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Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 |OT3| To infinites... and beyond!


I'm sure a palatte swap would still be prefrable than half the insignifigant no names shoved into MVC3.

Doesn't buy fighting games to actually play them
(Today, 09:30 AM)

marvel 3 has the biggest playable cast in the series and there really isnt any no names if you followed both companies


UMVC3 is on life support right now thanks to Hidden Missiles.

Each time I even try to spectate this game, there's at least one team with Doom in it if not both. I don't like that very much. It's like all the top players gravitate towards the overpowered characters. Wesker and Phoenix are hardly as prominent as Vergil and Doom now that they got nerfed. It's kind of sad b/c I would like to see the others characters' talent and strategies explored some more.
Ifcyipes: dante will never win another major again
Ifcyipes: quote me on that
This is tantamount to saying Zero will never win a major.

UMVC3 is on life support right now thanks to Hidden Missiles.
That's a bit dramatic, don't you think?

Doesn't buy fighting games to actually play them
(Today, 09:30 AM)

marvel 3 has the biggest playable cast in the series there really isnt any no names if you followed both companies
I'm curious how DR2K got that tag.

Each time I even try to spectate this game, there's at least one team with Doom in it if not both. I don't like that very much.
It's just a lack of team composition effort. Doom isn't even the best partner for most of the teams out there, but people think he is. It even happens in high level play. See: Ifrit. Most of it is mindless bandwagoning. Personally, I'm grateful for everyone who uses Dr. Doom. It means I only have to worry about killing two characters on my opponent's team.


Each time I even try to spectate this game, there's at least one team with Doom in it if not both. I don't like that very much. It's like all the top players gravitate towards the overpowered characters. The vanilla Wesker and Phoenix are hardly as prominent as Vergil and Doom now. It's kind of sad b/c I would like to see the others characters talent and strategies explored some more.

It's common in all fighters and why character specialist are important

The problem with people slapping doom on their team is the fact he is one of the most complex characters in the game to learn and the people that bandwagon him don't have the dedication towards the character to use his full potential. Doom is pretty fucking shitty until you unlock his true potential only then he's a real threat and only a few people can even play him on that level right now.

Depending on a random foot dive connect to win you a game is just that random. That's not gonna win you jack shit in the long run.


It's just a lack of team composition effort. Doom isn't even the best partner for most of the teams out there, but people think he is. It even happens in high level play. See: Ifrit. Most of it is mindless bandwagoning. Personally, I'm grateful for everyone who uses Dr. Doom. It means I only have to worry about killing two characters on my opponent's team.

We have to play again. I haven't faced you in so long. Also, I tried out that dashing with Trish. In air, I can do it pretty well. But on ground, I don't know how that person managed to dash his way all the way to the other side so fast.

It's common in all fighters and why character specialist are important

The problem with people slapping doom on their team is the fact he is one of the most complex characters in the game to learn and the people that bandwagon him don't have the dedication towards the character to use his full potential. Doom is pretty fucking shitty until you unlock his true potential only then he's a real threat and only a few people can even play him on that level right now.

Depending on a random foot dive connect to win you a game is just that random. That's not gonna win you jack shit in the long run.
I haven't really played Doom or even practiced with him. Didn't know he was harder to learn.
We have to play again. I haven't faced you in so long. Also, I tried out that dashing with Trish. In air, I can do it pretty well. But on ground, I don't know how that person managed to dash his way all the way to the other side so fast.
Just dash, down, dash, repeat. We'll play again soon.

I haven't really played Doom or even practiced with him. Didn't know he was harder to learn.
His movement is extremely awkward because you have to bunny hop to move around safely unless you want to scrub it out by superjumping into j.M. 1v1, Doom is the freest character to Dormammu in this game when the opponent hasn't mastered bunny hopping, which is very difficult to do precisely and consistently. He also has a ton of bad matchups. Generally, if your opponent uses Doom assists, the best route is to burn meter/X-Factor to kill either Doom's assists or the other characters, because XF3 Doom is not that scary unless you are a god at this game.


tagged by Blackace
I'm sure a palatte swap would still be prefrable than half the insignifigant no names shoved into MVC3.
You don't understand why they did that. They want to create new favourites in the series people latch on to. And I think they succeeded.

