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Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 |OT3| To infinites... and beyond!

Anyone else want to play?

GGs DeadPhoenix. What was up with Thor on that team? In that second to last match I didn't mean to DHC from Chaotic Flame to Finishing Shower. It was supposed to be a Shadow Servant input - very frustrating, haha. I was glad I got to use my anti-Phoenix tech with Morrigan a few times. It scares the hell out of me to burn X-Factor for the Phoenix kill with Morrigan.

5/5 is just... stupid, especially when they singled him out only for that scaling value. But it's clear they don't want Dante to be the character that can do everything. A jack of all trades but a master of none character.

Also I can't even find a proper changelog for Dante, SRK OP of Dante changes is lol. Don't even have damage nerfs like Volcano in the OP wtf?
The SRK OP of UMvC3 changes was done by everyone here and put together by Dahbomb IIRC. It was just stuff we picked up watching pre-release videos.
GGs Karst. Little ticked that I still am not getting anywhere with training...
Getting back to the wish list, phoenix should heal herself regardless of whether or not the opponent is in the field. You saw how dorm wasn't killing her until he was out of the field and bam. Dead Phoenix... It shaved about, what? Half of her health. before dorm hit her away then roasted her. She needs that so bad. Then she'd be viable on point again and crazy in back.

Things to work on:
learn Dorm's mix ups
Learn to just take chip as Phoenix with 5 bars
Snuff out morrigan, no matter what...

Eh I thought I'd abuse his meter gain move. Didn't use it much.
In other news morrigan is so annoying...
GGs Karst. Little ticked that I still am not getting anywhere with training...
Getting back to the wish list, phoenix should heal herself regardless of whether or not the opponent is in the field. You saw how dorm wasn't killing her until he was out of the field and bam. Dead Phoenix... It shaved about, what? Half of her health. before dorm hit her away then roasted her. She needs that so bad. Then she'd be viable on point again and crazy in back.

Things to work on:
learn Dorm's mix ups
Learn to just take chip as Phoenix with 5 bars
Snuff out morrigan, no matter what...
Yeah, that's why I generally don't value Healing Field. If you're facing Wesker or Vergil, it can help because all of their hypers keep them in physical range to heal her. But against someone like Dormammu it might as well not be there. Plus cinematic hypers ignore it, and most characters have a level 3 that's cinematic to use anyway.

The thing about Dormammu play is that whenever I tridash, I'm always looking to attack you from the side opposite of the one I'm on. This is because it's harder to block, and you can't anti-air me. So always block toward wherever I am in the air. At least, until you start blocking consistently and I air dash differently. :p

I got salty every time you landed a left/right TAC. I have a tendency to just take a deep breath whenever I get hit, so I'm not always mashing S yet. That actually worked to my advantage the one time you tried the TAC XFC exploit, but it's a bad habit in general.

The Vergil/Dante team was the hardest to deal with, which was even more annoying because you are clearly not well practiced with the characters, haha. -_-
Yeah, that's why I generally don't value Healing Field. If you're facing Wesker or Vergil, it can help because all of their hypers keep them in physical range to heal her. But against someone like Dormammu it might as well not be there. Plus cinematic hypers ignore it, and most characters have a level 3 that's cinematic to use anyway.

The thing about Dormammu play is that whenever I tridash, I'm always looking to attack you from the side opposite of the one I'm on. This is because it's harder to block, and you can't anti-air me. So always block toward wherever I am in the air. At least, until you start blocking consistently and I air dash differently. :p

I got salty every time you landed a left/right TAC. I have a tendency to just take a deep breath whenever I get hit, so I'm not always mashing S yet. That actually worked to my advantage the one time you tried the TAC XFC exploit, but it's a bad habit in general.

