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Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 |OT3| To infinites... and beyond!


Richard Nguyen took Chris G's team, and can now kill Thor from fucking level 1. Best team in the game: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WkIHOIQrvnA

I was pretty certain at first that Mags would end up being the best third character for Morridoom (since Mags+missiles was already a proven thing), but Vergil is so much better- he solves Morrigan's damage output issues without having to resort to a risky TAC, covers her bad match-ups, and gives you an S-tier dark anchor if things don't go according to plan.

mr. puppy

So what does that make Zero teams who can kill without DHC into Spiral Sword?

yea yea yea i know. nobody good is going to play zero on that team, and this game will probably die out before its necessary to start Vergil first or else lose him to incoming mixups.

unfortunately, at the rate this game is going, there are very few other great players that are motivated to put in labwork and actually not be stuck on their favorite characters. its pretty much going to be champ/chrisG/yipes taking this game for a very long time except when PR Rog or Justin get favorable brackets (those two need to lose their EG contracts to really care about this game). Unless Marlinpie gets new pussy or finally drops Doom/Ammy too.
X-23 is the best Morridoom pairing ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

FT100 let's fucking go(if I'm not doing anything for a minute during the set I'm using the restroom LOL)
GGs, I didn't know we were going to 100, so I was surprised when you left. I really enjoyed our matches, and I think it's clear that your best characters are Magneto and Wesker. None of the rest really stand out, though X-23 isn't too bad. Advice:

1) Foot Dive with Doom more. You only used it once in our 100+ matches.

2) More blocking. There's no reason to eat 2 more Purifications after you get hit by the first. This happens to you a lot, and you lose a lot of life because of it.

3) Drop the Strider/X-23/Magneto team. It's just not good. I wasn't really afraid of Strider or X-23 when backed by EMD. Maybe you should fix it with Strider, but X-23 and Magneto just don't seem to go together well. You didn't seem to really enjoy playing it anyway. It looks to me like you really enjoy playing X-23, Wolverine, Wesker, and Magneto.

What did you think on TK Shot vs. TK Overdrive for my Phoenix assist? I thought TK Shot made Morrigan a much more formidable opponent since she has another fireball going around during her keepaway game, and the Liberation synergies were really nice for Dormammu. Other thoughts on my play are welcome as well.

When you started teabagging with Dr. Doom, I laughed harder than I have in weeks. There must have been a lot of salt on your end to do that.

Damn, I'm super free. :(

Good games Karsticles I guess lol. I need to get way better.
GGs. Our connection is not very good, unfortunately. The matches were frustrating to play. Location/wired?
Yeah, I was gonna say the same thing. I'm not gonna only count the strider team anymore, because it's just not working out. I don't have a lot of fun playing Strider any more. It's just back wavedash and do one of 3 things backed by EMD. So right now I'm gonna say I'm at 400 games, which is close enough one way or the other.

Also, there are a couple things I just can't do/feel really weird online:

  • dash blasts/mag blasts in combos - the timing here is really precise for the plink dashes so it's understandable, but there's a weird issue online that turns mag blasts into hyper gravs. It's like the game is a little more lenient and registers the stick bouncing to neutral as a QCB before the forward + L input.
  • wesker OTGs - just a weird timing issue, solved by double tapping
  • full Magneto BnBs - too long and I can't double tap these combos so there's just too much opportunies for lag spikes. Normally they're pretty easy.
  • crescent scythe xx talon attack - I don't get what the deal with this is, sometimes it just doesn't want to cancel.

GGs, I didn't know we were going to 100, so I was surprised when you left. I really enjoyed our matches, and I think it's clear that your best characters are Magneto and Wesker. None of the rest really stand out, though X-23 isn't too bad.

I actually felt like my X-23 was my best shot at beating your Dormammu, she definitely had the best record. With the team I was doing best with, I felt like I needed X-23 to beat Dormammu and Wolverine to beat Morrigan. The problem was that I didn't have a good way to snap in Phoenix so when I killed the first two Dark Phoenix would shred my team. So I started Wolverine because of the ground bounce to snap, which I felt like I was getting somewhere with in the last game. I was kinda using you as training mode for the first 40 games or so lol, with the testing all the different assists haha

But really, I wasn't thinking so next time I'm gonna test X-23/Wesker/Magneto. Low Shot is one of X-23's best assists and it also solves my snap problem.

