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Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 |OT3| To infinites... and beyond!

Only if you need to. You can probably just cancel into the roll from something but Kusoru was using a super. Then aqgain you probably want xfactor just to make sure the throw kills
You can combo after Frank's AA hyper, so using XF isn't really needed. Certainly doesn't hurt though.
Doesn't the X-Factor prevents you from the pullback of Dark Phoenix's explosion?
No, like Panda said the roll does. Once Phoenix goes boom, you cancel the roll into the hyper and cross your fingers you didn't mis-time it. The roll was done for safety reasons since it goes past the explosion. Since Frank was Level 4, the AA hyper was invincible too.


ChrisG responded to my tweet about Morrigan/Vergil DHC synergy. I feel special.

I believe you, just wanna see what it was about ^^

You can combo after Frank's AA hyper, so using XF isn't really needed. Certainly doesn't hurt though.

No, like Panda said the roll does. Once Phoenix goes boom, you cancel the roll into the hyper and cross your fingers you didn't mis-time it. The roll was done for safety reasons since it goes past the explosion. Since Frank was Level 4, the AA hyper was invincible too.

Ow, ok then, so Kusoru X-factored just to be sure?

EDIT: Forget everything, I'm looking at it again, he X-factors to end the shopping cart hyper animation
I believe you, just wanna see what it was about ^^
I noticed that in his matches against MarlinPie he did Dimension Slash -> Astral Vision, and he did Astral Vision after the opponent landed. I told him that if he DHCed right before Dimension Slash ends he would be able to link Soul Drain (x2 since the clone is there).


I noticed that in his matches against MarlinPie he did Dimension Slash -> Astral Vision, and he did Astral Vision after the opponent landed. I told him that if he DHCed right before Dimension Slash ends he would be able to link Soul Drain (x2 since the clone is there).

Don't help him get better dude!! Sanford dislikes your tweet


Don't help him get better dude!! Sanford dislikes your tweet
He's just jealous

I want everyone to get better. That's why I tell people here how to kill people with Dormammu and how to kill Dormammu. If my opponents are stronger, then I get stronger, too. No one ever built muscle by having no opposing force.
That sounds like some Dragonball Z shit Karst.
And its great. Don't ever change Karst!
Don't help him get better dude!! Sanford dislikes your tweet
I want everyone to get better. That's why I tell people here how to kill people with Dormammu and how to kill Dormammu. If my opponents are stronger, then I get stronger, too. No one ever built muscle by having no opposing force.


I want everyone to get better. That's why I tell people here how to kill people with Dormammu and how to kill Dormammu. If my opponents are stronger, then I get stronger, too. No one ever built muscle by having no opposing force.

Yea, I agree, just trolling.
But wait until some pro player find out my idea of an Spencer/LeiLei/Dante team to counter MorriDoom, then he got no hope


Karst, I take back everything I said about Vajra not being a great combo breaker. It saved my ass a few times in my set Vs Sayah.

Also I think I'm comfortable enough with strider to call Felicia/Hawkeye/Strider my main team now.


i assume you're using this as your point of reference:(http://youtu.be/p3MnQ0ZZzHg)

to be honest, i came up with a variation for midscreen i like to use the "old" zip loop, because it requires less timing and i can use wesker's otg assist to bring them into the corner for another up grapple and bionic maneuvers.
i do this for two reps after the initial up-forward zip:
j.M, j.H, df zip, S
on the third rep of the loop:
j.M. j.H df zip, df zip, cr.H xx up grapple

the trick is to do this fairly fast from the beginning, so that the df zip x2 catches the opponent rather high, then you'll be able to land and catch them with the cr.H upgrapple. it doesnt carry corner-to-corner, but it can take them there from roughly 3/4 of the screen.

if you decide to start the loop near the corner, you just take out the last rep or even the second rep of the loop.
solo, after you land from the df zip in the corner, you can do s.S sjc up grapple, tk bionic bomber xx bionic maneuvers.

Yeah I was using it as a reference that video helped a lot. Thanks for the tips I'll try to incorporate it and fiddle around with it see what works best for me ! I didn't know that you could do 2x DF Zips in a row.


