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Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 |OT3| To infinites... and beyond!

Oh God you weren't joking. I think I need to vomit.

EDIT: Here's hoping win or lose they post up the entries somewhere. I'd like to browse them all and read some of the concepts to see some of the ideas people came up with.

Haha. Yeah, pretty horrible. You should really see the other videos on other characters. Pretty interesting.

Yeah, i'm definitely looking forward to that myself. Curious as to what the top subject was that people chose as there character concept.
Frank on point? How are you getting good Frank Levels with that team? I love Frank, point Frank doesn't make any sense to me.

Hah. Trust me, this saved my life in many situations. I just love it overall. Plus I play who I enjoy and make it work. ;)

I do my BnB combo, once it's complete, call out Ghost Rider: Chain of Rebuttal, take a picture, character wall bounces, take another picture. Lvl 3 Frank, with a 430,000+ damage.


It works until someone x-factors your block string and throws you in the air. Doom incoming with Ammy though is rough, it's a good strategy.

Assuming your reactions are on point, you could counter x-factor and nullify that strategy
too, right? Aside from that, what else could people do? Would x-factoring and going for a snap work like how people use it to get out of viper focus unblockables?
Hah. Trust me, this saved my life in many situations. I just love it overall. Plus I play who I enjoy and make it work. ;)

I hear that. I've always enjoyed playing teams I just love. Although they've resulted in less wins. lol. So, trying to learn better setups and such. It's going well. ;)
I hear that. I've always enjoyed playing teams I just love. Although they've resulted in less wins. lol. So, trying to learn better setups and such. It's going well. ;)

Maybe you just need to practice a bit more, and have faith. Hah. Oh, well then, good! I definitely want to have a match with you some time when its possible. Put the skills to the test. ;D


Alternatively if there isn't enough meter or the partners aren't good for THC leveling, land combo and call assist->snapshot->assist hits->snapshot again.

When possible, I prefer snapshot -> assist hits -> launch -> j.H -> kneedrop -> snapshot. Get some damage and meter, works late in the combo, sets up an easy hyper. Doesn't work with all assists though.


Just started playing some UMvC3, and it feels good to use Frank/Ghost Rider/Nemesis again. I really do miss this game. Just really need to put my skills to the test on some players, I need the great feel of a rage quit. XD

Right now, just hitting up training mode to figure out some new tricks that I can possibly do.

I don't like Nemesis on anchor, but here's a trick with Nem/Frank that is fun to pull off in real matches.


Basically, you can DHC with Nemesis just like Dante, except it only does 4 hits and scales like a motherfucker. Why do his hypers scale like a motherfucker :(
Doom question, probably a silly one. When doing his Launcher, M&M's in the corner with the foot dives, after the 2nd foot dive, it takes doom too long to "float down."

I tried tapping down twice to get him on the ground faster to get the third rep, but can't get it right. Any technique to this, or keep trying?

Also, is there a good tutorial for his tri-jumps too?


Doom question, probably a silly one. When doing his Launcher, M&M's in the corner with the foot dives, after the 2nd foot dive, it takes doom too long to "float down."

I tried tapping down twice to get him on the ground faster to get the third rep, but can't get it right. Any technique to this, or keep trying?

Also, is there a good tutorial for his tri-jumps too?

You need to air dash down (ADD) cancel his jS and then wiff a normal like L or M to drop even faster.

No need for tutorials on tri jumps it's just UF, DF+two buttons. You can super jump first and then dash DF for speed and longer distance.
You should always be dashing down after the second foot dive. Stop double tapping and dash with the buttons.

Yes. Not only do you want to dash down, but you should also be using an attack (either M or H) as doing one of these moves after a dash makes him fall faster

He was talking about the corner I believe, but Kioshen is right for mid screen as well


Doom question, probably a silly one. When doing his Launcher, M&M's in the corner with the foot dives, after the 2nd foot dive, it takes doom too long to "float down."

I tried tapping down twice to get him on the ground faster to get the third rep, but can't get it right. Any technique to this, or keep trying?

Also, is there a good tutorial for his tri-jumps too?

Stop double tapping immediately for dashes. Switch to holding a direction and pressing 2 buttons. It'll make everything a million times easier. I made the same mistake when I first started playing Marvel 3.

And you can make yourself fall down even faster by whiffing a button after the air dash.
Stop double tapping immediately for dashes. Switch to holding a direction and pressing 2 buttons. It'll make everything a million times easier. I made the same mistake when I first started playing Marvel 3.