The Vergil/Dante team was the hardest to deal with, which was even more annoying because you are clearly not well practiced with the characters, haha. -_-
Wait, isn't she suppose to fall out of combos more easily? I remember simple combos even the ones that were enough to kill her always let her out. Did they not allow it this time? Or is the hit stun just good with Dorm? IDK.
So changing in Healing Field to:
Allow to heal during animated Hypers
Heal Phoenix regardless if the opponent is in the field
Sounds right. She would be able to survive a lot of crap. I wonder what it would look like if Someone did an anti Dark Phoenix tech only to see Phoenix didn't die and struggle to get her to die. Then bam Dark Phoenix. That would be funny for a while at least.

The TAC XF thing. I mashed down instead of side like an idiot. Wasted everything and I screwed it up and lost... horribly

It's not that bad, I don't know how to combo with a lot of the characters so I heavily rely on assist. I least you know that its the assist and not my skill...
But what do you think of my Phoenix, what am I missing?
Viewtiful Joe to be added to FChamp's list of Dormammu counters shortly.

Is chrisis just a troll or is he legitimately crazy?
He's a believer alright.

Wait, isn't she suppose to fall out of combos more easily? I remember simple combos even the ones that were enough to kill her always let her out. Did they not allow it this time? Or is the hit stun just good with Dorm? IDK.
That would be news to me, and I played her on point in Vanilla.

So changing in Healing Field to:
Allow to heal during animated Hypers
Heal Phoenix regardless if the opponent is in the field
Sounds right. She would be able to survive a lot of crap. I wonder what it would look like if Someone did an anti Dark Phoenix tech only to see Phoenix didn't die and struggle to get her to die. Then bam Dark Phoenix. That would be funny for a while at least.
Haha, that would be amusing.

The TAC XF thing. I mashed down instead of side like an idiot. Wasted everything and I screwed it up and lost... horribly
If it makes you feel better, it should exist in the game at all. :p

It's not that bad, I don't know how to combo with a lot of the characters so I heavily rely on assist. I least you know that its the assist and not my skill...
But what do you think of my Phoenix, what am I missing?
I really like your Phoenix, but you never tridash with her. It's always TK Overdrive or raw teleport. Her j.S has incredible range, and her j.H basically gives her a better version of Dormammu's rushdown game. j.L does quick high/lows and is hard to block. I haven't seen you use any of that stuff, so I would definitely start there.


Anyone else want to play?

The SRK OP of UMvC3 changes was done by everyone here and put together by Dahbomb IIRC. It was just stuff we picked up watching pre-release videos.

Sorry I didn't mean the general change log. I meant the changes to Dante specifically in the Dante thread.


I have beaten the game by the way. Full impressions are coming within the hour.

I missed some great Marvel matches today because of DmC.


We can do either. If you want to hold off on the tournament matches I'm good with casuals. Up to you.

How bout we do the tourney matches first, then go for casuals after? I'm on right now.

Also, the guide specifically states that HSD is applied to assist hits =)
GGs Karst, I was surprised Doom won as many games as he did hahaha
It's the finger gun + assist. Though as I think about it now, I suppose I should just Chaotic Flame it on reaction for the free Vergil kill. I did a lot of experimenting in our matches because I haven't had to deal with that before. I didn't mind stopping because I wasn't having a lot of fun.


It's the finger gun + assist. Though as I think about it now, I suppose I should just Chaotic Flame it on reaction for the free Vergil kill. I did a lot of experimenting in our matches because I haven't had to deal with that before. I didn't mind stopping because I wasn't having a lot of fun.

That... makes me sad =(. It wasn't that bad for me, except for when I fingers flubbed everytime I went for the anti-phoenix tech I kept forgetting the sequence lol.
That... makes me sad =(. It wasn't that bad for me, except for when I fingers flubbed everytime I went for the anti-phoenix tech I kept forgetting the sequence lol.
At the risk of sounding whiny...I like fighting games because I like...to fight. Your team is 3/4 of the "this is a single player game now" characters. Spencer zips in and gets his free offense over and over, Hidden Missiles everywhere for free blockstrings and combos, and then Vergil for endless blockstrings with Spiral Swords and Round Trip. There's just so much time spent blocking and waiting to be able to play again. It's the same reason Zero bores the hell out of me. It's nothing against you personally, I just don't find blocking for most of the match until I get hit and then hoping Dark Phoenix can save the day all that enjoyable. It gets to the point of pissing me off with how easy it all is, too. One button offense.

