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Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 |OT3| To infinites... and beyond!


That's a lot of thumb action man. When I used to play tekken on pad the skin on my thumb be peeling off and shit. That's why I was like woah at people playing kof on pad. So much thumb action (go for the sex joke panda).

If you put enough practice in, just about anything becomes possible. I was able to pull off Doom's down TAC swag combo within a day of learning it, playing both on pad and stick. It's all about dat repetition. Now to get better at box dashing into Magnetic Blast...
GGs, Slasher. I feel like we had much closer matches than the last time we played. I screamed a bit after that one match with the back-to-back Phantom Dances :p


God dayum I hate Vergil. He is EASILY the most ubiquitous character online on japanese PSN. Probably 50% or more of teams I play against have him somewhere (usually anchor). Phoenix was never even this prevalent in the vanilla days. It reminds me of playing vanilla SF4 online and having 75% of my matches against shotos- it's fucking boring.
Thanks everybody that's trained me up in the past two months. Yesterday I played against my friend that I used to lose to pretty badly and I bodied him ^_^

We also played some Ultimate Street Fighter, too godlike.

Back in SF now, so no more PSN for me.


God dayum I hate Vergil. He is EASILY the most ubiquitous character online on japanese PSN. Probably 50% or more of teams I play against have him somewhere (usually anchor). Phoenix was never even this prevalent in the vanilla days. It reminds me of playing vanilla SF4 online and having 75% of my matches against shotos- it's fucking boring.
There's your problem son.

Vergil was one of Japan's most requested characters and Japan was using Vergil like people in USA use Vergil now DAY 1 of the game. They love that katana wielding dark slayer.


Of all the stupid shit in this game, at least lightning loops, TAC infinites, and moridoom fireball spam take work to do. Dark Vergil is the king of derp. If your welcome mix-up fails against him, there's a good chance you straight up lose. Hell, fuck up the mix-up and you probably got happy birthday'd for your trouble too- yolo helmbreaker doesn't give a fuck.
yeah, I know I should snap him in :(


My problem matches with Vergil are ones where I often don't have time to set up a good incoming mix-up. In a lot of match-ups, I play reaaaaally lame with Doom and when I'm doing well and slowly chipping them down, a lot of people raw tag back and forth between their first and second characters as they are getting their health whittled down, so I get kills via a plasma beam or something, I'm too far away to do much before Vergil shows up.

It's better for me to lose for a while rather than do well sometimes. If they get dark Vergil going, it doesn't matter how many characters I have left or how much meter I have, but if I'm getting beat and start making a comeback with x-factor lvl 3 Strider, Vergil never gets his shit going in the first place. The person who loses at the beginning can often end up bizarrely with the advantage.



Great video from SRK concerning throw option selects.
I've been using some of the post-throw option selects for a while now. The dash back one is especially strong against Wolverine, since it means I can actually escape at the start. Of course, online rarely reads my inputs, but when it does it's strong. Post throw > snapback is also really good against characters with faster normals than you, since it's 2 frames and, depending on the character, can be safe on block.

The plink throw OS is godlike. Need to start using that. I knew it worked in the air, but didn't realize it worked on the ground. It'll make the start of the round with Dante easier to deal with.


I know a few people here play Chris, so could someone give me tips for how to play him?
1. What is his neutral game?
2. What can he do against teleporters?
Neutral game is to setup mines and grenades to prevent rushdown characters from entering your proximity. When fighting other zoners, you want to establish a command by using gunfire M or H, or superjumping and using D+j.H cancelled into gunfire M or H.

