The Mango Sentinel
So are we talking about the best with assists? Cause yeah it has to be Zero, but without assists I would have to say Vergil. 1 vs 1 I am never worried about Zero....granted there's rarely a situation when that happens.
Interesting but terrible idea IMO. First it would eliminate is gimmick which is central to his playstlye and second he would be way too powerful as a starting character.
I always ponder how exactly the could buff Wright without breaking him. I used to think that infinite tournabout was a bad idea, but lately I think it wouldn't be so bad. I don't see why Dark Phoenix and lvl5 Frank can keep their powered up forms and not Wright. DP and lvl5 Frank are just as good if not better than turnabout Wright and they keep their's.
Even Phoenix and Frank can achieve their super modes without even partipating in the match. The first two characters on a Phoenix team can get 5 bars before even Phoenix is played. DP obtained. For Frank simple DHC combo's plus photo generally get him 3-4 lvls and sometimes even all 5. Lvl5 Frank obtained. Then we have Wright who has to get 3 good evidence's AND land an Objection AND he gets a timer. When I was playing Kevo earlier I almost had turnabout 3 times in a single match and thinking how crazy that was and how short the timer really is.
I like how Zero players never come up with a #1 choice over Zero themselves.
Magneto? Doesn't do nearly as much damage and has the same health. Plus does not have herp derp full screen projectile confirmations or mid screen air to air cross ups nor does he have the caliber of normals or safety that Zero has.
Vergil? Non existent air mobility, Burns through meter faster than Zero and is a bigger liability on point than Zero due to low air mobility, no real zoning game and same health class. You can make the point of Dark Vergil but a snap back into clean mix ups owns him bad. You can't mix up Zero like that since he starts the round with Buster charged.
Viper? Zero owns this match and she has to use Strider assist to compete with him.
Wolverine? Terrible match up for him, he has to use something like Mystic Ray to breach Zero's aerial defense. Even then its not a good look.
Morrigan? Argument can be made that she beats Zero if assisted but she gets wrecked by a Wolverine plus beam combo or a Vergil plus Strider. Her damage output and in coming mix ups are weak meaning she is opening up her team to dark Vergil comebacks.
Hawkeye/Dorm/Task? 3 characters that have decent match ups against Zero but they get rocked by other characters much harder.
Doom? Every top tier owns him 1v1, you have to make the case then that Doom is the best in the game due to his top support game in which case you aren't really comparing him with Zero because they serve different roles and can be both put into the same team.
Phoenix? Strider? Wesker? Don't make me laugh.
Spencer? Dante? Nova? Lvl5 Frank?
Frantic said:His health is only an issue in certain matchups where chip can be a deciding factor, otherwise it's not really any different than Magneto or Vergil's health. Zero tends to have more options in those matchups, anyways, imo.
Speed is debateable. Zero's movement options are fast and great if you've got the execution for it, and his backwards wavedash is godlike. I think Zero's speed comes down to whether or not you can manage it.
Then again, maybe I'm just jealous of 5 frame jabs and ToDs.![]()
So are we talking about the best with assists? Cause yeah it has to be Zero, but without assists I would have to say Vergil. 1 vs 1 I am never worried about Zero....granted there's rarely a situation when that happens.
I'd rather err on the side of caution with the invincible assist thing. That shit nearly ruined vanilla. Evo 2011 finals weren't much wesker vs wolvey as they were tron assist vs lariat.
Comparing one versus one is really pointless in this game. FUN, yes. It's fun to theorycraft. It's irrelevant, though, as Vergil and Zero generally come in different places on the team.
If you want to spark a discussion, that would be why if Zero is the best point character do so many not use him?
Because he's not the best point character.If you want to spark a discussion, that would be why if Zero is the best point character do so many not use him?
Because he's not the best point character.
Who is? It seems like everyone has a different answer.
Point Strider is a god damn maniac.Beardo I played a REALLY good point Strider today. Dude would not piss off.
I love Wesker/Magneto teams. I don't ever want to use anything else, just drop somebody in.
Point Strider is a god damn maniac.
I'm drawing a blank on how to set up the scoring. But I'm also in no rush because I'm not trying to start this immediately after the tournament is done.1 round = 0.5 points = 1 point per match
Win the set but lose a round or two? Get 3 points
Win the set without losing a round? Get 4 points NO MERCY!
Even losers get points.
Lose the set but win a round? 0.5 points.
Win a match of the set? 1 point.
