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Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 |OT3| To infinites... and beyond!


Because Vajra is a superior assist to EMD and gives your super jump coverage... an essential tool against super jumpers like Zero, Morrigan, Dormammu etc.

I wouldn't say it's superior they cover the point character but from different entries. EMD+Vergil > Vajra+Vergil.

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
I'd be fine with rdp. What does qcb do? I thought his command grab was hcb. Unless you just don't like overlapping inputs, which is completely understandable, especially in a game like Marvel.

Well it's not something that I don't like but it is something you see throughout the game. Like Thor for example has his command grab which is the regular HCB and Mighty Strike, which for how useful it is should probably be a quarter circle motion considering how vital it is, is a RDP.
Took a couple minutes to work out a new idea with team FChamp, got up to 829,200 meterless with Magneto. So close, I'm absolutely sure I can break 850k but the combo is so funky. With one bar it's well over 950k, but it uses the volcano so you'd be lucky to get it once a match.
Karst I finished your drawing last night but my scanner is fucking up and won't read the lighter pencil, making everything muddled-looking.


So right now I'm charging my camera and seeing if that'll work out better. It's just a fun little pulpy drawing, but I at least want it to not look like ass.
[QUOTE="God's Beard!";48089639]Karst I finished your drawing last night but my scanner is fucking up and won't read the lighter pencil, making everything muddled-looking. So right now I'm charging my camera and seeing if that'll work out better. It's just a fun little pulpy drawing, but I at least want it to not look like ass.[/QUOTE]
You mean it's not worth hanging on my wall? :-O

Looking forward to it.
Hmm... it's just not turning out.

I tell you what, since it's my fault for choosing a material that doesn't scan and I've made you wait all this time, I'll turn this into a value rough and go full digital paint-over with it. I won't be able to work on it until monday because I have seven illustrations I need to finish for my visdev classes, but I've scheduled my time to be done with those by sunday night. I'll have all of monday off to give you a nicer piece. I don't want something that doesn't look good to be the first thing people see since Shaowebb and Minibossbattle have helped me out so much.
Well it's not something that I don't like but it is something you see throughout the game. Like Thor for example has his command grab which is the regular HCB and Mighty Strike, which for how useful it is should probably be a quarter circle motion considering how vital it is, is a RDP.

Capcom is so stupid with inputs sometimes. Magnetic blast? Come on. That is some fucking retarded shit.

Cammy's and Fei Long?

T.Hawk in the SFIV series. He doesn't even have a qcb move yet they still gave him a rdp. And they've had 2 chances to fix it. Failures.
[QUOTE="God's Beard!";48091810]Hmm... it's just not turning out.

I tell you what, since it's my fault for choosing a material that doesn't scan and I've made you wait all this time, I'll turn this into a value rough and go full digital paint-over with it. I won't be able to work on it until monday because I have seven illustrations I need to finish for my visdev classes, but I've scheduled my time to be done with those by sunday night. I'll have all of monday off to give you a nicer piece. I don't want something that doesn't look good to be the first thing people see since Shaowebb and Minibossbattle have helped me out so much.[/QUOTE]
All of that technical jargon means nothing to me, but thank you for making it nice.
Man just thinking of the PS4 share features, gets me thinking how easy and awesome it will be to instantly show other people matches or tech without even leaving the game.


This is exactly what happens to me and I embarrass myself all the time offline when I'm trying to show off to my brother. He now adds "OMGitz" to my name now ;_;
This happens to me all the time when I want to show something to one of my friends that I play offline versus with.
[QUOTE="God's Beard!";48091810]Hmm... it's just not turning out.

I tell you what, since it's my fault for choosing a material that doesn't scan and I've made you wait all this time, I'll turn this into a value rough and go full digital paint-over with it. I won't be able to work on it until monday because I have seven illustrations I need to finish for my visdev classes, but I've scheduled my time to be done with those by sunday night. I'll have all of monday off to give you a nicer piece. I don't want something that doesn't look good to be the first thing people see since Shaowebb and Minibossbattle have helped me out so much.[/QUOTE]

Failure is part of the creative process. Every morning I go to work and realize how much more I can do to improve a level or object. You have to take a lot of L's early before you start feeling yourself. Lemme see if I can find some year one 3d artwork when I get home.

Edit; This is a Marvel Thread.
Changing my teams is a lot of fun;
Team Hard Knockdown Nova/Doom(Beam)/Strider(Vajra)
Team Keep away Joe (Voomerang)/Storm (whirlwind)/Strange (bolts)
Team Mean Firebrand(Flame Carpet thing)/ Skrull (tenderizer)/Sentinel (drones)
Team Pipe & Armor Hulk/Haggar/Sentinel


Neither Sent or Strange is a great anchor, so he's really asking which assist is better, right? Drones for Mags/Doom is proven, so you can't go wrong with that, but bolts assist could be really good too- who knows? nobody's tried it. Both assists are really vulnerable and require good protection, but can provide you with great lock-down and mix-up opportunities.


