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Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 |OT3| To infinites... and beyond!


I'd argue this tech is pretty useful because it means Zero players don't have to worry about having to extend their combos enough to do significant damage in case they dropped the LL, since this looks much more consistent, and it means you can rely less on combo extension since Zero really doesn't need it anymore.

I've been messing around with Zero/Doom (missiles)/Ammy myself for some pressure options/fuzzy guard setups, more zoning, and of course the Doom/Ammy shell when Zero goes down. But I never really used it primarily because I really enjoy the better combo extension that other assists offer. I might use this team or other teams more now because now I know I can near TOD more consistently with this new tech.

Crossover Counter tech almost never gets used because it costs 2 bars and Zero's assists are merely just okay and that there's better characters in the 2nd slot. >_> It's pretty rare he gets DHC'd out still alive too. I do like Chris Schmidt's setup with Magneto first and Zero 2nd.


For as dumb as Zero is, he isn't picked a lot because there are other characters who can do what he does for a lot less execution.
At high levels he runs into the same problem Wesker has with teams like Morridoom/DormammuDoom that an just fill the screenup with crap.


So I've been training on that Zero combo for about an hour, I don't find it easier at all (haven't completed one loop). In fact, I think KillerKai or something other Zero players have stated that doing the "normal" jump LLs are harder. I certainly remember someone in the Mahvel thread saying that.

I think it comes down to your preference or character specialty. I sure as hell can't get it down. But it takes new muscle memory since as soon as you do the second loop you have to switch charging buttons.
Hey Q what do you think about my X-23/Rocket Raccoon/Magneto team? It's still super rough but I think there's a lot of potential for tech there. Feels really flexible.


get some go again
ggs killasasa. couple of really frustrating parts in that match up. as always fuck nova! :p haggar has a really hard time going up against nova and iron man.
fun games salva! I need to buy a new dpad and then I'll be a bit more competitive. I'm currently using this superglued back together and as you can imagine I drop stuff or just sit there far too often. I got kind of disheartened at the end there.

ggs killasasa. couple of really frustrating parts in that match up. as always fuck nova! :p haggar has a really hard time going up against nova and iron man.

Yeah, repulsor and pulse alone make his life pretty hard, which is good for me because I'm exceedingly free to Haggar. Ggs, I like this team. Confirmed alt.

I also played against a legit deadpool. Ninja spiderman is definitely the game's most underrated character.


get some go again
Yeah, repulsor and pulse alone make his life pretty hard, which is good for me because I'm exceedingly free to Haggar. Ggs, I like this team. Confirmed alt.

I also played against a legit deadpool. Ninja spiderman is definitely the game's most underrated character.
you talking about aztec yaotl? dude has a really good deadpool.


Watching Chris Matrix at Big 2 playing Deadpool recently really reminded me what that character is capable of. I do think he has match-up issues against certain other zoning characters though.
I need to buy a new dpad and then I'll be a bit more competitive. I'm currently using this superglued back together and as you can imagine I drop stuff or just sit there far too often. I got kind of disheartened at the end there.

I don't see how anyone can play in this condition. How can you do anything? I play on just a standard PS3 pad and when I play on someone else's PS3 pad I feel handicapped.


Hey Q what do you think about my X-23/Rocket Raccoon/Magneto team? It's still super rough but I think there's a lot of potential for tech there. Feels really flexible.

It should work, I was eating some logs though cause I play marvel with no sound. You gotta get rocket down and learn the unblockable set up stuff. Rocket Raccoon is horribly underused right now
It should work, I was eating some logs though cause I play marvel with no sound. You gotta get rocket down and learn the unblockable set up stuff. Rocket Raccoon is horribly underused right now

The setup is something I know how to do, I was gonna use it on you but the one time I could have done it my Talon Attack didn't want to cancel off of the scythe. Other than that you and I have the best connection so far. You're the only person I play where I can actually do mag blasts, which really excited me. I generally don't play Marvel with sound on either.


Cross posting from the FGC thread as this post is more for the UMVC3 OT:

Ok looking for a little input on my marvel team

Point mags, em disruptor
Second doom, missiles
Anchor vergil, rapid slash

Is that a decent order and assist choice? I feel like I can mix up the order a couple of different ways but I like having doom second for 50/50 reset or tac via mags, and up ball super dhc off tempest kills most characters in one touch. But I like vergil second too since after dhc to swords I get easy mode left right with mags.

Also, (looking at dahbomb) can anyone point me to a vergil primer with most of his bnbs off various situational converts, which buttons are good, and how to do sword loops? A tutorial vid or guide would be nice.
You are already playing a top tier team and the order/assist are exactly what they should be. You basically play this team like a Phoenix team... Magneto + Doom build meter and kill characters while Vergil rests in anchor slot to use up the meter from deaths and XFLVL3.

