It does give better opportunities for mixups, damage, and lockdown but you dont get that horizontal coverage for approaching. Remember PR Rog did just beat Chris G with beam.
A little different though. Wolvie and Doom Beam are BFFs.
It does give better opportunities for mixups, damage, and lockdown but you dont get that horizontal coverage for approaching. Remember PR Rog did just beat Chris G with beam.
A little different though. Wolvie and Doom Beam are BFFs.
I've been playing Infrit's Nova/Spencer/Doom team, with beam. I'm thinking... why don't I just go missiles? I get better lockdown, I get 2 extra 80k's for Spencer. I know I'm "supposed" to go with beam, so I go with it, but I should probably give it a try.
I'll play you if you're still available GB.Anybody want to play?
Zak Bennet has replaced Dorm with Doom on his team.
The army keeps on growing.
I'm not sure those Dante/Strider teams are that great. They're good, sure, but have serious problems against the better grounded opponents (Wolvie/Vergil/Viper) and really don't do damage.
You always need a lightning loop. Dahbomb hates the argument, but you need everything the little robot has because his HP is too low in the current meta.
I intentionally stayed away from the LL forever, but now that I'm actually trying to do it..
Even when I fail it, which is often, especially going to the left, it does so much damage it's retarded. That's not the main benefit, though.
The main benefit is being able to do it even on weird, random hits that you're not ready to do your normal big combo with.
Azure teach me useless style combo with Dante and I'll give you that robot.
Ah, that makes sense.It wasn't because of hitstun deterioration, I canceled the last trap into super before the trap actually came out. Messing up a lot of stuff in general because I haven't played in a week.
Magnetic receipts.My combos are better.
Magnetic receipts.
By the way, helm breaker backed by EMD and round trip is too godlike. I think I can get 4 round trips in a combo without using meter. What's the best Vergil combo?
My BnB:
H xx Stinger+A2(EMD) xx teleport M/L, HS, jHS, A1(low shot), Round Trip, 2H xx Judgment Cut L, 2H xx Stinger xx Teleport M, 2HSH xx Round Trip, 2H xx Judgment Cut L, 2H xx Lunar Phase, 3H
does like 600k meterless
my level 3 x-factor combo is jump MH xx Mag Blast over and over, which kills faster than these ones.
my bnb is based off the alioune combo, which works midscreen and does more damage than those two.
My highest was breaking 800k meterless with Strange / Hawkeye. I don't break it in that video though.
But does the combo look sexier though? That's what level 3 x-factor combo is jump MH xx Mag Blast over and over, which kills faster than these ones.
my bnb is based off the alioune combo, which works midscreen and does more damage than those two.
But does the combo look sexier though? That's what matters.
Beef's got RedRapper in his mouth more than Chris G. I think we should be worried.EXACTLY!
*Somewhere Beef is making a Red Rapper playlist to torture us all*.
Beef's got RedRapper in his mouth more than Chris G. I think we should be worried.
Beef's got RedRapper in his mouth more than Chris G. I think we should be worried.
Try rocks. It's interesting with Nova.
Anyone on psn wanna play? Hit me up, gonna be playing blops but will switch to mahvel
Sent friend reqI'll play you. leechaolan is my PSN. Up for a few matches, then I gotta eat.
Sent friend req
Thanks for the gamesI liked your Nova, Task chemistry. My team's not so much about chemistry but characters I like. Need an arcade stick too! Too many missed directions on pad.
Oh, and poor Phoenix. lol. Time to eat for me. nom nom.
Beam, missiles or rocks? I've been playing some Firebrand Doom and it's hard to choose but I think beam is probably the best for most matchups. I can't find a decent unblockable setup for missiles which is surprising.
No thanks. He is already in a fighting game and the sword normal quota is already taken up by the DMC characters.Raiden needs to be in an MvC game. He even has a foot dive/killer bee thing.
No thanks. He is already in a fighting game and the sword normal quota is already taken up by the DMC characters.
Just replace Vergil then.
Why not replace all the useless characters that no one picks?
Vergil already does what Raiden does but better. Has teleports, doesn't need to break dance to slice all around him (he summons swords like a boss) and has Devil Trigger.Just replace Vergil then.
Sooooooo uhhh..... uhhhh.... ghost rider?
Show me this secret tech please.Doom/Ammy is too serious.
Show me this secret tech please.
Show me this secret tech please.