Well I would put Sent on anchor if I ran him on Docneto but I was thinking Strange could be second and have access to hidden missiles and you could also DHC into his FoF loop from Magneto though it requires 2 bars. Bolts is really good for Mags n Doom IMO might even be better than Drones.

Think I'm gonna run both of these teams for a bit and see what I come up with.

Azure J

Going into the stream chat and having people recognize me for my videos was pretty cool.

Though I tend to get irritated with Dante talk in general. Too much misinformation. I also got annoyed when Yipes said Dante was not broken in vanilla and didn't deserve to be nerfed. No, just... no. It's also no wonder Chris Matrix thinks he sucks, since all he does is box dash j.H all day. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

I swear, you and I are the only Dantes with confidence in him. lol.

Heh, it is something of an ascended meme for people to say Dante sucks. I use it a bit when I'm clowning around on the net, but sometimes, it gets soooooooo hard to find out who's in the know and who legitimately believes the character is bad (LOL).

Yipes' thoughts on Vanilla Dante were funny to me. I just wonder why no one believes that he was the stupidest thing in vanilla by far. I don't (or probably would) want to live in a world where we could have team combinations like Vanilla Dante/Vergil/Strider, Ultimate Viper/Vanilla Dante/Strider or Ultimate Zero/Vanilla Dante/Strider.

I remember I also put up the Total Result video in the stream chat and cracked myself up rewatching it realizing that you could legitimately do that full combo with Phoenix on TK Overdrive assist. As in, guaranteed JEEEEEAN.

Also point Strider, probably.

Point Strider will be the single most disgusting thing to behold in this game. Bet on it.

Yeah the Dante stream chat was awesome lol. I was just spamming yipes to pick up strider but he wasn't budging. Hopefully I got a few YouTube subscriptions for Frantic and Azure and getting them the recognition they deserve for their vids.

Footwurk was in awe at my latest XF3 Dante combo and Twister videos. I was so damn surprised at it though because I feel like I'm putting up too much "lab warrior" stuff and combos instead of actual #gamechanger tech. (That and I'm really really bad at this game lately... I blame having no Live.) It's just weird getting complimented on stuff you do just because "hey I haven't done any content in a bit." Even weirder still because it shows that so much is still under explored in this game that one whole move could have those properties and no one's really using it.

On that note, I think I'm going to put up a Million Carats vid soon. Turns out that you actually can cancel it into Devil Trigger, cross up with a dash or whatever else and have them run into a wall Looney Tunes style.

Did he ever specify why he didn't want to pick up Strider? All I heard was him say 'I'll leave it to Clockwork' or something like that. That's not a good enough excuse when he himself was hyping the duo up!

He was just saying it wasn't his type of character. Shitty excuse if you ask me.

I kinda understand him for it though. I've tried so many times to learn to play Zero & Vergil just to get over my "I haet these characters" syndrome and have a "monster" team as a bonus, but for all the attempts and in the case of Zero, like for the character, I just couldn't do it. That and optimizing Viper is really really fun. I just need to sharpen my reactions playing her.

Man just thinking of the PS4 share features, gets me thinking how easy and awesome it will be to instantly show other people matches or tech without even leaving the game.

I really like this aspect of the console. I expect all of fightan GAF on PSQuadripple if the online is free and this feature comes with it. ;)



[QUOTE="God's Beard!";48109845]Enemy step is the worst thing ever. And lol @ spiral swords being a spinning texture.[/QUOTE]
This post is so utterly full of fail. Well the first part of it mostly.
Let's be honest, all the cool things in that video were things that happened without enemy step. Enemy step was only cool in DMC4 when you're fighting Berial.


tagged by Blackace
DmC's Vergin evolves to Super Saiyan Vergil:


Can't wait for broken ass SS Vergil in MVC4.
Vergil's helm breaker in UMvC3 should've been that downward stab move that also reminds me of one of Ike's smashes from Brawl.


nvm, they be playing Street Fighter
Marvel is starting now. Chris Matrix talking about how Justin Wong was almost eliminated by RyRy in team tournament (single elim though).
Enemy step is great in the DMC series. Yea sure you might be able to pull of the same move multiple times, but anybody who's played the game realizes that shit isn't free or easy to do plus coupled with multiple enemy types and placements.


Yipes' thoughts on Vanilla Dante were funny to me. I just wonder why no one believes that he was the stupidest thing in vanilla by far. I don't (or probably would) want to live in a world where we could have team combinations like Vanilla Dante/Vergil/Strider, Ultimate Viper/Vanilla Dante/Strider or Ultimate Zero/Vanilla Dante/Strider.
Out of boredom/randomness, I popped vanilla in the other day and played some people online... Dante's normals in vanilla were 'holy shit' tier. They might have been slow still, but s.L was about the same size as Vergil's s.S. It was retarded how far I could hit people away from and combo off it. And then I remembered to start throwing Hammer out when they were at a certain range. "Get Back!" indeed.

Though I do not like vanilla Clay Pidgeon.

