Hey anybody down for some games on PSN? I feel like playing.
After trying and failing miserably to pick up the raccoon a while ago, I've been messing around with him more and things are starting to click for me. He's actually a lot of fun, just super awkward to get used to. He reminds a lot of how doom was for me in vanilla- picked him up initially for assists and then grew on me as a point character. I wish there was more in the way of guides/resources for the little guy (though there stuff here and there, like the unblockable set-up. I need neutral game advice!). I also need to sit down and try to learn the boulder trap loop- though I'm not looking forward to it (T_T)
All I can really say about the neutral, is to not forget the rocket skates and that they're special and super cancellable.
Just reading these posts is really making me want to play UMvC3 again. I haven't played it in a good while, due to me having so many other games to play.I'm going to return once more!
Opposite for me. Me and karst playes about 50 games. I hadn't played in a few weeks and before that a good month or 2 (started playing cuz of the tourney). Marvel just is a little (a lot) stale now. Being the ONLY game ive played since vanilla this is a little saddening. Do you guys think marvel is dying? Seems like we are in dire need of an update of some sort to keep the levels of hype up.
A comprehensive rebalance patch would be enough to get me hyped.Opposite for me. Me and karst playes about 50 games. I hadn't played in a few weeks and before that a good month or 2 (started playing cuz of the tourney). Marvel just is a little (a lot) stale now. Being the ONLY game ive played since vanilla this is a little saddening. Do you guys think marvel is dying? Seems like we are in dire need of an update of some sort to keep the levels of hype up.
That was only theory though. The most common use I give them is backwards skates xx Claymore, forward skates xx Log Trap, and upback air skates xx Spitfire. There was this one awesome time when I did forward skates, and my opponent reacted with a low attack, but right before it hit I cancelled into the spring super and hit him instead it was a fun thing to see.
Also, nothing wrong with setting up traps whenever you can, just be careful to not get hit during it. Obviously don't get hit before they activate either or else it would have been a waste.
Opposite for me. Me and karst playes about 50 games. I hadn't played in a few weeks and before that a good month or 2 (started playing cuz of the tourney). Marvel just is a little (a lot) stale now. Being the ONLY game ive played since vanilla this is a little saddening. Do you guys think marvel is dying? Seems like we are in dire need of an update of some sort to keep the levels of hype up.
I'm not very good. I play on pad, so that should tell you. lol. .
I'm up for any games at some point today, guys.
PSN - leechaolan
I'm not very good. I play on pad, so that should tell you. lol. Trying to learn a character with a good beam assist so I can get better openings. Trying Dr. Strange out. Would learn doom, but doom is meh. I know he's really good, but I can't tri-dash worth a crap.
I can tri-dash on the vita. It's definitely doable.
I started learning the Doom down TAC swag combo on Vita yesterday. I was almost able to get the whole thing in a couple hours of practice. So yeah, you can do pretty much whatever on pad, although less so on Vita because it's missing those two important extra shoulder buttons so charge characters are tougher.
which one are you working on? I have the down and side TACs pretty much set (in training). really need to do Up and mid-screen ones next
I just started with the down one, so I haven't tried the others yet. I found a video that goes through all of them in slow motion. I think the others will be easier to get than this first one as there seem to be some duplicated sections throughout the different TAC direction versions. So far I do pretty well up to the point where you do the j.H, M, M, Plasma Beam, M, Molecular Shield, Sphere Flame. Not sure what the best timing is on that. I can pretty much do all the previous stuff about as fast as I can go and it seems to work well.
you start the double M (one hit each) as they are falling. you want the butter gun to hit pretty meaty so it shoots them up a good distance. The longer you let the opponent fall after that butter gun but before they fall out is a bit lenient, but the longer you wait the better. after the double M in the plasma beam, you wait till just after the second hit of the beam and let your M hit the opponent twice before the rocks into flame spear
You might be doing a different TAC than me for the down. The first one I tried had multiple in-air dashes with light punches, which i hated on the vita. doable, just not into it.
The one I do now starts with Down TAC, instant lp, M (2hits), M(2hits), F+H (foot dive), wave dash UF, lp, M (2 hits), flight, 3 reps, 2 lp, M (2hits), M (2hits), butter gun, then the ending.
Maybe post a video of the one you're doing and it would help.
I will say the biggest thing about doing these combos are the positions of your character and the opponent. I've sped up different parts of the entire combo to compensate for these positions to ultimate reach the end gate of 2 M (one hit each) plasma (2 hits) M (2) into rocks.
What also was a big help is realizing where my "hard parts" were, and focusing on getting those down. If I messed up, I like to check input data to see if it was a an execution error, of if my timing was off. If it's off, I want to know if I'm early or late, and if so, look for visual clues to help my not cause that problem next time.
