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Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 |OT3| To infinites... and beyond!

Azure J

In General:

- Heroes and Heralds mode "fixed" to support offline versus
- TAC mechanic revamp: Requires one meter per use of the mechanic, combos done post tag in of next character do not generate any meter, combos are subject to full hitstun decay after a set number of hits or frames post actual tag. TACs are still subject to a break at the cost of a meter from the defender.
- X-Factor bonuses completely normalized to a set average based on the current cast values of XF2 with durations set to XF1 lengths; bonuses do NOT add multiplicatively, stack where needed.
- Assists cannot be called while tech rolling.
- Throw break animation added, returned to neutral state between two characters a la SF4 throw tech (goodbye BREAKBREAKBRE-- derpy H normal option selects at match start)
- Throw techs can only be done with or

Characters + Assist Reshuffling in some cases):

Hsien-Ko (aka Put_Hsien-Ko_In-UMVC3_For_Real_This_Time)

+ Pendulum/Senpu-Bu cancellable with from the first frame active
+ c. OTG capable and jump cancellable
+ Chuukudan Bombs mapped to , OTG capable
+ Forward walk speed moderately increased, Dash-a-port and air run startup and speed dramatically increased with persistent momentum on the latter.
+ Command grab properties changed, & act as ground grabs, changed to anti-air command grab
- Gold Armor mode duration decreased by half on point (to accommodate her other buffs)


- Astral Vision mirrored Soul Fist(s) disappear when Morrigan is hit
- Morrigan builds 1/3rd less meter during AV's duration
+ OTGs

+ Minimum scaling on normals and specials brought up to 10%


- Minimum scaling values lowered to 10/10 respectively.
+ Optic Laser replaces Thunder Knuckle H as an assist


- Minimum scaling values lowered to 10/10 respectively
- Lightning doesn't persist if Buster Cancel occurs on first frames (Zero has to travel moderately)


- Blistering Swords set as default formation for the Swords hyper; Spiral Swords activated with /Crown of Swords activated with
- Durability decreased on Spiral Swords formation
- Minimum scaling decreased to 10/10 respectively

+ Formation A1, A2 & C all active on first frame
+ Form B shot air ok, cancels all specials
+ Legion super given hyper durability, animal patterns set to one to minimize randomness
- Vajra assist generates a shorter knockdown period on confirm,
+ Formation C (WW2 Bomb) replaces Ame-no-murakami assist

+ Vanilla Slide and c. restored

+ Vanilla j. restored

- Hidden Missiles number decrease by 1/2 the number summoned when Doom is sniped as an assist
- Minimum scaling values decreased

Dr. Strange
+ 4 Way Air Dash OK
+ Daggers of Denak OTG (all variants)

+ Hitstun returned to Vanilla values (arf arf arf paper arf arf arf works again)
+ Cold Shot M replaces Solar Flare, Power Slash M replaces Bloom assist.

Chun Li
+ 2 way air dash OK
+ New Move Hazanshu, soft knockdown, hard knockdown or ground bounces (in relation to . and ) on hit, can OTG

- Unscaled 80K on up grapple removed

Phoenix (Jean)
+ Health buffed to 400K

Frank West
- Hitbox on slide re-evaluated

- Time alloted for OTG conversion decreased/no more bounce on air throw
+ Energy Javelin replaces Gravimetric Pulse assist

Viewtiful Joe
+ Red Hot Kick OTGs

+Toy Touch returned to Vanilla hitstun values

Iron Man
+ Vanilla mobility options restored with Ultimate dash changes

+ Assist selection changed to Flame Carpet, Dark Matter and Purification with minor tracking

+ Gains a Pipe Tomahawk move, hold L, M or H down, trajectory changed with button held. chucks one straight up that comes downward about one Haggar in front of himself, .is an arc upward to about mid screen, chucks one fast full screen forward but with decent start-up. Staggers on counter hit, soft knockdown on anti-air.

I know I suck at this but hey, might as well see how this is accepted.

