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Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 |OT3| To infinites... and beyond!


What are some easy characters to use for a guy just starting out? I suck at execution so short effective combos and high damage output is preferred. In fighting games I usually pick the 'heavy' characters for that extra damage on normals.

Have my eye on Hulk and Sentinel but have no clue.


tagged by Blackace
What are some easy characters to use for a guy just starting out? I suck at execution so short effective combos and high damage output is preferred. In fighting games I usually pick the 'heavy' characters for that extra damage on normals.

Have my eye on Hulk and Sentinel but have no clue.
Dr. Doom (as long as you get dash cancels down)
Dormammu to some extent

EDIT: jtir123 thats a pretty awesome design you got there my dude!
What are some easy characters to use for a guy just starting out? I suck at execution so short effective combos and high damage output is preferred. In fighting games I usually pick the 'heavy' characters for that extra damage on normals.

Have my eye on Hulk and Sentinel but have no clue.

Captain America has some very easy simple bnb combos, he also has a good amount of health as well.


I know a few of us were in this contest...just wanted to throw mine in here.

I can dig it! It's actually a pretty cool design

What are some easy characters to use for a guy just starting out? I suck at execution so short effective combos and high damage output is preferred. In fighting games I usually pick the 'heavy' characters for that extra damage on normals.

Have my eye on Hulk and Sentinel but have no clue.
Enzo provided a pretty good list. But I'll list a couple decent low execution teams anyways.


And many more, but these were what came to mind for me. Although with doom, you will have to get used to his odd movement.

I would also argue that Hawkeye is pretty low execution, the main thing would be getting used to what strength of [trick shot-> ice arrow]to use to relaunch at mid screen/corner. (It varies depending on spacing)

EDIT: TheBatman is right captain America is also a great choice.
I'd recommend something like: Captain America/Taskmaster/Sentinel. Or Cap/Doom/Sentinel.

A lot of these teams have sent in the back, sent drones are so good!!!
What are some easy characters to use for a guy just starting out? I suck at execution so short effective combos and high damage output is preferred. In fighting games I usually pick the 'heavy' characters for that extra damage on normals.

Have my eye on Hulk and Sentinel but have no clue.

my first umvc3 team was cap/spencer/sentinel.

hulk/sentinel/wesker is also a good starting out team.
actually, i've been taking a break from this game, and i really want to give wolverine/wesker/akuma a try as my alt team, which gives me an excuse to pick puke green wolverine (DAT TEAM COLOR SYNERGY).
for wolverine's bnb, can the wesker otg > tornado claw/fatal claw loop be done midscreen or is that corner only?

still gonna grind it out with nova/task/akuma as my main team though,
actually, i've been taking a break from this game, and i really want to give wolverine/wesker/akuma a try as my alt team, which gives me an excuse to pick puke green wolverine (DAT TEAM COLOR SYNERGY).
for wolverine's bnb, can the wesker otg > tornado claw/fatal claw loop be done midscreen or is that corner only?

still gonna grind it out with nova/task/akuma as my main team though,

yea, that combo can be done anyway. I was actually using that team for a while myself


I would also argue that Hawkeye is pretty low execution, the main thing would be getting used to what strength of [trick shot-> ice arrow]to use to relaunch at mid screen/corner. (It varies depending on spacing)
M trick shot to Ice Arrow always works. Just have to dash back before doing it in the corner.


M trick shot to Ice Arrow always works. Just have to dash back before doing it in the corner.
Yeah I know, I was just saying that for a complete beginner to the game, they would have to get used to doing slightly different things(like back dashing when in the corner) based on their screen position. [as opposed to something like weskers basic combos, which are the same no matter where you are on screen]

... playing SFxT on PSN last night?
Slightly unrelated, but has anyone here tried out SFxT 2013? Is it worth giving SFxT another shot?
I haven't played it since a month or two after it originally came out.
Yeah I know, I was just saying that for a complete beginner to the game, they would have to get used to doing slightly different things(like back dashing when in the corner) based on their screen position. [as opposed to something like weskers basic combos, which are the same no matter where you are on screen]

Slightly unrelated, but has anyone here tried out SFxT 2013? Is it worth giving SFxT another shot?
I haven't played it since a month or two after it originally came out.

Yes, a bit unrelated, but I thought I recognized the name.

2013 is definitely better, depending on who you used to pick and if they nerfed that character more than you would have liked. I don't pick Guile anymore because of his nerf, but he's definitely playable.

I switched to a completely different team after the update and find more enjoyable, but then again, I liked it before.