This. As a pad player it 'seems' to be easier to just double tap to dash... but once I learned to dash with buttons the game seems to make a good bit more sense & combos got more doable.
Assuming your reactions are on point, you could counter x-factor and nullify that strategy
too, right? Aside from that, what else could people do? Would x-factoring and going for a snap work like how people use it to get out of viper focus unblockables?

If you do it right, they could never snap because of Cold Star. Honestly, if you set it up well, it beats x-factor too because Doom has a f+H command normal. So you just drag them to the ground with a blockstring using jM and if they x-factor it cancel into f+H which throws them. I'm sure a lot of characters could pushblock the first hit, x-factor and airdash or use a beam hyper or whatever, though.


Well, I managed to hit that down TAC Doom swag combo last night. I got it to connect around five different times, on opponents of different sizes (Dormammu - large, Trish - medium, Firebrand - small). It does seem like the most important part mid-combo is to make sure the j.H butter gun hits at right about the center of your opponent's character model. That way it hits meaty enough to pop them up and keep them in stun long enough to connect the next j.M. So doing that on different character sizes requires different timing, but it seems to work pretty well to slow down your hits right before the j.H is required and try to visually confirm about where you're going to hit them. I will have to practice it some more and then I think I'll move on to the other TAC directions! Feels good to hit such a long crazy combo though.

edit: On Doom BnB's, don't forget that you should wait to hit the air dash command (typically two buttons plus down-forward) until right as you're hitting your opponent with j.S! Visually confirming this will make properly timing that combo much, much easier.
why did i choose to play ranked last night? ughh.

i was thisclose to putting vergil on my team at anchor just to do derpy xf3 helm breakers and inefficient H-S-H-S-H-S-H-S-H combos ending in dimension slash (is that the name for maximum vergil?). fuck.

actually, now that i think about it some more, nova/taskmaster/vergil doesnt sound that bad. i'm starting to consider that akuma isn't a good anchor for me. i just think his combos are fun to do but i really don't have much of a strategy with him.

should i make the switch?
I tried making Ghost Rider and Frank work cause I thought they could be a fun pair but they really don't work to well.

Whatever gives me my wins. Hah. There is some nice little tricks with them tho. Like my thing I made, 'full on projectile'.

Get Frank to Zombie Throw (preferably M, but all others work L is more strict timing, and H.. Well it takes while to throw a zombie), right after callout Chain of Rebuttal on Ghost Rider, and Object Throw (The more leveled up you are the easier it connects, since there's a speed boost). Then youh got them all connected, a character wall bouncede, with Frank ready to combo.

Also, its always fun to call out Ghost Rider, then Barrel Roll to other side of the player.
How are you going to get Wright leveled up in order for him to be useful?

It was a fucking dream, I dunno lol. I think I saved him for the endgame in case Frank died and I needed another win condition. I guess I figured that their point character would be dead by then so I'd have an easier time leveling Wright.


It was a fucking dream, I dunno lol. I think I saved him for the endgame in case Frank died and I needed another win condition. I guess I figured that their point character would be dead by then so I'd have an easier time leveling Wright.

I would like to see a viable team made up of all leveling characters. Frank and Phoenix would probably work, but I don't know who you could get as the third. Maybe MODOK since he can gain Levels of Understanding. Though by that token you might have to include Dormammu, who can technically level up in a way with his Dark Spells.


I'm personally against putting two "level up" characters on the same team. Too much rides on getting the advantage first.

EDIT - I'm excluding the ones where leveling up isn't too hard, like Dormammu or Wesker.


That's kinda how the game works in general.
That's kind of how most fighters work in general. But level up characters accentuate it.

Your team starts at 100% potential when the round starts. But with level up characters, you start with 80% with the plan of getting that number up to 100%. If that doesn't happen, then you're worse off than a team with 'normal' characters. Selecting two of those kinds of characters just makes this worse.


Technically level up characters are supposed to be better than normal characters so when they level up your team is supposed to be operating at 120%.


Technically level up characters are supposed to be better than normal characters so when they level up your team is supposed to be operating at 120%.

I dunno, I don't think you can say that level 1 Frank West is really on a par with other top-tier characters, so I buy a Frank West team as starting at a deficit. What's amazing is that Frank West actually might have edged out Phoenix as the best level up character now. Those chainsaws do work.
I dunno, I don't think you can say that level 1 Frank West is really on a par with other top-tier characters, so I buy a Frank West team as starting at a deficit. What's amazing is that Frank West actually might have edged out Phoenix as the best level up character now. Those chainsaws do work.