Work still in progress.

SRK's Uncanny Marvel/Marvel ver.2013 thread went up and I tried to do my best while sneaking in some choice wants in here and there. What say you MarvelGAF?
You leave Nova alone.

Screw that buff him.

My idea for UMVC 2013.


Ghost Rider
Strider Hiryu
Doctor Strange
Iron Fist
Phoenix Wright
Rocket Raccoon
Frank West
Viewtiful Joe
Crimson Viper
Iron Man
Captain America
Dr. Doom
Super Skrull
Getting rid of Nova's grab range completely takes any threat Nova has on point away. The retarded grab range is what makes him a good character. How he opens people. He doesn't have great high lows and he has some left rights but it is the grab range that enables Nova to be good.

The time can be decreased a little but without the grab range, half his game disappears.

Azure J

Getting rid of dumb grab range is fine but what difference does it make if he gets less time to combo off a grab?

Oh damn, there I go with those double edit inputs. Someone was discussing with me a while back how grabs in Marvel work (something about everyone's ranges actually being the same but something in the look of animations making them look wider or easier than they are) and I wrote that much up as a result.
TK shot H
-buff tracking only as Dark Phoenix
-add more frames before it self-destructs only as regular Phoenix
TK traps L,M
-add more frames before naturally fade
Healing field
-heals red health during animated hypers instead of disappearing
-reduce damage while active by 10% as regular Phoenix
-reduce damage while active by 5% as Dark Phoenix
Just raise health back to 420,000

-Sticks Sparda into the ground.
-Can act as an OTG by calling it back.
-Round trips when called.
-Sparda returns automatically when blocking. Same as Round Harvest or round trip
-Can do Round Harvest while implanted. OTG's first, then scythe forms, and spins.
One move I'd hope Trish would get that she had in DMC2.

That's what I want and I'm sticking to it...
Though Healing Field looks iffy...



Old web throw was silly stuff, but being able to combo off it is far more important. Would not mind if they brought back that unscaled nonsense with the new properties. Old push back on his normals too. 900k to a million damage freeeeeeee.

In other news, Thor is fun in training mode. Gonna see what he can do.
Thor is really fun to play, that doesn't change how I feel about the character in terms of viability, but he's really fun.

Why is there a Wesker combo in this video, why is the music bad, why is there repeated footage. Terrible video, and that's really bad considering this is coming from the person who was supposed to come up with "High Impact Dante"

Azure J

I saw it as proving a point since Dark Wesker is one of the fastest killing XF3 characters around.

And High Impact Dante came out already, it's called the Spy May Stride series. Kappa.


Ahh, you have a point. I should try to look at things from different angles.

Just goes to show DT needs more use in general from both brothers. That last Dante combo was pretty stylin though.
Azure, I like your changes for the most part. Ones I disagree with:
-Assists don't add HSD to my knowledge. Outside of throws, HSD is 100% timer-based.
-Hsien-ko's armor can stay the same on point.
-Morrigan's mirrored Soul Fists don't build meter, FYI - I don't think she needs meter gain nerfed during AV
-No Dante buffs; he's fine.
-Replace C. Viper's Thunder Knuckle assist instead of Seismo.
-Why change Formation B's input?
-Why does Dr. Strange need an OTG?
-Give him a 4-way air dash at most
-Frank West doesn't need the nerf, he's well-balanced and needs something at level 1

Getting rid of dumb grab range is fine but what difference does it make if he gets less time to combo off a grab?
I'd like it if it just sped the game up. Sort of like Magneto's throw changes in Ultimate. You can't just fuck around and then pick me up two seconds later. He can still get full combos off the throws, just make it take a bit of effort.