I will say I don't like the game as much as Marvel, but I'm much better at SFxT


Throws removing red health is brilliant. I think they gave too many characters reliable anti-airs though, got to give characters some weaknesses.

I love King, but I don't think they should've improved his anti-airs because it ruins the "will he / won't he" air counter meta-game. King's anti-airs used to suck, but once you trained people to empty jump, then those crappy anti-airs are fine because your opponent is too scared to press a button. The increase in damage to his counter was good enough.

Switch back to Marvel, team crisis:


I know Dante fits right there, but I don't quite playing him. Any other suggestions?
Well, I run RR as anchor on that same team and he works well enough for me as an alternative to level up Frank should Nova go down before doing so.
I know Dante fits right there, but I don't quite playing him. Any other suggestions?

How about Nova/Spencer/Frank.

You can do Nova/Spencer Bnb into Spencer's bionic maneuver OTG with TK grapple (since Nova doesn't use wall bounce) zip,zip 80k, raw tag in Frank for the camera shot.

If Nova dies early now you have Spencer/Frank which isn't exactly bad either.


Throws removing red health is brilliant. I think they gave too many characters reliable anti-airs though, got to give characters some weaknesses.

I love King, but I don't think they should've improved his anti-airs because it ruins the "will he / won't he" air counter meta-game. King's anti-airs used to suck, but once you trained people to empty jump, then those crappy anti-airs are fine because your opponent is too scared to press a button. The increase in damage to his counter was good enough.

Switch back to Marvel, team crisis:


I know Dante fits right there, but I don't quite playing him. Any other suggestions?
Oooh, a reason to try out RR. Thanks guys!

Log Trap is good at extending combos and on neutral Frank can easily make use of it (especially at >lv2 with the roll). If RR is on point, DHCing from the machine gun means easy levels, and if Frank is the one on point, Survival Techniques->Spring Trap gets you a raw tag level up.
Giving Alukard's team a run. If I get a clean hit, the damage gets so silly, as do the web throws. A web throw to the corner should get me a milli for one bar (so this is what it's like to be Spencer T_T) and 6-7 web throws. And that Hyper Air Throw guardbreak (P Cannon xx UWT) is hilarious, this game just does not GAF.

My Doom is somehow worse than my Phoenix, it's great. And my Iron Man is still so, so bad after all this time, haha. Gotta love having Peter on your team though ^_^ once I learn how to do things with the rest, I'll be fine.

Obligatory missiles are just as dumb as TAC's post. The amount of combos I broke on people today for pressing a button was just LOL.

Good troll team at worst, probably pretty potent if you can get an Iron Man at Joker's level. Tried learning some of his SJ confirms, they're not too too bad.


Neo Member
I know a lot of you probably haven't even touched Heroes & Heralds mode, but I just wanted to see if anybody has unlocked the Bishamon card, and if so, what stage was it on? (I understand there's a 99.9% chance you don't remember the stage you may have unlocked the card on.)

I've followed both the chart that Capcom released and another guide on GameFaqs but have had zero luck in getting this card at any of the stages that it's listed as being unlockable at.
How about Nova/Spencer/Frank.

You can do Nova/Spencer Bnb into Spencer's bionic maneuver OTG with TK grapple (since Nova doesn't use wall bounce) zip,zip 80k, raw tag in Frank for the camera shot.

If Nova dies early now you have Spencer/Frank which isn't exactly bad either.

I like the sound of this. Just those damn motions on the dualshock are pretty tough for me :(


Nova/Spencer/Frank does sound good, but I was playing Nova/Spencer/Doom for a while and I'm looking for a bigger change.

Nova/Frank/RR it is! Time to put in more than 5 minutes into the little guy.
Nova/Spencer/Frank does sound good, but I was playing Nova/Spencer/Doom for a while and I'm looking for a bigger change.

Nova/Frank/RR it is! Time to put in more than 5 minutes into the little guy.

Ha, Nova/Frank/Doom is my current team. learning to foot dive combo across the middle of the screen is being ass.


thanks for the suggestions. I tried Doom and Wesker and find their inputs difficult to get to grips with. Think I will try Haggar/Hulk/Sentinel. Sounds powerful. How will cpt. america fit in that team? Could I go Cpt./Hulk/Sentinel? Or would there be a problem with assists?
thanks for the suggestions. I tried Doom and Wesker and find their inputs difficult to get to grips with. Think I will try Haggar/Hulk/Sentinel. Sounds powerful. How will cpt. america fit in that team? Could I go Cpt./Hulk/Sentinel? Or would there be a problem with assists?