I did stupid things with Phoenix so often just because I'd rather risk dying than block Vergil + Hidden Missiles until X-Factor wears out and then get chipped to death. Ugh my brain.


To many people Morrigan is a single player character as well in that she forces you to block and take lots of chip.

But yea that's the future of Marvel. Single player characters and missiles.
To many people Morrigan is a single player character as well in that she forces you to block and take lots of chip.

But yea that's the future of Marvel. Single player characters and missiles.
Morrigan isn't like that without Hidden Missiles unless you're a moron, though. No one can stop Vergil. Spencer gets full combos from his fucking brain dead command dash. "Oh I think I'll travel this way - woops, got a combo!" He was my most hated character in Vanilla and they buffed him, ugh. Spider-man isn't even that stupid.

Morrigan doesn't get any additional pin from Astral Vision when she does her standard SouSouSou stream. The fireballs all meet and hit at the same point. Even so, I don't care about a small nerf to Astral Vision. I am skeptical it's a problem without Hidden Missiles, though. Especially when everyone is running terrible teams for the current meta at tournaments. Hell, if they want to remove Astral Vision and give her one of her other Darkstalkers hypers, I wouldn't even care. At least then everyone would recognize that she's terrible without Hidden Missiles and ask for buffs for her.
hey karst someonw made a vid of the anti phoenix tech you use

Indeed. I have a thread dedicated to Soul Drain on SRK. I'm a huge fan of the move. These are all the ways I know that Morrigan can kill Phoenix and ruin Dark Phoenix:

1) j.S, s.LM, f.M, qcf.S, dp.AA
2) j.S, s.LMH, s.S, sj.MMH, dp.M (XFC), qcf.S
3) dp.M/H, qcf.S (XF2 or 3 active, any time in a combo)
4) j.S, s.LMH, s.S, sj.MMHS, qcf.S, dp.AA
5) TAC to Morrigan, air dash down immediately, qcf.S, fly, ADD j.S, qcf.S, dp.AA
6) s.LMH, f.H + pinning assist, qcf.H, Astral Vision, qcf.S, fly, s.S, sj.MMHS, qcf.S, dp.AA

That last one steals 1.5 bars.

Yeah, it's definitely best to just let Morrigan chip you out. Morrigan has the worst rushdown plan in the game, so just be patient and let nature take its course. Of course, if Morrigan is willing to burn meter, Astral Vision makes Dark Phoenix's life hell. Not as bad as Dr. Doom when he's played right, but bad. I've actually gotten to the point where I wonder who doesn't have a sure-fire way to kill Dark Phoenix. Even fucking Thor can beat her.


Oh boy, this is finally taken care of and I can get back to some Mahvel. Were there any particularly noteworthy matches or streams from this week that I should go back and watch now that I have the time?
God's Beard's official master balance changelist for 2013

My goal here is to increase viability of all characters and increase the utility of lesser-used moves while not breaking established precedent(no x-factor burst or random new moves or unlimited air specials). Maybe make some things more fun as well while creating new possibilities.

