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Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 |OT3| To infinites... and beyond!

I just thought up some new anti phoenix tech. With Hulk, kill her with whatever normal on the ground, then cancel into Impact Punch and charge to absorb the shockwave. X-factor and do AA grab.

Would that work?
Maybe, but my hunch is that she'll be able to air dash up and out of the range because there's so much stuff going on.


tagged by Blackace
Long OT post incoming:

The funny thing is that I feel you are the perfect target demography of DmC. You like swag combos, you like new tech, you like games with a certain level of depth and you like flash. Best of all you have no prior action gaming experience.
You got this all off of me liking MvC? LOL

Well I wouldn't say no experience, I rented Ninja Gaiden way back (original Xbox version) and liked it a lot because of how you had to be aware pretty much at all times of everything going around you and always scheming for your next, next move. I kinda find NG analogous to Dark Souls in a way, you have to be on top of your game at all times to survive and make the best decisions quick or else your fucked and the game does not pity you or tolerate defeat. Shit was hard as fuck for me though and eventually I had to return it before I finished it. And DMC4 which is collecting dust on my shelf because it never really engaged me, tempted to go back now but I don't have much time.

I suppose I am the target audience but the flash is selling me more than the gameplay on that one. The DmC demo felt kind of sluggish, not sure if its the FPS people keep harping on about or it's just designed that way. But from watching reviews at least, it seems like there's a great deal of satisfaction people get from switching between the myriad of cool looking weapons mid-combo.

MGR is appealing to me because its fast and as someone who hasn't played MGS since 1 but has ways been really intrigued by the franchise, it looks like it'll do just fine, especially with DAT GRAY FOX ALT. And now I know VR missions are in which were my favourite part of MGS1 so that's awesome. Put this together with me always wanting to buy a Platinum game, it reminding me of NG, the over the top presentation and complete disregard for conventions which creates this charm, my $40 pre-order randomly getting bumped to an LE (not selling I guess?) and it's hard for me not to be excited. I just wish there was more footage out.

Why do you say it's more ground based though? I see air combos, just not as often in trailers, etc. making me think its just them not showing them and aerial enemies, which I'm sure are in there somewhere, as much. Is it because of the amount of projectile-shooting enemies that are supposedly in the game that make the Ninja Run essential and deemphasize aerial combat or what?

The thing with action games is I've never really sat down with them like I do with fighting games, grinding out combos and practicing. I pretty much spend all of my time in Marvel in training mode just trying to nail down something basic or to try and experiment with stuff. With Marvel at least I understand the purpose of stuff like launchers, ground chains, resets, etc. the elements of combat in general. With action games (I know NG and DMC vary a LOT, more specifically to DmC) I've never really figured out what is most efficient, what I should be doing, does damage scale, do I have to keep using something different for me to continue doing damage, when should I use Devil Trigger (Im the kind to OCD save every resource I can for a boss) etc. Stuff you never really see a tutorial or explanation for because I suppose a lot of it is second nature to vets of the franchise. Partially because I've never actively looked and have gotten by more or less mashing. I want to change that with MGR though now that I'm much, much older than I was when I played NG, and I can put some effort into figuring the ins and outs of this basic stuff before I can feel confident styling on fools.
Well I wouldn't say no experience, I rented Ninja Gaiden way back (original Xbox version) and liked it a lot because of how you had to be aware pretty much at all times of everything going around you and always scheming for your next, next move. And DMC4 which is collecting dust on my shelf because it never really engaged me, tempted to go back now but I don't have much time.
A man after my own heart.
Feel-good moment of the night for me in Marvel: a Vergil tried to jump back and Helm Breaker, and I did Frank's capture hyper which killed him.

I think I might learn to use Hawkeye. Panda, since you're the Best Hawkeye in the World™, do you have any advice?
LOL GB, Noel Brown is theorycrafting Wolverine/Doom/X-23 right now.

Holy shit, Noel knows nothing about Morrigan. I asked if she should be nerfed, and he compared Astral Vision to Berserker Charge. Then he said all of the following:
1) Dark Harmonizer provides twice as much meter as Frank and Ammy's assist.
2) Soul Fist has "crazy durability" and is a great assist.
3) Shell Kick causes a soft knockdown.

He also thinks her fireballs should disappear if she gets hit, "like Sentinel Force". Ridonculus.

Damn, and he wants some invincibility back on Berserker Slash.

Noel Brown: "KFC is better than Popeye's".


LOL GB, Noel Brown is theorycrafting Wolverine/Doom/X-23 right now.

Holy shit, Noel knows nothing about Morrigan. I asked if she should be nerfed, and he compared Astral Vision to Berserker Charge. Then he said all of the following:
1) Dark Harmonizer provides twice as much meter as Frank and Ammy's assist.
2) Soul Fist has "crazy durability" and is a great assist.
3) Shell Kick causes a soft knockdown.