I don't know if there's an archive but watching the recent Brazil UMvC3 tournament finals would give you a good idea of how to play Chris.
I think I want to use Chris on a side team. Right now I've been trying:
Chris(Gunfire)/Hawkeye(Triple Arrows)/Sentinel(Drones).
{Yellow costumes + mango sentinel for color synergy)

I'm decent enough with Hawkeye and Sentinel.
I'd actually put Hawkeye on Ragtime Shot(Kamikaze) which is the vertical assist, since Chris has good horizontal coverage already. Otherwise that's a solid team.
My Chris combo is something like:
c.m s.h f.h s j. mmhs j. qcf m s.s j.mmhs A2(drones) j. qcf h b.H( Flamethrower.. until first drones hit) xx dp AA.

Any further advice about Chris would be appreciated.
If your midscreen carry is good, your combo should be something like
Cr.M St.H F.H xx QCB+H > (Dash) Cr.H xx QCB+H > Cr.H xx QCF+H > S.S > j.MMHS > A2 + j.QCF+H > B.H, at this point you should be able to get 2 flamethrowers before the super as well.

  • Try not to use Hawkeye DHC, since Gimlet scaling is terrible late in the combo.
  • Chris' best normal is Cr.M, good hitbox, hard to punish, good anti-air, hitconfirms into St.H 95% of the time. Counterhit Cr.M also links into Cr.H, which is useful to know since you may get a wrong input sometimes but still be able to combo off of it.
  • Chris' blockstring is pretty predictable and tends to be unsafe even when cancelled so when you're applying pressure make sure to watch out for your opponent's pushblocking habits since Chris can be punished by certain characters like Dormammu.
  • Generally use Mine (L) to end blockstrings because the pushback it causes is very hard to punish and I think it's -4 on block.
  • Only use Gunfire (L) sparingly like predicting a tri-dashers approach because it has an abysmal startup and scales combos massively.
  • For this team, put Chris on Gunfire assist because it is the best THC for this configuration.


Neutral game is to setup mines and grenades to prevent rushdown characters from entering your proximity. When fighting other zoners, you want to establish a command by using gunfire M or H, or superjumping and using D+j.H cancelled into gunfire M or H.

I don't know if there's an archive but watching the recent Brazil UMvC3 tournament finals would give you a good idea of how to play Chris.

I'd actually put Hawkeye on Ragtime Shot(Kamikaze) which is the vertical assist, since Chris has good horizontal coverage already. Otherwise that's a solid team.

If your midscreen carry is good, your combo should be something like
Cr.M St.H F.H xx QCB+H > (Dash) Cr.H xx QCB+H > Cr.H xx QCF+H > S.S > j.MMHS > A2 + j.QCF+H > B.H, at this point you should be able to get 2 flamethrowers before the super as well.

  • Try not to use Hawkeye DHC, since Gimlet scaling is terrible late in the combo.
  • Chris' best normal is Cr.M, good hitbox, hard to punish, good anti-air, hitconfirms into St.H 95% of the time. Counterhit Cr.M also links into Cr.H, which is useful to know since you may get a wrong input sometimes but still be able to combo off of it.
  • Chris' blockstring is pretty predictable and tends to be unsafe even when cancelled so when you're applying pressure make sure to watch out for your opponent's pushblocking habits since Chris can be punished by certain characters like Dormammu.
  • Generally use Mine (L) to end blockstrings because the pushback it causes is very hard to punish and I think it's -4 on block.
  • Only use Gunfire (L) sparingly like predicting a tri-dashers approach because it has an abysmal startup and scales combos massively.
  • For this team, put Chris on Gunfire assist because it is the best THC for this configuration.
1. I'll try hawkeye's vertical assist, it does seem like a better assist for Chris. I had triple arrow assist initially because I'm really comfortable with it.

2. I'll have to practice the Chris combo you posted.

3. Yeah I wasn't planning on DHCing into Hawkeye anyways, i already know his DHC damage is bad.

4. Thanks for the info about using l mine for safeish blockstrings.

5. I'll have to work on using l mine in the neutral and super jump j.d.H cancelled into gunfire.

6. I'll also have to try getting two flamethrowers in before super, next time I can go into training mode.

Thanks Solune! Your advice is much appreciated.