I could have given a fuck less about Nova, Skrull, Iron Fist, Spencer and Dormammu, now I love them all.
Don't lie we know that's arthur :lol
Arthur still has some tricks up his sleeve. Gold armor, XF3 perma lances, For the Princess, and his crossbow approach is decent. Arthur can always XFC Purification blockstun and For the Princess for the kill, but Doom? He has nothing at all. I can 1D2C him all day without fear, because Chaotic Flame comes out faster than Photon Array even at Photon Array's cinematic screen.


Just dash, down, dash, repeat. We'll play again soon.

His movement is extremely awkward because you have to bunny hop to move around safely unless you want to scrub it out by superjumping into j.M. 1v1, Doom is the freest character to Dormammu in this game when the opponent hasn't mastered bunny hopping, which is very difficult to do precisely and consistently. He also has a ton of bad matchups. Generally, if your opponent uses Doom assists, the best route is to burn meter/X-Factor to kill either Doom's assists or the other characters, because XF3 Doom is not that scary unless you are a god at this game.

Alright, will have to try out more of the ground dashing when I get on again.

And now I feel like trying out Doom in practice, lol.
Alright, will have to try out more of the ground dashing when I get on again.

And now I feel like trying out Doom in practice, lol.
Do it. Nothing will make you respect a character more, realize the character's weaknesses, and feel less bitter about the character being highly used than using the character yourself for ~100 matches. A lot of characters seem overpowered on the receiving end because they just aren't understood. That doesn't mean there aren't things that are overpowered in this game, but the vast majority of the time player skill wins out in this game. If you're really losing to a tactic consistently, the chances are that you just don't understand how to handle it. That's a lesson I've learned many times over after initially complaining about something.


Each time I even try to spectate this game, there's at least one team with Doom in it if not both. I don't like that very much. It's like all the top players gravitate towards the overpowered characters. Wesker and Phoenix are hardly as prominent as Vergil and Doom now that they got nerfed. It's kind of sad b/c I would like to see the others characters' talent and strategies explored some more.
Thing with characters like Wesker and Phoenix is that they don't nullify half of the cast straight up or nullify particular styles of play. Wesker only really bullies the heavies like Haggar and Sentinel but against a lot of the cast he is even or at a disadvantage... certainly very beatable. Playing Phoenix already puts you at a handicap at the start of the match where you have to build up towards making her a threat.

You put Hidden Missiles on your team and a character that abuses it (Morrigan, Vergil, Zero, Magneto) you have officially shut out at least 40% of the cast or put them at a severe disadvantage. The momentum is with the Hidden Missile player for 60-70% of the match because of how much screen presence they have at a time in a match. One of those characters gets you in a corner backed up by Hidden Missile it's endless pressure all day.

The win percentage of characters like Morrigan, Vergil and even Magneto would be significantly less if Hidden Missiles was deleted from the game. It goes without saying that Doom would also have much fewer wins as 90% of his tournament wins are from teams who abuse the assist (including the EVO title).

Of the top 5 players in Marvel currently (FChamp, ChrisG, Justin, Yipes, PRRog)... 4 use Doom and 3 use Hidden Missiles. Other players have started to incorporate him into their teams (like Infrit, Flocker, RayRay, Viscant... Clockwork, DiosX and MarlinPie already have him on their teams). Like Viscant said when UMVC3 had just came out... Doom is a tournament staple.


Hidden Missiles is broken in top-level play. Doom is a great character who would still be on a lot of teams without it.

Also, the "bunny hop" is Doom's equivalent of a wave dash, right? Jump up-right, dash down-right, repeat.


Hidden Missiles is broken in top-level play. Doom is a great character who would still be on a lot of teams without it.
This right here is the ultimate truth. Imagine if they had replaced Hidden Missiles with Photon Shot... that would still be Doom with 3 great assists (Photon Shot would work like a great anti-teleport assist).

