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Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 |OT3| To infinites... and beyond!

GGs Karst. Man that's the first time I've played against a really good Dormammu. It was hell to get past all the stuff that was on screen. Especially since it was laggy which is unfortunate.
GGs. The lag was unfortunate, but it wasn't entirely unbearable.

I kept trying stuff because I never really faced that match-up (All three characters of your team) so I was really puzzled as to how to approach it and adjust my gameplan. My Magneto was pretty much dead weight since I haven't work on his mobility yet which clearly I need to work on it.
Yeah, I don't think anyone else uses my team. Alioune is the closest.

I guess my thought process was that I needed to find something to pin you down long enough so that I can catch up to you. Drones were too slow and vulnerable, EMD was fine and doing nice enough job to pin you down while making Morrigan bleed a little. Missiles ... well I didn't called them enough but it still worked.
Drones tend to just get me a lot of free meter via Soul Drain if Dormammu dies to them. I thought all of your teams were good and very viable at beating mine.

The other teams were just experiments and venting frustrations. Nova with Doom beam well it was mostly to pin you down while at the same time try to cover that pesky upper back quadrant you kept hiding in. Wesker well he hits hard and I can teleport. I don't know any of his hit confirms (speaking of which I need to work on that on my main team) so that didn't go so well either. Hawkeye was just random spur of the moment "yeah let's go zoning too" but I quickly realized I forgot all of his buttons.
If you pick Nova, it's best to give him a pinning assist. I haven't played a Nova for a long time, so it was interesting to see that s.M and s.S seem to hit him at certain heights and prevent his advance. It's something I would like to mess around with more.

In the end I settled on using the assist switch on the rematch screen to put Sent-a on point, Mags-a second and Doom-b anchor. It's my main team with a different order which helps me tackle that match-up better at my current skill level. I get to use my two best assist to lock down zoners while being able to use hyper armor to blow through Dorm's slow single hitting normals. Why I kept rushing in blindly for a couple of round openings with dat big ass hit box I still dunno. Blame salt.
The Sentinel choice was interesting, but in my experience Hidden Missiles breaks his combos as often as it earns him combos. My launch team in Vanilla was Sentinel/Dormammu/Doom, and I eventually dropped Sentinel because Hidden Missiles get in the way so often. It's not like it's a bad assist for him or anything, but Sentinel has enough trouble getting a hit in as it is!

Speaking of salt, man that block string sequence you divised against Doom is painful. There's no way to get past that without assists or blowing x-factor. I'm also really bad at this game so I probably missed something.
You didn't miss anything, that's just the Doom vs. Dormammu matchup. It's probably Dormammu's best matchup, and my team structure just makes it even more ridiculous. Having to air dash to move at all makes it hard for Doom to get in on Dormammu because of both the projectiles coming out and the teleports. I generally don't like to just teleport and run while calling Dark Harmonizer, but it's better than risking getting hit by Foot Dive.

Oh god I am so free to both of you guys. I have the worst habits, and can't block high ;_;

GGs to both of you guys, Jetman81 and Sigmaah.
I was 100% free to Dante's j.S and j.H for like a year because I always blocked low.

GGs to Karst

btw I tried to counter Stalking Flare lol

man that was a risk that didn't pay off
GGs. Was the counter attempt when you X-Factored against Stalking Flare and then dashed into it? I wondered what the hell happened there, haha. You're definitely improving. I'm trying to figure out how to handle the X-23 matchup, because she's so small that j.S keeps whiffing and getting me killed, and j.H generally doesn't cross up so it's not safe. I end up having to play pure keepaway against her, it seems.

I can definitely tell that you're improving. Your Phoenix team is the most intimidating to me. X-23 is scary as a matchup character, but I don't see why she's there still when Wesker is. They both perform very similar roles. Also, I think you might be the first person to tag in regular Phoenix without 5 bars to save a character, haha.
GGs. Was the counter attempt when you X-Factored against Stalking Flare and then dashed into it? I wondered what the hell happened there, haha.

Yeah, one of my problems is that all three of my characters have different dash speeds, so sometimes I forget how far I go if I do an instant dash xx some move. So I just slammed into the Flare.

