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Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 |OT3| To infinites... and beyond!

I've never done a hypergrav loop successfully in my life. I've tried. A lot. I feel that if I get it once, I'll be able to do repeat it. Could anyone help me?
Superjump earlier than you think you need to. The best way to learn hypergrav loops is to pop Magneto into XF3 and start out just doing s.H x qcb.L over and over, then try to do the actual loops. This is helpful because you don't need to actually set up the hypergrav loop to start learning it. Alternatively, put Wesker on your team, put the opponent in the corner, do an ABC combo, OTG and start hypergrav loops.

Gonna borrow and share Maziodyne's post on this since his explanation might clear it up better or be better trusted than my glance and break down of it all:
Ah, that makes more sense. So the move actually connects in 1F no matter what it is? Does that mean you can do like j.H x j.H and both hit together, though one at F1 and the other at whatever frame it normally would? It's interesting, but I wonder if it will actually affect the neutral. I can't see using this with any of my characters.

It's really really hard to get Weapon X Prime at the end of a combo. I pretty much have to do it off an assist.
Then do it off of an assist!

Karst we should do Dormammu vs Magneto wars in HxH mode. Fin Fang Foom/Multiple Man/speed boost
Ew no. I'd do it with Phoenix, though.
So apparently someone likes to steal my combos and make them their own.

All stolen from my Ultimate Exhibition 1 vid from last year.
Yeah, but he added really annoying screen effects. Don't forget all the work that took!

Is it within your ability to force Youtube to make him take it down?

Also Caj, would you be at all interested in trying to figure out a bit of synergy between two of my characters for me? You and Solune are the combo masters here, and I'm totally stumped.

Edit: Man, that guy has a lot of combo videos. I wonder if they're all stolen.

Edti2: Watching this Trish/Frank West on stream has convinced me of the pairing. Very good synergy between them.


Yeah, but he added really annoying screen effects. Don't forget all the work that took!

Is it within your ability to force Youtube to make him take it down?

Also Caj, would you be at all interested in trying to figure out a bit of synergy between two of my characters for me? You and Solune are the combo masters here, and I'm totally stumped.

Edit: Man, that guy has a lot of combo videos. I wonder if they're all stolen.

Edti2: Watching this Trish/Frank West on stream has convinced me of the pairing. Very good synergy between them.

Which team or variation did you want work on?
Haggar/MODOK/Shuma-Gorath in Winner's Finals at Armshouse:

Which team or variation did you want work on?
I'm using Dormammu/Morrigan/Phoenix, and with Morrigan/Dormammu I can do this:
j.S, s.LMH, f.H + Dark Hole, qcf.H, Astral Vision, qcf.S, fly, j.S, s.S, sj.MMHS, qcf.S, Shadow Servant

This does about 600K and is meter neutral while stealing 1.5 bars of meter from my opponent.

I'm looking for something similar between Morrigan and Phoenix for when Dormammu is down. Basically, a way for Morrigan to combo into Astral Vision and land Soul Drain afterward, or even land Soul Drain at all using one of Phoenix's assists. Of her three assists, TK Shot seems the most likely, because TK Overdrive pushes opponents too far away and TK Trap does the same but at an odd angle. I feel like there has to be something here, but I just can't find it.

I'm really looking for a way to do good damage with Morrigan on point when it's just her and Phoenix left, ideally while also activating Astral Vision and remaining close to meter neutral (-0.5 bars is fine, though, since it's unlikely that my opponent will hit Morrigan, snap Phoenix in, and kill her before generating that much meter through damaging me).

Tech I've discovered between them that might help your considerations if you're willing to help:
Morrigan Throw, Shadow Servant -> Healing Field, teleport M, call Dark Harmonizer, s.H, f.H, qcb.L, f.H, qcb.L, c.HS, sj.MMHS, tk.L, dp.H - ~600K damage, -1 bar of meter, but you get a Dark Harmonizer call right after the combo ends to make it -0.7 bars of meter, so it's not a bad deal.

Morrigan combo, TAC to Phoenix, j.MH, f.H, fly, j.MH, f.H, qcf.L, Phoenix Rage -> Astral Vision, qcf.S - does decent damage, but I'm down 1.4 bars of meter at the end of this. If I could find a way to consistently combo into a second Soul Drain and bring myself to -0.8 bars of meter, I'd be satisfied with this setup, but I can't seem to find a way to always position Phoenix Rage off of any TAC anywhere on the screen that makes it possible, even when I use Burn Out Beak.

If you're able to come up with anything, I would be very grateful. I'm reasonably happy with my Dormammu/Phoenix and Dormammu/Morrigan tech, but then again you're the deity in this realm, so maybe you'd stumble upon something there as well, haha.


Anybody know if Captain America/Strange/Dante is a halfway decent team?

What assist with dante? Cause bolts of ballsacks isn't a good mix up tool for cap.

If you are using cap you goal is to have one assist that helps with zoning and one that lets you do left right mix ups


If you don't mind playing a noob at this game I'm in the PQ too. I could use the variety since I only have one training partner and he's in manitoba lol. Which platform do you play on ? Doesn't matter to me I bought this game on everything it can run on.

I'm on PS3. I'll send you a friend request later.