I wouldn't go as as far as to say that they are better. One advantage that feathers have over chainsaws is they are flying fire balls that go everywhere. Franks are more a one direction.
Not to mention Phoenix can still keep applying pressure if push guard thanks to teleports. Frank has to keep getting close. But that's only if assists aren't used

BTW I'm completely unbiased.
I still give him credit though. Frank is still a note worthy chipper when at high levels.


There is just too much anti-phoenix tech these days for her to be truly viable. The discovery of TAC infinites is helpful to her though.


I dunno, I don't think you can say that level 1 Frank West is really on a par with other top-tier characters, so I buy a Frank West team as starting at a deficit. What's amazing is that Frank West actually might have edged out Phoenix as the best level up character now. Those chainsaws do work.
No I am saying that LVL4 Frank is top tier whereas LVL1 Frank is like low mid tier. Frank West trounces the top tier characters once he's leveled up so its a worthwhile investment making a team around him.

TA PW however isn't really top tier and even if he was, his transformation is temporary so most of the time he is a liability than an asset.

Phoenix's problem is that Vergil exists and the biggest thing she has going for her that she can definitely survive 2 combos with 5 meter... barring any crazy set up.
Bought a SFxT Mad Catz fightpad and the damn thing is AWFUL. Its better than playing with a broken controller... but its quite bad. :( $20 I couldve saved

I'm really disappointed with my fightpadand i think imma shelve this game for a while... after a solid YEAR, literally, of this being one of the 2 or 3 games in my Xbox.

I shouldve known better than to pick the same brand whom I bought 4 fightpads that eventually broke from.


get some go again
Bought a SFxT Mad Catz fightpad and the damn thing is AWFUL. Its better than playing with a broken controller... but its quite bad. :( $20 I couldve saved

I'm really disappointed with my fightpadand i think imma shelve this game for a while... after a solid YEAR, literally, of this being one of the 2 or 3 games in my Xbox.

I shouldve known better than to pick the same brand whom I bought 4 fightpads that eventually broke from.
what don't you like about it? i bought it and returned it quick since it was too damn small and it made my hand hurt after using it for a while.
Yeah it is way too small. Thats the BIGGEST problem I have with it. The DPad is floaty with no resistance. And I don't like the triggers

The RB and RT buttons on the face sink too far into the base versus the other buttons stick up quite a bit, while the face buttons are really really stiff and not clicky at all. its like pushing an oreo into a marshmallow. I figure that would change after some use.

At least its better than the broken ass other 2 Mad Catz fightpads I been switching between when I gotta decide whether I want to drop inputs/not block in diagonal directions or the one where the buttons stick and the dpad just stays at 1 or 3 if im not pressing 7 or 9. I threw away the one where the dpad just fell off (That I took a picture of) and the one where I had to resolder the board until the mobo melted.

fucking sigh.


get some go again
At least its better than the broken ass other 2 Mad Catz fightpads I been switching between when I gotta decide whether I want to drop inputs/not block in diagonal directions or the one where the buttons stick and the dpad just stays at 1 or 3 if im not pressing 7 or 9. I threw away the one where the dpad just fell off (That I took a picture of) and the one where I had to resolder the board until the mobo melted.

fucking sigh.
i'll definitely agree with diagonal inputs sucking on these pads.
Wright is a terrible terrible anchor. It doesn't make any sense for him to be last. Wright relies on assists. If he's on point he can use assists and strategy to build into tournabout. If he's second most people kill a character and then DHC into Wright to grab 4 pieces of evidence. On third position he doesn't have anything going for him.
Magneto/Thor doesn't sound like a particularly strong duo to me, Thor seems to thrive with teams that have install supers.

Mad Hopper is an install hyper. I'm using attraction with Magneto to drag people into Mighty Strike, which has a much bigger hitbox and causes more hitstun than Lariat while causing less hitstun decay. And Tornado is a way better DHC than anything Haggar has, and Thor is a character I'm fond of using.

Plus, with Mighty Strike and Log Trap I can add a ground bounce and wall bounce to Magneto. Log Trap is one of my top 3 Magneto assists, too.
I'm surprised nobody has made a really nice pad using mechanical switches instead of membrane stuff.

The official UMVC3 pad has the BEST buttons. They use microswitches. If it had a regular dpad, it would be perfect.


I purchased it a week before UMVC3 came out and tried it for a couple months.

I only used it for that F2P Dungeon MMO
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