Professor Beef
Anyone know some practical Jill BnBs? Are there any pros that play Jill?

Anyone know some practical Jill BnBs? Are there any pros that play Jill?
Anyone know some practical Jill BnBs? Are there any pros that play Jill?
Raiden needs to be in an MvC game. He even has a foot dive/killer bee thing.
No pros have stuck with Jill on any kind of long term basis as far as I know, though Alucard and Clockwork have both messed around with her and you can find footage of them if you poke around.
I tried to play Jill for like 2 days. The practical BnB I learned was: st.M, st.H, cancel into feral crouch stance(d d S), somersault (press H), jump cancel up fwd, j.H, j.S, (land and jump up fwd, j.M, j.M, j.H, j.S)x2, land, st.H, qcf.M, somersault (H again), then machine gun spray (qcb+2 attacks) to end it.
There's a few places where I omitted command normals that you could use, but they fucked me up, especially when trying to feral crouch cancel, so I omitted them. Get used to pressing down down S really fast because you'll be doing it A LOT.
Dahbomb you play the MGR demo yet? It's so good.
So I am working hard to try and get into this game. I was wondering if I could throw a few characters out there and maybe people could help me get an idea of a team to use. I am interested in Virgil, Dante, Wesker, Nemesis, Ammy, Trish, Dorm, and Morrigan. Other suggestions are certainly welcome! So far against people who are clearly not super solid at the game (ie. no pushblocking and very easy to mix up without assists) I do fine but I really need to step up my team I think in order to cause genuinely hard to counter mix ups. Any help is appreciated!
Team Clockwork is interesting in that work in a bunch of different orders, but it feels wrong somehow to play Strider before Doom. Half the fun of playing Strider is going for crazy resets, but with Doom second, you'd be stupid not to just go for the TAC infinite instead. Feels like it's against the spirit of the character. I can see it being really effective though.
team clockwork is a good team. clockwork is not a good player right now.
Dahbomb you play the MGR demo yet? It's so good.
Yeah that and I have already played the MGR demo with the ZOE HD collection. It was pretty good but very different from DMC (more similar to NG than DMC). I think the bosses in this game are going to be godlike. Only thing I don't like about MGR are the spine ripping sequences, it takes you out of the action too much.too busy playing dota.
(more similar to NG than DMC).
So I am working hard to try and get into this game. I was wondering if I could throw a few characters out there and maybe people could help me get an idea of a team to use. I am interested in Virgil, Dante, Wesker, Nemesis, Ammy, Trish, Dorm, and Morrigan. Other suggestions are certainly welcome! So far against people who are clearly not super solid at the game (ie. no pushblocking and very easy to mix up without assists) I do fine but I really need to step up my team I think in order to cause genuinely hard to counter mix ups. Any help is appreciated!
Yea I know Wesker should have had Lariat.
Teams that I think are good
Trish/Dante/Vergil - Team DMC nuff said.
Vergil [Dante] /Dorm/Morrigan - Team Karsticles 1234567890 - Very potent against teams that don't have an answer to hard zoning.
Trish/Dante [Vergil] /Wesker - Similar to Team RDK with access to Round Harvest unblockable
Wesker/Dorm/Ammy - Part team Zak Bennett and part team Vanilla Chris G, good assists for setting up Wesker's command grab and THC Synergy is OK.
I haven't used Nemesis with a legit team, but he usually partners well with Hulk and characters who normally can't combo off of their throw using THC from what I've observed.
PRRog said that ChrisG basically only has 1 character, Morrigan.
His Doom and Vergil are not "top" level according to him.
I think his Doom is very good but he doesn't do infinites with him which is basically the criticism PRRog made about Chris' Doom. Other than that he does as well as the other players... I just think FChamp has the best Doom.Well, it's true. He's clever enough, but he doesn't play those two as clean as other top players.
Pretty much yea... Rog basically treats his Vergil like Phoenix. He does everything right with Dark Vergil but when it's just basic Vergil he almost always get beaten because it's fairly sub par.His Vergil w/o X-factor sucks. Rog is smart though he put all his Vergil training mode practice into x-factor level 3 Vergil
I think his Doom is very good but he doesn't do infinites with him which is basically the criticism PRRog made about Chris' Doom. Other than that he does as well as the other players... I just think FChamp has the best Doom.
