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Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 |OT3| To infinites... and beyond!


was there some jill dominating at a tournament or something? been seeing a bunch of jills on ranked lately. they are all garbage but i guess people are trying.
I just want to say that I've been a crappy Jill player since well before all these other people got on the bandwagon.
I was thinking, what the least used character or characters online are. If only just from personal experience. I initially thought bottom tier characters like Wright, Hsien Ko, Tron and She Hulk would be the least used but thinking back I still see a decent number of these characters in online matches. Then I thought obviously Jill and Shuma only because they are DLC and require a bit of work to be effective, and thinking they are the least used solely on the DLC front is unfair but most likely true. Not taking into the DLC characters it really hard to narrow down a least used character. One would think high execution characters would be unpopular then due to online settings and difficulty (C.Viper, Magneto ect.) making the average player gravitate to easier characters even if they aren't as good. Or are we at the point where more competitve players outweigh the casual player and in turn changing the character percentage. If I had to pick my least seen character I guess it would have to be Chun Li. What do you guys think? Am I thinking to deeply? Yea I am but still it's curious.


I never run into She-hulk players anymore, but I occasionally use her myself and think back to better vanilla times *sob*

I don't run into characters who execution-wise are difficult to play online- Magneto and Viper come to mind. I don't see Ammy too often either I guess. I think tiers have less to do with it than other factors. Derpiness or lack thereof is probably the most important, IMO.


I was thinking, what the least used character or characters online are. If only just from personal experience. I initially thought bottom tier characters like Wright, Hsien Ko, Tron and She Hulk would be the least used but thinking back I still see a decent number of these characters in online matches. Then I thought obviously Jill and Shuma only because they are DLC and require a bit of work to be effective, and thinking they are the least used solely on the DLC front is unfair but most likely true. Not taking into the DLC characters it really hard to narrow down a least used character. One would think high execution characters would be unpopular then due to online settings and difficulty (C.Viper, Magneto ect.) making the average player gravitate to easier characters even if they aren't as good. Or are we at the point where more competitve players outweigh the casual player and in turn changing the character percentage. If I had to pick my least seen character I guess it would have to be Chun Li. What do you guys think? Am I thinking to deeply? Yea I am but still it's curious.

Chun Li and Hsien Ko are the least used characters IMO and I wouldn't say She-Hulk and Tron are low tier.


....If I had to pick my least seen character I guess it would have to be Chun Li. What do you guys think? Am I thinking to deeply? Yea I am but still it's curious.
I'd probably say the least used characters I've seen online are:
Shuma Gorath
Hsien Ko
Chun Li
She Hulk
I don't run into characters who execution-wise are difficult to play online- Magneto and Viper come to mind. I don't see Ammy too often either I guess.

Wow that's crazy I see tons and tons of Magneto's online and a good number of Vipers and Ammy's too. I would think you wouldn't due to the high execution but proven efficiency and popularity trumps all else I guess. Then again it's accourding to ones perspective.


Wow that's crazy I see tons and tons of Magneto's online and a good number of Vipers and Ammy's too. I would think you wouldn't due to the high execution but proven efficiency and popularity trumps all else I guess. Then again it's accourding to ones perspective.

Part of it is probably regional popularity differences. Another part is probably my own mental bias- I expect to see good characters like Magneto fairly often, so when I don't see him used as often as I expect, I think that he's not common, but it's more of a 'relative to my expectations thing' than a more absolute thing.
Strongly considering putting Marvel's greatest minds together (no Reed = Parker Stark and then maybe Doom or Sent for BACKUP). Dat Iron Man 3 trailer got me.

Either putting Sent or Victor in the back. Gonna try to make use of that Proton Cannon/UWT bullshit. Tony's on Repulsor assist, but do you think he'd be better with Drones or Missiles?

I don't know if I could make IM/Sent work on its own, Joker is just absurdly clean with confirms. Missiles seem a little more derpily, but it may not have the overall versatility of Drones (albeit being slightly easier to apply).
I completely forgot about MODOK!
I don't think I've played against a decent MODOK user.

Does anyone on GAF use him?

I think God's Beard mentioned a few pages back that SephirothRK uses him

I use him too.....albeit not very well since I just started using him. But I get the most compliments for my Modok and Sentinel play oddly enough.

Too bad I can't play on xbl or psn right now because my internet has gone to hell ever since some asshole from Charter came by to "fix" it or some shit. Nothing was wrong with it before but supposedly the unit (router and modem hybrid thing) being used was being......rented? I was like ok......can I just buy it? Apparently not, and now I'm stuck with some fuckshit.