Doom would still have godly damage/meter gain, conversion off of throws, FOOT DAIVE, solid keep away and anti-teleport tools, safe DHC, godly TAC follow ups and brain dead self-OTGs.


Do it. Nothing will make you respect a character more, realize the character's weaknesses, and feel less bitter about the character being highly used than using the character yourself for ~100 matches. A lot of characters seem overpowered on the receiving end because they just aren't understood. That doesn't mean there aren't things that are overpowered in this game, but the vast majority of the time player skill wins out in this game. If you're really losing to a tactic consistently, the chances are that you just don't understand how to handle it. That's a lesson I've learned many times over after initially complaining about something.

I know I've learned that to be true more than once as well. haha

Thing with characters like Wesker and Phoenix is that they don't nullify half of the cast straight up or nullify particular styles of play. Wesker only really bullies the heavies like Haggar and Sentinel but against a lot of the cast he is even or at a disadvantage... certainly very beatable. Playing Phoenix already puts you at a handicap at the start of the match where you have to build up towards making her a threat.

You put Hidden Missiles on your team and a character that abuses it (Morrigan, Vergil, Zero, Magneto) you have officially shut out at least 40% of the cast or put them at a severe disadvantage. The momentum is with the Hidden Missile player for 60-70% of the match because of how much screen presence they have at a time in a match. One of those characters gets you in a corner backed up by Hidden Missile it's endless pressure all day.

The win percentage of characters like Morrigan, Vergil and even Magneto would be significantly less if Hidden Missiles was deleted from the game. It goes without saying that Doom would also have much fewer wins as 90% of his tournament wins are from teams who abuse the assist (including the EVO title).

Of the top 5 players in Marvel currently (FChamp, ChrisG, Justin, Yipes, PRRog)... 4 use Doom and 3 use Hidden Missiles. Other players have started to incorporate him into their teams (like Infrit, Flocker, RayRay, Viscant... Clockwork, DiosX and MarlinPie already have him on their teams). Like Viscant said when UMVC3 had just came out... Doom is a tournament staple.

In that aspect, I don't understand how Capcom could have nerfed gustaff fire and everything else and left the missiles unchecked. I would be happy with a patch that reduced the number of missiles that he throws out, if that's even possible. That will completely shift how a lot of people are playing.

And as sour as I am over She-Hulk and Tron nerfing, I do still have to commend Capcom, though, for all the balancing they did in the transition from vanilla to ultimate.


If it feels like I have been extra salty with Missiles it's because I am.

A month ago there were very few missiles/Doom players in my area... today I played some session and nearly everyone was using missiles in the most derp way possible. I rage quit out of there and started playing DOTA 2 on the PCs. The last straw was someone trolling me with MODOK/Missiles/Vajra. It's like I HAVE to play Vergil Hawkeye or Vergil Doom against that to be an even playing field.

In that aspect, I don't understand how Capcom could have nerfed gustaff fire and everything else and left the missiles unchecked. I would be happy with a patch that reduced the number of missiles that he throws out, if that's even possible. That will completely shift how a lot of people are playing.
Vanilla was a very poorly explored game to begin with. Doom was a very rare character in Vanilla... in fact he had no tournament wins in it despite being a very good character. Missiles was only used in a few instances by some players but it was all overshadowed by Derperine, Phoenix and invincible assists. Invincible assists also acted like combo breakers in that if you called an assist right before you were about to get hit the assist would come out anyway and break the combo.. and then you would be "rewarded" with a combo of your own. Thank god they were nerfed.

I am actually not serious about "deleting" missiles from the game but at the very least they should make it so that they disappear when Doom gets hit as an assist.


The Marvel cast is amazing imo, they may have randies that I've never heard about but I like that, I like seeing brand new chars and learning their moves and shit even though I don't like some of the marvel chars. (She-Hulk/X-23) More fan favorites would be appreciated too. (I WANT CYCLOPS)

The Capcom cast is god awful... So many better choices could have been made.