I'm trying to figure out how to handle the X-23 matchup, because she's so small that j.S keeps whiffing and getting me killed, and j.H generally doesn't cross up so it's not safe. I end up having to play pure keepaway against her, it seems.

Well I spent some time in our match figuring out my hitboxes vs Dormammu, and it seems like S beats your jump attacks clean but it's kind of risky. I definitely tried to spend some time baiting you to tridash because it's the least scary of your options and gives me an opportunity to attack. But sometimes I would screw up my dash unders and cross myself up.

Your Phoenix team is the most intimidating to me.
Well it's the team I'm the most familiar with even if I stopped using it for a while, and the main thing I think you're noticing is that I'm getting more comfortable with Wesker again. I screwed up my guard break reset, though. After doing it so well against Q lol

X-23 is scary as a matchup character, but I don't see why she's there still when Wesker is.
Well low shot is absolutely one of X-23's best assists and I need it to do snap backs late in a combo. I like having wesker second because I can bring him in with his buffs. In a lot of ways she's better at fighting Dormammu than Wesker. She has better normals and better air mobility. The main things I'm working on now are using the right normal for the right situations and properly hit confirming. And knowing the timing on your damned air throws. I kept teching to early or late.

Honestly I don't think X-23/Wesker/Magneto is an awesome team, but it works the best for me right now. X-23/Rocket Raccoon/Magneto I think makes more sense but I won't be able to use Rocket Raccoon well for a while.

Also, I think you might be the first person to tag in regular Phoenix without 5 bars to save a character, haha.

It's not just that, I actually prefer to play Phoenix with EMD if I can, and my level 3 x-factor Magneto is way, way better than my Phoenix anything. Phoenix is a lot like Wesker in that she's a character I need to regain comfort with due to disuse. As for Magneto, I tested and I can kinda do dash blasts with our connection but it's so pointless vs Dormammu. Not bad vs Morrigan, though.
Alright, I'm serious this time. I'm gonna learn how to play this game.

I wanna run Phoenix on point.
I kinda want Dorm on anchor.
I can't touch Zero/Dante/Vergil/Wesker.
Yeah, one of my problems is that all three of my characters have different dash speeds, so sometimes I forget how far I go if I do an instant dash xx some move. So I just slammed into the Flare.
I know that feeling. I had the damnest time playing Skrull because he ends combos with a dp input + a button opposite of Dormammu. So many Purification L's from full-screen. -_-

Well I spent some time in our match figuring out my hitboxes vs Dormammu, and it seems like S beats your jump attacks clean but it's kind of risky. I definitely tried to spend some time baiting you to tridash because it's the least scary of your options and gives me an opportunity to attack. But sometimes I would screw up my dash unders and cross myself up.
I noticed that, which is why I started to just zone you. If I fly and tridash into j.S, it seems like X-23 can just barely crouch under it unless I land on you perfectly, and that's not likely to happen with her zipping around on the ground.

Well it's the team I'm the most familiar with even if I stopped using it for a while, and the main thing I think you're noticing is that I'm getting more comfortable with Wesker again. I screwed up my guard break reset, though. After doing it so well against Q lol
Well, after a while you got predictable. You like to do gunshot, EMD, teleport even when I'm in the air, so I would just wait for you to get that song and dance over with and then fight. It's also not safe against Dormammu if I crouch under the gunshot and just c.M, but I messed up the timing a few times since I've never tried it before.

Well low shot is absolutely one of X-23's best assists and I need it to do snap backs late in a combo. I like having wesker second because I can bring him in with his buffs. In a lot of ways she's better at fighting Dormammu than Wesker. She has better normals and better air mobility. The main things I'm working on now are using the right normal for the right situations and properly hit confirming. And knowing the timing on your damned air throws. I kept teching to early or late.
I think Wesker is more terrifying for Dormammu than X-23, but X-23 has better pressure against him.

Honestly I don't think X-23/Wesker/Magneto is an awesome team, but it works the best for me right now. X-23/Rocket Raccoon/Magneto I think makes more sense but I won't be able to use Rocket Raccoon well for a while.
I dig that. Why are you anti-Phoenix?