I assume people sort of compete by watching other people's videos and trying to actively outdo them, so it'd still have what Karst is talking about.
That's pretty much how it started. It has evolved from there where competitions are held regularly and videos are judged by a panel of experts. I used to be on the panel for the first few TSTs (True Style Tournaments). Videos were judged on various criteria (creativity, technical skill, execution and variety). The last one happened like a week ago although it was more of a memorial event (a player in the community died... RIP). The rules are also more complex now because the PC version has various mods and trainers that amplify various aspects of the game.
So I have a few options here for Wesker/x/Magneto:

  • Vergil - pretty much solves 75% of Wesker's problems, but goddamn is he boring to play
  • Deadpool - works well with both characters and adds a new dynamic to the team, but kinda funky to learn
  • Rocket Raccoon - Does a bunch of cool shit and solves a bunch of problems but is another reset-heavy character
  • Dormammu - same as Deadpool

Cold Star is a beast assist for Wesker, but I can't figure out how to get her to work with Magneto without anchoring her.



I already knew this was possible, but thanks though. I just have a low exposure rate to real matches / real Phoenixes. Realistically I should practice everything including anti-Phoenix tech. In reality, I'm just a training mode / stream monster, and I've kinda conceded myself to that fact.


I hope if the constantly rumored but unlikely balance patch is made, they avoid knee-jerk reactions and make changes with a similar thought process to how they did (most of) the vanilla -> ultimate transition. They have done stuff in the past that was clearly an overreaction (Sentinel health nerf!), so I’m slightly pessimistic. That people still complain about things like foot dive at this point in the game’s life shows how stupid a lot of the people who play the game are. People need to realize that nearly every member of the cast has powerful options that you HAVE to respect IF they manage to put themselves in the correct situation to use that tool. If Doom is above you, don’t press buttons. If you’re in range of Das Paipu, don’t press buttons. If Magnus is on the same horizontal plane as you, beware the estaka. Respect bionic arm. Respect Hulk’s standing H. These are all fair tools because if you can put these characters in situations where the ‘respect me’ move is irrelevant, then you no longer have to respect them and you can do your thing. Some of the worst characters have no such move (poor Hsien-Ko). The only things that need nerfing are things you ALWAYS have to respect, i.e., things where your opponent is always threatening no matter where they are- things that make marvel a one player game. Outside of Morridoom, Zero, and Vergil with bar, I don’t know if anything else really qualifies. Maybe Viper fits this description too when played extremely well, but I don’t think the current crop of Viper players has managed it yet. I guess we’ll see what happens.
Why not just use team Yipes? (Dante)

Bleh, I don't really want to have two super execution-heavy characters on my team. Vergil does everything I'd use from Dante a lot better and more easily. If I wasn't dead set on Magneto I'd play Wesker/Vergil/Strider.

Almost forgot, but Spencer is another option.
Would anyone (Slasher?) want to make an informational video with me about how to counter Vajra? I'm tired of seeing players get stomped by it and would like to make a video showing all the options the cast has to beat it. I don't have a recording setup, but I can figure out all the counters.


I hope if the constantly rumored but unlikely balance patch is made, they avoid knee-jerk reactions and make changes with a similar thought process to how they did (most of) the vanilla -> ultimate transition. They have done stuff in the past that was clearly an overreaction (Sentinel health nerf!), so I’m slightly pessimistic. That people still complain about things like foot dive at this point in the game’s life shows how stupid a lot of the people who play the game are. People need to realize that nearly every member of the cast has powerful options that you HAVE to respect IF they manage to put themselves in the correct situation to use that tool. If Doom is above you, don’t press buttons. If you’re in range of Das Paipu, don’t press buttons. If Magnus is on the same horizontal plane as you, beware the estaka. Respect bionic arm. Respect Hulk’s standing H. These are all fair tools because if you can put these characters in situations where the ‘respect me’ move is irrelevant, then you no longer have to respect them and you can do your thing. Some of the worst characters have no such move (poor Hsien-Ko). The only things that need nerfing are things you ALWAYS have to respect, i.e., things where your opponent is always threatening no matter where they are- things that make marvel a one player game. Outside of Morridoom, Zero, and Vergil with bar, I don’t know if anything else really qualifies. Maybe Viper fits this description too when played extremely well, but I don’t think the current crop of Viper players has managed it yet. I guess we’ll see what happens.
In the 0.0001% chance that the patch is real, it means that it had tons of time in the oven because this patch is basically what FChamp has been harping for quite some time. I doubt there would be any knee jerk changes after a year of data collection. This does not discount dumb changes because it's Capcpom after all.

