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Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 |OT3| To infinites... and beyond!

You can't just not do this now that you've put it out there. :lol
I looked around for a good picture of him standing in front of the students, but came up with nothing.


I also had the fun idea of pasting Deadpool's level 3 onto Tyrone's shirt, but I couldn't find any images for that either. :/
Funny thing is, this is the opposite reaction Capcom was expecting from Marvel. Now they are probably like WTF how are supposed to deal with this? They were supposed to say no but instead say sure? FUCKKKKKK!
Funny thing is, this is the opposite reaction Capcom was expecting from Marvel. Now they are probably like WTF how are supposed to deal with this? They were supposed to say no but instead say sure? FUCKKKKKK!

Yes, how dare they have to update the game when fans are ready to smack them in the face with money!


Run Wesker/Strange/Strider. Strider gives Wesker even better mix ups and he can combo off of Vajira plus you get Strider in the back for comebacks.

Not a fan of Strider on the team because Strange can't get much off of Vajra, and when Wesker dies Strange+Strider doesn't seem like a great shell to me. I'll give it a try though.

mr. puppy

i miss the good old days when i was hype as shit for marlin and zak bennett, chrisg was good but not great, justin actually kinda played the game, and champ was motivated.


I don't even watch Chris G play anymore. He's the John Cena of Marvel. Everyone knows he's gonna win, so why am I bothering to watch it?


Just a reminder to everyone here. If you haven't gotten your Design a Darkstalker submission done yet TODAY IS THE NEXT TO LAST DAY.
You got till 11:59 pm PST on the 20th.

Link to contest

You only get 250 characters for physical description and another 250 for other info you want to add, but when you click draft email it opens a word document you can add images and extra details too. Hurry up if you haven't entered yet. Winner gets a custom made drawing of your character by Stanley "Artgerm" Lau, the artist for Darkstalkers Resurrection, along with one copy of the UDON Darkstalkers Tribute art book and one copy of Pop Culture Shock's Lord Raptor statue.

Here's hoping my nanite slime monster takes it home.

  • Places floating slime bubbles on screen to control space
  • stretchy attacks
  • When attacks she flings her hands off her hips to whip out long strands of slime that stretch to hit opponent.
  • Anti air where she flicks her finger upward off her hip and a strand of goo swings up from her fingertip like a pendulum with the end shaped like a guillotine
  • Envelopes you for grabs.
  • Fills in her mechanical gloves and corset at match start by oozing into them from below. Hair forms by swelling into bubbles off her head.
  • Sashays as she slides along the ground since her legs are fused together like a woman in a tight fighting dress.

Got advice on another forum not to over detail my art since they need to be able to show it if I win and then show the much improved version done by their big name. It helps make the prize more impressive and the differences in them more noticeable so I stuck with just flatting and line work. Hearing that I stopped after the flatting was done. Fingers crossed.


I revised my old old team (Felicia Nemesis Doom) and made it Felicia Ryu Doom

I wish Felicia had a better assist though? Anyone here who use her know why when I do assist (Plasma Beam) Toy Touch it doesn't pick them up? It should no? Or is it cause the hits decay as my combo goes on?

(I know nothing about this game.)

I still play Tron/Frank btw.

Also any Doom players here tell me why even when I press H to ADDD I still don't get down in time?


Also any Doom players here tell me why even when I press H to ADDD I still don't get down in time?

I've posted this before, but the trick for me is to wait until I actually see the j.S footdive hitting and then hit airdash down right at that moment. I tend to press the j.M, j.M, F+j.H, j.S sequence pretty quickly, but it takes long enough that I actually have to pause a fraction of a second after hitting the j.S in order for the sequence to complete the animation of the j.S footdive to actually hit. Then I airdash down, whiff a normal and continue. So start visually confirming that hit and use that as your cue.

mr. puppy

talked to karst on srk. heres the news:

i asked how long the ban was for:

1 month. GAF moderators thought I was trolling, even though I was being entirely honest in my opinions and trying to have an intelligent conversation with folks. I laughed when I saw the ban, and I've honestly been having a better time off of GAF - more doing things than hitting the fresh button and talking about them. It's good for me.


Neo Member
hey guys I'm new to Neogaf. My psn is Kawasakinin and I have a YouTube - Kawasakinin and twitch - Kawasakinin. I added myself to the list of players and am willing to play anyone online whenever(provided I'm not busy). My main team is tasky/dante/deadpool.
hey guys I'm new to Neogaf. My psn is Kawasakinin and I have a YouTube - Kawasakinin and twitch - Kawasakinin. I added myself to the list of players and am willing to play anyone online whenever(provided I'm not busy). My main team is tasky/dante/deadpool.

the OT should have a google spreadsheet of everyone willing to play with you.