The only 2 real omissions they made were no MM and Gene. The rest of the Capcom cast is very good IMO. It's way better than the Capcom cast of MVC2 which was essentially SF characters ad nauseum.

Arthur, Amaterasu, Viewtiful Joe, Viper, Dante, Vergil, Trish, Zero, Wesker, Haggar, Spencer, Frank West, Firebrand are all great additions to the roster alongside vets like Ryu, Akuma, Strider, Morrigan, Felicia, Tron etc.


I think it was his constant James Chen-esque complaining about how bad Cammy was in Super Street Fighter IV- a game in which she was ridiculously strong. I might be mistaken though.
Nah, his old tag was "hasn't unlocked EX Cammy" for that. I'm not sure about the current tag though.
Arthur still has some tricks up his sleeve. Gold armor, XF3 perma lances, For the Princess, and his crossbow approach is decent. Arthur can always XFC Purification blockstun and For the Princess for the kill, but Doom? He has nothing at all. I can 1D2C him all day without fear, because Chaotic Flame comes out faster than Photon Array even at Photon Array's cinematic screen.

I know that feel.... too well...


Just wait until next time you fight me. I have a new string of attack/assist I use that keeps the fire coming forever unless you have a teleport or beam hyper. BURN BABY BURN.
Haha, I don't think I'll be using Doom anymore, as Q was saying. Doom requires a mastery level of which I can't reach and is a liability to me, unless he's my beam assist. I've been having the team crisis again, as I've been losing to my regular training partner again, with him coming out on top or multiple win streaks. his team is Vergil/Magneto/Wesker.
Pretty sure the tag is because of both that and the MvC3 roster complaining.

Nah, he had that EX cammy tag in 2009, preceded MvC3s release by a LONG time. I know, because it was around the time I joined GAF.

RE: Marvel Cast

I'm pretty happy with both sides, I mean we got Phoenix Wright after all, but still disappointed.
Disgusted by no Megaman, No Breath of Fire characters, no Rival Schools(Batsu is in TvC!!), No Onimusha (Soki is TvC!!), no Monster Hunter character etc etc.
Both sides could use some female cast, I don't even think this is up for debate.
EVEN THOUGH they are good characters (relatively) I NEVER asked for Iron Fist, Nova, Ghost Rider, or Dr Strange. but we have a good idea on why these characters were included.
Haha, I don't think I'll be using Doom anymore, as Q was saying. Doom requires a mastery level of which I can't reach and is a liability to me, unless he's my beam assist. I've been having the team crisis again, as I've been losing to my regular training partner again, with him coming out on top or multiple win streaks. his team is Vergil/Magneto/Wesker.
I wouldn't go team crisis yet if I were you. Your Strider is still pretty tame, and Dante is a character for whom one's work is never done. It seems to me like your opponent's team should be free after Vergil dies, though.
None of the top Dante players use Dante/Strider. Once that happens we'll see about dante not winning another major.

Why use Dante/Strider when you can use Vergil/Strider? Or better yet, why use Dante when you can use Vergil?

I'm actually liking Vergil more and more because he isn't about stylish horseshit.


Because Dante gets a full BnB from Vajra without spending resources. And Dante has a top 5 assist on him as well and a godly THC.

Dante/Vergil/Strider is a top tier team. Dante can TOD with Vergil DHC and has insane mix ups from any part of the screen into full BnB. Vergil or Strider can use up resources built by Dante.

Why choose between Dante and Vergil? The Sparda bros are a very potent duo for numerous characters in the game.
I never understood this female quota thing. Does eye candy truly trump over more preferred characters? I would rather have another (male) character that I wanted than have a (female) character that I didn't want.

Sven: Sorry folks Mega Man just barely missed the third iteration of Marvel, we really wanted to give fans what they really wanted so we added Saki and Son Son to fulfill the fan demand for more female characters. But don't worry Mega Man fans you can still hold out hope for a fourth iteration. :)
Why use Dante/Strider when you can use Vergil/Strider? Or better yet, why use Dante when you can use Vergil?