He also thinks her fireballs should disappear if she gets hit, "like Sentinel Force". Ridonculus.

Damn, and he wants some invincibility back on Berserker Slash.

Noel Brown: "KFC is better than Popeye's".
Good god, even I would make better balance decisions than that. I dont normally state things that are that far from reality either.
I really don't think much needs to change on morrigan, she's only really oppressive with hidden missiles(but who isn't?). Maybe reduced meter building while in astral vision.

I don't really think wolverine needs any changes either, he's a solid character just not as OP as some other characters.


Vergils gonna helm break. It's pretty much the one option for trying to avoid actually having to block a devious incoming mixup. I felt much chagrin getting Web Thrown by Spider-Man out of an incoming Helm Breaker recently when playing Slasher's friend. I did the most obvious thing and he read me like a book.


I suppose I am the target audience but the flash is selling me more than the gameplay on that one. The DmC demo felt kind of sluggish, not sure if its the FPS people keep harping on about or it's just designed that way. But from watching reviews at least, it seems like there's a great deal of satisfaction people get from switching between the myriad of cool looking weapons mid-combo.
Game is as fast as the player thanks to the cancels available in the game. This is the tip of the iceberg in terms of swag:


LMAO you haven't played a MGS game since 1. What am I going to do with you ENZO???

Dahbomb, link your DmC review for me?
Review: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=46377119&postcount=1670

Frequently Asked Questions: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=46303048&postcount=620

Why do you say it's more ground based though? I see air combos, just not as often in trailers, etc. making me think its just them not showing them and aerial enemies, which I'm sure are in there somewhere, as much. Is it because of the amount of projectile-shooting enemies that are supposedly in the game that make the Ninja Run essential and deemphasize aerial combat or what?
The air combos are extremely limited in MGR especially compared to something like a DMC game and Bayonetta. It has more weight and less options in the air meaning you can't stay nearly forever up there. In DMC3, DMC4, DmC and Bayo... you can essentially combo for MINUTES in the air. That is the standard for godly air combos.

This is aerial combos and combat: http://youtu.be/60OL9J0yrik?t=2m26s

This isn't a knock against the game because MGR is more about blocking, countering/parrying, knocking them back or tripping them up to cut them etc. It's more about actual ground combat... the aerial combos are just for swag purposes but you are ranked more on efficiency than style.
LOL GB, Noel Brown is theorycrafting Wolverine/Doom/X-23 right now.

That team is going to sound like a real good idea until he starts trying to play it. In reality there are very, very few ways to make a Dirt Nap team work, and they're all an incredible struggle. There are so many little problems with Dirt Nap teams that you'll spend days working on something just to realize that you have to go back to the drawing board.

If you ask me, Morrigan/X-23/Doom is the only one in the game that works, and even then it's really hard to use.

Game is as fast as the player thanks to the cancels available in the game. This is the tip of the iceberg in terms of swag:


Meh, I don't really like the way air combos look in DMC games. All the jump cancels make them look kind of dumb and exploity instead of actually stylish. I'd rather have the upside-down slow motion slashing of MGR. I think the pull-push moves and the charged explosion are way cooler than the air stuff in DmC.


Elaborate on Dorm/Dante a little bit plz? Right now I'm working on Mags/Dante/Doom but I love Dormammu and would love to know how well he and Dante work together


Here you go, Solune. Free wins.

Elaborate on Dorm/Dante a little bit plz? Right now I'm working on Mags/Dante/Doom but I love Dormammu and would love to know how well he and Dante work together
Against rushdown, it lets you charge Dark Spells with ease behind a wall. Against anyone else, jump, air dash up, fly, fly-dash across the screen, Jam Session + Mass Change is an unavoidable mix-up. Excellent combo extender in all positions and good DHC synergy. Amazing resets, Jam Session blocks provide a second mix-up attempt for you (multiple variances), etc. It's just really good.

Azure J

After playing a friend who dabbled with/has a new sub team of Dante/Dormammu/Magneto and witnessing first hand the bullshit that is trying to get in on tridashers backed by Jam Session, Attraction/Repulsion/Gravitation into Dark Hole/Session, and landing clean hits on a Dormammu that's summoning Armageddon on you...

I fucked up something horrible not learning that team/keeping it handy as an alt. :lol :lol :lol

Is Dante code word for Nina now?

God damn.
Well my whole strategy with Wesker/Dormammu/Magneto was DHC to Stalking Flare, build up liberation, use another stalking flare to get back in and pin down the opponent for wesker.

But I can just use cold star and get more active frames for better mixups even if they're solo Wesker. And to be fair, Liberation with Wesker is not really optimal for much other than getting a combo on people running away in the air.