Is there like a combo wiki or resource guide that is up to date for umvc3? SRK forums still have vanilla combos, and old ass shit in general. Does such a thing exist, or does the community thrive on youtube videos?
Is there like a combo wiki or resource guide that is up to date for umvc3? SRK forums still have vanilla combos, and old ass shit in general. Does such a thing exist, or is the community that thrives on youtube videos?

What character are you looking for? I just youtube the best player I can think of for a certain character and watch their match. That's how I learn Vergil, Spencer, Nova, Task, Storm, Magneto....

Could be a lot harder for those unpopular characters though.


What character are you looking for? I just youtube the best player I can think of for a certain character and watch their match. That's how I learn Vergil, Spencer, Nova, Task, Storm, Magneto....

Could be a lot harder for those unpopular characters though.

I'm not really good at transcribing combos through videos/input display unless it's a game I play a lot, and marvel isn't one of them. I was just hoping to find some up to date resource guide I can go to.


Just a reminder to everyone here. If you haven't gotten your Design a Darkstalker submission done yet TODAY IS THE NEXT TO LAST DAY.
You got till 11:59 pm PST on the 20th.

Got advice on another forum not to over detail my art since they need to be able to show it if I win and then show the much improved version done by their big name. It helps make the prize more impressive and the differences in them more noticeable so I stuck with just flatting and line work. Hearing that I stopped after the flatting was done. Fingers crossed.

Nice. I too submitted--though I submitted two different ideas. My first was too detailed. I rendered with markers and color pencils and it had reflections, materials, and shadows-- after realizing that it may be too detailed, I created a second monster with pencil and simple shading.


Nice. I too submitted--though I submitted two different ideas. My first was too detailed. I rendered with markers and color pencils and it had reflections, materials, and shadows-- after realizing that it may be too detailed, I created a second monster with pencil and simple shading.

Good man. I made the mistake of going in heavy and only barely pulled out before I had put in too much detail on the art. Someone on capcom unity had to tell me that thing about too much detail being bad for this particular competition before I realized how true it would be. It wouldn't really sell to well with the general public entering this with dreams of seeing someone draw their character idea if the winner was announced and it had looked like Professionals were beating people with their art to get another professional to do fanart of it now would it?

And for those just tuning in.

Link to competition


Is there like a combo wiki or resource guide that is up to date for umvc3? SRK forums still have vanilla combos, and old ass shit in general. Does such a thing exist, or does the community thrive on youtube videos?
Theres a series on youtube for most of the cast.


Question to other Dante players about match structure! In a situation where Dante needs to go into Million Dollars to kill, what is the best thing to do? As I see it, you have essentially two options:

1. You kill with Million Dollars. In most situations this means you don’t have time to set up an incoming mix-up unless you burn a meter for devil trigger. If the mix-up you were able to do due to devil trigger was successful, you’ll build no meter during most of it, and unless you were absolutely loaded with meter before, you will be unable to kill off of the successful welcome mix- up (unless you burn x-factor or something). I.e., if you go with this approach, even if everything goes according to plan, you got to kill one character and hurt another (maybe down to 50% life or something, which doesn’t matter a whole lot ultimately) and you’re down three meters or so (one for Million Dollars, one for DT activation, and one you didn’t get while you were comboing your opponent due to DT preventing meter gain).
2. You go for a reset to kill the character. It has a chance of failure (unlike the above situation, where your kill was guaranteed), but if it is successful, you kill the character in a very meter- positive fashion AND you can set up a strong incoming mix-up meterlessly, and if the mix-up is successful, you’ll almost certainly kill the second character with all the meter you’ve built up.

So I guess it all boils down to asking which is better/more likely: having two successful mix-ups (situations where if you execute properly, you should have a very good chance of landing a hit), or getting one clean hit in the neutral game? Approach one guarantees a kill at the expense of having to really earn the second kill. Approach two gives a much better chance of killing both characters, but if your first mix-up (the reset) is unsuccessful, you don’t kill anybody. You also have to factor in the meter loss/gain, which is important as well.
It’s probably obvious that I’m currently leaning toward approach two being the better approach in general (of course, there are certain very threatening characters that need to die, where it probably wouldn’t be worth the risk to go for a reset, no matter what). Dante has some very strong reset options, especially with certain BFF assists, and these same BFFs are often ones you want to have meter for too- Strider/Vergil/etc. Thoughts?
Good man. I made the mistake of going in heavy and only barely pulled out before I had put in too much detail on the art. Someone on capcom unity had to tell me that thing about too much detail being bad for this particular competition before I realized how true it would be. It wouldn't really sell to well with the general public entering this with dreams of seeing someone draw their character idea if the winner was announced and it had looked like Professionals were beating people with their art to get another professional to do fanart of it now would it?

