put_mrpuppy_in_lupinkopaging mr. puppy
put_mrpuppy_in_lupinkopaging mr. puppy
People like Marvel 2.wtf why does this marvel 2 video that is 2 days old have 5k views? http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=DyuUEi0Mxbc
It was posted on SRK, and they're two well known players.wtf why does this marvel 2 video that is 2 days old have 5k views? http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=DyuUEi0Mxbc
I don't count Hammer against my hate of Dante, I just hate the move. I hate Dante and Dante players because all they want to do is stylish horseshit that adds 3 seconds to their combos (and if they're lucky, 20k damage). Very rarely do I see players actually going for actual damage instead of "LOOK AT ME GO" stuff. THAT'S why I don't like Dante, because everything about his character, from his looks, personality, and playstyle, screams "hey let's worry about the match later, check out this suh-weeeeeeeeeeeeet combo I learned."
I'm shocked that Marn doesn't use Dante, since they're pretty much one and the same.
People like Marvel 2.
This is a light up of the most grandoise proportions. :lol
I think Viewtiful Joe looks like a ripoff munchkin Rider.
More of an embarrassment than a "tribute".
Rushdown - Exactly what it says on the tin. These teams are about opening up the opponent and getting them into extremely damaging combos. Characters with high mobility, strong combos or infinites, and assists that can help start or extend combos are all strongly reccommended for these types of teams. Meter building is not an issue because landing combos will do more damage than just a simple DHC usually.
General team structure: Rushdown character/Rushdown character you can DHC into/Combo starting or extending assist.
Example: MSP (Magneto-A/Storm-A or B/Psylocke-A) -
Zoning - Another straightforward archetype. Zoning teams want to control space as much as they can and basically play the whole game like it's Super Turbo with flying robots. Assists are extremely important to defensive teams, specifically assists that can control a lot of space. Characters with fast projectiles, projectiles that cover a lot of the screen both horizontally and vertically, and powerful beam supers are important to zoning teams.
General team structure: Zoning character/Projectile assist/Anti-air assist
Example: Team Scrub (Cable-B/Sentinel-Y/Captain Commando-B)
DHC - One of the core mechanics of MvC2 is the ability to combo one character's hyper combo into one of their partner's hyper combos instantly. This process is known as the delayed hyper combo, or DHC. In MvC2, not all DHCs are created equal and there are specific teams built around the best DHCs in the game. In a DHC team, meter management is crucial, so the best DHC teams have a character who can build meter well. Ideally, this character starts the DHC, but this is not always the case. If the meter builder is one of the two characters who starts the DHC, the third character will likely be a character who can either benefit one of the two DHC characters with a strong assist, or a character who benefits from the assists of one or both of the existing characters.
General team structure: DHC starter/DHC ender/Character who can build meter or benefit the other two in some way
Example: Santhrax (Storm-A/Sentinel-Y/Captain Commando-B)
Trap - Do you like blocking? You better if your opponent is playing a trap team. Trap teams utilize blockstrings or fast projectiles to get the opponent to block a lot so that they can build meter, mix them up, or just chip them out. Like with DHCs, good traps are very specific and depend on the specific characters, which means that there isn't any general rule for making them. However, having a character who can compensate for the other characters' weaknesses, a character who can create pseudo-traps or slightly weaker versions of the main trap, or a character who can build or use meter depending on what your team needs, are generally very helpful. Some could argue that trap teams are subgenres of rushdown or zoning teams, and while I do see merit in that argument I feel that they are distinct enough that they deserve their own separate discussion.
General structure: Trap point character/Trap assist/Character who benefits the other two in some way
Example: Team Clockw0rk (Strider-B/Sentinel-Y/Dr. Doom-B)
You just called ChrisG's team scrubby!Vergil + Doom is the "trap" team of the game. It's a super scrubby version of Strider + Rocks especially if you have Dark Harmonizer as well.
You just called ChrisG's team scrubby!
Man Dahbomb, I don't think I've ever seen this much salt from you before. And it's about your pet character, too, so it's very strange. Are you feeling bitter about how Vergil turned out? Like he's "too good"?
You just called ChrisG's team scrubby!
That particular post wasn't salt filled actually but the truth is that Vergil + missiles IS a scrubbier Strider + Doom from MVC2. It's way easier to set up in MVC3 although it's also easier to get out of. Adding in Dark Harmonizer allows you to chip out full characters practically risk free. ChrisG doesn't entirely play like that because he puts Morrigan first but the strat is there if he wishes.You just called ChrisG's team scrubby!
Man Dahbomb, I don't think I've ever seen this much salt from you before. And it's about your pet character, too, so it's very strange. Are you feeling bitter about how Vergil turned out? Like he's "too good"?
Doesn't buy fighting games to actually play them
(Today, 09:30 AM)
marvel 3 has the biggest playable cast in the series and there really isnt any no names if you followed both companies
Entirely fair, Dahbomb.That particular post wasn't salt filled actually but the truth is that Vergil + missiles IS a scrubbier Strider + Doom from MVC2. It's way easier to set up in MVC3 although it's also easier to get out of. Adding in Dark Harmonizer allows you to chip out full characters practically risk free. ChrisG doesn't entirely play like that because he puts Morrigan first but the strat is there if he wishes.
