent defensive air dash into Air Play to keep him safe, and amazing defensive moves like j.S, The Hammer, and Reverb Shock. Yes, Wolverine directly in his face is not a good thing, but it's not a good thing for anyone. He has an enormous defensive toolset that Dante players rarely use because they're too busy spamming j.H like it's going out of style (get it?).
I agree with what you're saying, but those tools that you listed also have Dante in the air, they also have considerable startup which makes him prone to getting air-thrown. I mean, as long as you spaced it correctly and timed it correctly you he shouldn't get caught but I don't think it's so black and white. I'm not an expert Dante player by any means, but I really feel that matchup is difficult but not unmanageable. I'm not asking for any changes, and like I said in response to Frantic, it's just fighting more and more Wolvies for that experience.
Yeah, I had someone kill Phoenix during TK Overdrive today (d'oh), and let's just say that by the time the match ended, I had summoned 10 Stalking Flares and used 2 Chaotic Flames. Chipchipchipchip! It helps that when people snap Phoenix back, if she does die, Morrigan comes in next, and she can DHC Dormammu in safely through Shadow Servant.
I just want to say I don't feel bad that you lost your Phoenix! Especially since you won anyways with THE POWER.
Are you sure that you lose to Phoenix Rage? Won't Chris's Grenade Launcher hyper nullify it as it does with beams? Gah. I have to go into the lab and test how every hyper interacts with Phoenix Rage, because I keep having to guess in matches and it does not please me.
I don't know actually, I've played a few Phoenix's with my Chris team but I haven't had them try. The last Phoenix I remember playing was God's Beard and I don't think he tried it or he did it and I X-factored or something.
Well, that's why you need an anti-air assist! :p
Dante is there! just, I'm bad maybe, possibly, something. I don't know... All I know is that Mutantkind > BSAA.
I don't like challenging people I don't know to FT10's because there's a high chance that they have a bad connection (especially on GFAQs, half of the posters aren't even in NA). So then I have to slog through a meaningless, laggy FT10 or leave and get called out on "dodging".
That's why it the mentality of the average gamer stifles me. Why would their first reaction to your team be a joke, if they haven't even experienced yet? I mean if your team was Hsien-ko/PW/Ironman, it's obscure and sounds terrible to me, but I wouldn't ridicule a player if that was their main team.
I live in Chicago right now, actually. I moved about a year ago for grad school. I went to one local tournament here, but it was back in Vanilla. The only good tournaments here at the Galloping Ghost Arcade, but I seem to keep missing them. Last year UFGT was the same weekend as my finals. -_-
Oh right you already mentioned that a few times. You should go next time! I'd like to see the man behind the fiery avatar looks like.
Plus everyone here plays on the 360, and I don't have a dual-modded stick. -_-
Apparently alot of players, at least at the house of crack really dislike playing on PS3. I've seen visible slowdown but usually during THCs... I don't mind playing on a 360 as long as it's not a 360 pad because by god I would hang myself with a USB cable and have DmC Dante write FUCK YOU on my shirt before playing on that god awful pad.
I never got the CvS love. It's a decent game, but I prefer a more interactive team.
For me, it's the combination of ST difficulty / mechanics and character roster. I mean even if you're not a fan of SNK/KoF, the SF Cast feels really diverse with the Groove system. And having more than 1 character means you have more chances to develop skills with multiple characters but still providing that one on one experience.
I ran tests on Phoenix Rage vs. the game's various projectile hypers. I figured I would post it since everyone has to play against Phoenix sometimes, and Solune was curious about how his team would work out in a THC situation. “Wins” means Phoenix takes no damage. All tests were done by performing Phoenix Rage during the opponent’s cinematic screen.