1) Foot Dive with Doom more. You only used it once in our 100+ matches.
No, it just didn't work that well lol

I HATE, HATE playing Doom. I pretty much hate playing anyone with limited mobility, and I love wavedashing. I didn't even want to win half the time when he was left. Which brings me to...
When you started teabagging with Dr. Doom, I laughed harder than I have in weeks. There must have been a lot of salt on your end to do that.

Doom vs Liberation hell makes me sad.

2) More blocking. There's no reason to eat 2 more Purifications after you get hit by the first. This happens to you a lot, and you lose a lot of life because of it.

I was testing ways to get out which is why I didn't always block when I needed to. I have very little experience compared to most of the people in here, so I'm still at the phase where I need to know why things happen. Same reason I kept raw slipping through your morrigan even though I kept getting stuffed. I wanted to make sure you were doing it on reaction and not just mashing, because you never tried to stuff it with Dormammu. If you were mashing it out, I would have stopped vs dormammu but because I thought you were reacting, I figured you thought dormammu wasn't safe enough to do it.

I was also trying to find ways to counter the shell kick without much success. Only X-23's far standing H seemed to work, and it's too hard to find that range. That button is something I need to work on using more though, it's basically a sword.

What did you think on TK Shot vs. TK Overdrive for my Phoenix assist? I thought TK Shot made Morrigan a much more formidable opponent since she has another fireball going around during her keepaway game, and the Liberation synergies were really nice for Dormammu. Other thoughts on my play are welcome as well.
I think it works really well with the Liberation stuff because it takes me longer to hit the ground if I chicken block the meteors but it's a little risky with Morrigan. Twice I killed Phoenix when you had 5 bars because you called her with morrigan. And that's with a team that has a lot of trouble punishing assists.

Your zoning is on point as ever with Dormammu, the only thing I had a problem with was that you literally use the same setup every time after a chaotic flame that doesn't kill a character(dark matter setup), and you were never able to capitalize off of my raw tags in that situation. I pretty much knew I'd more or less get out for free if you didn't kill me.

Also, I think you take how safe Morrigan assist is for granted. You call her when you're jumping back and doing nothing a lot. It was getting tagged all the time because of X-23's active frames on her rushes.

I really hate your unblockable setup on incoming characters. Stop doing it :-(

And clearly my best team is Thor/Nemesis/Strange.

mr. puppy

welp i now understand why people say thor is horrible. goddamn aside from mighty spark its not even worth using any of his buttons.
Yeah, I was gonna say the same thing. I'm not gonna only count the strider team anymore, because it's just not working out. I don't have a lot of fun playing Strider any more. It's just back wavedash and do one of 3 things backed by EMD. So right now I'm gonna say I'm at 400 games, which is close enough one way or the other.
I dig. I think there's more you could be doing with Strider, and you're not pressuring enough with him (not like you do with X-23), but maybe he's just not your guy.

Also, there are a couple things I just can't do/feel really weird online:

  • dash blasts/mag blasts in combos - the timing here is really precise for the plink dashes so it's understandable, but there's a weird issue online that turns mag blasts into hyper gravs. It's like the game is a little more lenient and registers the stick bouncing to neutral as a QCB before the forward + L input.
  • wesker OTGs - just a weird timing issue, solved by double tapping
  • full Magneto BnBs - too long and I can't double tap these combos so there's just too much opportunies for lag spikes. Normally they're pretty easy.
  • crescent scythe xx talon attack - I don't get what the deal with this is, sometimes it just doesn't want to cancel.
Sometimes I feel like the inputs online are looser, too. I teeter between that opinion, though, and that my inputs just aren't as sharp as I like to think they are when I'm under pressure. I am perfectly guilty of using Finishing Shower with Morrigan in the air during matches, but I'm never sure if it's my fault or not. You'll get used to OTGing with Wesker. I prefer to s.M over c.M. My hunch with the Crescent Scythe is that there are frames during which you can't cancel it, and you're cancelling it too early.