TK shot H
-buff tracking only as Dark Phoenix
-add more frames before it self-destructs only as regular Phoenix
TK traps L,M
-add more frames before naturally fade
Healing field
-heals red health during animated hypers instead of disappearing
-reduce damage while active by 10% as regular Phoenix
-reduce damage while active by 5% as Dark Phoenix
Just raise health back to 420,000

-Sticks Sparda into the ground.
-Can act as an OTG by calling it back.
-Round trips when called.
-Sparda returns automatically when blocking. Same as Round Harvest or round trip
-Can do Round Harvest while implanted. OTG's first, then scythe forms, and spins.
One move I'd hope Trish would get that she had in DMC2.

That's what I want and I'm sticking to it...
Though Healing Field looks iffy...
Trish would get a move called "Implant".

Healing Field is still crap, it should always heal her red health if it is to be useful at all. Or make it damage based so she has to stay offensive, but not necessarily rush down.

Ahh, you have a point. I should try to look at things from different angles.

Just goes to show DT needs more use in general from both brothers. That last Dante combo was pretty stylin though.
When do you want to play our tournament matches?

El Sloth

Anyone know where I can find a good video on plink dashing? Also, one about movement in the game in general would be sweet.

Seriously considering whether paying for Shuma is worth it.
Anyone know where I can find a good video on plink dashing? Also, one about movement in the game in general would be sweet.

Seriously considering whether paying for Shuma is worth it.
I don't know any good videos on plink dashing, but I bet the Street Fighter community has put some great ones up about plinking in general.

I would watch a lot of Shuma-Gorath gameplay from good players before deciding on that one. You either want to be dedicated to him as a point character or really need his assist for your team to make it worthwhile. His combos are hard as hell.

El Sloth

I don't know any good videos on plink dashing, but I bet the Street Fighter community has put some great ones up about plinking in general.

I would watch a lot of Shuma-Gorath gameplay from good players before deciding on that one. You either want to be dedicated to him as a point character or really need his assist for your team to make it worthwhile. His combos are hard as hell.
Alright, thanks. I appreciate the advice.


if they tone down missiles, vergil and astral vision everything in this game will be fine.
I see no Zero in this post.

Iron Fist, PW and Hsien Ko would still be garbage. Magneto and Viper would be best characters in the game. Not much would actually change it's just that the top tiers wouldn't be so over bearing.

Just read those Chrisis changes and they aren't bad. IM needs a proper wave dash at the bare minimum as well. I like that he doesn't go overboard with the changes, I know I would if given the chance.

I think the "assist adding HSD" is a bit weird since HSD is mostly time dependent. I guess he means they should restore it to Vanilla status where assists weren't affected by HSD.

Blistering Sword for Vergil on default is TOO fucking good. LOLOLOL.... WTF!!!! Vergil basically gains cheaper high low, superior pressure and a godly zoning game.
Many Chrisis changes are mega ass. Highlighting the worst ones:
+Allow Akuma to cancel specials into demon flip.

C. Viper
+Allow DHC into EX Seismic hammer.

Chris (why not just call him "Deadpool"?)
+Give him an air 6C like his air 2C, except horizontal.
+Allow him to throw grenades while in the air.

-Reduce block stun on all standing normals.
-Remove meter gain in luminous body.

-Shadowblade hit/block stun reduced very slightly.
-Reduce duration of Astral Vision by 25%.
-Reduce base damage and thus meter gain of Soul Fist.

+Health buff to 1,150.
+Air version of Bionic arm straight down similar to bionic bomber.

+Return old gunshot float value.

Doctor Strange
+8 way air dash.

+Gamma charge air okay, works like the air follow ups.

+Faster recovery on forcefield, can combo from it on hit. Counts as throw starter for damage scaling.

+Small invulnerability returned to Berzerker Slash. Not to vanilla levels however.

+Crescent scythe has medium durability and thus destroys projectiles.

What is this shit?
Don't you have to change that if you want to get rid of the infinite?
You could find other ways, like changing the float it causes. Personally, I don't consider her infinite to be a problem, and I doubt it ever will be. No more than Super-Skrull's infinite is. A very long series of 1F links that do crap damage isn't worth nerfing a whole move over.