Personally, I find the side TAC much easier. I did see FChamp do an UP TAC last night that looked just as easy that I think i'm going to learn
Yeah I think mine is different. It's from this video:
It's L, M, F+H, ADF, L, M, Flight, L, L, ADU, L, L, ADF, L, L, M, ADUF, L, L, M, M, H, M, M, L Plasma Beam, M, Molecular Shield, Sphere Flame.
Up to the L, L, M, M sequence you can pretty much mash stuff out as fast as you can go and it connects fine, at least on big characters like Dormammu. After that is where the timing becomes murkier.
Yea, that was the first one (down TAC) that I started with, but like I said, I didn't care for all the dashing with the Ls and what have you. The problem with vita Marvel is everyone that is left has terrible connections. I wanted a combo with less things to worry about, and that didn't seem like one of them.
For the particular combo you are learning (and I've done a few times) you only 1 M to hit one time, except for the L,L,M, M you want the last hit of M to hit twice, as well as the M after the plasma beam to also hit 2 times.
Cool, I will try that. This stuff is so much easier to learn when someone can highlight the finer points. I can't tell you how long it took me to figure out the right time to dash cancel the j.S footdive in Doom's bnb's.
Also, if people think Marvel is garbage online on the consoles, they need to try the Vita version for an eye-opening experience. Everything is laggy, it's nearly impossible to get a match with someone in your own country, and almost every player match session randomly drops after 2-3 matches max. It's disgusting. Good thing it's still useful for training mode.
Yea, I only ever played on Vita. I got the console version some time ago, but never made the transition. It was only after I moved to X Tekken, then back to this game that I realized how.....bad....the vita version was. It is definitely invaluable for training mode.
I recently switched vitas and forgot to backup my marvel save. Good bye 1st lord on vita.
Again, the only reason I'm able to give you this type of Doom TAC help is because I only learned these about 2 weeks ago. I drop my doom BnBs a ton on Vita so I didn't really feel the need to get better at TACs so I kind of took a step backwards before I move on again.
Vita only? And you actually played enough ranked matches (AKA the real ragequit hell, since everyone's a ragequitter) to get 1st Lord? Bless your soul. I definitely recommend playing on consoles as it's better in all ways other than portability. I play on stick on console so there's been quite an adjustment to doing stuff on pad, but you should be able to do everything on a console pad pretty easily.
Scanning twitter to see if people are still asking Marvel for updates I see a disproportionate amount of Japanese tweets for umvc3. Has the game gotten a cult following in Japan in the mean time? Last I heard they were pretty much ignoring it barring some outlier players like Kusoru.
Also, if people think Marvel is garbage online on the consoles, they need to try the Vita version for an eye-opening experience. Everything is laggy, it's nearly impossible to get a match with someone in your own country, and almost every player match session randomly drops after 2-3 matches max. It's disgusting. Good thing it's still useful for training mode.
Yea, but then again, this game was the reason I bought a vita. If it weren't for the rage quitters, I'm sure I would have made it to Master lol. There's so many on there it's ridiculous.
Not to mention all the auto-block people making mixups a sham. For some reason, I absolutely suck at standing grabs unless it's a command grab or an air grab. Easier for me on the stick to wave dash into a grab.
What is this? There's some kind of auto-block on Vita?
It's actually a bit ironic that I've started to practice Doom swag combos on the Vita since I decided to pick low execution teams for that platform. But I started playing Wolverine/Doom/Ammy and having Doom on a second means big opportunities for TAC's. So why not. Doom's not really a high-execution character anyway, at least not like Magneto or Viper.
Maybe you can hold one direction on the analog and another on the d-pad?
Maybe you can hold one direction on the analog and another on the d-pad?
Actually, when I first started playing UMVC3 on the Vita I was able to get decent connections online, even when hotspotting to my 4G phone (Karsticles is rolling in his grave at this statement). It seems to have gotten a lot worse recently. Maybe something happened with PSN.
Can PW turnabout mode do anything to MorriDoom?
I find it impossible to believe the vita version is lag-free, especially if you've tried to play in the past 2 weeks.
What are combos again?
edit : Lol play in a lobby for 20 matches and you'll see
It won't happen against a good Morridoom.
Hmm. That could be it, since I haven't played it in a while. But I seriously had no problem with lag, I've 2-3 hours continously every night on ranked. Still with a rarity of lag.![]()
Where do you live? There are definitely a lot of players in Mexico. Oftentimes I will see country flags I don't even recognize, which is pretty funny. It makes me want to try to figure out where that person was from.