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Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 |OT3| To infinites... and beyond!

Hahahaha. All the Zero players on GFAQs (except MK9_Prodigy, good guy) are complaining about the idea of their character getting nerfed, saying they'll quit the game. Sounds like a Zero player.

See Beef, this is how you enjoy rumors.


Hahahaha. All the Zero players on GFAQs (except MK9_Prodigy, good guy) are complaining about the idea of their character getting nerfed, saying they'll quit the game. Sounds like a Zero player.

See Beef, this is how you enjoy rumors.

As a Zero player, I am 110% in favor of him getting nerfed. Mainly because I'm a fraud and can't do lightning loops anyway, so I don't want ANYONE to do them :D

Mr Goldenmyer

Neo Member
I posted this in the tournament thread thinking that was the OT (great first post from me), I'd like some more opinions please.

So I run a team of Spidey/Frank/Deadpool (I switch between Spiderman and Frank on point). Is this a decent team? I feel like Spiderman is my weakest character even though I've been playing him ever since Ultimate came out. I don't want to drop him cause he's so dirty but he seems like a he's holding me back. If I were to replace him, who would be a decent sub for him?

Dante was suggested and I'm also thinking Dorm. My team is basically a Frank West team anyways so these characters would help Frank a lot. And to Karsticles, what team do you run?

Mr Goldenmyer

Neo Member
Potential Spiderman -> Frank trick. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ob-bYREUKn4

Deadpool on anchor isn't the greatest, but it isn't the worst anchor in the game. What assist are you using?

Have you tried Nova? Nova can level up Frank to level 5 with 1 DHC, and can make good use of the shopping cart assist. He's also pretty easy to use.

I actually use that sometimes. I have a hard time landing a long enough combo but I'll use either that or a web throw to get Spiderman out. I use katanarama assist with deadpool because I can do spiderman resets and extend frank's combos for that extra point. I've been practicing Frank West resets too but they're mostly just for fun. I like that grimy stuff! I've been messing around with the Quick Work assist some though.

I've come to the realization that Deadpool anchor can be iffy so if I level Frank high enough I tend to DHC him out for Deadpool. I've never really though about Nova, I'm kinda bad with flight characters (I had wanted to pick up Iron Man for a Frank sub early on). I might take him into training some when I get to play again
3:30 of your matches shows the idiotic whiffs dp.L is capable of on Ghost Rider.

Also, use Ghost Rider's Alpha Counter, and use b.H to get assist calls out safely.

I totaly forgot about the awesome Alpha Counter, that would come in great use switching out Wright. Also I'm pretty sure with practice I could get a decent relaunch off of GR's assist.


Here's part of out matches yesterday Onion Frog. I started it at the time we started switching teams. Youtube has been giving some grief getting part 2 up so here's the first part.

Thanks Slasher, it's nice to be able to look back over the footage at my mistakes.
I liked the gimlet-> dancing flash finish in that first match. I'm looking forward to watching the rest of that link when I get home from work tonight.
Hahahaha. All the Zero players on GFAQs (except MK9_Prodigy, good guy) are complaining about the idea of their character getting nerfed, saying they'll quit the game. Sounds like a Zero player.

See Beef, this is how you enjoy rumors.
I'm totally okay with nerf to how safe zero is, but don't take away my combos. I need my loops... Same with vergil take away the stupid shit but let me keep them combos.
I'm totally okay with nerf to how safe zero is, but don't take away my combos. I need my loops... Same with vergil take away the stupid shit but let me keep them combos.
The stupid shit is the combos, though. For example, do you really think people would care nearly as much about Spiral Swords if it didn't loop at high damage? If Vergil could get max 350K from Rapid Slash x Spiral Swords, 450K with Dimension Slash, no one would give a crap. Ditto with Zero. If he were a reset character he would be reasonable. I'm not even sure how they could nerf Zero's neutral except for the buster cancel nerf, which is the way to nerf his combos, too.

Out of curiosity, if they lowered his damage and removed the loops, but left him the same otherwise, what would you think of Zero?
If by "lowered his damage" you mean to Firebrand levels, I'd be cool with it. Assuming his combos get shorter so I can't clean the house before I have to block again. I'm also totally okay with the lightning loops. They're really hard to do, the player earns them. Tone the damage down on them and they're fine. Just reduce Zero's max scaling damage and remove the buster cancel and I think he's very well balanced.
The stupid shit is the combos, though. For example, do you really think people would care nearly as much about Spiral Swords if it didn't loop at high damage? If Vergil could get max 350K from Rapid Slash x Spiral Swords, 450K with Dimension Slash, no one would give a crap. Ditto with Zero. If he were a reset character he would be reasonable. I'm not even sure how they could nerf Zero's neutral except for the buster cancel nerf, which is the way to nerf his combos, too.

I thought about this a long time ago, and basically you can Nerf zero buster cancel, but still allow him to get lighting loops. He would need an assist to get the character to a certain height before segumi which isn't too hard. It does really limit the teamates he can have though which kills diversity.

Or give him back the old hard knockdown buster if you remove the ability to cancel.
I thought about this a long time ago, and basically you can Nerf zero buster cancel, but still allow him to get lighting loops. He would need an assist to get the character to a certain height before segumi which isn't too hard. It does really limit the teamates he can have though which kills diversity.

Or give him back the old hard knockdown buster if you remove the ability to cancel.
So, to start lightning loops, Zero does qcf.M x buster, raikousen. What if they did something like made qcf.M cause a ground bounce when it OTGs so you can raikousen to start lightning loops? Or make his qcf aerials cancelable into raikousen and have qcf.M prop opponents up more after the OTG? It seems like there are a lot of options.