I'm actually liking Vergil more and more because he isn't about stylish horseshit.
Viewtiful Joe is all about style.

I never understood this female quota thing. Does eye candy truly trump over more preferred characters? I would rather have another (male) character that I wanted than have a (female) character that I didn't want.

Sven: Sorry folks Mega Man just barely missed the third iteration of Marvel, we really wanted to give fans what they really wanted so we added Saki and Son Son to fulfill the fan demand for more female characters. But don't worry Mega Man fans you can still hold out hope for a fourth iteration. :)
Well, people tend to like to play characters that they can relate to. It makes sense to have a good number of female characters unless you don't want women to be interested in your game.


None of the top Dante players use Dante/Strider. Once that happens we'll see about dante not winning another major.
I'm the only top level Dante/Strider.

But yeah, Dante/Strider is a completely different beast than just Dante. Don't know why it's not more popular amongst Dante players.

Why use Dante/Strider when you can use Vergil/Strider? Or better yet, why use Dante when you can use Vergil?
Because they're completely different characters that fill completely different purposes on a team?

If people weren't so lazy, or if other characters weren't so much easier, people would realize Dante is really dumb. You just have to work for that dumbness instead of just doing DP + 2 buttons. It's the same reason why Viper doesn't get as much play as she probably should.
It makes sense to have a good number of female characters unless you don't want women to be interested in your game.

So women can't relate to male characters? I can relate to female characters. I understand wanting more female characters but over the more popular overall male characters? I don't want a sausage fest either but for every female character that I would want in this game I can think of like 5 male characters I would want as well. So I can understand why the game turned out the way it did.
Because Dante gets a full BnB from Vajra without spending resources. And Dante has a top 5 assist on him as well and a godly THC.

Dante/Vergil/Strider is a top tier team. Dante can TOD with Vergil DHC and has insane mix ups from any part of the screen into full BnB. Vergil or Strider can use up resources built by Dante.

Why choose between Dante and Vergil? The Sparda bros are a very potent duo for numerous characters in the game.

Not only this but there are other great teams that are better with Dante instead of Vergil like Viper/Dante/Strider or Dante/Spencer/Magneto.

Azure J

None of the top Dante players use Dante/Strider. Once that happens we'll see about dante not winning another major.

It really seems to be the poverty monster's duo of choice yet I can't understand why no one's made a big splash with it outside of like Padtrick playing Devil May Stride.

I also have a penchant for disqualifying teams like this because people see a Vergil on the team and think "oh hey, it's all about Vergil". I'm also really beginning to hate the idea behind teams like this because people build with the idea that Dante just gets a hit and goes into a "DHC Glitch" with another character cleaning up the mess without trying to optimize their Dante at all. I understand ease of use will always be a thing, but I don't think there's anything particularly hard about Dante to warrant the constant assault on his legitimate merits.

He's a surprisingly underrated character with an overrated set of faults.
So women can't relate to male characters? I can relate to female characters. I understand wanting more female characters but over the more popular overall male characters? I don't want a sausage fest either but for every female character that I would want in this game I can think of like 5 male characters I would want as well. So I can understand why the game turned out the way it did.
Most women strongly relate to female characters, much moreso than male ones.

Azure J

Why use Dante/Strider when you can use Vergil/Strider? Or better yet, why use Dante when you can use Vergil?

I'm actually liking Vergil more and more because he isn't about stylish horseshit.

Quit being such a goddamned hater and pay attention to what really matters! :lol

As the two are different characters entirely, clearly they fit different molds or play styles better than the other. There are also a large number of optimized "no nonsense" things Dante can do that can shit on a large majority of the cast without much work since that's your thing. The issue is you look at Richard N, Flux, or online warriors who think j.S/Hammer is dabess mixup and hold it as the standard for Dante and judge pre-emptively. [Maybe I'm wrong, but you've always struck me as someone who hates him kinda unfairly.]

One thing's for sure though, a character that can handle/contend with multiple aspects of a match in this game is always going to see more interest from me than someone who relies on momentum but will begin to lose their ability to start it going forward.