My big problem with his list is that I don't think he's considering his changes all that much. It's cool to do something like give Super-Skrull a 4 way air dash or remove the recovery on Kikoken. Those are good ideas. But then he has crazy shit like giving Magneto a 3F reversal that leads into full combos and giving C. Viper a DHC that's invincible and leads into ToD combos.
Give him the roll at lv1? It'd help a lot really. If they do that, they could move the kick specials to lv2 so that it's not left without any gained benefits.
I am fine with some changes but people are pretty much doing stupid shit when forgetting the core playstyle of the character.

Which is what I am expecting a lot of the lists to be. Stupid buffs and stupid nerfs.
Sven: "I'm satisfied with UMvC3 sales at this point and it continues to sell actively."


It's good to hear that Capcom went from displeased to pleased with the sales.

Give Frank West something so shitty Frank West players do something other than hail mary super jump forward.
It's like the Wolverine Dive Kick, minus the good. You can't blame baddies for spamming that!

OMFG I just got the following to work once (and probably only once):
Morrigan j.S, s.LM, c.MH, f.H, j.MMH, Soul Fist H, Fly, ADD, j.H, Soul Fist H, Unfly, s.MH, c.H, s.S, sj.MMH, Shadow Blade M, Fly, j.H, TAC up to Phoenix, j.MMH, f.H, Fly, j.MH, TK Shot L, Phoenix Rage -> Astral Vision, jump, Soul Drain, Fly, Soul Drain, j.S (hits into hard knockdown)

I could probably Soul Drain x Shadow Servant, but I as so shocked it worked that I didn't think of it until now. This will probably never work again, but I wanted to share.

Ended with 4.3 bars of meter. Not sure what the damage was because I was too excited.
Opponents please!

Edit: Bullshit discovered. If you TAC from a character to another character, and then back to the first character, the special move limit applies to that character as though they never left the air from their original combo.

In other words, if I do this with Morrigan:
s.S, sj.MMH, Shadow Blade, Fly, j.H, TAC to Phoenix

If Phoenix TACs back to Morrigan, I can Shadow Blade, but not fly cancel it.


Many Chrisis changes are mega ass. Highlighting the worst ones:
+Allow Akuma to cancel specials into demon flip.

C. Viper
+Allow DHC into EX Seismic hammer.

Chris (why not just call him "Deadpool"?)
+Give him an air 6C like his air 2C, except horizontal.
+Allow him to throw grenades while in the air.

-Reduce block stun on all standing normals.
-Remove meter gain in luminous body.

-Shadowblade hit/block stun reduced very slightly.
-Reduce duration of Astral Vision by 25%.
-Reduce base damage and thus meter gain of Soul Fist.

+Health buff to 1,150.
+Air version of Bionic arm straight down similar to bionic bomber.

+Return old gunshot float value.

Doctor Strange
+8 way air dash.

+Gamma charge air okay, works like the air follow ups.

+Faster recovery on forcefield, can combo from it on hit. Counts as throw starter for damage scaling.

+Small invulnerability returned to Berzerker Slash. Not to vanilla levels however.

+Crescent scythe has medium durability and thus destroys projectiles.

What is this shit?
The Akuma, Chris and Hulk buffs are nice but the rest are garbage.

I thought the list that Azure posted was the final one but I guess not... he DID went a bit overboard.

Half way through DmC... AAAAWWWW YYYYEEEAAAA
Trish would get a move called "Implant".

Healing Field is still crap, it should always heal her red health if it is to be useful at all. Or make it damage based so she has to stay offensive, but not necessarily rush down.

ha didn't even realize that. Maybe "Implanting" would sound nicer. I wonder why they didn't add that as a move to begin with? opens up a lot of new damage. especially for adding to traps and such.

Damage based? Her damage or the opponent? please explain
The Akuma, Chris and Hulk buffs are nice but the rest are garbage.

I thought the list that Azure posted was the final one but I guess not... he DID went a bit overboard.

Half way through DmC... AAAAWWWW YYYYEEEAAAA
I don't like the Chris changes because he meshes him more with Deadpool. Now all that separates them aside from normals is teleport vs. land mine.