Win a round and a match but lose the set? 1.5 pts
I need help deciding the point structure I want to use for the upcoming Marvel Ranbats that I am constructing. In Street Fighter it was simple because of the basic round structure, but because Marvel is so fucking wacky it's much more difficult.
For comparison's sake, here's how it was layed out for the SF GAFbats:
I'm drawing a blank on how to set up the scoring. But I'm also in no rush because I'm not trying to start this immediately after the tournament is done.
That's the weirdest system I have ever seen.
What happened to the old fashion
Leave it as is but without the half points
With any nonzoning team, you have to ask yourself How many honest hits do I need to earn to win the game? Thats why Zero is so good he only needs one, and he can get that one safely and reliably, and then its all down to execution and if you can complete the QTE and win the game. He hasnt done better in majors because none of the best players use him. Thats it. At least you can put Sentinel second to escape the incoming and be allowed to play the game again (Magnus/Sent/Doom or something would probably be good).
Yea but it hasn't been like the best player haven't tried him.
Chris G has tried Zero.
Marlin has tried Zero.
Justin has tried Zero.
Viscant tried Zero.
Yipes, Champ haven't... but that's about it.
That's not even the input nullification thing. I haven't really messed with what is possible with input nullification, but I'm sure there could be some really late j.Hs int here.I hate realizing that input nullification had those kinds of applications after playing with it for a grand total of 30 seconds one time and going "eh".
I was surprised at how easy the guard break was when doing it. I had issues with the Vajra one, but that's because I'm clumsy and would get Jet Stream instead of a back throw. Otherwise, timing the throw isn't too bad.Those guard break setups are so fucking good. I'm also really really shocked that for as much as I actually like setting up mixups from a grab, I've never done that empty cancel Weasel Shot thing from the beginning of the video before. That shit is so stolen. :lol :lol
I've got a fair share of mixups post Fireworks. I'll definitely make a video of them sometime in the future.I have one mixup I want to contribute if you're doing a series like this or for the big video:
Reverb Shock - Fireworks - Dash - Plink Dash + Assist of choice - Dash (this one should be the one that happens right as they air tech)
Its a well known fact that God's Beard is extremely biased towards Magneto so you can automatically discount his opinion on the character in tiers. Real Magneto players don't even put him that high.
Magneto loses to fucking Taskmaster.
I would make a giant post about how Zero is the best point character (in most situations) but I am not gonna. Note that I do not contest his weaknesses, every top tier has them. Magneto is the character with the least weaknesses but his strengths aren't as oppressive as some other characters like Vergil, Zer, Viper. He does not have the scare factor that a Zero team brings where one touch equals 70%+ chance of losing the game.
Zero is actually the worst of the top tiers when sitting on XF. Pretty much any other character on your squad will use XF better than him. This is not a negative against him because he doesn't need XF.
Zissou said:With any nonzoning team, you have to ask yourself ‘How many honest hits do I need to earn to win the game?’ That’s why Zero is so good he only needs one, and he can get that one safely and reliably, and then it’s all down to execution and if you can complete the QTE and win the game. He hasn’t done better in majors because none of the best players use him. That’s it. At least you can put Sentinel second to escape the incoming and be allowed to play the game again (Magnus/Sent/Doom or something would probably be good).
I think Wright should have a double jump. And that whole bad evidence thing needs to go. At least Dark Phoenix is dying after she loses x-factor and I think turnabout is better than lvl 5 Frank, but that could just be because of match experience. I've fought Frank numerous times so he's not nearly as hard to deal with as that one amazing Wright that comes out of nowhere once in a blue moon. And I wish they wouldn't have nerfed his assist. Yeah it was powerful as fuck but you had to work for it. Too powerful actually....I dunno
In the 2nd game, there are.I don't understand why he even has this considering no piece of evidence is useless in his games...
In the 2nd game, there are.
Last case in the 2nd game (major spoilers):Which ones? Unfortunately, I had my DS games stolen from me about 2 years ago, so I haven't played an Ace Attorney game in a while. Still, I don't remember any piece of evidence not being used at least once, in or out of court.
Last case in the 2nd game (major spoilers):When Franziska brings in the evidence she obtained from Shelly.