Cap is a great point character. Good health, works real great with Sent assist.

Haggar IMO is better 2nd or 3rd where you can use dat Lariat if things get tight around you.

Otherwise I'd do Hulk/Haggar/Sentinel.
I like the sound of this. Just those damn motions on the dualshock are pretty tough for me :(

I've been learning Justin's Spencer/Vergil/Frank team and my god that team is cheap. It's basically any touch = TOD or level 4 frank.

Unlike my Zero/Dante teams the match doesn't seem frantic at all. Shopping cart assist is so beastly and both Spencer/Vergil can capitalize off it easily. The scaling from shopping cart doesn't even really matter cause both Spencer/Vergil do a shit ton of damage (well Vergil need meter for sword loop).. but still. No meter? No problem you get free camera shot off the hard knockdown with 80k or lunar phase (if you still have the ground bounce which you should... since Spencer doesn't use it).
Panda couldn't you do a jumping upwards shield throw and then into a full combo in that scenario.

lol Wesker isn't gonna get hit by that. If this was vanilla Wesker Cap would be a joke but I think it's only like 6-4 for Wesker. Most people aren't willing to stick to zoning with Wesker and they'd eventually get charging starred. But jump gun and Wesker's superior mobility are very hard to deal with for Cap. It really comes down to how the two neutral assists play out.

I think Wesker has a lot more viable strategies than people give him credit for. But he can pretty much rush down most matchups so people stop thinking. There are characters that get totally blasted by his counters, for instance.


Plus I'd say that Cap is one of the few characters that has no bad match ups.

This is so unbelievably wrong. Captain loses to several characters, most notably the ones that can stay at super jump height or have air dominance. Surprisingly, Captain also gets hard countered by a lot of the zoners. Captain loses to lame Wesker, Trish, Zero, Doom, Taskmaster with meter, etc. That's just off the top of my head.

Lame Wesker is really difficult for Captain. His anti-zoning tools don't work. If he manages to hit Wesker with his shield then comboing with it is space dependent. He has to throw the shield preemptively because it's so slow in relation to gunshot teleport. When he throws the shield, he puts himself at risk of getting wavedash/launched. So many things to watch out for. You really just have to hope your assist hits Wesker or Wesker gets impatient and goes in.

EDIT: And to one of the posts above, I use some combination of Captain/Magneto/Sentinel/Haggar on most of my teams. They all pretty much have great synergy together.
I think it's time to explain all our teams again!

My favorite abnormal teams:
  • Captain America(Shield Slash)/Vergil(Radpid Slash)/Rocket Raccoon(Spitfire Twice) - this one's actually a pretty bland lockdown team, but it's a good counter-pick with a strong emphasis on conversions. There are two very difficult assists to block for Vergil that also double as OTG assists with hightime.
  • Magneto(EMD)/Thor(Mighty Smash)/Rocket Raccoon(Log Trap) - this team is all about moving the opponent around the screen rather than rushing down with Magneto. Abusing Smash's giant hitbox and super armor with Attraction can invalidate a lot of common strategies and both characters can make amazing use of Log Trap.
  • Strider(Vajra)/X-23(Ankle Slicer)/Magneto(EMD) - The Ultimate Gamble. Bank everything on letting Strider get a hit off of mid-screen who-knows-how-many-ways mixups into a Magneto TAC infinite to kill 3 characters with one combo. A very high pressure team for both players.

My main team:
  • Wesker/Magneto/Phoenix(Trap H) Really just a basic Phoenix team, with the exception of guard break resets so I don't need to rely on TAC infinites for every kill.
Joe/Frank - Favorite duo in the game. IAD Voomerangs to annoy people into making mistakes backed up by Frank or another character's assist to deal damage. I tend to rotate between different anchors depending on how I feel. Honestly, I can't really explain it better than that, but I'll try anyways.

Ryu: Works well with leveling Frank and for providing left/right mix-ups. Not a relatively strong anchor, but I like him well enough.
Arthur: XF3 Arthur puts the fear of God in people. If you're not snapping him in, then you've never played against an Arthur before.
Raccoon: Probably my weakest anchor choice, but he completes the Kusoru Team. People still have a hard time dodging Log Trap, and Joe's triple jump makes it easy to confuse people into thinking I've super jumped, etc etc.
Sentinel: Drones are great.

Azure J

Dante/Strider - The Azure Combination™; a two way enhancement or completion of both characters' already powerful solo attributes be it with combo extensions and innumerable resets born from Dante's tools and Vajra assist or complete lock down from the sky or the ground which also sets up numerous mix-ups with Strider's Wall Cling and Excaliburs.

