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Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 |OT3| To infinites... and beyond!

I think my theory ultraspam/Morridoom fighting team might be Nova/Vergil/Hawkeye. I would avoid the spam as much as possible, and when I got two meters I would Human Rocket through it, comboing on hit, and DHCing to Spiral Swords on block for more mixups. I could also bring in Hawkeye to chuck some plasma of my own.

The problem is people are so afraid when the chip starts happening. You have to just let it be, and stick it out until her gauge is low. Granted, this doesn't give you much opportunity, but I'm saying there's a chance ;)

Wish Iron Man was less meh so dat Unibeam could do it's thing. Cap isn't so bad against her too, dat shield and charging star can help, it's just no one at that top level go anywhere near those characters really (outside of Alukard)

Dante, Strider, and Haggar are his best partners IMO.

Oh god, I don't remember the player's name, but I've seen that beast Chris and Haggar team. Works so well. Haggar's just not a player I care about using =/ Dante is possible, just I haven't had much luck with him on the controller. Gotta try to get a stick early this year.

Thanks for the advice.


Hey guys, been following this thread for what seems like forever. Finally have an account!

I'd love to get bodied by some of you. lol. Any of you with a PS3 care to game? I'm not that good, but enjoy playing for fun. I have Chris in my team, so yeah, I play for fun. :p
Yay, someone else who plays Chris too. LLND dropping him hurts, but at the same time, I like watching an actual good Chun player on the West Coast.
I love watching GCYoshi on stream, and youtube. It's taught me a lot. My problem, is I prefer PS3 pad. I don't have any good sticks now or anything. I know there are good players with pad, but I drop far too much stuff.

I'm also looking for good compliments to him, so I like Cap, Frank, Sentinel, Wesker and trying to learn Vergil.

I'm not really a fan of Haggar with Chris but other characters that have good synergy.

Other RE characters

I haven't tested other characters that extensively, but those are all the teammates I've played with him in the past.
Yay, someone else who plays Chris too. LLND dropping him hurts, but at the same time, I like watching an actual good Chun player on the West Coast.

I'm not really a fan of Haggar with Chris but other characters that have good synergy.

Other RE characters

I haven't tested other characters that extensively, but those are all the teammates I've played with him in the past.

Cool! Thanks for the info. I'd love to learn Strange, actually. Spencer is fun, but those tiger knees are a toughy on my control pad I'm using. Love Wesker on my team though.

Do you have PS3? Would be down to play sometime for sure.


Cool! Thanks for the info. I'd love to learn Strange, actually. Spencer is fun, but those tiger knees are a toughy on my control pad I'm using. Love Wesker on my team though.

Do you have PS3? Would be down to play sometime for sure.

Strange is more intensive to learn than Spencer IMO, but his assists are great for Chris' zoning and extension.

Yup my PSN is Sollune, My list is probably full, but i'll go through and delete some people later. Feel free to add yourself to the spreadsheet if you haven't already and I'll add you after.
Strange is more intensive to learn than Spencer IMO, but his assists are great for Chris' zoning and extension.

Yup my PSN is Sollune, My list is probably full, but i'll go through and delete some people later. Feel free to add yourself to the spreadsheet if you haven't already and I'll add you after.

Yeah, I'll give Strange a good shot, I do like using Spencer even if I'm a mess at his combos right now.

Oh, and I also play Wright for fun. xD

Added myself to that Spreadsheet, thanks!

Azure J

Out of Live again. I'm demoted to full time lab warrior again. :(

That being said, I think I've figured out something extremely dumb based on the meaty Grapple reset with Dante. If you have the timing down, you have access to an unblockable (and thus safe) raw tag. Even dumber is depending on who you're tagging in, that's a free combo.
Can someone answer this for me? Nova/Spider/Doom man can do the same stuff as Nova/Spencer with the hard tag combo extender except with Spiderman you want to put them in the air when the hit decay maxes out and put them into the Ultimate web throw reset while covering yourself with Doom Missles to keep you safe.

I wish my execution was better in this game....

Azure J


The dream...is dead
Niitsuma: I am truly sorry. I am sorry, but I can't explain it all here. Due to various contract issues we can't do updates the way SFxT does.