It's not just that, I actually prefer to play Phoenix with EMD if I can, and my level 3 x-factor Magneto is way, way better than my Phoenix anything. Phoenix is a lot like Wesker in that she's a character I need to regain comfort with due to disuse. As for Magneto, I tested and I can kinda do dash blasts with our connection but it's so pointless vs Dormammu. Not bad vs Morrigan, though.
I'm not a big fan of Phoenix with EMD because everyone already wants to turtle against her in the air, and she can't use it to open people up in corners. I actually rather like Dark Hole for her since she has so many overhead options.

Alright, I'm serious this time. I'm gonna learn how to play this game.

I wanna run Phoenix on point.
I kinda want Dorm on anchor.
I can't touch Zero/Dante/Vergil/Wesker.
You pretty much have one option, and that's Hidden Missiles.
Well, after a while you got predictable. You like to do gunshot, EMD, teleport even when I'm in the air, so I would just wait for you to get that song and dance over with and then fight. It's also not safe against Dormammu if I crouch under the gunshot and just c.M, but I messed up the timing a few times since I've never tried it before.

Yeah sometimes I go braindead when I'm playing Wesker/Magneto because the input for gunshot + EMD is so much fun. Hold forward and mash two fingers wheeeeee buster lighting everywhere.

And yeah I hate Dormammu's normals beating projectiles. Ruins my fun.


Okay..my TV is breaking, sometimes half the screen (always the left) goes pure white / red / fritz.

Eventually it fixes itself if I leave it on long enough, but I want to play Marvel badly.

PS3 is fine, it's on an Evo monitor, but I need a suggestion for a new TV. Any suggestions? And yes, this is a thinly veiled I want to play you all.


get some go again
Okay..my TV is breaking, sometimes half the screen (always the left) goes pure white / red / fritz.

Eventually it fixes itself if I leave it on long enough, but I want to play Marvel badly.

PS3 is fine, it's on an Evo monitor, but I need a suggestion for a new TV. Any suggestions? And yes, this is a thinly veiled I want to play you all.
i've been wanting to play you but i never see you playing marvel anymore. if i do see you on live you are playing some other game.


Thor above Wolverine?

No just no.

LMAO @ Spencer's placing. Whatever Kool Aid he's drinking I need a piece of that action.


Feels like either a troll or, more likely, once he put his guys at the top he randomly grabbed who was left.

For however weird his tier opinion can be, I'm inclined to believe Chrisis is neither trolling nor chucking random dudes wherever. For one his previous tier lists, he gave a short blurb about why character was exactly where they were, and expect he has some reasoning for the new placements as well, even if it's bizarre.

mr. puppy

Thor above Wolverine?

No just no.

LMAO @ Spencer's placing. Whatever Kool Aid he's drinking I need a piece of that action.

Yea he picked up Thor like 3 days ago and thinks hes good or something, kinda BS. Anyway, here is his thought on Thor:

Played some long sets this weekend as Thor since if a character is good I intend to be able to win with them. (and normally can)

That said, I think Thor is very good now that I fought a long set against one and invested 30 or so hours into playing and thinking specifically about him. I like his match ups against a lot of the top tier are actually pretty good, but Viper and Hawkeye make his life a living hell.

Viper can mash seismo and react to everything with a punish, at first mighty strike was bodying me, but when I realized how long it took it became easy for her to mash seismo then react to the distance he tries to do it at and punish. FADC back and punish if he's mid range, and FADC forward and jump throw if he's close.

I don't think it's possible to fight Hawkeye with harmonizer as Thor, Kiss of Fire just makes him stay too far away and Hawkeye's strings off of it he can do against Thor will build him back the meter for another Kiss of Fire to get full screen yet again. X_X

Other than that though he's pretty awesome. I fought against a bunch of Magneto, Wesker, Dante, Zero, Doom and Dormammu with him and I feel most of those are pretty decent where any character that's actually low tier can't say they do anything but die. Mighty Strike when used in safe situations is really scary since it prevents enemies from using a lot of options that they're free to in most match ups, projectile invulnerability in the air throws a huge wrench in many plans and I absolutely adore it.