I actually felt like my X-23 was my best shot at beating your Dormammu, she definitely had the best record. With the team I was doing best with, I felt like I needed X-23 to beat Dormammu and Wolverine to beat Morrigan. The problem was that I didn't have a good way to snap in Phoenix so when I killed the first two Dark Phoenix would shred my team. So I started Wolverine because of the ground bounce to snap, which I felt like I was getting somewhere with in the last game. I was kinda using you as training mode for the first 40 games or so lol, with the testing all the different assists haha
Hey, I'm cool with being an active training dummy. I know I've needed it many times during my love affair with this game. X-23 is definitely a monster to fight against for Dormammu. She's like a smaller Wolverine with better priority on her normals, so I just have to run and try to create space for keepaway.

But really, I wasn't thinking so next time I'm gonna test X-23/Wesker/Magneto. Low Shot is one of X-23's best assists and it also solves my snap problem.
I look forward to it.

No, it just didn't work that well lol

I HATE, HATE playing Doom. I pretty much hate playing anyone with limited mobility, and I love wavedashing. I didn't even want to win half the time when he was left. Which brings me to...

Doom vs Liberation hell makes me sad.
I used to hate playing Doom, too, but I learned to move with him and get some enjoyment out of playing him now. I know where you are coming from, though. That's one of the big reasons I don't run Hidden Missiles. When Dormammu/Morrigan die, I just don't feel like playing anymore. When I ran Firebrand/Dormammu/Morrigan, and Firebrand died, I often laughed to myself, thinking "It's Dormammu time!" And that was the peak of the match for me. I'd like to feel that way for all of the characters on my team, like when my opponent kills a character I don't care all that much because I like playing the upcoming character, too. For the first time since I started this game, I have that feeling right now with Dormammu/Morrigan/Phoenix.

So, if you still plan on doing that team crest art for me, make it of those three (with Astral Vision up and Dark Phoenix going, if you would). My birthday is on Jan 31, if it matters. ;-)

I was testing ways to get out which is why I didn't always block when I needed to. I have very little experience compared to most of the people in here, so I'm still at the phase where I need to know why things happen. Same reason I kept raw slipping through your morrigan even though I kept getting stuffed. I wanted to make sure you were doing it on reaction and not just mashing, because you never tried to stuff it with Dormammu. If you were mashing it out, I would have stopped vs dormammu but because I thought you were reacting, I figured you thought dormammu wasn't safe enough to do it.
I understand that. I test a lot of things against new teams to see what works, and it gets me killed all the time. I don't know what you mean by most of this paragraph, though. I lose you at the bolded part.

I was also trying to find ways to counter the shell kick without much success. Only X-23's far standing H seemed to work, and it's too hard to find that range. That button is something I need to work on using more though, it's basically a sword.
Doesn't Crescent Scythe work?

I think it works really well with the Liberation stuff because it takes me longer to hit the ground if I chicken block the meteors but it's a little risky with Morrigan. Twice I killed Phoenix when you had 5 bars because you called her with morrigan. And that's with a team that has a lot of trouble punishing assists.
Yeah, those were just bad calls. It is my first day using the assist combination, so I suspect I will get better at it. TK shot hits for ~110K, so it's adding substantial chip to Morrigan's game. I have some setups for TK Shot as well, but I wasn't confident enough to use them.

Your zoning is on point as ever with Dormammu, the only thing I had a problem with was that you literally use the same setup every time after a chaotic flame that doesn't kill a character(dark matter setup), and you were never able to capitalize off of my raw tags in that situation. I pretty much knew I'd more or less get out for free if you didn't kill me.
I have some goodies stocked away for that setup. Any time Dark Matter hit you, and then TK Shot hit, I actually had enough time to Mass Change M and get a full combo. As I get more used to the team I'll swap up teleports before and after Dark Matter to open people up. The other consideration is that if you block everything successfully, I would have been better off not teleporting and calling 1D2C instead.

Also, I think you take how safe Morrigan assist is for granted. You call her when you're jumping back and doing nothing a lot. It was getting tagged all the time because of X-23's active frames on her rushes.
She rarely gets tagged outside of X-23. Dark Harmonizer is only vulnerable for a total of 10 frames, so it's more of a freak incident that she got hit so many times by X-23 than anything else. I call her recklessly and don't plan on changing that. It's one of the things I like about the assist. If I had to be careful about assist calls, I might as well use Hidden Missiles, y'know? I am still learning a lot of matchups, though. I've been playing Dormammu a long time, but it's still only ~300 matches using him on point, so I'm adjusting my decision-making process. One big thing I kept having to adjust is how aggressive I was. Many of the matches went better if I just ran away instead of trying to fight X-23.