Not to be a hopeless optimist in the face of the truth, but isn't this exactly why people are lobbying to Marvel currently after Capcom has said many times before that their contract/license with Marvel is the reason why they can't go wild with updates/new content?

Am I missing something?
Just-Frame Throw Glitches
Who knew that a throw could cancel out Dirt Nap?


The dream...is dead
Niitsuma: I am truly sorry. I am sorry, but I can't explain it all here. Due to various contract issues we can't do updates the way SFxT does.
Cool stuff. I'm not too put off by what Niitsuma is saying since "I HAVE NO HOPE!"

I'm not sure who the just-frame throw stuff is a glitch. It's likely intentional, yes? I've always wondered that since Vanilla was released, so I'm glad someone showed me.

Not to be a hopeless optimist in the face of the truth, but isn't this exactly why people are lobbying to Marvel currently after Capcom has said many times before that their contract/license with Marvel is the reason why they can't go wild with updates/new content?

Am I missing something?
Er, no you are not missing anything. I agree with you.
Would anyone (Slasher?) want to make an informational video with me about how to counter Vajra? I'm tired of seeing players get stomped by it and would like to make a video showing all the options the cast has to beat it. I don't have a recording setup, but I can figure out all the counters.

Vajra is a great assist and an excellent tool, but I total agree with you Karsticles there are so many counters to it that it's hard to get too mad at it. It's almost as vulnerable as hidden missiles. As soon as you see Strider, you have enough time to setup a counter hit. Just don't forget about the on point character. Even some normals can beat it. Even weak normals, Wrights stand L and M beat it. Then you have normals like Hulk that just rip it to pieces. Even if that fails most of the cast can probably do a Hyper on reaction. I would think every person in the game as a decent answer to it. I wouldn't mind filming it, if you could help make a list of good counter per character.

Yeah, I'll give Strange a good shot, I do like using Spencer even if I'm a mess at his combos right now.

Oh, and I also play Wright for fun. xD

Added myself to that Spreadsheet, thanks!

Welcome to Marvel GAF. Just message me anytime on PSN and I'll play with you. Plenty of people can help you with your characters. We even have a couple of good Wright's here for ya.


Not to be a hopeless optimist in the face of the truth, but isn't this exactly why people are lobbying to Marvel currently after Capcom has said many times before that their contract/license with Marvel is the reason why they can't go wild with updates/new content?

Am I missing something?

The thing is it's probably cost-prohibitive based on what they stand to make compared to all the legal nonsense costs to update the contract and legal bs. So that's where optimism is probably hopeless.
Okay Karst, I'm testing all the Capcom's characters moves right now, but you have to remember that ease of use and timing are key factors. For example Jill's S.S works but it's very tight timing so it's not optimal as a inconstant counter. Then we have Nemesis S.H. works but it also works well in the standing position and while moving and the leeway for the hit to connect is greater. So I will not count Jill's S.S. but will count Nemesis S.H. So for Jill I have 6 moves that counter but am only counting 4 because the other two are to strict. Also combo abilities that follow the counter attack too will be included if can be.
I'll give you a hand Karst. You do the Marvel characters and I'll do the Capcom characters.
I'm good - let me do my part. The video will take you forever, I promise. Here's the list so far if you want to start recording, and what I plan to post on SRK with the video once it's done (I found Jill's launcher easy to time, personally):

Here is an attempt at a comprehensive list of moves that beat Vajra assist (and Vajra, but the list is intended for the assist). I only care about moves that work reactively, not predictively (thus, a move like Frank’s qcf.M is not on here). If I could beat Vajra with a move within 3 tries after seeing him appear on the screen and teleport, I put it on this list. Everything on here is realistic. If there was a clear way to lead to a combo from the hit, or if I took the time to figure out a realistic kill combo (or close to), I listed that. Otherwise, I just listed the move as an option so people could be aware of what’s out there – maybe others will find things I missed, or have ideas I didn’t.

“High Air” is not what normals work at high altitudes, since that would be the same list as “Low Air”. It’s a list of conversions that work particularly well at high altitudes and moves that hit because you superjump on reaction to Vajra, and the momentum from your jump makes certain moves able to hit that can’t during a normal jump. Anything at low altitude works at high altitude in terms of hitbox priority, so I won’t list it in both sections. So, if “High Air” is an empty section, that means I didn’t find anything that works only at “High Air”.

