I updated the Dormammu thread today. Notable changes:
-I added a "Gameplay" section to the Matchup and Team Building parts of the thread for every character. Over time, and hopefully with the help of others, I will stockpile gameplay videos of players using various teams with/against Dormammu as a reference for people having trouble with various combinations or looking to see how a team plays in practice. Right now I have at least one gameplay sample for most characters, but some are really hard to find examples of (who uses Chun-li/Dormammu or Tron/Dormammu?!). Ideally, the videos are of good quality and feature amazing gameplay, but depending on team rarity I am comfortable with having gameplay that is simply solid.
-FingerCramp's hit/hurtbox guide was added to the Basics page.
-Added HonzoGonzo's combo compilation.
-Added a number of combos I have tested, but do not have videos for. Quality video entries are welcome so the guide can be more complete.
-Added a number of combos with videos.
-Team combo videos are now placed under the "Combos" heading in the appropriate Team Building sections.
-Removed the Vanilla Gameplay section - it still exists in the Vanilla thread for anyone who cares.
-Added a video showing Dormammu's Sentinel (or heavy?) specific combos.
-Added a few bits of videos showing synergy between Dormammu and other characters - I'm looking to expand this if anyone wants to help me out by pointing out past videos that were worth watching.
-Listed which characters can duck under Dark Matter.
-Listed which characters Dark Matter can lead to a full combo against via Dark Matter x Mass Change M.
-Listed which characters can be juggled for relaunches via Flame Carpet in corners.
-Added full combo follow-ups to Chaotic Flame (XFC) - damage unlisted for now.
-Added a full combo follow-up to 3D0C; damage unlisted for now.
In the future I plan to rewrite the Strategy section to better reflect current Dormammu gameplay concepts. It has been a while, so I'm sure plenty of things needs updating. The guide is certainly nowhere near finished, but some things really needed my attention.
Things I plan to add to the strategy section in the future:
-Blockstring guide
-Purification follow-up guide
There are also some formatting issues I want to fix in one of the sections that I will get to later...
Anybody wanna play? I'm in the mood to test some stuff.
Test what?
Says the guy who plays Morrigan/vergil/dorm/and PHX?