Azure J

Someone teach me some Sentinel. I'm liking Dante (Jam Session)/Sentinel (Drones)/Strider (Vajra) as a downtime "I don't wanna be high dexterity right now" team.
Someone teach me some Sentinel. I'm liking Dante (Jam Session)/Sentinel (Drones)/Strider (Vajra) as a downtime "I don't wanna be high dexterity right now" team.

Besides converting off of a jump M into double jump cancel, convert combo, I'd work on his air combo extensions using flight, as well as his launch, H, flight, L, H, unfly, H, relauch, combo, which you can fly again and extend.

Other than that, tiger knee rocket punch for multiple supers in one combo is good to get down.


The main thing that kills me is that Frank can go from level 1 -> 3 without any assists.


But even Frank players like Noel do the simple "NO" combo.

Not that my Frank is any better. I'm j.B and sliding every which way.
Hmm. I did not know frank could I get to level 3 solo. Time to learn these and stop doing the "NO" combo.
I should also learn some real combos for level 4 frank too. Although chainsaw chip and abc combos can get you pretty far once you're level 4.

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
See the thing is with those combos is that they all start with a jump in attack. So that doesn't stop stupid Frank West players from doing hail mary super jump forward please let this j.S hit.
See the thing is with those combos is that they all start with a jump in attack. So that does stop stupid Frank West players from doing hail mary super jump forward please let this j.S hit.

I was about to say, starting with a jump-in and doing exactly 20 hits isn't really as helpful as he's claiming. Now, those aa grab setups were pretty cool.
Without the jump in, you don't get level 3, but you get more hits which is still better than the usual combo.

Eh, if it won't end up getting you to lv3 inmediately I fail to see why that'd matter much really. In the end, assist-less, it'd take you the same amount of combos to reach the next levels in that case. Sure, it does a little more damage, but there's nothing wrong with keeping it simple imo.


I like to use air camera shot + assist as an offensive weapon (with spacing obviously taken into account), so being 1 shot away from level 3 is appealing to me. Air camera + dark hole assist -> full combo works surprisingly well.
Command throw is the same shit you just get rid of the QCF L. You can confirm off anything really. All you need to learn for Wesker is movement.... Honestly. Wave dash, plink dash, teleport spacing etc.

The reason guys like Yipes get so many command throw with Wesker because he does dash into ch. L like 3-4 times first just to set the other guy up. Then on the 4th time BAM command throw. Or he would do it farther would so it will whiff and boom command throw.

Yet Skisonic can never tell when he does commentary.... sigh.
teleport jH to punish projectile characters, go right into 2H xx palm xx teleport L, low shot, 2H xx palm xx Teleport L, low shot, 2MHS, jHS, assist, low shot, jaguar dash, wallbounce palm xx teleport M, palm xx teleport L, Low Shot xx THC

glasses-off only

Cool, thanks! What's a good way to confirm off a beam say Dooms? I'm doing assist, gun teleport forward and cr M

fuck the horizontal shot if you're using plasma beam. just raw teleport with it because it's slow. I like teleport H, jH, 2H, but Teleport L into LMH xx palm works fine. Gun teleport with assist is only good if you're using EMD, Horizontal Shot(spencer) or Bolts of Balthakk.

Since you're using Plasma Beam, pretend you're Dhalsim and Teleport L to get through people and escape with Plasma beam at the same time. Stay defensive and throw the cross up into your escape tools.

Also, play around with normal jump gun + plasma beam, hit both buttons at the same time. That gives you a lot of setups. You can go for a crossup, or dash up command grab, etc


teleport jH to punish projectile characters, go right into 2H xx palm xx teleport L, low shot, 2H xx palm xx Teleport L, low shot, 2MHS, jHS, assist, low shot, jaguar dash, wallbounce palm xx teleport M, palm xx teleport L, Low Shot xx THC

glasses-off only

fuck the horizontal shot if you're using plasma beam. just raw teleport with it because it's slow. I like teleport H, jH, 2H, but Teleport L into LMH xx palm works fine. Gun teleport with assist is only good if you're using EMD, Horizontal Shot(spencer) or Bolts of Balthakk.

Since you're using Plasma Beam, pretend you're Dhalsim and Teleport L to get through people and escape with Plasma beam at the same time. Stay defensive and throw the cross up into your escape tools.

Also, play around with normal jump gun + plasma beam, hit both buttons at the same time. That gives you a lot of setups. You can go for a crossup, or dash up command grab, etc

Aight good shit man. Really appreciate it

Wesker's mission 10 is basically his bnb. You don't have to go for the second teleport but I've been doing it more recently.
I adopted this as my bnb as well but I wanna start doing yipes combos once I feel it's worth it to practice

Azure J

Yo, Dante/Sentinel/Strider is nuts. 650K+ before meter? Building 2.5 ~ 2.9 meters per combo? Everyone works and plays well with each other? Sent command grab in the corner = 940K on one meter followup combo from a hard tagged Dante without any additional fanciness?