And for those just tuning in.

Link to competition
I'm having trouble opening the email, is it just darkstalkers@capcom.com?

Deleted member 13876

Unconfirmed Member
Fuck it, I'm repurposing an old MS Paint drawing I made with my non-dominant had for the Darkstalkers compo last second.


Maybe they'll think I'm twelve and give me some pity points haha


I'm having trouble opening the email, is it just darkstalkers@capcom.com?

Im not certain. Whatever the link says is all I know. For me I just typed my stuff and then when I clicked to submit it opened a Word Document for me to edit and then I could click the Send button in the document. Without that you don't really get to add attachments. I dont know if just sending it to that email works or not to go around it, but give it a shot. Not sure why its not working for you though.

Deleted member 13876

Unconfirmed Member
Im not certain. Whatever the link says is all I know. For me I just typed my stuff and then when I clicked to submit it opened a Word Document for me to edit and then I could click the Send button in the document. Without that you don't really get to add attachments. I dont know if just sending it to that email works or not to go around it, but give it a shot. Not sure why its not working for you though.

Probably has to do with what mail:to links are associated with on his computer.


Zero is only going to win tournaments regularly if one of the top 4 picks up the character (PRRog, ChrisG, FChamp or Yipes).

If any one of these players is at a major, a chance of a Zero player winning it drops substantially.

It's just like with Wolverine, all the wins of Wolverine have come from PRRog or Justin. If they didn't play the character, Wolverine would essentially have no wins.

Azure J

Or we could just wait for Chris Schmidt to join the Brawl.

I'm going to re-post this and add to it each day until I've covered the entirety of the cast. This is based off the current "how to fix Marvel" series of posts in the FGW thread.

For reference:

In General:

- Full version of the opening cinematic that is curiously missing currently become available along with Vanilla's animated CG movies.
- Heroes and Heralds mode "fixed" to support offline versus
- TAC mechanic revamp: Requires one meter per use of the mechanic, combos done post tag in of next character do not generate any meter for the attacker or the opponent, combos are subject to full hitstun decay after a set number of hits or frames post actual tag. TACs are still subject to a break at the cost of a meter from the defender.
- X-Factor bonuses completely normalized to a set average based on the current cast values of XF2 with duration set to XF1 length; stat bonuses do NOT add multiplicatively, stack where needed.
- Assists cannot be called while tech rolling.
- Throw break animation added, returned to neutral state between two characters a la SF4 throw tech (goodbye BREAKBREAKBRE-- derpy H normal option selects at match start)
- Throw techs can only be done with f.H or b.H
- Replay and hit box viewers added from the Vita version of the game into this update


Hsien-Ko (aka Put_Hsien-Ko_In_UMVC3_For_Real_This_Time)
+ Anki Hou items follow a set pattern versus a randomized item toss when determining items that will stun. (Think of Vampire Saviour)
+ Pendulum/Senpu-Bu cancellable with from the first frame active
+ c.H OTG capable and jump cancellable
+ Chuukudan Bombs mapped to QCF+S, OTG capable
+ Forward walk speed moderately increased, Dash-a-port and air run start up and speed dramatically increased with persistent momentum on the latter.
+ Command grab properties changed, L & M act as ground grabs, H changed to anti-air command grab
- Gold Armor mode duration decreased by half on point (to accommodate her other buffs)

- Astral Vision mirrored Soul Fist(s) disappear when Morrigan is hit
- Morrigan builds 1/3 less meter during AV's duration
+ Soul Fist assist replaced with Soul Drain

+ Minimum scaling on normals and specials brought up to 5% and 10% respectively (currently 5/5 with 3% scaling on multi-hit moves)
+ Hitstun and push back on normals re-evaluated, brought back to near Vanilla levels.
+ Can now air dash and ground dash (2ATK) while holding/charging Multi-Lock

+ Optic Laser replaces Thunder Knuckle H as an assist; high hitstun but doesn't cause any special knockdown states late in combos
- Minimum scaling values on normals and specials lowered to 10%/10% respectively. (Currently 20/30)
- Decrease number of frames of invulnerability on EX Seismo

- Minimum scaling values on normals and specials lowered to 10%/10% respectively. (Currently 20/30)
- Lightning doesn't persist if Buster Cancel occurs on first frames (Zero has to travel moderately)


+ Can rekka Judgement Cuts of any strength three times
+ Judgement Cut is now Air OK
- Helm Splitter back hitbox re-evaluated
- c.H now subject to HSD
- Blistering Swords set as default formation for the Swords hyper; Spiral Swords activated with QCF+S/Crown of Swords activated with QCB+S
- Durability decreased on Spiral Swords formation
- Minimum scaling values on normals and specials lowered to 10%/10% respectively.