Thor's air movement is actually really good and aside from his bad ground dash he really gets around well, that paired with how scary strikes are means he's very good at choosing where he'll be on screen.

Mighty Spark feels quite under rated with all its properties and being able to cancel into meter gain and still get to spark to come out and protect you, mighty spark paired with disruptor is actually a really hard to deal with horizontal pair that forces a lot of good characters to come at Thor since they can't keep up with his shooting at least in a ground war.

Mighty Punish is amazing, and an excellent use of meter, it's great on defense and offense, and is one of the only things that blows up a lot of derpy things that are normally pretty obnoxious for most characters (Vergil with swords mashing in your face, Reverb shock pressure, Zero's Shippuga, etc) when paired with a proper DHC Thor with X-factor can't be fought in close on the ground because there is a chance that your character will just die in a non reactable way.

Through my experimenting the assists I came across that I absolutely adored with him were:
Repulsor blast: Makes his mix ups terrifying, and helps him with the range where footsies are an issue, strong footsies characters I feel give him a kind of hard time with their blasted ground dashes.
Disruptor: Great for ground space control with Thor.
Arthur Daggers: These things create scary mix ups with him and leave enemies in really bad situations, they cover a wide area of the screen for a decent amount of time.
Jam Session: This again re-enforces my opinion about Jam session being 90% of the cast's best assist, I feel it helps him in all the footsies character match ups, helps his zoning, helps his meter gain, and gives him amazing mix ups.
Whirlwind: This is surprisingly useful for Thor, it goes under his mighty spark and lasts long enough with enough push back that he can make evil doers heed his words which means more access to the busted DHC. I was playing Storm with him since the Ice Storm DHC from Mighty Punish is pretty broken (2 frame punish of anything, if an assist has been hit by 2 or 3 sparks, if it's summoned again you get to immediately kill. Also if you connect with the punish it does over 2/3 life on pretty much everyone important and with this team you can have definitely chipped out 1/3 before that.

Wesker is actually a really good DHC for Thor, with Punish he gets a full combo off of it via Rhino charge, Mighty Tornado gets mid screen phantom dances, and in general this is one of the more favorable situations to get Wesker in, too bad aside from pretty decent combos for Thor his assist doesn't do a terrible lot in neutral.

The state changes that people can still build meter in are also pretty fantastic for him, Punish just becomes so terrifying when it means a meter positive kill just because you were next to Thor.

Over all I disagree with the sentiments that he does well against Morrigan thinking it's slightly in her favor thanks to how little commitment she needs while fighting him, shooting soul fists isn't as free as other match ups, but being able to dash right afterward lets her get around and punish mighty strikes if you have decent movement. However I do think Thor is far from low tier, and playing him for some extended time dramatically increases my opinion of him. ^.^


Reading that gives me flashbacks to Kinderparty. He was a pretty big proponent of Thor and he originally ran Thor / Taskmaster / Arthur until I showed him the joy that was Nova. We fought for days with him using that team. Backed by Task and Arthur, Thor is a threat, especially linking light mighty sparks into higher levels of mighty spark.

He felt much the same as Chrisis did, too. It'll go away, eventually, as it did for Kinder. Thor isn't bad, but he's not good enough.


Thor loses to Wolverine, Zero, Magneto, Wesker, Vergil, Dante, Morrigan, Viper, Hawkeye, Taskmaster even Strange and especially Vajra assist. He gets mauled very easily and he can be kept out. Granted that I agree with him in that he does better against zoning and some top tiers than other characters he is usually tiered with but he's still in no way better than Wolverine and Spencer.

He's solid but he's not that good. Chalk this off to another one of Chrisis' theory fighter character of the day/week. What happened to him hyping up Iron Man and Storm not too long ago? He had both above the mid line in that tier.


Yeah but he's not always going to be doing those moves and since he spends so much time in the air (or he should) he is bound to get clipped by it or have to block it sooner or later. If someone is bad with a Vajra call it can be easily beaten by Mighty Tornado and killed if he decides to XF it.