I never understood this female quota thing. Does eye candy truly trump over more preferred characters? I would rather have another (male) character that I wanted than have a (female) character that I didn't want.

Sven: Sorry folks Mega Man just barely missed the third iteration of Marvel, we really wanted to give fans what they really wanted so we added Saki and Son Son to fulfill the fan demand for more female characters. But don't worry Mega Man fans you can still hold out hope for a fourth iteration. :)

I don't get the female quota thing either, but I will never say no to an interesting character and since Capcom has been fairly to exceedingly good about interesting female characters (be it in gameplay or series histories), I guess there's more of a calling for them to join and balance out the dudes in these kinda games.

But yeah, Dante/Strider is a completely different beast than just Dante. Don't know why it's not more popular amongst Dante players.

Because all the Dantes that existed before have either gone into retirement taking their tech with them, said "fuck Marvel (3)", or weren't happy with Ultimate-gate and what it did to their "why can't I just s.LMHS/make them Get Back into death" character.
I just found a way to combo into Soul Drain off of a raw tag with Morrigan. :-D

raw tag, Shadow Blade M, fly, call Dark Hole, Soul Fist L, unfly, Soul Drain. It's not much, but it's a fun start since I raw tag her in so often.

You know who I was thinking the other day that would be an interesting idea for a female character on the VS front. A re-worked Linn Kurosawa from Aliens vs Predator. Re-worked meaning removing any AvP mention. I always thought it weird that she has made nearly a dozen hidden appreances in other Capcom fighters. I feel like she has some secret fans over at Capcom but they are too afraid to use her for licencing reasons maybe.
Lupinko? :-O
You know who I was thinking the other day that would be an interesting idea for a female character on the VS front. A re-worked Linn Kurosawa from Aliens vs Predator. Re-worked meaning removing any AvP mention. I always thought it weird that she has made nearly a dozen hidden appreances in other Capcom fighters. I feel like she has some secret fans over at Capcom but they are too afraid to use her for licencing reasons maybe.
Quit being such a goddamned hater and pay attention to what really matters! :lol

As the two are different characters entirely, clearly they fit different molds or play styles better than the other. There are also a large number of optimized "no nonsense" things Dante can do that can shit on a large majority of the cast without much work since that's your thing. The issue is you look at Richard N, Flux, or online warriors who think j.S/Hammer is dabess mixup and hold it as the standard for Dante and judge pre-emptively. [Maybe I'm wrong, but you've always struck me as someone who hates him kinda unfairly.]

I don't count Hammer against my hate of Dante, I just hate the move. I hate Dante and Dante players because all they want to do is stylish horseshit that adds 3 seconds to their combos (and if they're lucky, 20k damage). Very rarely do I see players actually going for actual damage instead of "LOOK AT ME GO" stuff. THAT'S why I don't like Dante, because everything about his character, from his looks, personality, and playstyle, screams "hey let's worry about the match later, check out this suh-weeeeeeeeeeeeet combo I learned."

I'm shocked that Marn doesn't use Dante, since they're pretty much one and the same.
Beef just hates any character that he can't do combos with. He really should just me mad at his hands.

If that were true, then I would hate Magneto, Spencer and Viper.


It really seems to be the poverty monster's duo of choice yet I can't understand why no one's made a big splash with it outside of like Padtrick playing Devil May Stride.
I will probably forever be a Poverty Monster. :(

Because all the Dantes that existed before have either gone into retirement taking their tech with them, said "fuck Marvel (3)", or weren't happy with Ultimate-gate and what it did to their "why can't I just s.LMHS/make them Get Back into death" character.
lol. It's funny because it's true. :(

I make it a point to play Dante as effectively as possible. I care most about his neutral, mixups, pressure, frametraps and resets. Combos are dead last on the scale of importance to me. It's also probably one of the reasons why I win with him.

If I do any 'hard' combos, they're explicity for damage via shot loops or meter via Acid Rain loops. They're not done for 'style', but because I won't be able to kill otherwise.
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