In that team you don't really need to learn advance Spiral Sword combos... any basic SS combo will do (just check youtube). What's more important in this position is the use of Devil Trigger as ANY CONFIRM is a TOD. Basically if you get a Helm Breaker knockdown you want to activate Devil Trigger + XFLVL3 and do Hightime Trick down j.L j.H Helm Breaker Hightime Trickdown j.L j.H j.S st.H Stinger st.H st.S j.H Helm Breaker. This easy mode combo will kill everyone and it's my preferred "turn off brain and go ham" combo with Dark Vergil. The only confirm you need to learn with Vergil is one off of Helm Breaker when you don't have XFLVL3. What you do in that situation is Helm Breaker -> Spiral Swords -> Hightime -> Trick down and do a quick Helm Break to stabilize the opponent for a simple SS combo. At super jump height you can just do baby mode j.H j.S ground bounce into combo and from air throws you just do st.H Stinger.

As far as which buttons are good for Vergil... it's a better question to ask which buttons are NOT good for Vergil.

st.L - An excellent anti-air move if someone is balls deep tri-dashing in your face. Just be ware that characters with long ranged low hitting moves easily go under it.
cr.L - A great close ranged poking move which comes out surprisingly fast. Moves that go over lows like Wesker's st.H and Trish's st.M go over it.
st.M - Not a bad anti-air at all but it's slower than st.L and is not my preferred choice of normal to throw out. Use it to confirm anti-airs from st.L.
st.M - More range than cr.L but slower. Use it to confirm cr.L's.
st.H (aka Godslash) - Undeniably the best standing normal in the game. At least 3/4th screen coverage of nothing but sword normals and converts into a TOD. Has a hit box even behind Vergil and also a good anti-air. Use it in the war of footsies with your phenomenal wave dash.
f+H - While it may have more horizontal range than st.H it has WAY less vertical range and is much more unsafe than st.H. Use it only when you need that slight more range to poke the enemy otherwise stick with the godlash.
cr.H - Good range and causes soft knockdown meaning it's an excellent combo tool but I don't really recommend using this other than for option select ground throw purposes.
st.S - An excellent anti-air move when you need more coverage than your st.L and more vertical range than your st.H. Follow it up with an H to convert off of it or make it safe. Remember that the H follow up to S can be special cancelled meaning any string or poke ending with S that is blocked can be chained into H and then special cancelled for safety. Judgment Cut is the preferred special move if you want to be safe with +ve advantage just make sure you use the proper one (L version if they don't push block, M version if they do).
d/f + H - While it's a godly anti-air I don't like throwing this out randomly. It's really a combo extending OTG move and not much else.

j.L - Has no real merit in playing footsies but can be used for particular conversions and as an instant overhead using Blistering Sword super jump cancel. The latter is a 2 meter intensive mix up that is one of the last things you should learn with the character so don't worry about it for now.
j.M - Great air to air move and you can follow it up with j.H j.S for an air conversion into full combo.
j.H - Another great air to air move. It can cross up but because Vergil doesn't have much air mobility there is very little chance that you will cross up with it. Using this in conjunction with the Devil Trigger air dash is very lethal and you can do like mid screen overhead with this.
j. d+H - The feared Helm Breaker of the Dark Prince. Faster, safer and derpier than Dante's Helm Breaker. On block Helm Breaker can be special cancelled to make it safe and on whiff it can be teleport cancelled. It's 0 on block meaning chicken block technically can beat it but of course cancelling it makes it safe. As long as you get them to block this move you are A-OK just be ready to cancel it or use the proper follow up. Either DT + XF to get a combo off of it or Spiral Swords. Always press d/b+H in the air to option select air throw with this move.
j.S - Don't use this raw because unlike Helm breaker this is not special cancellable and chicken blocking easily punishes Starfall. The time when you want to use Starfall is to set up ambiguous cross ups with Spiral Swords. Other than that it's just a tool from which you can convert air hits into a combo thanks to its ground bounce.
I need to buy a new dpad and then I'll be a bit more competitive. I'm currently using this superglued back together and as you can imagine I drop stuff or just sit there far too often. I got kind of disheartened at the end there.

I don't see how anyone can play in this condition. How can you do anything? I play on just a standard PS3 pad and when I play on someone else's PS3 pad I feel handicapped.

I tried playing on the standard 360 pad and I was horrid. I also have the PDP UMVC3 fightpad but I can't get used to the dpad nub enough to be decent.

I have 3 fightpads (Ken, Sagat, Blanka) with various dpad issues and I tried mixing and matching parts but the most functional one is just the broken one you saw above superglued back together. Sigh. And now theyre hard to find and i'm in a financial bind.

Besides, I can still beat on scrubs.