Anybody know if Captain America/Strange/Dante is a halfway decent team?

Bolts makes charging star safer on block, I think it's completely safe if you time it right. Weasel shot and jam session help him out a bit. I like the staggered nature of bolts with Cap. It's interesting.

Azure J

Unibeam is like Grand Elder Guru on planet Namek unlocking Captain America's secret potential.

I love Marvel GAF. :lol

So I just found out that doing six reps of two bullet shot loops is not only do-able but is weirdly easier than what I thought was the current theoretical max (4 two bullet reps into 2 ma bullet reps). I'm also this close to making a shot loop variant that doesn't use a wall bounce thanks to Vajra and Burn Kick assists. Having them fall out of the air onto the latter or get HKD'd by the former should set up some fun stuff.
Found this MODOK fan art and wanted to share:

Trying to find poll data and never been on Pixiv before. This place is organized strangely...


So apparently someone likes to steal my combos and make them their own.

All stolen from my Ultimate Exhibition 1 vid from last year.
Well I thumbs down the video, I think you can contact youtube to have the video removed. That's just incredibly dumb.
Haggar/MODOK/Shuma-Gorath in Winner's Finals at Armshouse:
Man, Marvel meta outside of NA is always so interesting.
maybe, but i'm watching this joe player get outzoned by Pipe/Lariat+mystic ray b/c he just holds forwards. Modok was barely even used. And then he gets a touch and can't do anything with it.
The Joe player has to put breaks in his keepaway game because Mystic Ray wipes the screen clean, and Haggar eats the Voomerangs so Shuma-Gorath is safe on the assist call. I thought the Viewtiful Joe was a step above Dieminion's personally. His MODOK was probably the weakest of his three characters.

Azure J

Just putting out an APB, I'll be out of Live on the 2nd of January and it's not looking like I'll have any more before the middle of the month at the earliest.

mr. puppy

did you all see the 2012 marvel hype video? i love it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v32S7s9NRd0

The Joe player has to put breaks in his keepaway game because Mystic Ray wipes the screen clean, and Haggar eats the Voomerangs so Shuma-Gorath is safe on the assist call. I thought the Viewtiful Joe was a step above Dieminion's personally. His MODOK was probably the weakest of his three characters.

Maybe, but he was even missing kills with dark x23


Superjump earlier than you think you need to. The best way to learn hypergrav loops is to pop Magneto into XF3 and start out just doing s.H x qcb.L over and over, then try to do the actual loops. This is helpful because you don't need to actually set up the hypergrav loop to start learning it. Alternatively, put Wesker on your team, put the opponent in the corner, do an ABC combo, OTG and start hypergrav loops.
I SJ as soon as Magneto's able to. My problem is I don't know what height I my sj should reach before I dash d/f and do j.H
I don't have trouble getting the initial hypergrav.
did you all see the 2012 marvel hype video? i love it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v32S7s9NRd0
It was okay. I wished I could have seen what made most of those moments hype beyond the players involved. Everything went by too quick with too little reference. It's hilarious how many of those involved FChamp, though.

Maybe, but he was even missing kills with dark x23
Like I said, the play isn't as good, but the teams are interesting and worth considering. I didn't even know Viewtiful Joe could use X-23 to get full combos from an air throw.

holy shit honzo gonzo put out a full character guide to beating lightning: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=Wi0mKqDtaxg
:-O *watches*

Zero should be at superjump height though.

Also, why is it that people always mess up their spelling when calling someone else an idiot? "Lighting".


:-O *watches*

Zero should be at superjump height though.

Also, why is it that people always mess up their spelling when calling someone else an idiot? "Lighting".
Not only that, Most Zero players are gonna have Jam Session/Rapid Slash/X backing them up. It is almost never done raw.

Very very helpful for flight combos. Back to the lab~
Not only that, Most Zero players are gonna have Jam Session/Rapid Slash/X backing them up. It is almost never done raw.
They usually don't call those assists while using the buster, though, since they tend to superjump with Zero beforehand. The assists usually come in the post-buster mix-up period (and it really is a "period", as with Vergil).

Zero pisses me off because the buster auto-corrects, so if I Mass Change he still gets me. -_-

Very very helpful for flight combos. Back to the lab~
You let me know what you find for Dormammu! >_>

Slightly off-topic, I'm so glad flight only takes one button in this game. I hated doing fly/unfly with Sentinel in MvC2.

Azure J

Really though, I don't think I've run into Zeroes that go into another lightning after Buster nowadays. Everyone's dancing around with Lightning M/H - Buster - Hienkyaku L and making it work.

I still want to come up with something fancy for Devil Trigger after the demonstration of Input Nullification.
I guess we should wait until more people start experimenting with it outside combos.

Maximillian's Online Warrior - What's the best Marvel?

UMVC3 is the best Marvel to me. I actually dig all of them.

LMAO @ Max getting T-bagg'd by a Hulk player. Hulk's T-bag looks hilarious.
UMvC3 is the best Marvel, no doubt. It actually baffles me that some people feel differently. It has its share of problems, but it's still the best thing ever made in fighting games.

Anyway, I wonder if this input nullification works with specials. If I input qcb.S+L with Dormammu, I wonder what happens...do I just get j.L?
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