To me any character who spends a good amount of time in the air is vulnerable to Strider. Technically Doom has the best anti-Vajra move in the game in Sphere flame but he does not have access to that in the air. Same for Iron Man in Repulsar Blast -> Proton Cannon but he can't do that in the air.
Technically Doom has the best anti-Vajra move in the game in Sphere flame

How is that anything resembling the best anti-Vajra move? Because it goes up? It costs a bar and you might not even kill the dude without going nuts. Hell, just calling hidden missiles works. Anything you can do in the air that beats Vajra's hitbox is better. Look at Karst with his Dormammu jM. Thor can get full combos off of Mighty Spark and Mighty Strike in the air if you know what you're doing. Even on the ground stuff like Jam session can be more easily converted for the same cost. Not to mention Thor's Shockwave hyper DHC to install is gonna wreck Vajra's day as well.

I really think your theory fighting is too dismissive in general. Hell, Magneto can just air dash forward and not get hit by Vajra.


How is that anything resembling the best anti-Vajra move? Because it goes up? It costs a bar and you might not even kill the dude without going nuts. Hell, just calling hidden missiles works. Anything you can do in the air that beats Vajra's hitbox is better. Look at Karst with his Dormammu jM. Thor can get full combos off of Mighty Spark and Mighty Strike in the air if you know what you're doing. Even on the ground stuff like Jam session can be more easily converted for the same cost. Not to mention Thor's Shockwave hyper DHC to install is gonna wreck Vajra's day as well.

I really think your theory fighting is too dismissive in general. Hell, Magneto can just air dash forward and not get hit by Vajra.
Alright I might have been exaggerating when I said "best anti-Vajra" move but Sphere Flame is way better than Hidden Missiles because if you use Missiles while on point you are just asking to get killed by the point character. Sphere Flame does a ton of damage to assists and if someone's Vajra gets hit by that they are going to think long and hard before using it again especially if you are sitting on another meter. Sphere Flame also protects you against the point character. If you are going to spend 2 bars to do Mighty Thunder -> Install DHC you might as well do Sphere Flame into Elements which would either kill Strider or put him on life support.


Enhanced Lightning Loops to start the new year:

Holy....I just saw this while reviewing and seeing what I've missed. I think that version of the lightning loop my handicapped hands could do.

Also Zero players should start getting better with their other characters especially their Dante's if they want a chance at winning tournaments. Too many 1 player/character Zero's out there.

So true, but I also still think his HP is too low to regularly win tournaments.

/slow thread, start a fight.
His tiers lists are always wonky about how they place some of the best characters in the game, yet also respectable for noticing how good some of the most underused characters are.

Funny, that's the team I was going to run in the interim until you guys could help me construct a better one. I guess there might not be a better one though lol
I doubt there is. I used to run Phoenix/Dormammu/Morrigan, and get her 5 bars via Dark Harmonizer, but it's very difficult to pull off in Ultimate with all of her nerfs.

Thor loses to Wolverine, Zero, Magneto, Wesker, Vergil, Dante, Morrigan, Viper, Hawkeye, Taskmaster even Strange and especially Vajra assist. He gets mauled very easily and he can be kept out. Granted that I agree with him in that he does better against zoning and some top tiers than other characters he is usually tiered with but he's still in no way better than Wolverine and Spencer.

He's solid but he's not that good. Chalk this off to another one of Chrisis' theory fighter character of the day/week. What happened to him hyping up Iron Man and Storm not too long ago? He had both above the mid line in that tier.
I think Thor has reasonable matchups against all of those characters when backed by the right assist, and by the right assist I mean that Chrisis hit the nail on the head with Dagger Toss. It's so good. I think folks need to play Thor for a while before commenting on his matchups, because he has a lot going for him. I actually consider him the most bewilderingly unpicked character because of how much he has going for him.

He has the same rushdown game Dormammu does only it's much better because his moves have better priority, he has a command grab, and he has a move that destroys projectiles while giving him super armor, all while having the best health in the game. If MastaCJ can do well with Dormammu on point using a rushdown build, there's no reason to think Thor can't. Oh, and his j.L mix-up crosses up.