As far as my opinion on how Vergil turned out... it's mixed bag. On one hand it's a very accurate depiction of the character in terms of playstyle and personality. IMO it's a more accurate representation than Dante. However, the accuracy of the translation ended up being a detriment to the game. They gave Vergil all those tools from DMC3 but they didn't balance properly. They put a "band aid" on Vergil by not allowing him to whiff cancel normals and gave him low health but that's not good enough.
I feel that they had the right idea initially of the type of character Vergil was going to be. If he was supposed to be played on point, he would rely more on mix ups/resets to build meter so that he can gain upperhand in the fight. The problem here is that Vergil's damage is too high for him to be a mix up/reset character so he is essentially a TOD character who also has teleport mix ups. Then they thought it would be a good idea to give him massive normals with excellent ground mobility but that would be balanced by no whiff cancel and no air movement. Good idea on paper but bad in reality. Vergil still has a teleport and SS to pressure characters him up plus he can easily confirm a full combo from SJ height. Essentially what you ended up having was a godlike footsie character with godly mix ups and godly damage. This is without getting into his options WITH meter where he is a different beast altogether. SS is too good and amplifies the 3 aspect of him that I mentioned. They are an auto footsie tool, an auto mix up tool and allows Vergil to do insane damage. They fucked up SS by making it too much like the games. The other 2 formations I don't have a problem with at all, they are just fine. Dark Vergil is also a major problem but that's more a problem with XF stacking with buff hypers.
So yeah I am not entirely pleased with the way he turned out although I can't imagine this is how Capcom intended him to be played.
You know what you do when Nelo Angelo turns on Spiral Swords in DMC1? You run the fuck away like you do in this game as well.
DotA, as awesome as it is, comes with the infuriating experience of having to rely on teammates who usually do not know. And one match is like 45 minutes, so if things go poorly you need to play another to wash the salt away. DotA is possibly the best competitive game I have ever played, but I will not touch that timesink again!Just pick a Missile.
BRB playing DOTA 2 which doesn't have hidden missiles.
He's already so hard to pin down and has a DP. :-/Also, I am still waiting on Spidey to be given Spidey sense QCF+S dodge like Joe's.
Entirely fair, Dahbomb.
DotA, as awesome as it is, comes with the infuriating experience of having to rely on teammates who usually do not know. And one match is like 45 minutes, so if things go poorly you need to play another to wash the salt away. DotA is possibly the best competitive game I have ever played, but I will not touch that timesink again!
I think Viewtiful Joe looks like a ripoff munchkin Rider.
More of an embarrassment than a "tribute".
It's too true to the source material.You know what you do when Nelo Angelo turns on Spiral Swords in DMC1? You run the fuck away like you do in this game as well.
wtf why does this marvel 2 video that is 2 days old have 5k views? http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=DyuUEi0Mxbc
I want old rocks backUMvC3 would be a better game without Hidden Missiles assist (or at least not in its current form).
So yeah I am not entirely pleased with the way he turned out although I can't imagine this is how Capcom intended him to be played.
You know what you do when Nelo Angelo turns on Spiral Swords in DMC1? You run the fuck away like you do in this game as well.
So Hidden Missiles is overpowered? So what your saying is we need a patch? PATCH! Hey there's still time left before the end of the year Capcom!
Also what's the time limit on Dahbomb's avatar bet?
EVO 2013.So Hidden Missiles is overpowered? So what your saying is we need a patch? PATCH! Hey there's still time left before the end of the year Capcom!
Also what's the time limit on Dahbomb's avatar bet?
It's too true to the source material.
Although, in DMC3 you could get rid of them faster with Kalina Ann/E&I swapping, right? Why can't we do that in MvC3? D:
Wow I would've rage quit if that happened to me. I bet the guy was on pixel Vergil for quite a long time because he starts turning on DT to regain health fast.
doubt the casuals will come back to marvel if capcom only releases a patch. btw rank is dying and it gets worse every month.What the fuck is happening to the Marvel fan base man? First, this entire page of stuff (preceeded by people talking about Ranked dying a day or so back), then the person I looked up most of my Dante tech from took down all their videos because "Dante is ass" became law.
Capcom pls, we need that patch! :lol
Wow I would've rage quit if that happened to me. I bet the guy was on pixel Vergil for quite a long time because he starts turning on DT to regain health fast.
Dante users can whine for all eternity for all I care. Their character is just fine.
Besides, Capcom needs this game to die. There's never going to be support for it. So if Capcom can ensure that no one cares about Marvel a year from now when Darkstalkers 4 or Fighters of Capcom releases, it's all the better for them.
That XF3 combo.You could. But if you made one mistake...
Just the usual QQ and salt. The Marvel Trademark.What the fuck is happening to the Marvel fan base man? First, this entire page of stuff (preceeded by people talking about Ranked dying a day or so back), then the person I looked up most of my Dante tech from took down all their videos because "Dante is ass" became law.
Capcom pls, we need that patch! :lol
I've always wonder why Spider Man wasn't more straight forward. I'm not asking for simple ass BBCS or anything, but he's a pretty damn popular character. I figure they would make him a lot more user friendly for the casual crowd. At competitive level he's just flying all over the place looking for that clean hit. I figure they would some how make him more like Magnus just to get more people to play him.
Doesn't Fingercramp have a babies rehab for X-23 up?
Naw. Whining =/= being a whiner. I sort of want Fighters of Capcom. It needs all of the following:I hope you don't think I'm a whiner. I also hope Fighters of Capcom is real so bad.