  • X-factor values changed from 40/70/100% combined boosts to 20/50/70% combined(I don't want to break X-factor either way, but some of the boosts let to too many weird chip blockstrings and random brainlessness)
  • Post-TAC meter build scales to 0% in long combos(this should solve a lot of the TAC infinites while still letting people style on each other. Also allows low damage characters to convert off of a now-risker TAC)
  • Breaking a TAC causes a hard knockdown on the attempting character(TAC's aren't going anywhere but this would make people really consider if the risk is worth it)
  • Point character's health bar is moved to the top slot, anchor character is moved to the bottom
  • throw techs have increased pushback
  • mid-late combo damage scaling increased by 25%(I like this one because it keeps zoning/chip damage the same and it doesn't hurt characters that rely on odd hits, but decreases the overall damage of full conversions from combo-heavy rushdown characters by 100-200k and adds real reset incentives)
  • meter build from getting hit decreased by 25%
  • meter build from blocked attacks increased by 20% for both sides
  • invincibility on crossover counters increased
  • juggle limit on assists removed(aka the return of double snaps, baby!)
  • player match and offline versus added to Heroes & Heralds mode
  • all cards and Herald colors unlocked

  • Health increased to 800,000(from 750,000)
  • Startup on Ashura Senku decreased by 5 frames(now 9), can be guided left/right using the joystick if the S button is held down
  • new move: 22S(Bloom), builds 30% meter, lasts 120 frames
  • when choosing the counter assist, the THC hyper is now Veil of Mist
  • Can chain daggers in the air without limit
  • Heavenly Slash assist replaced with Scatter Crossbow
  • Armor break is now a soft knockdown
  • Shield Deflect startup now 3 frames(from 5 frames)
  • Cross Sword is now special-cancelable
  • Golden Armor now lasts for 1500 frames(from 1200)
Captain America
  • Shield Slash now returns immediately when offscreen, allowing better corner combos
  • Stars and Stripes assist is invincible until the 1st active frame, 30 frames of recovery after landing added
  • Backflip recovery reduced by 5 frames(now 29 frames total)
  • Total jump frames reduced by 6(now 40)
  • Airdash now travels 50% farther, retains same total active frames
  • Spinning Bird Kick and EX charge times reduced by 10 frames(now 25 and 50 frames)
  • Tenshokyaku is now dash-cancelable, floats opponent lower
  • Kikosho is now OTG-capable
  • Health increased to 900,000(from 850,000)
  • New Command Normal(Air Horizontal Shot): j6H, fires a pistol directly in front of Chris, otherwise exactly the same as Air Low Shot
  • Grenade Toss L assist replaced with Grenade Toss H
  • Chris' gun specials can now be canceled into Prone Position
  • Stun Rod now causes crumple on counter hit
Crimson Viper
  • New move added(AA Optic Laser): S(charge), same as Optic Laser but 45 degrees upward
  • Seismic Hammer assist now tracks up to max distance
  • EX Seismic Hammer invincibility reduced by 2 frames(now frames 1-14)
  • Invincibility on Devil Trigger removed
  • Can now airdash while charging Multi-Lock, startup reduced to 30 frames per shot(from 40)
  • Multi-Lock projectile delay increased to 80 frames(from 60)
  • Fireworks empty cancel window increased by 1 frame(previously a 2-frame window)
  • Sky Dance now locks in opponents on hit and always causes hard knockdown, no longer resets ground bounce limit
  • Teleport Malfunction now causes soft knockdown on Deadpool, allowing him to roll and OTG with Katana-Rama in the right situations
  • Trigger Happy H assist replaced with Ninja Gift H
  • 4th-Wall Crisis is now a level 2 hyper combo, follow-up walk animation on whiff is jump-cancelable and damage is reduced to 280,000 from 400,000
  • Liberation assist replaced with Power of the Destructor
  • Purification assist now tracks up to max distance
  • Dark Hole assist replaced with Dark Matter
  • Liberation(Creation 3) is now unblockable