Vajra is not scary for Thor. j.S, Mighty Spark L, air dash forward, j.M, Mighty Strike L, Mighty Tornado kills Strider on reaction. If you're paranoid, you can go in the air and do Mighty Spark H all day, and it's totally safe while taking off up to 1/3rd of Strider's life if it hits. On the ground, Mighty Smash, s.S, c.M, and Mighty Strike all beat Vajra. Not to mention being able to Mighty Tornado on reaction (started after Strider's teleport started, so within reaction time) anywhere. Thor has so many anti-Vajra options it's hard to believe that you just don't know a lot about the character, Dahbomb.

Someone who has played me a lot- what would my "main" team be?
I consider Nova/Hawkeye/Vajra to be your scariest team, if that helps.

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
Hmm, I haven't actually used that team yet. Maybe I should though since Nova/Vajra seems to be pretty good.

Sucks that my Strider sucks but that's what Xfactor orbs are for!
Hmm, I haven't actually used that team yet. Maybe I should though since Nova/Vajra seems to be pretty good.

Sucks that my Strider sucks but that's what Xfactor orbs are for!
Well, it might just be that I'm free to Nova (until now!), and Hawkeye/Vajra is a maddening combination.

Also, I'm glad that Chrisis explored Hawkeye/Morrigan. Dark Harmonizer is so good for select characters in this game, and it needs more exploration.


I actually used to play Thor a lot in Vanilla. I guess I need more match up practice in Ultimate against Vajra but every time I tried to play him Vajra would clip me unless I cancelled my action into Mighty Tornado. I wanted to give him a shot again with Bolts but I can't play Strange for shit.

Also I was one of the people who talked about Mighty Punish vs Spiral Sword and also figured out the Vergil counter to that (use Devil Trigger to beat out XF Mighty Punish).

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
I was thinking of all of the teams I play and realized that- 1. I have no "main" team and 2. on each of these teams there's a character I don't like playing/ I suck with.

With Nova/Spencer/Hawkeye my Spencer is terrible but I pretty much need him to make sure Nova kills off a hit.

With Hawkeye/Wesker/Strider the whole team is a mess because my Wesker and Strider both suck.

Who's the guy that uses Nova/Strider, Marvelo or Marvisto?
I actually used to play Thor a lot in Vanilla. I guess I need more match up practice in Ultimate against Vajra but every time I tried to play him Vajra would clip me unless I cancelled my action into Mighty Tornado. I wanted to give him a shot again with Bolts but I can't play Strange for shit.

Also I was one of the people who talked about Mighty Punish vs Spiral Sword and also figured out the Vergil counter to that (use Devil Trigger to beat out XF Mighty Punish).
Ah, that may be the case, then. You could try Dagger Toss instead of Bolts of Balthakk. Both are very good for him. Gun Fire might also work - it wasn't bad when I tried it back when.

I was thinking of all of the teams I play and realized that- 1. I have no "main" team and 2. on each of these teams there's a character I don't like playing/ I suck with.

With Nova/Spencer/Hawkeye my Spencer is terrible but I pretty much need him to make sure Nova kills off a hit.

With Hawkeye/Wesker/Strider the whole team is a mess because my Wesker and Strider both suck.
I thought you just liked to troll with a lot of off-teams. I didn't know you considered yourself to have no main team. I dig the "one character I don't like" dilemma. What would you say are your 5 favorite characters to play with?

I'd offer to play you since statements like this intrigue me, but I know you hate Zero :(.
I'll still play you even though you use Zero. I don't actually hate Zero's neutral, I just hate how goddamn long his combo are. They were the most boring thing in Vanilla, and they got longer. -_- It's all the hitstop on his multi-hit moves. It takes like a whole second just for his s.H to hit.
I've been wanting to get back to using Thor since he was my dude in Vanilla, but I can't figure out a way to make him work for me. My brain says play Wesker/Thor/Strange, but I don't think it's really my style.


Got some games in against the FGTV crew last night. A few against Champ and one against PR Balrog. Got totally destroyed of course, but it was fun anyway. Definitely need to work on my mental fortitude.
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