Foot Dive is pretty stupid though. The hit box is dumb and the knockdown combined with Doom's own braindead OTG combos leads to extreme derp play. Nothing worse than getting crossed up by a Foot Dive in the corner. Some characters have to be under Doom anyway because they can't really fly.

If there's a patch, Doom will be nerfed. Both on point and as an assist. 80K would be scaled. The "1 player" characters will be nerfed and that should include Viper as well, her damage is ridiculous. More than anything though I want to see substantial buffs on the lower half of the cast and mechanic changes (TACs nerfed to hell, removal of guard breaks and other glitches). Sentinel would probably get buffed because I am sure everyone is tired of hearing "oh look another bad match up for Sentinel".
I was thinking about Doom last night, and I realized that Photon Shot isn't any better/worse than TK Shot H was in Vanilla. A little ridiculous, but I don't think Foot Dive is.


Would anyone (Slasher?) want to make an informational video with me about how to counter Vajra? I'm tired of seeing players get stomped by it and would like to make a video showing all the options the cast has to beat it. I don't have a recording setup, but I can figure out all the counters.

Honzo did a video about how to punish Lightning xx buster shot. He'd probably be interested in it i dunno.


I was thinking about Doom last night, and I realized that Photon Shot isn't any better/worse than TK Shot H was in Vanilla. A little ridiculous, but I don't think Foot Dive is.
This is actually true. A lot of characters don't have a good answer to that at all. Doom has more holes in his shots though and he can't really use it go on the offense like Phoenix can.
The ability to superjump and sit in a corner spamming a projectile safely against 70%+ of the cast. It's just poor balance. I played Phoenix on point in Vanilla and got her Dark 80% of the time just because it's too hard to deal with for most people.

I see what you mean.
Though a lot of the cast has some benefit since they are so slow, arc out, and have low priority. Unlike Phoenix which homed in on you and had one of the best durability as well.
Did I mention the homing was godlike?

Side note, did anyone know that the bird projectile from Dark Phoenix's Trap M eats beams similar to Dr. Strange's flames of the faltine? But it was an assist beam though so take that as you will...

Azure J

@Dah - As a Viper player, the only nerfs I want to see happen/am OK with would be a lowering on her minimum scaling values (10/10 respectively), and a shaving off of invul frames on EX Seismo. Do you think she needs anything else?

Her general playstyle is actually very simple (and fun as fuck), just that her tools are massively powerful when she's on a roll. I'd hate it though if Capcpom being Capcpom decided to do something stupid like ruin stair case combos with more recovery on BKFs or something dumb like that, but I don't even know what they'd do to "overnerf" her.

Would anyone (Slasher?) want to make an informational video with me about how to counter Vajra? I'm tired of seeing players get stomped by it and would like to make a video showing all the options the cast has to beat it. I don't have a recording setup, but I can figure out all the counters.

I've been meaning to make a new video (gotta keep the content flow up), maybe I'll indulge when everything's collected together and make a video. To start things off:

Universal to Teleport Characters - Evasion

- Teleport to opposite side as soon as you see Strider disappear from the screen.

Character Specific on a raw/telegraphed call - offensive:

- Dormammu - j.M as you see Strider disappear from opponent's side (needs testing)
- Dante - j.M/j.H to meet them as they reappear near you; s.L or a well spaced s.M stops it cold; Crystal on reaction gives a little juggle time for combing the assist; Million Carats, Twister, or Jam Session on reaction,
- Strider - Formation A2 (Eagle) beats it clean on reaction
- Viper - LOL, Seismo L/EX Seismo leads to a ton of fuck you; can also reliably use a Burn Kick H for a meaty on their assist's appearance overhead.
- Doom - Sphere Flame on reaction; Hidden Missiles as a ghetto meterless version of the Sphere Flame answer
- Amaterasu - short hop j.H in Glaive/Bead stances

Will run some more elaborate tests for teleport mixups and the like in time.
Honzo did a video about how to punish Lightning xx buster shot. He'd probably be interested in it i dunno.
I asked him to do one on Stalking Flare and offered to help and he never responded.