  • Liberation(Creation 1/2/3) are now OTG-capable
  • Liberation(Destruction- and Creation-Mixed) are invincible from frames 1-20 but disappear if Dormammu is hit, meter build reduced by 30%
Dr. Doom
  • Hidden Missiles disappear when Dr.Doom is hit
  • Footdive only causes a regular groundbounce, no longer untechable
  • Molecular Shield projectiles move 20% slower
Doctor Strange
  • Daggers of Denak now have an active hitbox while floating in space
  • Daggers of Denak M now active after 15 frames(from 31), but still fire after 45 frames
  • Grace of Hoggoth total frames reduced to 24(from 40 frames)
  • Flames of the Faltine startup increased to 15(from 12 frames)
  • Illusion(counter) Teleport is now fully invincible until the end of recovery
  • Vitality increased to 900,000(from 880,000)
  • Cat & Mouse total frames reduced to 35 from 50
  • EX Charge startup reduced by 6 frames(now 6 frames)
  • Cat Spike M assist replaced with Delta Kick H
  • Kitty's Helper duration increased to 720 frames from 600 frames
  • Demon Missile H assist is now the fully-charged version
Frank West
  • New move(Shopping Cart):A+S(level 1 only), same as assist version, cancelable into Bottoms Up
  • Shopping Cart assist becomes a children's bicycle at level 5 that travels the same distance at half the speed
Ghost Rider
  • Health increased to 1,050,000(from 1,000,000)
  • Hellfire L creates a flame carpet on whiff with 5 durability points and hits 3 times that lasts for 150 frames
  • Heartless Spire is now Special-cancelable
  • forward dash is replaced by a run that continues until canceled with 1 hit of super armor. startup 15 frames
  • Hoodlum Launcher now has 1 hit of super armor during active frames
  • Rapid Fire Fist now connects properly when mashed
  • Shock Value is now special-cancelable
  • Violet Shot's poison effect now persists on tag out
  • Balalaika now lands slightly closer to Hawkeye
  • Gamma Tornado startup decreased by 3 frames(now 8/13/15 frames), recovery reduced by 10 on all versions to allow easier follow-ups
  • Health increased to 1,300,000(from 1,200,000)
  • New command normal(Bomb Toss): 4H, throws a 3,6, or 9-second bomb with the same frame data as Anki-Hou, is special-cancelable
  • Bombs removed from Anki-Hou
  • Senpu-Bu now cancelable during active frames
  • Houten Geki L/M/H versions startup reduced to 5/3/1 respectively
  • Forward dash total frames reduced to 30(from 50)
  • Airdash total frames reduced to 45 from 60, distance increased by 30%, cancelable after 5 frames(from 7)
  • Walkspeed increased by 25%
Iron Fist
  • Rekkas now negate pushblock
  • Launcher now forces a tech on airborne opponents
  • Rising Fang is now a standalone special move, not air-capable
  • Rekkas can now cancel into themselves
Iron Man
  • Smart Bombs affect a wider horizontal area
  • Launcher hitbox widened slightly
  • Crouching H now travels horizontally
  • Airdash 10-frame deadzone removed, can now be canceled after the 7th frame(previously frame 11)
  • Normals can no longer be canceled into airdashes
  • New command normal(knee dive): j2M, 9 frame startup, +10 on hit/block, activates flight mode on contact
  • Mad Beast invincibility removed, changed to a lvl 1 hyper and duration reduced to 240 frames(from 600)
  • Feral Crouch startup reduced to 4 frames(from 10)
  • Slide distance increased by 30%
  • Magnetic Blast now has "until landing" recovery
  • Crouching L is now even on block(was +1)
  • Attraction/Repulsion/Reverse Polarity can now be done in the air, recovery on all versions reduced by 5 frames
  • Hyper Grav M and H startup reduced by 2 frames(now 16 and 18 respectively), travel distance increased by 25%
  • Force Field is now special-cancelable upon activation
  • All assists become enhanced versions when Levels of Understanding are available
  • Flight mode duration extended by 60 frames(now 360 frames)
  • Soul Fist durability reduced to 4 low durability during Astral Vision
  • Can now block during ground dashes
  • Soul Fist assist replaced with Soul Drain