This is my third team confirmed. I need to grind some Sentinel.
Yo, Dante/Sentinel/Strider is nuts. 650K+ before meter? Building 2.5 ~ 2.9 meters per combo? Everyone works and plays well with each other? Sent command grab in the corner = 940K on one meter followup combo without any additional fanciness?

This is my third team confirmed. I need to grind some Sentinel.

Zero/Dante/Sentinel really good too. Worked well in both vanilla and ultimate. Evil toaster runs it down in TX. The only problem I have with it is... fucking Sentinel. Ugh. I'm so used to mvc2 sent I just can't get umvc3 sent down.

Azure J

I had the same issue re:Sentinel from the start of the game. Funnily enough, I always recognized it as one of the best point Dante teams. I'm just hoping that this soul searching pays off. I'm already thinking about how to cover Sent drones assist especially with projectile floods being the in thing currently. :lol
Well your a lab monster so I have no doubt that you figure it out. My favorite point Dante team is either Dante/Vergil/Hawkeye or (strider), (task) (even though I don't know strider at all...just spam assist!).


I know a few of us were in this contest...just wanted to throw mine in here. Now that it's over, I can make it public.

Concept 1:

Character Name: Mortis

Monster Type: Reaper (Shinigami)

Fighting Style: Keep Away

Physical Desc:

Mortis is based on the Grim Reaper of European Mythology who has elements of a hot rod car in his design. He has a chrome skeleton, a red-hooded cloak with a hot-rod-flame design, a car grill for a lower jaw, and a round headlight for a brooch. One noticeable element is the replacement of his ribcage with an engine, which has an exposed belt drive on the front and massive exhaust pipes that protrude through the cloak, out his back reminiscent of wings. He is also missing his lower torso, levitating just above the ground as his main mode of transportation (though he may take a joyride every now and then on other modes of transportation). Also, he carries with him a massive scythe which he uses to reap resisting souls. Sometimes, he may kick the engine in his body into "high-gear", allowing him to propel forwards at high speeds with flames trailing from the exhaust pipes on his back.

Mortis primarily uses projectiles when far away from the opponent, and attacking with his scythe at mid-range, though he may have trouble against opponents who can quickly close the gap. His unique skill is being able to charge up (by going into "high-gear") and then burst forward, which can be valuable as a method of movement around the screen.

Additional Info:

In life, Mortis was a car enthusiast who had his eyes set on an allegedly "haunted" car. The car was his dream car, but unfortunately he barely had the funds to make ends meet--much less afford an infamous car. This motivated him into stealing the car and taking it on a driving spree down a secluded highway. Before he knew it, the car suddenly "came to life" and forced him to swerve from the road and off a bridge, crashing into the ground below. What was left when the police arrived to the scene was a mangled, burning mess of metal, and Mortis was pronounced dead at the scene. In death, Mortis became a reaper, ferrying souls to the Underworld as punishment for his impulsive greed. Sensing the sudden gathering of supernatural entities, he is summoned by more powerful forces to take care of the souls that linger on the plane of the living. He has a particular interest in bringing down Lord Raptor, whom he considers an abominable existence.

"Vroom, vroom, here comes you doom."
"Congrats on winning second place. Your prize? Death."
"I left you in the dust, but came back to bury you."

Concept 2:

Character Name: Lamia

Monster Type: Ghost (La Llorona)

Fighting Style: Zoning

Physical Desc:
Lamia is loosely based off of a Central and South American legend known as La Llorona (The Weeping Woman). She is a spirit who is perpetually in tears, with a puddle at her feet-- presumably made of those same tears. She also has a thin veil over her head and shoulders, slightly covering her many curly locks of hair; as well as a belt that is slightly reminiscent of Day of the Dead (Día de los Muertos) patterns. Her fighting style will revolve primarily around her ability to control the water at her feet, which is able to take on many forms from animals to inanimate objects. She is also able to traverse the screen by "sinking" into the puddle and reappearing elsewhere on the stage by rising up again from the puddle.

Additional Info:
Lamia was formerly a woman of wealth, who was known for her excessive cruelty to her servants as well as her ability to shed "crocodile tears" when confronted. She lived life lavishly, using her ability to bring tears to her eyes to get her way. One night, her servants staged a coup and murdered her as she begged for her life, with one servant claiming that it was the first time they've seen real tears from Miss Lamia. Unsatisfied with her end, her spirit clung onto the human realm, vowing revenge on her disloyal servants as well as using her new found powers to terrorize humans for her own amusement.

During nights, she can often be seen as a lonely figure, weeping tragically. But do not be fooled, she only wants to draw you in for a cruel surprise.

They're a bit sloppy though.
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