You know me sir!Pervert
You know me sir!Pervert
It's cool, I understand. I just ask, I don't expect. I could invite more than two if you want it to be bigger. ;-) Two good players from my friends list are on (one mains Tron Bonne).I'll only invite you if you actually play, sorry. Lobbies with two people playing is...
Going on now.
Ooh, I like playing Biz, too.
It's cool, I understand. I just ask, I don't expect. I could invite more than two if you want it to be bigger. ;-) Two good players from my friends list are on (one mains Tron Bonne).
Edit: And Sayah and Biz were on 10 minutes ago!
TheDuke07 12 hours ago
Dante can't even open up a dummy. Nigga is ass.
Well, that was pointless..........is anybody even playing?
God's and I are playing, I'm gonna take a break after a few more you can play em after
My MODOK is real. Also my level 3 x-factor Firebrand.
I'm still mad I missed that Magneto comeback leaving Arthur with a pixel of health.
If you're open the day after tomorrow, I'll give you some matches.Well, that was pointless..........is anybody even playing?
Set it up and I'm in.We need a tournament for the new year to set everything straight. Something that can be done in a month, like 8-16 players on each console, double elimination FT5.
I thought you were taking a break. ;-)If Vice's 14 day gold works, I'm in. I got so rusty not playing this for a week. I was getting mauled by my yolo (excuse my French, but it's just too apt) ass brother again and the salt was palpable.
Many thanks to you, Beef. Happy New Year to you (and everyone else) as well. I keep forgetting what day it is.I can set it up as practice for the ranbats.
Happy New Year guys.
anyone down for marvel on 360 right now? i'm free and need practice
I'll play. I'm rusty though, so get ready for a bunch of derp.
GT: AzureJericho
GGs TWILT. I need to practice my combos.
I thought that would have gone horribly, but I guess it wasn't too bad heh. Your Dante is really good and that incoming mix up gets me too often.
GGs to Azure Jericho and Emperor Bohe! The lag was a little finicky unfortunately and I missed a gajillion bold cancels, but GGs nonetheless.
Enhanced Lightning Loops to start the new year:
We need a tournament for the new year to set everything straight. Something that can be done in a month, like 8-16 players on each console, double elimination FT5.
Yes because Zero was in desperate need of a combo that did more damage and built more meter after the loop. He wasn't killing Thor fast enough before.Enhanced Lightning Loops to start the new year:
I wanna use training mode so bad! щ(゚д゚щ
Time to test new stuff, anybody around?
That was most of Skrull's life, WTF.Enhanced Lightning Loops to start the new year:
Why would you need to experiment with Zero combos? His BnB kills every character in the game from just about any hit confirm even throws (using just one assist). He is overkill already as it is.Ok jumping on now,
And LOL at that zero video, that goes to show you how much people don't experiment and just copy pasta shit.
Why would you need to experiment with Zero combos? His BnB kills every character in the game from just about any hit confirm even throws (using just one assist). He is overkill already as it is.
Tech is always being discovered in the game though. I just think lab time should be better spent on other characters and other facets of the game rather than just "hey check out this new combo I figured out that kills enemies faster and builds more meter... New TECH!"And this attitude is why tech never gets uncovered.
I just think lab time should be better spent on other characters
They should find more ways to maintain pressure, find more ways to open someone up in a high/low situations (ie. fuzzy guards) and find more uses/tech with Sogenmu both on point and as an assist. Hell they can also iron out more team synergies and try out crossover counter tech with Zero on 2nd (CC Ryuejin into Sogenmu is a TOD).Why would Zero players care about that?