Phoenix Rage (PR) vs…
Spell of Vishanti – PR always wins
Gimlet – PR always wins
Million Dollars – PR always wins, Teleport M at full screen
Legion – PR always wins
Legion Arrow – PR wins anywhere but full screen, but Phoenix can Teleport M there
Submachine Gun (Jill) – PR always wins
Shinkuu Hadoken – PR loses unless very close
Maximum Voltage – PR always wins, Teleport M at full screen
Akuma fireball spam hyper – PR always wins, Teleport M from almost anywhere
Akuma beam hyper – PR loses unless at 1/3 screen away, then trades or wins
Genmu Zero – PR loses, Teleport at 2/3 screen away
Nemesis rocket hyper – PR wins, Teleport ½ screen away
Dimension Slash – PR wins
Spiral Swords – Swords don’t protect him, but you can’t punish unless very close
Blue Cart Special – PR wins
Goddess Bracelet – PR wins, teleport ½ screen away
Dark Fire – PR wins
For the Princess – PR loses
Grenade Launcher – if far, ice grenade and PR nullify each other, but you recover and can teleport M; if close, ice grenade nullifies PR and hits Phoenix; teleport M unless close
Finishing Shower – PR mostly wins, small trade; teleport M kills you
Shadow Servant – PR trades unless very close, then wins; teleport M unless very close
Desperado – trades far, loses up close, teleport far wins
Lunch Rush – PR wins, teleport M unless very close
Okami Shuffle – PR trades, teleport H after fire portion into j.d+H
Hyper Mystic Smash – PR wins, teleport M unless very close
Hyper Mystic Ray – PR wins up close, loses far, teleport M unless very close
Nova’s Beam – PR loses unless close, if it’s unpowered you can c.M under it
Rock n’ Roll – PR trades, teleport M unless close
Happy-Happy Trigger – PR wins, teleport M far away
Proton Cannon – PR loses unless close
Hyper Psionic Blaster – PR loses unless close, teleport M from far, c.M under it
Photon Array – PR trades far, wins close
Mighty Thunder – teleport M even in his face, PR wins unless far, then trades
Elemental Rage – PR loses
Ice Storm – PR loses
Hyper Sentinel Force – PR trades
Gamma Tsunami – PR trades unless close, then wins; teleport even in his face
Magnetic Shockwave – PR trades far, wins close; teleport far
Chaotic Flame – PR loses unless close, then wins
Stalking Flare – PR wins (small damage far), teleport M wins

I use him because I love DMC3!! Alot of frauds picking him up and winning upsets me though. Gives the character a bad name, much like Wesker. RE5 Wesker basically made that game for me.
That doesn't make him take thought!

Ahh yah that would make sense. I would be OK with this change then.
Want to lobby Capcom with me? ;-)

I agree with what you're saying, but those tools that you listed also have Dante in the air, they also have considerable startup which makes him prone to getting air-thrown. I mean, as long as you spaced it correctly and timed it correctly you he shouldn't get caught but I don't think it's so black and white. I'm not an expert Dante player by any means, but I really feel that matchup is difficult but not unmanageable. I'm not asking for any changes, and like I said in response to Frantic, it's just fighting more and more Wolvies for that experience.
That's why I mentioned the box dash back j.H - protects his space and you cancel it into Air Play and you're safe, yah?

I just want to say I don't feel bad that you lost your Phoenix! Especially since you won anyways with THE POWER.
I hope you continue to feel that way in the future. ;-) I'm improving with her, and actually reverse OCVed someone with normal Phoenix in XFC today. (FINE FINE FINE FINE FINE FINE)

That's why it the mentality of the average gamer stifles me. Why would their first reaction to your team be a joke, if they haven't even experienced yet? I mean if your team was Hsien-ko/PW/Ironman, it's obscure and sounds terrible to me, but I wouldn't ridicule a player if that was their main team.
No neutral assist is pretty much unheard of. /shrug

Oh right you already mentioned that a few times. You should go next time! I'd like to see the man behind the fiery avatar looks like.
Hahaha. I can post a picture if you're that curious.

Apparently alot of players, at least at the house of crack really dislike playing on PS3. I've seen visible slowdown but usually during THCs... I don't mind playing on a 360 as long as it's not a 360 pad because by god I would hang myself with a USB cable and have DmC Dante write FUCK YOU on my shirt before playing on that god awful pad.
When the game went on demo at Best Buy pre-release, it was on a 360 pad. I basically looked at how pretty the hypers were because I couldn't do anything else...

I understand not wanting to play on the PS3, I just don't have the resources for a 360 stick, and I sold my 360.

For me, it's the combination of ST difficulty / mechanics and character roster. I mean even if you're not a fan of SNK/KoF, the SF Cast feels really diverse with the Groove system. And having more than 1 character means you have more chances to develop skills with multiple characters but still providing that one on one experience.
I did like the Groove system. If they added some kind of team interactivity I could dig it.

Azure J

So, you're gonna show us some crumple tech right ??

I did a few times already, with the most optimized version being the post crumple 2 meter building combo from EX Thunder Knuckle. Viper to Strider is also hilarious since I can set up instant Oki nonsense with Bird Bomb and Tiger.


I ran tests on Phoenix Rage vs. the game's various projectile hypers. I figured I would post it since everyone has to play against Phoenix sometimes, and Solune was curious about how his team would work out in a THC situation. “Wins” means Phoenix takes no damage. All tests were done by performing Phoenix Rage during the opponent’s cinematic screen.