+ Formation A1, A2 & C all active on first frame
+ Form B Shot now Air OK; Form B Shot can now cancel all specials.
+ Formation B when summoned persists behind Strider until he is striken or tagged out
+ Legion super given hyper durability, animal patterns set to one to minimize randomness
+ Formation C (WW2 Bomb) replaces Ame-no-murakami assist
- Vajra assist knockdown time decreased

+ Vanilla Slide and c.L restored

+ Vanilla j.H restored

- Hidden Missiles number decrease by 1/2 the number summoned whenever Doom is sniped as an assist. Misiles fall with gaps instead of continuously whenever Doom is sniped.
- Foot Dive S is no longer dash cancellable on block.

Dr. Strange
+ 4 Way Air Dash OK
+ Daggers of Denak OTG (all variants)

+ Hitstun returned to Vanilla values (arf arf arf paper arf arf arf works again)
+ Cold Shot M replaces Solar Flare, Power Slash M replaces Bloom assist.
+ Cold Shots are now Air OK

Chun Li
+ 2 way air dash OK
+ New Move Hazanshu, soft knockdown, hard knockdown or ground bounces (in relation to L, M, and H inputs) on hit, can OTG
+ Kikosho can now OTG

- Unscaled 80K on up grapple removed

Phoenix (Jean)
+ Health buffed to 400K
+ TK Trap L OTGs,
+ TK Trap M replaces TK Trap H as an assist.

Frank West
- Hitbox on slide re-evaluated

- Time allowed for OTG conversion decreased/no more bounce on air throw
+ Energy Javelin replaces Gravimetric Pulse assist

Viewtiful Joe
+ Red Hot Kick OTGs

+Toy Touch returned to Vanilla hitstun values

Iron Man
+ Vanilla mobility options restored with Ultimate dash changes

+ Assist selection changed to Flame Carpet, Dark Matter and Purification with minor tracking (assist call picks the Purification distance between the , & version relative to the opposing character's distance at first call)

+ Gains a Pipe Tomahawk move, hold L, M or H down, trajectory changed with button held. L chucks one straight up that comes downward about one Haggar in front of himself, M is an arc upward to about mid screen, H chucks one fast full screen forward but with decent start-up. Staggers on counter hit, soft knockdown on anti-air.
+ One point of super armor added to Hoodlum Launcher M and H

+ c.H OTGs
+ Force Field assist replaced with Gravitation

I know I suck at this but hey, might as well see how this is accepted.

Work still in progress.
Or we could just wait for Chris Schmidt to join the Brawl.


Oh yes I forgot about him. You know what Schmidt is probably already #1 Zero because A) he doesn't style B) he picks top tier and C) he's fucking Chris Schmidt.

Speaking of Chris Schmidt here something I was talking about in the weekly thread with Zero.


Drop a combo? Good eat foot dive! Oh bonus prize! You're already in the corner!
Also told ya rolling hook was awesome. Still no jump cancelling flame kicks from Skrull and APology would of beaten CHris G if he would have DHCed to Skrull both games since Morrigan was dead and inferno eats missiles.
Or we could just wait for Chris Schmidt to join the Brawl.

Chris Schmidt was playing Magneto/Doom/Vergil the last time on stream, so he might not be playing Zero on the long run. Seems that the first requirement for you to win a major is to acknowledge that you are better off playing other characters.


Was really pulling for Aplogy Man. Was nice to see some new characters. Seems like Doom is UMvC3's pre-patch MvC Sentinel. So sad this isn't getting updates. Would love to see even more teams combinations in these tourneys. Makes it way more fun to watch.
Kinda off topic but, Hey Dahbomb since your the human reincarnation of a DMC encyclopedia, do you have idea where I can find the DMC1 early artwork of RE Spencer. I know it's on the HD collection but I can't find it anywhere online.
Was really pulling for Aplogy Man. Was nice to see some new characters. Seems like Doom is UMvC3's pre-patch MvC Sentinel. So sad this isn't getting updates. Would love to see even more teams combinations in these tourneys. Makes it way more fun to watch.

I heard plenty of talks from top players about a balance patch at scr, specifically NorCal group. Not saying it's real but I hope they aren't trolling.
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