Yes I was gonna mention that and forgot. He should definitely be able to use evidence in the air. I dunno if it should just be once or three times though. There's already enough running away in this game. I also thought about the cr H in turnabout hitting low and neglected to mention it. I just think that might be way too good considering the massive amount of damage he gets off of landing one of those hits.When it comes to buffing Wright, there needs to be more focus on his modes outside of Turnabout Mode. Outside of one thing, Turnabout Mode is perfectly fine as it is, even with the timer. Here are my ideas for buffing Wright without completely breaking him:
-Cannot be grabbed through Maya's shield. Command grabs are Wright's worst nightmare right now because they prevent him from getting evidence safely. Wright vs. Super-Skrull is one of the dumbest match-ups I've ever witnessed.
-Maya's shield either can absorb more damage or scales attacks properly. It's useless against most zoning characters since projectiles do so much raw damage.
-No bad evidence, or at least make it far less frequent. Furthermore, Wright can't pick up meat unless he has some red health to recover. I don't understand why he even has this considering no piece of evidence is useless in his games...
-Replace Paperwork High with Maya. No one uses Paperwork High over Paperwork Low anyways.
-Evidence projectiles and Paperwork become air-OK; Wright stalls in the air while presenting evidence, but falls normally during Paperwork. This will give Wright at least some air options besides his normals and Hold It/Objection. Plus, it makes him safer and more able to capable of using his projectiles against other zoners.
-c.H in Turnabout Mode hits low. I wouldn't mind his c.H in Trial Mode also hitting low, but Turnabout Mode is the priority here since he's more aggressive in that mode.
-Increased horizontal range on all of his normals.
There, a few buffs that don't make him overpowered, but makes his playstyle more effective and worthwhile.
Yes I was gonna mention that and forgot. He should definitely be able to use evidence in the air. I dunno if it should just be once or three times though. There's already enough running away in this game. I also thought about the cr H in turnabout hitting low and neglected to mention it. I just think that might be way too good considering the massive amount of damage he gets off of landing one of those hits.
The bolded part is not true, top players have tried him.
Yeah, I was actually gonna bold that since I believe it would be the most important buff out of all the ones I've listed. I just don't know why Capcom didn't give him any air-OK specials. I mean, what exactly is preventing Wright from using evidence in the air? Even Chris can use his guns in the air. As far as I know, Wright is the only projectile-based character who can't use his projectiles in the air. =/
Also, considering Wright has no good lows in Turnabout Mode, making c.H in Turnabout Mode hit low would give him a massive boost in his offensive capabilities. As it is right now, there is absolutely no reason to block low when fighting him. That needs to change.
I don't play Wright or anything but can't he still use his other two normals during turnabout? You were saying increasing his horizontal range on his normals. Perhaps that would make his crouching normals a lot more threatening during turnabout. Can he currently magic series into H during turnabout? Or maybe you could make all of his normals jump cancelable during turnabout? I think that would be pretty damn awesome. I just REALLY hate the idea of him having such a long rang low.
Have item grabbing be able to be cancelled into item throwing. However, you can only cancel items you already have and the item that you're grabbing doesn't appear in inventory until the end of the animation. Have L+S be a high arcing short range toss, M+S be a medium range medium toss, and H + S be a long range low arc toss (if you're on P1 side, P2 side would be reversed).
Balance this out by giving making turnabout timer-based or lengthen the item grabbing animation.
This will buff his zoning, make item grabbing a little bit safer, and add to the item grabbing mechanics.
His only normal in Turnabout Mode that hits low is his pitifully ranged c.L. Good luck landing that against opponents who know what they're doing. His only reliable means of landing a combo in Turnabout Mode is to use his unblockable, which is easier said than done.
Also, doing a ground magic series into an H move is not a good idea in Turnabout Mode since you'd have to wait for your opponent to come down before going into an Objection loop, making his extended Turnabout Mode combos impossible to perform due to lower hitstun. He needs to launch his opponent as soon as possible.
I don't see what's wrong with giving him a low like that since A) he has no other good low and needs to quickly land a hit during the limited time he has the mode activated, B) he has to work to get to Turnabout Mode and deserves an easy way to open up opponents since his offensive capabilities in his other two modes are sub-par, and C) lots of other characters have lows with tons of range, like Ghost Rider's c.H or the many characters that have slide attacks.
Um, the actual evidence gathering is fine. He's even plus on block when he throws away bad evidence.
I don't see how this would buff his zoning either, since who zones with throwing away evidence? They have no durability whatsoever and do low damage.
I also don't understand what you mean by making Turnabout Mode timer-based, because it already is. It lasts for 20 seconds, then Wright is back to Investigation Mode with no evidence.
Yeah, Ultimately I think Zero Doom Vergil will be the way it evolves, but it's a shame, because as was said, Jam session is just nasty with Zero.