Which is a problem.
Well my whole strategy with Wesker/Dormammu/Magneto was DHC to Stalking Flare, build up liberation, use another stalking flare to get back in and pin down the opponent for wesker.

But I can just use cold star and get more active frames for better mixups even if they're solo Wesker. And to be fair, Liberation with Wesker is not really optimal for much other than getting a combo on people running away in the air.

Which is a problem.
It's almost like Liberation isn't actually a good assist...
i think i am gonna put my spencer team on the shelf for a while.

i think i enjoy the game a little more with nova/taskmaster/akuma. i kind of like using the vertical arrows assist a lot more than horizontal. i like the dhc synergy between POWER OF THE NOVA FORCE and up arrows too.


i think i am gonna put my spencer team on the shelf for a while.

i think i enjoy the game a little more with nova/taskmaster/akuma. i kind of like using the vertical arrows assist a lot more than horizontal. i like the dhc synergy between POWER OF THE NOVA FORCE and up arrows too.

I've been thinking of using Nova-b/Task-a/Spencer-B myself actually. That DHC synergy hits surprisingly hard.

Speaking of Spencer, I think you did GX loop on me during one of our matches (or FSLink I'm not too sure). Can you give me some tips on that sequence ? I've been trying to land that combo and the first two thirds I'm able to do fine I'm assuming but when I do 6Zip, 6Zip, 3Zip, 2H, 236H~L, I just can't seem to land and do 2H in time for them to pop into the up Wire Grapple. I'm not sure if what I'm doing wrong is not doing the first part fast enough, need to speed up the zip line corner press or just slow down either the zip lines press or just overall.


Wright's Maya hyper hits low. Hsien-ko's Tenrai Ha hits high. It would be hilarious to put them both on a team for the unblockable DHC, haha.

There's your anti MorriDoom tech!

Picture a Spencer/PW/Dante team. When you get 3 bars and Doom's assist shows up, THC and X-Factor! Dante's hyper lasts time enough for you to open Morrigan up, while Doom is already being hit. With x-factor you kill then both and only have 1 more character to deal with. Perfect solution!

mr. puppy

There's your anti MorriDoom tech!

Picture a Spencer/PW/Dante team. When you get 3 bars and Doom's assist shows up, THC and X-Factor! Dante's hyper lasts time enough for you to open Morrigan up, while Doom is already being hit. With x-factor you kill then both and only have 1 more character to deal with. Perfect solution!

my mind is fucked.

too bad PW is so free to incoming or that would be a great team.
I've been thinking of using Nova-b/Task-a/Spencer-B myself actually. That DHC synergy hits surprisingly hard.

Speaking of Spencer, I think you did GX loop on me during one of our matches (or FSLink I'm not too sure). Can you give me some tips on that sequence ? I've been trying to land that combo and the first two thirds I'm able to do fine I'm assuming but when I do 6Zip, 6Zip, 3Zip, 2H, 236H~L, I just can't seem to land and do 2H in time for them to pop into the up Wire Grapple. I'm not sure if what I'm doing wrong is not doing the first part fast enough, need to speed up the zip line corner press or just slow down either the zip lines press or just overall.

i assume you're using this as your point of reference:(http://youtu.be/p3MnQ0ZZzHg)

to be honest, i came up with a variation for midscreen i like to use the "old" zip loop, because it requires less timing and i can use wesker's otg assist to bring them into the corner for another up grapple and bionic maneuvers.
i do this for two reps after the initial up-forward zip:
j.M, j.H, df zip, S
on the third rep of the loop:
j.M. j.H df zip, df zip, cr.H xx up grapple

the trick is to do this fairly fast from the beginning, so that the df zip x2 catches the opponent rather high, then you'll be able to land and catch them with the cr.H upgrapple. it doesnt carry corner-to-corner, but it can take them there from roughly 3/4 of the screen.

if you decide to start the loop near the corner, you just take out the last rep or even the second rep of the loop.
solo, after you land from the df zip in the corner, you can do s.S sjc up grapple, tk bionic bomber xx bionic maneuvers.

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
There's your anti MorriDoom tech!

Picture a Spencer/PW/Dante team. When you get 3 bars and Doom's assist shows up, THC and X-Factor! Dante's hyper lasts time enough for you to open Morrigan up, while Doom is already being hit. With x-factor you kill then both and only have 1 more character to deal with. Perfect solution!

Too bad that last character is either Vergil or Strider.

I need to research what Kusoru did to F.Champ's Phoenix. I always say "I'm gonna do that" and then the next day I completely forget it.

Kill her on the ground, roll, AA Grab super

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
Only if you need to. You can probably just cancel into the roll from something but Kusoru was using a super. Then aqgain you probably want xfactor just to make sure the throw kills
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