Assists do not benefit from hitstun or damage decay and fall into hard knockdown. That means many combos work on assists that do not work on point characters, such as s.M, Dark Matter with Dormammu, or s.S, Fire Bottle with Arthur. Be creative, and hopefully we’ll see people superjumping to block this assist less often.

High Air:
j.M, qcf.M…

Low Air:
j.MHS, j.MMHS…

s.S, sj.MMHS

High Air:

Low Air:


High Air:
j.H, j,d+H (during ascent)

Low Air:


High Air:

Low Air:
j.HS, s.M


Phoenix Wright:
High Air:

Low Air:


High Air:
j.MMH, qcf.H

Low Air:


High Air:

Low Air:


Frank West:
High Air:

Low Air:


High Air:

Low Air:

dp.H (seriously)
Shit Karst I already started figuring out part of the Capcom side. Arrrgg. Oh well. Actually my lists is almost identical to yours except I was including special moves and hypers. Like for Firebrand technically you are right with his normals but are really tight to pull off, especially in mid match so I labeled them LO for Less Optimal. I think is only reliable method is the land or air flame hyper. Works 100% of the time. Other than Wright I think it's sport on thoguh.

Phoenix Wright

S.L, S.M, S.H all work beautifully as does J.L. J.M and J.H

I couldn't get the ground series to connect either in any situation.

Then there's also S.H in Trial that connects easily.

Tournabout H can be mashed and still hit as well.

Then there's techincal stuff like paper. Paper trades every time except for tournabout which wins 100% of the time.

I'll let you keep going cause you are going at a much faster rate than me but please include specials and hypers because they are really important IMO.
Shit Karst I already started figuring out part of the Capcom side. Arrrgg. Oh well. Actually my lists is almost identical to yours except I was including special moves and hypers. Like for Firebrand technically you are right with his normals but are really tight to pull off, especially in mid match so I labeled them LO for Less Optimal. I think is only reliable method is the land or air flame hyper. Works 100% of the time. Other than Wright I think it's sport on thoguh.

Phoenix Wright

S.L, S.M, S.H all work beautifully as does J.L. J.M and J.H

I couldn't get the ground series to connect either in any situation.

Then there's also S.H in Trial that connects easily.

Tournabout H can be mashed and still hit as well.

Then there's techincal stuff like paper. Paper trades every time except for tournabout which wins 100% of the time.

I'll let you keep going cause you are going at a much faster rate than me but please include specials and hypers because they are really important IMO.
I'm including specials, but not hypers. If you get through all the recording for the normals and specials and really want to do hypers, I'll include them, but I'm not a big fan of having to use meter to kill Strider when you can do it without.

I found the Firebrand normals really easy to pull off. You might have found it hard because you don't play the character, but I landed his j.S 10/10 times against Strider while trying to see if there was a good follow-up. The j.H is harder, but I suspect that people will be willing to take 15 minutes in training mode and learn the timing on their counters. Not all of it will be brain dead, y'know?

Vergil is such a douche...
I'm not a big fan of having to use meter to kill Strider when you can do it without.

I think it's important because you might not always be able to do normal combos on Strider with a moving point character. I have a bad habbit of nailing the assist character and whailing on them while the point character hit's me and does even more damage on me than I got on the assist character. It's a risk to attack the point character with normals and to continue the combo. Hyper tend to have small invincibility frames and push the point character back and overall are safer.

Anyway once the list is up I don't think it would take too much time to record it. We'll see.


I just think it's funny that it took you 1000 games to arrive at this, I have been saying to use that team since practically the game came out. The team is very solid especially for new comers... you just have to get used to playing Magneto as mostly for EMD purposes. Replacing Magneto with Strider works well to deal with problematic match ups.
Fuck strider unless he's on point and fuck point magneto. I hate Vergil but he gets the job done and I don't have to learn a ton of crap just to fill in some of Wesker's weaknesses. I knew that it was a team I should be playing a long time ago, but I hate Vergil's guts. Such a stupid character. They should have put Nelo Angelo in.

edit: or given him Concept Art Vergil as his alt.
Fuck strider unless he's on point and fuck point magneto. I hate Vergil but he gets the job done and I don't have to learn a ton of crap just to fill in some of Wesker's weaknesses. I knew that it was a team I should be playing a long time ago, but I hate Vergil's guts. Such a stupid character. They should have put Nelo Angelo in.

edit: or given him Concept Art Vergil as his alt.