I really hate your unblockable setup on incoming characters. Stop doing it :-(
Stop getting hit by it! It has answers.

And clearly my best team is Thor/Nemesis/Strange.
Thor/Strange is good, but Nemesis isn't doing anything there.

Anyone want to play?

And wtf did you guys really play 100 matches?
I need a break.

welp i now understand why people say thor is horrible. goddamn aside from mighty spark its not even worth using any of his buttons.
Thor's aerial normals are fantastic.
so... just bought this on my Vita.. how do people dash so fast in the game? Also how are people doing the Doom combo in corners? I can't seem to get down fast enough after to air M's and a foot dive. Sometimes I do and I can continue the loop but half the time I can't.

I won't even begin to start thinking about doing it mid screen. I can barely dash so no idea how I will be able to dash any other way.


welp i now understand why people say thor is horrible. goddamn aside from mighty spark its not even worth using any of his buttons.
Tri-dash L, j.H and j.S, st.M for anti-airs and chargeable Mighty Strike are all good stuff. Stay out of the ground as much as you can with Thor and use Mighty Strikes, fish for command grabs if possible.
so... just bought this on my Vita.. how do people dash so fast in the game? Also how are people doing the Doom combo in corners? I can't seem to get down fast enough after to air M's and a foot dive. Sometimes I do and I can continue the loop but half the time I can't.

I won't even begin to start thinking about doing it mid screen. I can barely dash so no idea how I will be able to dash any other way.
Dash, tap down, and then dash again. This is called wavedashing. Only some characters can do it.

For Doom combos, cancel the j.S into a dash, and then cancel the dash into j.M, to land faster.
So, if you still plan on doing that team crest art for me, make it of those three (with Astral Vision up and Dark Phoenix going, if you would). My birthday is on Jan 31, if it matters. ;-)

It's mostly done, I've just been focused on finishing my last commission and researching my Sagat entry for Darkstalkers.

I understand that. I test a lot of things against new teams to see what works, and it gets me killed all the time. I don't know what you mean by most of this paragraph, though. I lose you at the bolded part.
Ah, the M Jump thing that passes through people with X-23. You kept low jabbing her out of it.

Doesn't Crescent Scythe work?
It might, but I doubt if I could get much off of it reliably.

Stop getting hit by it! It has answers.
Block back, block forward then pushblock before I land on the flame carpet?

Thor/Strange is good, but Nemesis isn't doing anything there.
Yeah I was trolling. I was just showing off my Yipes-like Nemesis movement.
I'll hop on for matches now, Q.

It's mostly done, I've just been focused on finishing my last commission and researching my Sagat entry for Darkstalkers.

Ah, the M Jump thing that passes through people with X-23. You kept low jabbing her out of it.
Oh, Mirage Feint. I was semi-mashing at certain points because you tended to do the same thing. I tried to do it a few times with Dormammu but lost anyway. -_-

It might, but I doubt if I could get much off of it reliably.
Damage is damage!

Block back, block forward then pushblock before I land on the flame carpet?
Just pushblock the first hit, and IIRC Dormammu won't be able to teleport behind you, so you can hit him after he teleports. Might not work for every character. And of course, once you just decided to get hit by j.M, and I think that was smart.

Yeah I was trolling. I was just showing off my Yipes-like Nemesis movement.
Stan Lee's 90th birthday today, he's a major reason the better half of the roster in this game exists :3 not forgetting about Kirby and dat head dude Ditko of course.

Wonder how Hef (Stan) would celebrate 90.


I just got the vita version! It seems a bit visually janky- the 3D models and such seem to be rendered at native res but the UI elements are blurry and shitty looking- good 'ol capcpom. Does anyone know how to view the hitboxes? It's my understanding that it's a replay thing, but how do you record replays if you're not playing against somebody else?


get some go again
played a set with masta cj and lost but at least i did better than the last time i played his real team. lost 10-8 and if i remember right i lost 10-0 last time we played. although that was also when i played zero. -_-


I just got the vita version! It seems a bit visually janky- the 3D models and such seem to be rendered at native res but the UI elements are blurry and shitty looking- good 'ol capcpom. Does anyone know how to view the hitboxes? It's my understanding that it's a replay thing, but how do you record replays if you're not playing against somebody else?