Also swag as fuck. :lol

Main Team: Viper (Burning Kick)/Dante (Jam Session)/Strider (Vajra) - Theory at it's finest. A high dexterity/high reward team that is an absolute thrill to play as long as you invest time in understanding the team's tools individually and practice often.

Secondary Team: Zero (Ryuenjin)/Dante (Jam Session)/Strider (Vajra) - A team I still have a desire of learning and using well for match ups where I just want to say fuck you, king me. Need to also show support for Megaman X as a franchise wherever I can. :lol

Third Team: Dante (Jam Session)/Vergil (Rapid Slash)/Strider (Vajra) or Dante/Sentinel (Drones)/Strider - Dilemma here is entirely with how I like building teams versus how much further I can go with advancing point Dante (my favorite Marvel 3 character by far) while having a team that works in any configuration. The current dominant core in Marvel is Morrigan/Doom and Sentinel can't cut it as an assist with people chucking persistent projectiles from two directions at all times. Even more so since the assist is slow, Sentinel itself is stationary during the assist call, the main meat of the assist disappears when he's hit and Soul Drain exists.

On the other hand, Vergil. Pre-release, the lite-DMC fan in me was excited for his inclusion and looked forward to making teams that would incorporate him. Unfortunately, he turned out to be far too "stiff" feeling for me at first. Looking over the character now, I'm pretty much going to have to dedicate myself to playing almost a year and a half of catch up with advancements made to the character's style over time (because I refuse to play derpy).

Decisions, decisions.

Side "I will still learn you for fun, eventually" team: Dante (Jam Session)/Dormammu (Dark Hole)/Magneto (Estaka): I just love Dormammu, but I can't tridash for shit so my Magneto anchor would be beyond booty butt cheeks levels of bad and Dorm himself would be a liability at my level.

mr. puppy

Silly Theory Team of the Weak and probably will be main team b/c it is so easy to win with:
  • Magneto/Sentinel/Vergil - I love Mags/Sent, never really played Sent. I tried Dante in the back of this but I really don't think he works that well with Sentinel, though I hope somebody would prove me wrong. I love screwing with the Sentinel/Vergil THC for a kinda Doom/Ammy scenario and I like forcing synergy with Dark Vergil - something I always tried to do with Phoenix b/c that character is so freaking boring on a team or to play as in general

Main Teams

  • Magneto/Storm/Dante - Lots of fun with resets/etc. with mags/storm pushing and pulling people into Jam Session. The high execution of this team really takes its toll though, and while I enjoy it, I don't think its really that awesome b/c honestly the team overall damage is not good.
  • Magneto/Zero/Dante - Better than the one above, really really high damage but execution is just stupid unfortunately
  • Vergil/Strange/Ammy - Team I played almost a year ago, wanted to have some Vergil team that allowed me to play/learn him while having some kinda fun

Also, Firebrand is a waste of time and nobody should ever play as him
Hawkeye's pretty easy to use isn't he? His BnB to otg doesn't seem too hard. In online play he's absolute beast. A good anchor it would seem.
Hawkeye's pretty easy to use isn't he? His BnB to otg doesn't seem too hard. In online play he's absolute beast. A good anchor it would seem.

Combos are pretty cake tier, but hawkeye isn't about combos. It's about how good you can zone and knowing which move is best for "x" scenario.


Hawkeye's pretty easy to use isn't he? His BnB to otg doesn't seem too hard. In online play he's absolute beast. A good anchor it would seem.
He's one of those situational chip-damage tier anchors( like Arthur or Dormammu). They're good anchors if your opponent has already burned their xfactor, but not very good anchors if your opponent still has XF to negate the chip.

Combos are pretty cake tier, but hawkeye isn't about combos. It's about how good you can zone and knowing which move is best for "x" scenario.
This man speaks the truth. If you fuck up your zoning and the opponent gets in, you're gonna get hurt.

Bitches don't know about my exploding arrows!

Also, Hawkeye + vajra or Hawkeye + missiles are both pretty godlike.

mr. puppy

Hey guys is Vergil's Rising Sun a decent assist? I want to see if I can get some good blockstrings using its for Sentinel. Something like timing Rising sun so it comes out between all of his slow ass moves?
Speaking of Vergil, I've decided to never use Teleport L. Fixing all my setups to work with Teleport H for the front mixup.

Also, plink dashing is scary with Vergil.

edit: whoo Vergil fuzzy guard/ambiguous crossup on Nemesis lol
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