Also I've got one more question for you:
Can Chris do anything against teleporters? What would be his best option against them? Chuck a L mine to keep yourself somewhat safe by the explosion? DeadPhoemix was saying the going into prone position might be useful...


I think I know now why F Champ was talking about Injustice.

Announcements everywhere

Looking good. I wonder if F Champ is one of the guys involved in the fan vote gameplay events or something? Fanatiq talked about this game months ago too like he knew something so maybe him? Who knows. Still hoping for DC vs Marvel someday. It'd take a Disney and WB joint venture to do it though. At least I think Disney holds the keys to Marvel's game license. If not then who knows it might get even easier to make this a thing someday. Capcom should look into trying to make this a thing someday. NRS is doing great, but if Capcom got involved and did another "we each build a different game" deal with NRS just to land the DC vs Marvel thing they'd likely steal the show from them with their 3v3 + assist style of games.

All DC vs Marvel dreams aside though it looks like Injustice is shaping into something with a lot of potential now. Day 1.
Just pulled off my first full Doom combo, with the 3 reps, into a Lvl 3 in a match to win it. (had to Tri-jump as well)

So thanks guys for the Doom help. :D


Also I've got one more question for you:
Can Chris do anything against teleporters? What would be his best option against them? Chuck a L mine to keep yourself somewhat safe by the explosion? DeadPhoemix was saying the going into prone position might be useful...

Chris is very vulnerable to characters with tracking teleports. Your best bet is actually to throw a few incendiary grenades , and walk towards the grenades since they detonate when Chris takes damage and the explosion leaves a flame carpet that basically acts as a combo breaker.

If they are backing their teleporter with a beam like Vergil/Mag, you'll want to Super jump during neutral to avoid the mixup, laying a mine is risky and Chris is vulnerable during that period unless you have called your assist to back you up already.

The prone tech is very situational, because generally an opponent looking to attack Chris when he's already in prone position won't be going for a crossup in most events. However if you KNOW they are going to teleport behind, you can go into prone, and as they are finishing their teleport hit up to go back into neutral and throw them immediately since Chris is invincible for 5 frames I believe as he's getting up.

I haven't even bothered to try mastering that tech honestly though if you want to commit to something at very high level play it may be useful.
1. I'll try hawkeye's vertical assist, it does seem like a better assist for Chris. I had triple arrow assist initially because I'm really comfortable with it.

2. I'll have to practice the Chris combo you posted.

3. Yeah I wasn't planning on DHCing into Hawkeye anyways, i already know his DHC damage is bad.

4. Thanks for the info about using l mine for safeish blockstrings.

5. I'll have to work on using l mine in the neutral and super jump j.d.H cancelled into gunfire.

6. I'll also have to try getting two flamethrowers in before super, next time I can go into training mode.

Thanks Solune! Your advice is much appreciated.

Also I've got one more question for you:
Can Chris do anything against teleporters? What would be his best option against them? Chuck a L mine to keep yourself somewhat safe by the explosion? DeadPhoemix was saying the going into prone position might be useful...

Like Solune said, Chris is just really vulnerable to most teleports. I personally try to constantly bait people into doing bad teleports. Of course this isn't always gonna work because some people are just way too good to be doing bad teleports. I'm pretty solid at running away and keeping myself covered with my assists and causing chip damage, so 7/10 times my opponent will just go for broke with teleports and I'm always ready with a cr.m. Well cr.m for Vergil who is usually the one character going apeshit with his teleports. Dante I just jump up and grab him if they start getting to predictable with the teleports. It's kinda case by case. Depends on the character and what assists they are running. But most of the time cr.m is solving my problems. The only teleport I have really serious problems with is Deadpool's.

mr. puppy

I think I know now why F Champ was talking about Injustice.