Grenade Launcher – if far, ice grenade and PR nullify each other, but you recover and can teleport M; if close, ice grenade nullifies PR and hits Phoenix; teleport M unless close
Thanks for the info, I love how specific Grenade launcher is :lol. It makes good anti-Phoenix tech though.

That doesn't make him take thought!
Good thing I haven't played him in a long time :lol.
Want to lobby Capcom with me? ;-)
If we're going to lobby together, it would have to be for something we both want like BoF Nina.
That's why I mentioned the box dash back j.H - protects his space and you cancel it into Air Play and you're safe, yah?
Somewhat safe, I'm pretty sure Wolverine ducks j.H at certain distances. I'd have to test it but, I'm pretty sure I've been crossed up by DERPER Slash more than once while in the air also.
No neutral assist is pretty much unheard of. /shrug
Well, I was watching Alioune vs Cl0ckwork yesterday and Fchamp really liked Alioune's team. He said you have to get in his face because if you don't he gains crazy meter every 2 seconds. (paraphrased). I think some people / top players also have no restraint when they speak, so when they say "that's bad" or "that doesn't work" that doesn't necessarily meaning they are condemning that team completely, need the context I suppose. I mean on GAF, everyone pretty much speaks in hyperbole.
Hahaha. I can post a picture if you're that curious.
I didn't think it would come down to this lol. I'd be forced to do it too then =p.
When the game went on demo at Best Buy pre-release, it was on a 360 pad. I basically looked at how pretty the hypers were because I couldn't do anything else...

I understand not wanting to play on the PS3, I just don't have the resources for a 360 stick, and I sold my 360.
I used to do that when SF 25th anniversary collection came out, or when KoFXIII was demoed. Playing 360 and I'd just spam specials since I couldn't combo anything :lol. My 360 is my CaveBox. I do have a 360 stick as I was planning to compete locally everywhere but it's just taking up space...
I did like the Groove system. If they added some kind of team interactivity I could dig it.
I'm not sure if you ever played the other King of Fighters, but the NESTS saga ('99 - '01) had the Striker system, which is essentially an assist. If they combined elements from that series and KoFXI (which is an amazing game btw) You can crossover combo much like marvel, tag in, etc, you'd have an incredible Vs game with a solid SF/KoF Foundation with a little bit of "Marvel" in it.
I did a few times already, with the most optimized version being the post crumple 2 meter building combo from EX Thunder Knuckle. Viper to Strider is also hilarious since I can set up instant Oki nonsense with Bird Bomb and Tiger.
Oh I meant with Strange and Viper sir haha. I said it as Michael Joudan...

Azure J

Maybe I'll try some FoF Loop sometime Solune. :p

Also, someone convince me not to try dabbling with Dante (Jam)/Sentinel (Drones)/Strider (Take a wild guess. /Split Mushroom). I hate when I pick up something random just because someone else's playing it and I wanna try it out too. :lol
Thanks for the info, I love how specific Grenade launcher is :lol. It makes good anti-Phoenix tech though.

If we're going to lobby together, it would have to be for something we both want like BoF Nina.

Somewhat safe, I'm pretty sure Wolverine ducks j.H at certain distances. I'd have to test it but, I'm pretty sure I've been crossed up by DERPER Slash more than once while in the air also.
How'd you let him get through Crystal? :-O

Well, I was watching Alioune vs Cl0ckwork yesterday and Fchamp really liked Alioune's team. He said you have to get in his face because if you don't he gains crazy meter every 2 seconds. (paraphrased). I think some people / top players also have no restraint when they speak, so when they say "that's bad" or "that doesn't work" that doesn't necessarily meaning they are condemning that team completely, need the context I suppose. I mean on GAF, everyone pretty much speaks in hyperbole.
That's true. F.Champ's comment about the team is what I really like about it, too. I hate having to "work" to win in the sense that I'm in a desperate situation trying to open someone up. I like to take a laid-back approach to my play, and not feel pressured to do anything. What I like about Dark Harmonizer is that it means time is always on my side.

I didn't think it would come down to this lol. I'd be forced to do it too then =p.

I used to do that when SF 25th anniversary collection came out, or when KoFXIII was demoed. Playing 360 and I'd just spam specials since I couldn't combo anything :lol. My 360 is my CaveBox. I do have a 360 stick as I was planning to compete locally everywhere but it's just taking up space...
I spammed specials until a month before MvC3's release. I completely defined characters and their "goodness" based on what specials they had.