This is actually true. A lot of characters don't have a good answer to that at all. Doom has more holes in his shots though and he can't really use it go on the offense like Phoenix can.
Phoenix could use hers to create a 50/50 whenever she felt like it- a pretty significant difference.
There are some differences. Phoenix can get teleport mix-ups from TK Shot H, but in practice that never happens because no one stays on the ground against Phoenix. They all jump-block or jump-hit into the fireballs. Since the fireball goes off screen, it's also really hard to tell when to teleport if you want the mix-up. TK Shot H also disappears about halfway across the screen at superjump height against a cornered opponent, so it's not quite as universally oppressive.

Doom can go for a Foot Dive cross-up from the space Photon Shot gives him, and he can convert into full combos off of it if it hits.

So, I think they're roughly equal. Maybe one is slightly better than the other, but it's not a significant difference to me.

I see what you mean.
Though a lot of the cast has some benefit since they are so slow, arc out, and have low priority. Unlike Phoenix which homed in on you and had one of the best durability as well.
Did I mention the homing was godlike?

Side note, did anyone know that the bird projectile from Dark Phoenix's Trap M eats beams similar to Dr. Strange's flames of the faltine? But it was an assist beam though so take that as you will...
I did not know that about Trap M, but I'm not surprised.

TK Shot has always had 5 durability, though. It just has a post-collision explosion that has another 10 durability so it never gets run through by anything.

And Photon Shot doesn't have to be slow. The H version is quite fast.
I've been meaning to make a new video (gotta keep the content flow up), maybe I'll indulge when everything's collected together and make a video. To start things off:

Universal to Teleport Characters - Evasion

- Teleport to opposite side as soon as you see Strider disappear from the screen.

Character Specific on a raw/telegraphed call - offensive:

- Dormammu - j.M as you see Strider disappear from opponent's side (needs testing)
- Dante - j.M/j.H to meet them as they reappear near you; s.L or a well spaced s.M stops it cold; Crystal on reaction gives a little juggle time for combing the assist; Million Carats, Twister, or Jam Session on reaction,
- Strider - Formation A2 (Eagle) beats it clean on reaction
- Viper - LOL, Seismo L/EX Seismo leads to a ton of fuck you; can also reliably use a Burn Kick H for a meaty on their assist's appearance overhead.
- Doom - Sphere Flame on reaction; Hidden Missiles as a ghetto meterless version of the Sphere Flame answer
- Amaterasu - short hop j.H in Glaive/Bead stances

Will run some more elaborate tests for teleport mixups and the like in time.

I want to figure out a kill combo for every character from a response. Not just something that beats Vajra. Something that DESTROYS Vajra.

This is really close for Phoenix:
j.H, fly, j.MH, f.H, qcf.M, qcf.AA

Does ~730K.


I still think the ultimate Doom vs. vanilla Phoenix comparison is more of an apples and oranges thing. With Doom there’s at least a bit of decision making- the speed of the shots matters and whether you super jump or jump and then air dash up to get to the height for photon shot to give you effective screen control matters as well. The air dash option let’s you call assists if you want to, but you sacrifice being able to air-dash cancel a foot dive after the photon shot sequence to make it safe if it’s blocked. Phoenix’s jump homing shot spam seemed more mindless (at least to me). The photon shot buff from vanilla to ultimate also made certain match-ups against important characters more manageable.

The only thing people complain loudly about is foot dive, so if the incredibly unlikely patch were to happen, I think they would just nerf foot dive into oblivion (and of course, they’d nerf missiles somehow too). I actually kind of think Morrigan plus Strider is similar enough to Morridoom that unless Morrigan also received significant nerf, her reign of terror would be far from over. If they were to nerf Doom, I’d like if they could give a small buff to butter gun to give him a better mid- screen space control tool to allow to him to better transition from full screen zoning to in-your- face offense. If they did that, I wouldn’t mind a photon shot nerf or foot dive nerf really. I think the lack of an ability to do that transition is why Magneto remains decisively better on point than Doom.
I still think the ultimate Doom vs. vanilla Phoenix comparison is more of an apples and oranges thing. With Doom there’s at least a bit of decision making- the speed of the shots matters and whether you super jump or jump and then air dash up to get to the height for photon shot to give you effective screen control matters as well. The air dash option let’s you call assists if you want to, but you sacrifice being able to air-dash cancel a foot dive after the photon shot sequence to make it safe if it’s blocked. Phoenix’s jump homing shot spam seemed more mindless (at least to me). The photon shot buff from vanilla to ultimate also made certain match-ups against important characters more manageable.
They're about the same in decision making. I've used both for 3000+ matches, so I feel qualified in saying that.