As far as his Vergil goes... he doesn't use Dark Vergil stuff, he doesn't use Blistering Swords and he doesn't use safe strings (too used to mashing the Doom assist to bail him out). The good thing about his Vergil is that he knows how to abuse Round Trip glitch, he can generally do his combos and he knows the weird gimmick/mix ups to open people up plus his footsie skills are of course always up to snuff. It's better than Justin's Vergil though that's for sure.
Pretty much yea... Rog basically treats his Vergil like Phoenix. He does everything right with Dark Vergil but when it's just basic Vergil he almost always get beaten because it's fairly sub par.
I think Clockwork has the best Doom.
But Joker is a fraud. He has movement and nothing else to offer. He can barely confirm his own combos, and his neutral game is pretty braindead. Just just flies around a lot until repulsor hits something.
Isn't this most people though? I'll admit that I myself do that all the time with Zero. Just fly around until Jam Session either A) put them in block stun so i can start my mix up, or B) hits them so I can just confirm off it.
Gotta agree, FChamp's is a bit more consistent though.I think Clockwork has the best Doom.
Joker at T13 and Joker beforehand are like two different players to watch entirely. His Mags has tightened up considerably and he doesn't just flail around until something hits anymore really.But Joker is a fraud. He has movement and nothing else to offer. He can barely confirm his own combos, and his neutral game is pretty braindead. Just just flies around a lot until repulsor hits something. At least Ray Ray knows how to win.
I haven't seen Justin's Vergil lately so I guess I am missing out.Have you seen Justin's Vergil as of late? I think it's better than Chris. Took out Bee's entire team quite a few times yesterday w/o x-factor derp shit. No missile lock down. He use Frank shopping cart almost in a way that Yipes use Vergil + Hawkeye's arrow. It's much much much much improve from ECT4.
Chris does know the Doom TAC stuff. He doesn't do the infinite but he does the classic Marlin which is the one that end up with rocks into sphere flame, which kill anyways. Joker is a fraud. He has movement and nothing else to offer. He can barely confirm his own combos, and his neutral game is pretty braindead. Just just flies around a lot until repulsor hits something. At least Ray Ray knows how to win.
I haven't seen Justin's Vergil lately so I guess I am missing out.
That same tournament Chris G lost to Ricky too. ..#forwhatitsworth
Justin also benefit with Yipes always being in his stream. Yipes drop a lot of knowledge in the stream chat when Justin streams. I didn't even know if you just press MH with Vergil he canceling his stinger with dash. So you literally don't have to wave dash, but just MH MH MH MH then go low or whatever you want.
Karst mentioned that in the thread a while back. Him and Ghost Rider have the easiest wavedashes in the game. Vergil forwards, and Ghost Rider backwards (just hold back and MH).
I think Clockwork has the best Doom.
Not sure how many of you here are following comics, but Deadpool #4 had a little treat.
Spoiler if you are waiting to read it yourself though
Deadpool has been doing Street Fighter moves in comics long before he was in Marvel vs Capcom.
Yeah it's a bit dumbed down but it's still a good action game with depth. No hard lock on and less precision in just about everything.Dahbomb/other DMC heads -- gimme all your best DMC songs. I want some cheesy or good rock/metal fusion/whatever the hell it is.
Also played a bit of's not super awful but I was never a combo monster. Does seem a little dumbed down but w/e it's mindless fun. I didn't pay for it so I'm not exactly vested in it.
Dahbomb/other DMC heads -- gimme all your best DMC songs. I want some cheesy or good rock/metal fusion/whatever the hell it is.
Also played a bit of's not super awful but I was never a combo monster. Does seem a little dumbed down but w/e it's mindless fun. I didn't pay for it so I'm not exactly vested in it.
My suggestions. Blackened Angel, Baroque and Beats, Divine Hate(Vergil version), The Viper, Despair Embodied and Super Pubic(lol) Enemy.Dahbomb/other DMC heads -- gimme all your best DMC songs. I want some cheesy or good rock/metal fusion/whatever the hell it is.
Jesus Christ, I watched Hell=Sloth is Dead so many times back in the day that I remember the combos just by listening to this song. <-- this one is a classic for DMC fans for obvious reasons