XBL is primarily scrub gaf.
It doesn't work. You don't have enough time to call Dante after raw tagging. Your only options with that team are do some sort of blockstring first while calling Dante, or use all 5 bars to DHC through to Silent Kill. You can also change the team order to X-23 second, then use ankle slicer before the TAC to force Magneto to come out and only use 4 bars for Shockwave -> Silent Kill. Either way you're almost always going to have to burn X-factor after the first Silent Kill because incoming characters won't always fall the same way and you'll probably need to OTG with Ankle Slicer. You can use Jam Session to combo after, but you won't be able to do enough damage. And considering how hard it is to build two bars before killing the character, you'll probably never get a second silent kill the way you want.
The best TAC infinite Dirt Nap teams are Morrigan/X-23/Doom and Zero/X-23/Doom because they can always force the TAC you want, Doom TAC works midscreen in all three directions reliably and they're both strong teams outside of the TAC gimmick. You can also use Sougenmu or Astral Vision with impunity because you're banking all your meter gain on TACs. Morrigan in particular is the best because you can build the remaining meter after Silent Kill using Dark Harmonizer as a reliable way to get the second kill. It's the only team that lets you get two reliably. You're still almost never going to be able to kill the anchor, but you'll get really close. If I remember right, the silent Kill will do like 450k with the remaining x-factor level 1, and if you get really lucky you can link into a standing combo afterwards without ankle slicer and kill but that almost never happens.
Plus Morrigan has her infinite so you don't even need the TAC if you have a good hit and solid execution.
I found that I was able to do Jam Session after I hard tag and it hit the incomming person and even combo from the hit with the final strike.
I just happen to be the person here that knows how they work. Killa Sasa and I are the only X-23 players here.So Dirt Nap teams are common?
You can do cool stuff like that, but you get more damage by just doing a bunch of Crescent Scythe Ls into Talon Attack Ls.also does anyone play X-23 and does her Merage Feint Combo?
On paper it's a huge issue but making it work in a practical way is much harder than it seems. I spent a good two months working it out and wound up sticking it on the backburner. And it's not like it's the ultimate team or anything. It's basically awesome until one character dies, then it's basically two anchors. The Zero one fares a little better in that situation if you use Plasma Beam.I hear alot of pro players saying how Silent Kill is going to be a problem later but I dont know what they mean by that...
I hear alot of pro players saying how Silent Kill is going to be a problem later but I dont know what they mean by that...
After a TAC infinite?
after Magnetos. I didnt do up to the hits to kill the character but i got there health low and did two reps and was able to quickly land on the ground and tag out and activate Jam Session
Wait, what? You just did a hard knockdown then raw tag, then did dirt nap on the same character? That's not the same thing... Turn off life refill in training mode and finish the loop and try it to see if it works. Remember, The opponent shouldn't be able to move before being hit with Jam Session.
But their leader Beef is on PSN.
But their leader Beef is on PSN.
I think I'm going to try Nova.
Nova/Hawkeye/Sentinel here I come!
These Human Rocket Punch loops aren't even that hard...
I really need to start learning the Doom TAC combos and the Nova infinite...
Sorry to sound scrublike, but are there any notations for either of those out there?
One tiny, hard-to-find Blast Shard to search for in 3 very large cities... D:
Dahbomb = Platinum rank on Dota 2.
He probably has a higher rank than me because he has played like thousands of games already.
I've used countless maps online and can't find the damn thing. Luckily in inFamous 2 they let you click in the stick to find them easy.
You can do that in the first one too... it just wasn't as easy-mode as the 2nd where it literally showed you the shard.
And that's one of the last trophies I'm missing.
I have all the shards... but I'm too lazy to do the stunts. Then with Infamous 2 I just beat it then said fuck it... I don't even care about the other ending. *goes off to Youtube*
Add me, Dahbomb (Dan_the_Badass with the Vergil avatar) on Steam. We can play some bots matches together sometime.
oh and God Beard, what is the talon cresent sythe combo your refering to? do you have the notations?
The only stunt I had trouble with was the melee finisher on an airborne guy because I didn't buy any melee upgrades. All the other stunts were easy as pie. Then again, I was doing a Hero run on Hard Mode...which is like Hard Mode+.
I gave up on the one where you had to stick the other guy with a nade that he toss at you. And fuck Infamous 2 while we are it too, it froze on me like 4 times!
Can't stand strategy whatever the fuck games. When I hit a button I want to god damn be hitting something.Infamous is for scrubs. I'm on that XCOM crack. Two "very difficult" missions in a row beaten with no damage ^_^
If you don't know about it, it's like Fire Emblem + Sim Tower with aliens.
Theory fighters like me do well with turn-based games. No shot clock? Might as well take a nap cause I'll be here a while.
It's too bad nobody plays H&H anymore because there's a "Theory Fighter" title that you can unlock from playing.
You probably one of them dudes that enjoy baseball too huh? ZZzZzZ This is AMURICCA. WE GOTTA HIT SOMETHING SON!
Well Student of Science is pretty good. But yeah, I tried to play some the other day to unlock herald colors and couldn't get a game in.
Hardly anybody uses x-23(pros).
As far as GAF goes, there's Killa Sasa, but that's about it.
Add me, Dahbomb (Dan_the_Badass with the Vergil avatar) on Steam. We can play some bots matches together sometime.
lol Shuma bnb into frank snap shot = instant level 5
I would try this but I'm executionally challenged. I can't pull off those magneto combos.Replace Hawkeye with Magneto and you have the best team![]()