What's wrong with point Magneto? I agree with Strider though. I feel like everyone deems him as this great anchor, but he's pretty pointless w/o orbs. Even his advance level 3 x-factor combo takes way too much time (the one with the bomb drop and everything).
Aside from Dark Phoenix and Vergil, who do think is a better anchor than Strider (with or without orbs)?

I mean in general like situations where you bust a nut and burned x-factor at level one or two. If that's the case Strider just becomes useless, and I think that's why we have seen players like Cl0ckw0rk even go as far as to raw tag strider in so he can run strider/ammy assist every time he burns x-factor early.

Like for example lets say you play Champs Mag/Dorm/Doom team against Chris G. Chris G Morrigan putting soul fist up Dorm's ass. Obviously you need to keep Dorm alive so Champ burns X-factor to save Dorm. Lets just say Dorm able to kill Morrigan, but Chris Vergil kill Dorm. So now you have Doom vs Vergil/Doom both w/o x-factor. It's not out of the realm of possibility for Champ to still win. Right? One foot dive and he's back into the match, two foot dive and he wins.

Strider? Forget about it.. you would need like 8 resets.

Another example... let say you run Marn's team Zero/Vergil/Strider, and you're playing Infrit. Infrit gets his flowchart going and kills Zero/Vergil. Now you're left with Strider with x-factor and 4 levels.

You activate x-factor, and then you activate orbs. The time that orbs last isn't long enough to get you to make that comeback. Even if your mix ups hit you're only going to kill Nova/Spencer, and you still have to deal with the robot (a good match up in your favor), but he has x-factor so you're still fucked. Why are you fucked even if it's in your favor? Because you need multiple hits/resets while he needs one with or without x-factor.

So how I see it is basically w/o x-factor and meter he's useless.
With x-factor and meter he should be able to take out 2 characters.

In no circumstances he takes out 3 characters unless it's a entire team of 800K or lower. Dark Wesker might be much weaker than we originally thought, but at least he can do that. Doom's foot dive in level 3 x-factor? Doesn't even need meter.

Strider to me is the ultimate Captain Commando and Psylocke of marvel three. You're banking off that your first two characters backed with Strider assist is winning you the game. Now one scenario where I do like Strider anchor is when you're down to Strider with meter + x-factor and the other guy has only two characters. Which last night we saw a lot with Richard Nguyen. He wasn't able to come back against 3 ever... but he had like one or two come back when his opponent only had 2 characters.


That design is like 100x cooler than DMC3 Vergil.
You sure you didn't miss a few 0s in there?

Dark Strider with Orbs GUARANTEES one character killed (if you are good with him) and usually a second character. Strider's toolset is good enough that you can get a couple resets to kill the last opponent.


I think the importance of meter for orbs for Strider comebacks is exaggerrated. I agree with x-factor being damn near a necessity though. Vajra H alone in x-factor lvl 3 means most characters are not allowed to press buttons and can't run away from you.


I think if Strider has to make a comeback against like 2 and a half characters he can easily do that. He usually has a ton of meter already.

Get hit on first character, use a regular combo into a LVL3 to finish. 2nd character you can kill with a LVL3XF combo and build a shit ton of meter. Last character you can either kill with a LVL3 or just spam him with Orbs. People forget that Strider has a LVL3 that can allow him to kill in one combo if needed.

He's definitely the weakest anchor of the trinity but he has the best assist of the 3.


Orbs are Ok, it's just fucked up that they lose to a level one hyper which happens to belong to the most popular anchor in the game.


I think if Strider has to make a comeback against like 2 and a half characters he can easily do that. He usually has a ton of meter already.

Get hit on first character, use a regular combo into a LVL3 to finish. 2nd character you can kill with a LVL3XF combo and build a shit ton of meter. Last character you can either kill with a LVL3 or just spam him with Orbs. People forget that Strider has a LVL3 that can allow him to kill in one combo if needed.

He's definitely the weakest anchor of the trinity but he has the best assist of the 3.
Most people just burn XF3 right away, but yeah, it's best to try to fight it out normally until at least one character is dead, then go ham. And people still aren't playing XF3 Strider all that well.
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