Let me know if they fixed the thing where the online multiplayer is basically unplayable because everyone disconnects when they lose with no consequence.


so... just bought this on my Vita.. how do people dash so fast in the game? Also how are people doing the Doom combo in corners? I can't seem to get down fast enough after to air M's and a foot dive. Sometimes I do and I can continue the loop but half the time I can't.

I won't even begin to start thinking about doing it mid screen. I can barely dash so no idea how I will be able to dash any other way.

For the corner loop, you can pretty much mash out j.m, j.m, F+j.h, S as fast as you want, but its important to pause very slightly after the S, wait for the animation of that last footdive to actually hit before airdashing down and then whiffing an air normal like j.m to quickly get back to the ground and start the loop again.


so... just bought this on my Vita.. how do people dash so fast in the game? Also how are people doing the Doom combo in corners? I can't seem to get down fast enough after to air M's and a foot dive. Sometimes I do and I can continue the loop but half the time I can't.

I won't even begin to start thinking about doing it mid screen. I can barely dash so no idea how I will be able to dash any other way.

Wavedashing and tri-dashing both require two simultaneous button presses (and in the case of plink dashing, it's even more difficult), and I honestly have no idea how anybody can do it on a vita. At least on a pad for the console version, you can map one of the extra shoulder buttons to L+M or whatever to use for dashing, but on the vita without the buttons to spare, you might be fucked.


GGs. Our connection is not very good, unfortunately. The matches were frustrating to play. Location/wired?

I'm in Canada (Quebec) and wired. I wish the netcode was better in this since I've only got two other people to play against regularly offline. In other games it never lags this much. :(


I'm not. Just playing teams with one assist. It's gimped yea but as soon as one of your characters die you don't need that second assist button anyways
Iron Man combos:

GGs Q. I really like your team. I just don't know what to do against Felicia with Dormammu. I mean, I can outrange Delta Kick, but it's just with j.M and doesn't lead to anything while also being very risky. You're fantastic at not letting me get any Dark Spells charged with her.

Dark Phoenix against Arthur is an interesting fight. I'm inclined to think it's even, and whoever has to burn XF3 first loses.

If you need to go to character select for a break, do me a favor and pick your team first. It sucks when the game randoms the stage.

Oh, and I really need to master a Morrigan bnb, because the one I use is so unreliable. -_- I want to find that Phoenix/Morrigan synergy that lets me steal meter!

I'm in Canada (Quebec) and wired. I wish the netcode was better in this since I've only got two other people to play against regularly offline. In other games it never lags this much. :(
Ohhhh Canada. That makes sense. You guys have wonky internet. We'll try again sometime.

It sounds ridiculous, but Fanatiq played MvC2 with one assist button so he could have a one button dash. It's very doable, though not optimal.


Pretty much my felicia does ALL THE DAMN WORK. True story.

I need to command grab more as well.

Felicia pretty much has tools to fight the entire cast just about, I guess she's just not as popular though cause she doesn't have easy big damage and relies on mix ups and shit.

The only fight I really have a hard time with her vs is Captain America. But cap counters a fuck ton of characters oddly enough.
The guide says that her Rolling Slide is -4 on block, but I tried to punish that so many times and failed. Is the guide wrong, or did I mess it up?
man killa sasa has always had my number. i come close in a set but always end up losing in the end.

Haha! It was a great set regardless, gotta love Nova derp when it's on my side.

Iron man doing things as bad as he was was the difference IMO.

Just did some training mode with Laura. She's the best :( wish I could justify her over Peter or Steve team in a tournament, but she can't run the field in the big leagues unless I get a lot better or pick (gasp) capcom guys.
Damn. I know you're a good player and I've been wanting to run X-23 mirrors with Sasa to steal his technology.

Hell, I love wall jumps, wavedashes and spamming air moves, so I might even start learning Spider-Man again. X-23/Spider-Man/Magneto can't be any more random than the other teams I've been running lately.

And Web Ball is one of my favorite assists. I love me some active frames.
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