The setup is something I know how to do, I was gonna use it on you but the one time I could have done it my Talon Attack didn't want to cancel off of the scythe. Other than that you and I have the best connection so far. You're the only person I play where I can actually do mag blasts, which really excited me. I generally don't play Marvel with sound on either.

If someone has a bad connection with me they either have a shitty connection or better be in Europe.


get some go again
funny moment against honzo gonzo. he did a THC and i tried to cross over counter into haggar and instead ended up snapping out all 3 of his characters. never seen a merry christmas snapback.


funny moment against honzo gonzo. he did a THC and i tried to cross over counter into haggar and instead ended up snapping out all 3 of his characters. never seen a merry christmas snapback.

If only this was mvc2 and you could infinte them after
fun games salva! I need to buy a new dpad and then I'll be a bit more competitive. I'm currently using this superglued back together and as you can imagine I drop stuff or just sit there far too often. I got kind of disheartened at the end there.



Haha, that's a hilarious broken controller you're using there. Is that type of controller better than a regular xbox one? 'cause that's what i use.


get some go again

Haha, that's a hilarious broken controller you're using there. Is that type of controller better than a regular xbox one? 'cause that's what i use.
i think its much better than the regular xbox pad. having the 6 buttons on the face makes things easier. with that said the d-pad does have its problems like not reading diagonals sometimes. the new d-pad on the sfxt pads was changed to fix some of the problems. can't tell you if they did fix the problems since the new pad is too small for my hands and i only had it for a couple of days.


tagged by Blackace
Oh god I am so free to both of you guys. I have the worst habits, and can't block high ;_;

GGs to both of you guys, Jetman81 and Sigmaah.


GGs Kioshen. What was your thought process behind the various teams?

GGs Karst. Man that's the first time I've played against a really good Dormammu. It was hell to get past all the stuff that was on screen. Especially since it was laggy which is unfortunate.

I kept trying stuff because I never really faced that match-up (All three characters of your team) so I was really puzzled as to how to approach it and adjust my gameplan. My Magneto was pretty much dead weight since I haven't work on his mobility yet which clearly I need to work on it.

I guess my thought process was that I needed to find something to pin you down long enough so that I can catch up to you. Drones were too slow and vulnerable, EMD was fine and doing nice enough job to pin you down while making Morrigan bleed a little. Missiles ... well I didn't called them enough but it still worked.

The other teams were just experiments and venting frustrations. Nova with Doom beam well it was mostly to pin you down while at the same time try to cover that pesky upper back quadrant you kept hiding in. Wesker well he hits hard and I can teleport. I don't know any of his hit confirms (speaking of which I need to work on that on my main team) so that didn't go so well either. Hawkeye was just random spur of the moment "yeah let's go zoning too" but I quickly realized I forgot all of his buttons.

In the end I settled on using the assist switch on the rematch screen to put Sent-a on point, Mags-a second and Doom-b anchor. It's my main team with a different order which helps me tackle that match-up better at my current skill level. I get to use my two best assist to lock down zoners while being able to use hyper armor to blow through Dorm's slow single hitting normals. Why I kept rushing in blindly for a couple of round openings with dat big ass hit box I still dunno. Blame salt.

Speaking of salt, man that block string sequence you divised against Doom is painful. There's no way to get past that without assists or blowing x-factor. I'm also really bad at this game so I probably missed something.


Oh god I am so free to both of you guys. I have the worst habits, and can't block high ;_;

GGs to both of you guys, Jetman81 and Sigmaah.

LOL I thought you did pretty well but honestly it seemed to me like you needed to block low. I wasn't really hitting high much other than w/herpaderp Haggar pipes. Also, finish your Nova combo! You were dropping it so much I started to rely on it. If you would just finish that sequence you'd do a lot more damage.

Also, GG's Salva. LOL at killing Haggar after 3-4 throw resets at the beginning of that first match.


LOL I thought you did pretty well but honestly it seemed to me like you needed to block low. I wasn't really hitting high much other than w/herpaderp Haggar pipes. Also, finish your Nova combo! You were dropping it so much I started to rely on it. If you would just finish that sequence you'd do a lot more damage.

Also, GG's Salva. LOL at killing Haggar after 3-4 throw resets at the beginning of that first match.

GG bro. I had to go 'cause i have to clean some stuff. We'll play more again eventually :)

btw, your vajra made me super salty. I have to learn how to deal with it!


tagged by Blackace
LOL I thought you did pretty well but honestly it seemed to me like you needed to block low. I wasn't really hitting high much other than w/herpaderp Haggar pipes. Also, finish your Nova combo! You were dropping it so much I started to rely on it. If you would just finish that sequence you'd do a lot more damage.

Also, GG's Salva. LOL at killing Haggar after 3-4 throw resets at the beginning of that first match.
Yeah by the end of it I was just pushing buttons cause I was mentally guard broken :(

It was the Dorm swipes I kept getting hit with that I knew I should be blocking.
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