  • Health increased to 1,200,000(from 1,150,000)
  • Super armor on standing H increased to frames 8-27(from 10-24)
  • Super armor on crouching H increased to frames 12-27(from 16-27)
  • Super armor begins 3 frames earlier on all versions of launcher slam(now 7, 12 and 8 for L/M/H versions, respectively)
  • Standing Rocket Launcher now aims slightly downwards(~15-20 degrees)
  • Centurion Rush assist replaced with Energy Javelin, does not cause any special state on hit
  • Gravimetric Pulse H assist is always the level 2 version, does 100,000 damage to Nova rather than remove red health
  • Health increased to 400,00(from 375,000)
  • Trap L is now OTG-capable
  • Trap H assist replaced with Trap M
Phoenix Wright
  • Can no longer find bad evidence
  • Paperwork active frames increased to 40 for high version and 50 for low(from 25 and 30, respectively)
  • Better momentum early during dashes, allowing a faster wavedash
  • During Turnabout mode, theme song persists on tag out
Rocket Raccoon
  • Log trap durability increased from 10 to 12 low durability
  • Spitfire durability increased to 5 low durability
  • Mad Hopper is now OTG-capable, duration increased to 900 frames(from 600)
  • Grab Bag damage scaling reduced
  • Claymore and Grab Bag startup reduced by 5 frames(now 10 and 20 frames, respectively)
  • Shoryuken assist replaced with Hado Shoryuken, is invincible until the 1st active frame, 30 frames of recovery added upon landing
  • Tatsumaki assist replaced with Ren Hadoken, 3 projectiles
  • Now has one hit of passive super armor during flight mode
  • flight mode startup is now normal-cancelable
  • flight mode movement speed increased by 10%, duration increased by 16 frames(now 120 frames)
  • Slide distance returned to vanilla distance
  • Taking out the Trash hitbox widened, invincibility increased to 14 frames from 8
  • Emergency Stop now has super armor
  • Lights Out! now has super armor from frames 24-36
  • Overall size including all respective hit and hurtboxes increased by 25%
  • Can now move immediately after leaving Chaos Dimension, allowing easier follow-ups
  • Mystic Smash has a larger hitbox, making it harder to stuff with attacks and throws
  • Mystic Ray now pulls the opponent along its rotation
  • Throws now steal 50,000 health and 3000 meter(from 40,000 and 2000)
  • Air H and Strange Gaze now steal 1000 meter rather than doing damage
  • Airdash distance increased by 50%
  • Backdash invincibility starts from frame 3(previously frame 12)
  • Up grapple is no longer immune to damage scaling
  • Wire Grapple L now connects on all crouching opponents
  • Critical Smash damage increased to 200,000 from 157,500
  • Spider Sting assist now includes Spider Bite
  • Startup on all versions of Web Glide decreased by 6 frames(now 10 for upwards and 12 for downwards)
  • Capture state for all versions of web ball extended by 10 frames
  • limits on repeating air specials removed
Strider Hiryu
  • Vajra now -5 on block, assist version now soft knockdown
  • Ouroboros is now a level 2 hyper, duration decreased to 240 frames(from 420)
  • Ouroboros projectiles now do 1000 points of damage on hit or block
  • Formation B now lasts until fired or Strider is hit
  • Ragnarok is now a level 1 hyper, damage reduced to 200,000
  • Health decreased to 700,000(from 750,000)
Super Skrull
  • Worm Squash now causes soft knockdown on standing opponents
  • Orbital Grudge assist replaced with Meteor Smash. Tracks the opponent, doesn't hit overhead or cause a special hit state, OTGs
  • Can now airdash twice
  • Can now call assists during float
  • Startup on Fair/Foul Wind reduced by 5 frames(now 8 frames)
  • Startup on flight mode reduced by 6 frames(now 16 frames), duration decreased by 19 frames
  • Projectile immunity on Shield Skill reduced by 5 frames(now frames 6-15)
  • Projectiles reflected with Guard Master H travel at double speed
  • Startup on guard masters L/M reduced to 3 frames from 5 frames
  • Legion arrow max damage reduced to 325,000 from 347,500