The only thing people complain loudly about is foot dive, so if the incredibly unlikely patch were to happen, I think they would just nerf foot dive into oblivion (and of course, they’d nerf missiles somehow too). I actually kind of think Morrigan plus Strider is similar enough to Morridoom that unless Morrigan also received significant nerf, her reign of terror would be far from over. If they were to nerf Doom, I’d like if they could give a small buff to butter gun to give him a better mid- screen space control tool to allow to him to better transition from full screen zoning to in-your- face offense. If they did that, I wouldn’t mind a photon shot nerf or foot dive nerf really. I think the lack of an ability to do that transition is why Magneto remains decisively better on point than Doom.
Naw, Morrigan/Strider is much weaker. I used it for about 500 matches. It has problems with random hypers. For example, Morrigan/Doom is like an endless buttbang on Hulk, but Morrigan/Strider has to deal with Hulk doing a random Gamma Crush to kill Strider. Sentinel can random Hard Drive or Hyper Sentinel Force Strider. Magneto can Magnetic Shockwave Strider on reaction. Dr. Doom can Sphere Flame Strider on reaction. Notice that all of these do between little and nothing to Hidden Missiles. They just delay the inevitable. Vajra is much weaker for Morrigan. It's good, and it's probably her second best assist, but it would never be in the same league as Hidden Missiles.

Doom is perfect as he is, IMO, minus the Hidden Missiles problem. The Photon Shot problem should probably be solved by adding more good anti-air options into the game rather than messing with Doom. I would like his damage toned down, but that's a cast-wide change I would want to see, it's not particular to Doom.

I'm really liking Wesker(low shot)/Spencer(Horizontal Shot)/Ammy(Cold Star) right now.
Ew. That can't even handle Morrigan, let alone Morrigan/Doom.


I think my theory ultraspam/Morridoom fighting team might be Nova/Vergil/Hawkeye. I would avoid the spam as much as possible, and when I got two meters I would Human Rocket through it, comboing on hit, and DHCing to Spiral Swords on block for more mixups. I could also bring in Hawkeye to chuck some plasma of my own.


I still think Morrigan dark harmonizer assist would give certain characters a much better chance than they normally have against Morridoom.
I think my theory ultraspam/Morridoom fighting team might be Nova/Vergil/Hawkeye. I would avoid the spam as much as possible, and when I got two meters I would Human Rocket through it, comboing on hit, and DHCing to Spiral Swords on block for more mixups. I could also bring in Hawkeye to chuck some plasma of my own.
It's not a bad plan.

I love resets. And Ammy can beat Morrigan!
What? No.

I still think Morrigan dark harmonizer assist would give certain characters a much better chance than they normally have against Morridoom.
My theoretical Morrigan/Doom strategy is to superjump and run away with Dormammu while calling Dark Harmonizer until I can pewpewpew her to death.
Hey guys, been following this thread for what seems like forever. Finally have an account!

I'd love to get bodied by some of you. lol. Any of you with a PS3 care to game? I'm not that good, but enjoy playing for fun. I have Chris in my team, so yeah, I play for fun. :p
Hey guys, been following this thread for what seems like forever. Finally have an account!

I'd love to get bodied by some of you. lol. Any of you with a PS3 care to game? I'm not that good, but enjoy playing for fun. I have Chris in my team, so yeah, I play for fun. :p
Chris is a good character. Play Solune first so he can show you.
Chris is a good character. Play Solune first so he can show you.

I love watching GCYoshi on stream, and youtube. It's taught me a lot. My problem, is I prefer PS3 pad. I don't have any good sticks now or anything. I know there are good players with pad, but I drop far too much stuff.

I'm also looking for good compliments to him, so I like Cap, Frank, Sentinel, Wesker and trying to learn Vergil.
I love watching GCYoshi on stream, and youtube. It's taught me a lot. My problem, is I prefer PS3 pad. I don't have any good sticks now or anything. I know there are good players with pad, but I drop far too much stuff.

I'm also looking for good compliments to him, so I like Cap, Frank, Sentinel, Wesker and trying to learn Vergil.
Dante, Strider, and Haggar are his best partners IMO.
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