Keep Doom the same:( Just nerf missiles Doom on his own is fine.
Hidden Missiles nerf + system-wide TAC changes and I think he's fine. Maybe drop his minimum damage scaling a bit. I would like to see everyone in this game who does big damage and is not a heavy toned down a bit in the damage department. That's just my preference because I liked the MvC2 battle pace better.
GGs to Slasher, 976 games

Maya shield's hitbox is really annoying because it doesn't disappear when Wright is hit :-(

Wesker's first move when I teleport behind wright hits then he spins closer and the next hit does nothing. Do grabs work through the shield?

Also Karst I did a projectile counter vs Heartless Spire and killed ghost rider ^_^
GGs to Slasher, 976 games

Maya shield's hitbox is really annoying because it doesn't disappear when Wright is hit :-(

Wesker's first move when I teleport behind wright hits then he spins closer and the next hit does nothing. Do grabs work through the shield?

Also Karst I did a projectile counter vs Heartless Spire and killed ghost rider ^_^
Haha, grats.

Grabs do work through the shield.

The key to dealing with the shield if you rush down is to go straight into launcher or c.L into launcher at most. If you do a full ground string you're guaranteed to get pushed into the barrier and drop your combo.
I like vanilla Zero, even though he's much dirtier now. He had lightning loops, you just needed an assist. Only I wonder if you could've done sj.MM buster, teleport down, Sougenmu, lightning, because buster used to make them fall slower for combos. I miss that.
So, to start lightning loops, Zero does qcf.M x buster, raikousen. What if they did something like made qcf.M cause a ground bounce when it OTGs so you can raikousen to start lightning loops? Or make his qcf aerials cancelable into raikousen and have qcf.M prop opponents up more after the OTG? It seems like there are a lot of options.

Hidden Missiles nerf + system-wide TAC changes and I think he's fine. Maybe drop his minimum damage scaling a bit. I would like to see everyone in this game who does big damage and is not a heavy toned down a bit in the damage department. That's just my preference because I liked the MvC2 battle pace better.

Sure why not. Basically there was a lot less bitching about Zero in Vanilla so lets just go vanilla.

GGs to Slasher, 976 games

Maya shield's hitbox is really annoying because it doesn't disappear when Wright is hit :-(

Wesker's first move when I teleport behind wright hits then he spins closer and the next hit does nothing. Do grabs work through the shield?

Grabs work. It's highly effective with Wesker to just run up and command throw H and immeaditly start a combo, my brother does this to me all the time when he's Wesker and it's very effective.

Also Karst I did a projectile counter vs Heartless Spire and killed ghost rider ^_^

That was indeed cool. I tried experimenting with Wright/GR/Cap. It worked pretty well but I don't know how to do Cap combos I was mainly just using the assist. I was kinda proud that I managed to snap in Phoenix a couple of times to kill her. I never do this and I should do it more often. I always go for Tournabout vs DP.
Haha, grats.

Grabs do work through the shield.

The key to dealing with the shield if you rush down is to go straight into launcher or c.L into launcher at most. If you do a full ground string you're guaranteed to get pushed into the barrier and drop your combo.

I did that but I was still almost always too close because Wesker's launcher moves him forward a bunch.
Give Hulk and Thor a level 3. It could be the shittiest in terms of use level 3 I just want to see some cool shit

If you give Hulk a level three it better be this.

Wesker's counters are my favorite things about him outside of the normal jump gunshot, standing gunshot teleport confirm.

Why do they have to be so bad? Just an extra active frame or two, please ;_;

His projectile counter only has 13 active frames, Taskmaster's has twenty and is way more useful. Wesker's only tracks about a quarter of the screen. Ammy's even starts up a frame faster and has 4 more active frames while having more utility.

Looking at the frame data, it even seems like a deliberate nerf, they just pulled out two active frames and threw them into recovery compared to his high/low ones that also suck.
Wesker's counters are my favorite things about him outside of the normal jump gunshot, standing gunshot teleport confirm.

Why do they have to be so bad? Just an extra active frame or two, please ;_;

His projectile counter only has 13 active frames, Taskmaster's has twenty and is way more useful. Wesker's only tracks about a quarter of the screen. Ammy's even starts up a frame faster and has 4 more active frames while having more utility.

Looking at the frame data, it even seems like a deliberate nerf, they just pulled out two active frames and threw them into recovery compared to his high/low ones that also suck.
Dormammu's Dark Matter has a slower startup and only one projectile hit point while Chris' Magnum has 10 hit points and causes a hard knockdown while dealing more damage. What is this?!

Do you see how silly your comparisons are?
Why give him counters if you're just gonna make them suck though? Wesker's already nerfed to hell and back, at least give him the things that take skill to use.

Dormammu's Dark Matter has a slower startup and only one projectile hit point while Chris' Magnum has 10 hit points and causes a hard knockdown while dealing more damage. What is this?!

Do you see how silly your comparisons are?

No? Comparing a normal with a special move is kind of dumb. I'm comparing two moves that have the exact same utility.
No? Comparing a normal with a special move is kind of dumb. I'm comparing two moves that have the exact same utility.
No you're not. Wesker's counter teleports him into a full combo. Taskmaster's combo reflects the projectile. You think those deserve the same frame data?

And the point is that moves only make sense in the context of the whole character. Chaotic Flame, Shinkuu Hadoken, and Messatsu Gohado-Agyo all have the same basic role, but they have very different mechanics. It would be silly for me to complain that I can't aim Chaotic Flame, perform it in the air, or that it doesn't reach beyond full screen. They're different characters. Some characters deserve better beams than others, and some characters deserve better counters than others.
Why does Taskmaster deserve a better high counter than Wesker if they both can combo off of it when he already has better zoning, better normals, better hypers and more health? But the in-your-face guessing game character has the worst normal and hyper counters in the game?
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