  • forward dash is replaced by a run that continues until canceled with 1 hit of super armor. startup 15 frames
  • standing H has 1 hit of super armor from frames 10-20
  • crouching M negates low priority projectiles and beams during active frames
  • Standing and Air Mighty Hurricane M are replaced with anti-air and air-to-ground versions, respectively
  • Initial spark removed from Mighty Spark L, increasing the startup speed
  • Startup on all mighty strike versions decreased to 15-26 from 20-31, super armor now starts on frame 20 instead of 28
  • Mighty Speech startup and recovery reduced by 5 frames
  • Low Voltage durability increased to 5 low per shot from 3 low durability
  • Peekaboo capture state increased to 60 frames from 53, ignores hitstun decay, can only be used once per combo
  • Round Trip durability increased to 1 Medium Durability
  • Round Trip's ability to pull the opponent increased slightly
  • Flight startup decreased to 15 from 21 frames
  • Gustaff Fire negates pushblock during active frames(point version)
  • Bonne Strike M assist replaced with H version
  • Bonne Mixer M replaced with anti-air version
  • Startup of all Beacon Bomb versions reduced by 8 frames(now 25/35/25 frames)
  • Active frames of all servbot launcher projectiles increased by 20 frames(now 70/112/88 frames)
  • Crouching H now scales to hitstun normally
  • Spiral Swords durability changed to 6 High Durability(from 18 x 5 High Beam)
  • Spiral Swords changed to a level 2 hyper, follow ups Blistering Swords and Summoned Swords no longer cost meter
  • Spiral Swords now persists as an assist, but the timer still runs out during assist calls
  • Recharge glitch for Round Trip fixed
  • Invincibility on Devil Trigger removed
Viewtiful Joe
  • Groovy Uppercut assist replaced with H version
  • Startup on Shocking Pink reduced by 8 frames(now 16 frames)
  • Viewtiful Joe is now considered airborne during V-Dodge
  • Viewtiful God Hand slow down effect now lasts for 720 frames(from 600)
  • air S hurtbox increased
  • Shocking Pink assist glitch now works properly for both sides
  • Rhino Charge is now invincible from frames 1-5
  • 3 active frames added to all versions of Tiger Uppercut
  • Tiger Uppercut H max distance increased by 20%
  • Wesker's speed increased by 5% with glasses on
  • Wesker's speed decreased by 5% with glasses off
  • Speed/damage boosts from glasses broken removed
  • Jaguar Dash now always crosses through unless the second part is activated
  • Swiss Cheese can now be canceled into Drill Claw
  • Berserker Slash has projectile invincibility for frames 1-10 during Berserker Charge
  • Berserker Slash assist now tracks the opponent, always crosses up before max distance
  • Mirage Feint L now passes through projectiles/beams
  • Limit on repeated air Talon Attacks removed
  • Slice attacks can be canceled with S like Mirage Feints
  • Decapitating Slice(throw) startup reduced by 4 frames(now 22-41 frames)
  • Dirt Nap floats opponent slightly higher to accommodate randomness with follow-up capabilities
  • Health increased to 900,000(from 830,000)
  • Level 3 buster cancels off of lightning no longer shoot the bolt in front of Zero
  • It is now possible to repeat air specials
  • level 3 Buster durability reduced to 5 frames x 1 low
  • Health decreased to 800,000(from 830,000)
Rocket Raccoon

Log trap durability increased from 10 to 12 low durability
Spitfire durability increased to 5 low durability
Mad Hopper is now OTG-capable, duration increased to 900 frames(from 600)
Grab Bag damage scaling reduced
Claymore and Grab Bag startup reduced by 5 frames(now 10 and 20 frames, respectively)

I can live with that. That'd actually make me consider using net trap more often. I mean, it's slow as hell to come out, and if it does hit it scales everything to fucking hell making it unappealing tbh.

Still, the buff I'd want the most is for the traps to not disappear if he gets hit. Yeah I know it'd probably be too much but I still want it.
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