I think giving Hulk an armored dive kick is stupid.

Akuma is already really good and safe just by jumping and throwing fireballs. I don't think it's a good idea to let him throw double fireballs while advancing or get free cross-ups from his fireballs (jump, qcf.H, rdp.H).

ha didn't even realize that. Maybe "Implanting" would sound nicer. I wonder why they didn't add that as a move to begin with? opens up a lot of new damage. especially for adding to traps and such.

Damage based? Her damage or the opponent? please explain
Naw, keep the amusing reference.

By "damage based", I just meant that she could heal whenever attacking an opponent. Fireballs would count, blocked attacks would count, etc.

Want to play?
Naw, keep the amusing reference.

By "damage based", I just meant that she could heal whenever attacking an opponent. Fireballs would count, blocked attacks would count, etc.

Want to play?

Oh. That would be interesting to see. But it won't be much of help if she is trying to dodge a teleporter. Say Vergil. If she's clipped, it's over for her.
Instead of having the opponent in the stupid bubble why not just heal her whenever. That would be helpful and it greatly helps Phoenix.
Man I could do this all day.

I'll play give me 15 min


FINALLY! lol! I've been watching this thread for a long time unable to post but my account just got accepted so hey gang. I would love to play some games with whoever a little later. do i put my XBL here? or is there a special section for them?
Oh. That would be interesting to see. But it won't be much of help if she is trying to dodge a teleporter. Say Vergil. If she's clipped, it's over for her.
Instead of having the opponent in the stupid bubble why not just heal her whenever. That would be helpful and it greatly helps Phoenix.
Man I could do this all day.

I'll play give me 15 min
I'd be cool with that change. It's just so crappy right now.

FINALLY! lol! I've been watching this thread for a long time unable to post but my account just got accepted so hey gang. I would love to play some games with whoever a little later. do i put my XBL here? or is there a special section for them?
I know that feeling. There's a spreadsheet in the OP with people's XBL/PSN listings on it.


Azure, I like your changes for the most part. Ones I disagree with:
-Assists don't add HSD to my knowledge. Outside of throws, HSD is 100% timer-based.
It's definitely not 100% timer-based. I have a theory that, depending on numerical value of damage caused and damage state (Ground Bounce, Wall Bounce, Crumple, Spinning Knockdown, etc) influences HSD.

When do you want to play our tournament matches?

What's your schedule like for the week?

Two things:

1. Does anyone here know exactly what Vanilla Dante's minimum damage scaling values were on specials and normals?

2. I fixed up some more of my proposed change list, check the post again for the details.

Pretty sure it was 15% for specials and 10% for normals.

Azure J

Pretty sure it was 15% for specials and 10% for normals.

Awesome, just wanted to make sure before I suggested my safe 10/10 for minimum scaling values on him. Haha, looks like it'll be 5% on normals and 10% on specials if I had to give him a buff of any sort.


Awesome, just wanted to make sure before I suggested my safe 10/10 for minimum scaling values on him. Haha, looks like it'll be 5% on normals and 10% on specials if I had to give him a buff of any sort.

5/5 is just... stupid, especially when they singled him out only for that scaling value. But it's clear they don't want Dante to be the character that can do everything. A jack of all trades but a master of none character.

Also I can't even find a proper changelog for Dante, SRK OP of Dante changes is lol. Don't even have damage nerfs like Volcano in the OP wtf?


Santa May Claus
5/5 is just... stupid, especially when they singled him out only for that scaling value. But it's clear they don't want Dante to be the character that can do everything. A jack of all trades but a master of none character.

Also I can't even find a proper changelog for Dante, SRK OP of Dante changes is lol. Don't even have damage nerfs like Volcano in the OP wtf?

The information provided by Capcom was just really vague in general regarding Dante changes in Ultimate. There were just these minor adjustments to the way all of his normals hit/pushed back, and only his moves. And some of his moves were double nerfed due to scaling.
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