I'm not sure if you ever played the other King of Fighters, but the NESTS saga ('99 - '01) had the Striker system, which is essentially an assist. If they combined elements from that series and KoFXI (which is an amazing game btw) You can crossover combo much like marvel, tag in, etc, you'd have an incredible Vs game with a solid SF/KoF Foundation with a little bit of "Marvel" in it.
I don't want just crossover combos, though. I want the synergy to be more than "this guy gets the hits and that guy does the damage" or "they cover each other's bad matchups".

I'm curious, would Strange's beam counter super counter Phoenix Rage and for that matter Phoenix's transformation burst or is that considered a physical hit.
I'm not sure about the transformation burst, but I wouldn't be afraid of that anyway since Dr. Strange would get smashed on recovery. He can definitely counter Phoenix Rage, but it's not like I'll ever randomly Phoenix Rage. I only use it to chip people out, end combos, and counter hypers (14 frames invincibility).


Chris G aka Genius aka Godlike aka G-sus is using my proposed theory Iron Fist team of IF/Spencer/Strange.

You saw the invention of this team here first.
A bit late on the post.



Last night I finally got an opportunity to play a legit Zero team, Zero, Dante (dat capitan commandoooooo assist shieeeeeet) and Virgil. FUCK ZERO. FUCK THAT CHARACTER. I honestly had no idea what to do at times. Shit was ridiculous.

Chris G aka Genius aka Godlike aka G-sus is using my proposed theory Iron Fist team of IF/Spencer/Strange.

You saw the invention of this team here first.
Wait wut where video ploize


He was just on stream and lost to Flux.

It wasn't that special anyway.... Chris was just abusing the power of the Bolts assist to get hits with IF. His IF was nothing special, no way is his IF better than Wong's.... he's just using a better assist for IF.


He was just on stream and lost to Flux.

It wasn't that special anyway.... Chris was just abusing the power of the Bolts assist to get hits with IF. His IF was nothing special, no way is his IF better than Wong's.... he's just using a better assist for IF.
I figured as much. I loved watching Iron Fist. Sad. I wonder how much better he would be if his launcher wasn't the worst in the game....


tagged by Blackace
Hit the lab today for the first time in a month. Feels good man.

Can't hit any of my combos anymore. Feels bad man.
Hit the lab today for the first time in a month. Feels good man.

Can't hit any of my combos anymore. Feels bad man.
I've taken a long break from trying Morrigan Soul Fist combos. Guh so hard. -_- I just do my single Soul Fist combo or my double Soul Drain Astral Vision combo if Dormammu is around (which feels so good).


I can't take DR2K seriously after that Vita thread.

Is DR2K short for Doctor 2000?

Devil(for Milennia from Grandia 2)Ryudo(Grandia 2)2000.

I don't even know if scytheavatar plays. He's not on either list, and I've never seen him play someone on GFAQs.

I played DR2K in Vanilla, and he was actually solid at the game. I think he moved on, though.

I still play UMVC3 here and there.

My problem with the Virgil match up is that he can teleport himself and push Hsienko out of a corner. Which is bad since she needs to play a mid distance game. But I like using Hsienko fun character.


I'd main Iron Fist right away if they made his launcher normal. I love the way IF plays, it's just that whole stupid launcher shit kills me.
How often do people use his launcher anyways? As compared to his down C into forward C? I only know the really basic IF stuff (like 1st month) and almost never seem to hit the launcher on an actual human opponent.


How often do people use his launcher anyways? As compared to his down C into forward C? I only know the really basic IF stuff (like 1st month) and almost never seem to hit the launcher on an actual human opponent.

Yeah, it really isn't needed. He just needs some air tools or better cross-up setups to be able to hit confirm into a combo well.


Hey have you guys seen the team ChrisG invented? He's using Iron Fist, Spencer, and Strange. ChrisG is GODLIKE.

Vids! Oh God I need links!

I'd main Iron Fist right away if they made his launcher normal. I love the way IF plays, it's just that whole stupid launcher shit kills me.

I did main Iron Fist and it aint the launcher holding him back.

If he had a normal launcher he could get easier TOD stuff for sure, but he has more problems than the launcher since damage aint really a thing. Guy has NO mixup potential, no airdash, and depending on jump height he sometimes can't convert air throws into combos. You pretty much have to pair him with at least one insanely good horizontal projectile. Strange double beam works, and Spencer is obviously there for the combo extension TOD stuff we all know about.