Announcements everywhere

Looking good. I wonder if F Champ is one of the guys involved in the fan vote gameplay events or something? Fanatiq talked about this game months ago too like he knew something so maybe him? Who knows. Still hoping for DC vs Marvel someday. It'd take a Disney and WB joint venture to do it though. At least I think Disney holds the keys to Marvel's game license. If not then who knows it might get even easier to make this a thing someday. Capcom should look into trying to make this a thing someday. NRS is doing great, but if Capcom got involved and did another "we each build a different game" deal with NRS just to land the DC vs Marvel thing they'd likely steal the show from them with their 3v3 + assist style of games.

All DC vs Marvel dreams aside though it looks like Injustice is shaping into something with a lot of potential now. Day 1.

i can't handle how terrible and clunky the animation is. its driving me crazy. every single MK game has it too: terrible contact animations, slow characters, awkward jump arcs, reuse of the same character model for every damn character, UNIVERSAL NORMALS, gahhhhhhhhhhhh


How execution heavy is soul fist fly cancel spamming stuff considered? As I always say I am very new but I am trying to learn how to do this and it is taking me a really long time! I can consistently Soul Fist fly-cancel Soul Fist, but I always seem to drop the unfly. Any tips for this? Or for practice methods in general?


I think there's a big step inbetween training mode soul fist spam and real match mindful soul fist spam. There's a good reason Chris G is the only person to have won a major with it: My advice is to practice doing it slowly and then gradually speed it up while maintaining control and consistency.
i can't handle how terrible and clunky the animation is. its driving me crazy. every single MK game has it too: terrible contact animations, slow characters, awkward jump arcs, reuse of the same character model for every damn character, UNIVERSAL NORMALS, gahhhhhhhhhhhh

I agree, and fuck DC characters, but those Solomon Grundy combos are serious.
I think there's a big step inbetween training mode soul fist spam and real match mindful soul fist spam. There's a good reason Chris G is the only person to have won a major with it: My advice is to practice doing it slowly and then gradually speed it up while maintaining control and consistency.

I don't think the reason Chris wins over other Morrigan because he can spam better at all. I think the reason Chris wins is because he doesn't auto pilot the spam. There's no pattern to Chris G's fireball it base off what he sees and how he reacts to it. He also is very aware of what's going on so there are times when he just fly across the sky, or underneath when his Astral vision is still active. Rather wasting the super, and getting into a better spot then trying to spam just because the super is active. Basically playing for the long haul, and that to me is much more than execution, but actual mind games.

The actual spam of the fireball isn't hard it just like everything else people speed up when they are nervous. This goes with everything like spencer and his otg tk grapple, or zero and his tk lighting. People who play Doom and mash the otg then screw it up.

That just tournament nerves if you're fucking up soul fist spam...


It warms my heart when online players have to burn XF on my Joe.

It's always fun when you can make people salty online using relatively low tier teams. I usually lose it with laughter whenever I can get someone using a team trench coat variant to rage quit from a match against my Tron team.

Of course, the more common experience for me is to get completely wiped out by Spiral Swords, but I'd rather not talk about that : /


I just enjoy it when somebody burns x-factor to
kill one of your characters and you're like, 'haha, I'm ass with them. way to waste your xf.'

In other news, out-YOLOing online Vergils
is proving to be a pretty successful strategy.
Doom/Dante THC -> x-factor -> go nuts and pray.


tagged by Blackace
It warms my heart when online players have to burn XF on my Joe.
This is me too with Iron Man, though I'm never quite sure if they do it because of the unfamiliarity, they're actually being annoyed by him, just because it's the second character, or they actually know how crucial he is to my team.
Huh, Thor's Mighty Spark H causes a soft knockdown if the last hit whiffs.Lets you go straight from Mighty Spark to a fully charged Mighty Strike.


2L2H+A1(EMD) xx Mighty Strike L(charged), 2H xx Mighty Smash M, S +A2(Log Trap), jH xx Mighty Spark H, Mighty Strike M(charged), Mighty Smash L

688,500k meterless, 870+k with Tornado
It's always fun when you can make people salty online using relatively low tier teams./

Even better when they are sitting right next to you. I just won my first "major" tourney. (Thanks to all you GAF dudes for level'n me up) The look on this guys face when he couldn't kill Wright was awe inspiring. I can't wait till that streams up.
Someone please remind me to discuss potential Ranbat rules in here for UMvC3 in the morning. I'd discuss it now, but it's late and there's a bunch of other shit going on what with donation drives lol.


So Capcom puts up DmC Vergil avatar on PSN... Where are the UMvC3 avatars already?


@Azure, does Drive cause a certain amount of hitstun when the opponent is airborne? It seems to be able to link into S.S late in combos.
So Capcom puts up DmC Vergil avatar on PSN... Where are the UMvC3 avatars already?


@Azure, does Drive cause a certain amount of hitstun when the opponent is airborne? It seems to be able to link into S.S late in combos.

This angers me greatly. Capcom puts out avatars out for nearly every game they release on PSN except for Ultimate. Just give me a Wright avatar Capcom!


Even better when they are sitting right next to you. I just won my first "major" tourney. (Thanks to all you GAF dudes for level'n me up) The look on this guys face when he couldn't kill Wright was awe inspiring. I can't wait till that streams up.

Congrats on the tourney win!
I still need to level up some. I got tied for 8th in the San Antonio round robin recently, so not quite winning first, lol.
Even better when they are sitting right next to you. I just won my first "major" tourney. (Thanks to all you GAF dudes for level'n me up) The look on this guys face when he couldn't kill Wright was awe inspiring. I can't wait till that streams up.

You won a tourney with fucking Wright? WTF!!!!!! Wow I'm impressed.

Azure J

@Azure, does Drive cause a certain amount of hitstun when the opponent is airborne? It seems to be able to link into S.S late in combos.

Yeah. Granted I haven't tested this much yet, but it has a fair bit of float and hitstun on it. Might be interesting to check this out actually.
Even better when they are sitting right next to you. I just won my first "major" tourney. (Thanks to all you GAF dudes for level'n me up) The look on this guys face when he couldn't kill Wright was awe inspiring. I can't wait till that streams up.

Please let us know as soon as it's up! I love great Wright play. :D


Even better when they are sitting right next to you. I just won my first "major" tourney. (Thanks to all you GAF dudes for level'n me up) The look on this guys face when he couldn't kill Wright was awe inspiring. I can't wait till that streams up.
Congrats Slasher!
Your team is definitely a lot stronger than it looks on paper. Especially if someone hasn't experienced playing against it before.
Let us know when the stream is up.
Congrats Slasher!
Your team is definitely a lot stronger than it looks on paper. Especially if someone hasn't experienced playing against it before.
Let us know when the stream is up.

I see what you did there.

i need to take a break from this game. i never used to get salty, but getting caught by derpgil shit really pisses me off.

i'm gonna make a vergil team damnit.
You guys are probably going to laugh but...

I had the worst time fighting a hisenko the other day. An old friend of mine uses

Hisenko, Wolvie, Ammy. I was using Zero, X-23, Strider. He usually starts with hisenko doing her gold armor, then gongs and swaps to wolvie. The trend of the matches we played went like this, after switching I would talke out Ammy and Wolvie with Zero or I would lose zero to one of them and take out ammy and wolvie with X-23.

I would be left fighting hisenko with all three characters, or it would be hisenko vs strider. He would burn up the X factor in the beginning trying to kill my zero with wolvie so you would think I would be Ok fighting this bitch.

Nope... hisenko's Senpu Bu across the screen into pinwheel attacks. I had the hardest time trying to read this chick, and would accidently mash advance gaurd too much and get hit. ( is she safe during most of her magic and senpu bu cross ups? )

How do you fight her without just zoning her out? Only way I could get in with Zero was Max into Lightning.
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