Chris G could do it, but most can't because folks who snap in Strange are going to have a fairly easy time against Iron Fist. I know Iron Fist crumple sets up FoF loops and Strange can setup Iron Fist to comeback in off his crumple if he needs out for some reason and Iron Fist easily does enough damage to make it count, but once Iron Fist is in he pretty much HAS to land a throw or corner pressure to get a hit. Random standing M is about the only other things besides maybe a sneaky high low rekka chain that you can start with besides the throws or pressure and even those are tricky to get on some players.

I love Iron Fist, but its not a launcher that holds him back. Thats just there to limit his damage output which it barely does. Iron Fist's problem is his lack of ways to get mixups. He's a footsie pressure guy pure and simple. Guys like Chris G, and Justin Wong can use them at pro level because they are Godly with their reads and footsies and don't sweat it since they already tend to find openings most couldn't exploit with how good they play.

I love you Iron Fist. Here's hoping one of the greats sticks with you. I honestly think his team would be better with a backup beam user instead of Spencer though. It'd equal more GTFO help for Strange if he got snapped in and it'd also equal more Iron Fist coverage. This team wont have trouble with damage output so I doubt slant shot is needed unless he is just Godly using it to trap fools jumping as he sets up his ground melee. Whose got the best projectile assist that works good with strange?


I always really liked Iron Fist + Akuma, it really helps him get in. Iron Fist/Akuma/beam would probably be ideal, Spencer really isn't needed for combo extension, Iron Fist can do enough damage (though it does help him get players who jump a lot I guess/set up crumple status) Iron Fist/Spencer/Akuma could work really well but I'd rather have Wolverine in front then. :/

As for projectile assist with Strange, Iron Beam Unibeam or Hawkeye arrows.

I still argue Strange's is worse since you have to use it a lot in his combos (much more so than Iron Fist's), and it's really REALLY unsafe when it whiffs.


I always really liked Iron Fist + Akuma, it really helps him get in. Iron Fist/Akuma/beam would probably be ideal, Spencer really isn't needed for combo extension, Iron Fist can do enough damage (though it does help him get players who jump a lot I guess/set up crumple status) Iron Fist/Spencer/Akuma could work really well but I'd rather have Wolverine in front then. :/

As for projectile assist with Strange, Iron Beam Unibeam or Hawkeye arrows.

I still argue Strange's is worse since you have to use it a lot in his combos (much more so than Iron Fist's), and it's really REALLY unsafe when it whiffs.

Akuma works for Iron Fist, but he sort of pushes them away from him if he gets a hit off of Tatsu meaning you can't convert it unless they are in the corner when Akuma's still hitting them giving you the time to run up and keep it going. He gets you in though and has great lockdown for Iron Fist frame traps. I agree that Wolverine/Spencer/Akuma is better than Iron Fist/ Spencer/ Akuma because mixups over damage output anyday.

This is why I say forget combo extension characters when you build an Iron Fist team. I just watch Demon Hyo vs Chris G on Big two and saw his Iron Fist. He's playing a team with two point guys right now plus strange for loops and anchor BS. His Iron Fist isn't special at all really. Its just the fact that Chris G makes these kinds of reads and hits with ANY character thats making him get it done from what Im seeing. His combos are really run of the mill and he's not doing anything too special with him. Not even seeing him setup throws on folks like I thought he would. If he was serious about Iron Fist he'd toss Spencer, but honestly I think its more of a Strange team he's messing with here than an Iron Fist team and in that case I think he should toss Iron Fist for Chun for the crumple but so he also gains her lightning legs for the GTFO ability once she tags in Strange. Run it Spencer/ Chun/ Strange

His Iron Fist is average IMO. Hes just that damned good at reads with whoever he plays from what Im seeing. Maybe he just wasn't turning it up in the Demon Hyo match though.
Now I just need to take time and flesh out my gorgon idea.....

Yeah, primadonna self absorbed gorgon. Let's throw in some venom and a super of her staring at them with shades off.... Turning them to stone.
GGs Smurf. I still can't get wins out of you except on rare occasions, but at least I guess I'm slowly getting better at it. Starting with Ammy seems to be the best strategy so far.


I'd main Iron Fist right away if they made his launcher normal. I love the way IF plays, it's just that whole stupid launcher shit kills me.
That's like people saying they would main IM if he had a good launcher.

Viscant finally embracing the dark side with Vergil.


The argument still holds true though. People always complain about IMs launcher and say they would play him more if he had a good launcher.

They would drop IM once they press two buttons and down forward in the air. Then they will swear to main the character if Capcom sped up his air dash. Then when Capcom does that they will ask for ground dash and easy confirms... They will keep asking until IM becomes top tier then everyone is using him and those who aren't want him nerfed because he's too popular/good.

The Marvel cycle.
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