Footwurk was in awe at my latest XF3 Dante combo and Twister videos. I was so damn surprised at it though because I feel like I'm putting up too much "lab warrior" stuff and combos instead of actual #gamechanger tech. (That and I'm really really bad at this game lately... I blame having no Live.) It's just weird getting complimented on stuff you do just because "hey I haven't done any content in a bit." Even weirder still because it shows that so much is still under explored in this game that one whole move could have those properties and no one's really using it.

On that note, I think I'm going to put up a Million Carats vid soon. Turns out that you actually can cancel it into Devil Trigger, cross up with a dash or whatever else and have them run into a wall Looney Tunes style.
One reason why I have trouble taking anyone who says 'Dante sucks' seriously is because they don't know half the shit he's capable of. Half the reason I make videos of the stuff I do is because there is just too much unexplored shit in this game, and no one is taking the time to explore it. The stuff I show off isn't always game changing or game breaking, but it's enough that it might come in handy in certain matchups.

Really, all I want to see is more innovation from players. Less complaining, less 'I CAN'T DERP WITH 4 FRAME S.L', more new shit.

But Vergil doesn't do that in DMC3. Dante and Vergil are bar none the best/most transferred characters from their OG series into Marvel.
Dante's still missing like 20+ moves, though. :p


What's enemy step?
You use the enemy as a jump platform. Doing this in the middle of an aerial move allows you to cancel out of the move in the air. So you can do launcher attack enemy step (which is the jump button) attack repeat. Every aerial attack in every DMC game can be ESC'd (enemy step cancelled) along with a few ground moves that have an airborne portion (Rising Sun, Lunar Phase, Revolver etc).

Enemy step cancel combos weren't infinites in DMC3 because you didn't have aerial relaunches, grabs or moves that reset enemy position mid air. So it required massive skill to keep enemies airborne with ESC because everytime you used enemy step the enemy would drop a bit slightly. In DmC there is no downward momentum during an ESC so there is no skill required in keeping them up in the air indefinitely not to mention you have the various pulls, relaunches, attacks that raise both you and enemy up mid air and attacks have much less gravity to them.

Azure J

[QUOTE="God's Beard!";48127748]I'd just mash tempest with Strider assist all day if I was playing Dante.[/QUOTE]

I literally started doing this like two weeks ago at the earliest. It's sublime. I can't believe we're this far evolved into the game and people still want to run up and press shit. This setup is like babby's first neutral levels of easy.
Rare, almost impossible to find footage of me winning a set in a tourney while on stream at about 30 minutes

and then getting eliminated but almost winning at about 1:28:00

...Although is the recording choppy to you guys too or is it just my connection being shitty?

Anyways, it'd be nice if I got any comments or criticism really. One thing I noticed myself though is that I seem more likely to choke if I'm actually winning :|


I've started playing the game again lately... I still suck ass. Don't know why I would've improved though. :p

I was using Nova for a while, but I changed back to Cap/Sent/Arthur. I feel these are pretty much the only characters I'm "good" with.

I'm noticing that I can't manage to get close. I use cartwheel a lot (somehow I think it has invincibility, but it sure as hell seems like it doesn't) with Arthur assist to try and start things, but I just get hit during Cartwheel. Does anybody have any tips? I can do about 730k with 1 bar with Cap.
Swap out sentinel for Vergil. You can use Rapid Slash assist to combo off of Charging Star in a lot of situations and it also has a weird pushback glitch when used with somersault. You can also use it with Shield Slash for zoning and Spiral Swords DHC will solve any damage issues you have. Shield Slash assist also lets Vergil get crazy mixups and combo off of high time. Vergil also works well with daggers and is pretty easy to learn.

That way, just let them get close to you, call rapid slash and CHARGINGU STADO

Really, cartwheel shouldn't be a primary approach tool, just sit back and double jump a lot with shield slash and jS to get good positioning. That and just wavedash around.


[QUOTE="God's Beard!";48166560]Swap out sentinel for Vergil. You can use Rapid Slash assist to combo off of Charging Star in a lot of situations and it also has a weird pushback glitch when used with somersault. You can also use it with Shield Slash for zoning and Spiral Swords DHC will solve any damage issues you have. Shield Slash assist also lets Vergil get crazy mixups and combo off of high time. Vergil also works well with daggers and is pretty easy to learn.

That way, just let them get close to you, call rapid slash and CHARGINGU STADO

Really, cartwheel shouldn't be a primary approach tool, just sit back and double jump a lot with shield slash and jS to get good positioning. That and just wavedash around.[/QUOTE]

Thank you! I will try learning Vergil then, hope it goes well.
Just remember that Captain America isn't really a zoning or rushdown character and doesn't have awesome tools for either. He's primarily a counter/punish character so your job is to let them hang themselves. He's got a ton of health so you can afford to be patient, he has a 4-frame crouching light so he can punish a lot of blocked moves other characters can't, he has an invincible reversal and pretty much ignores projectiles. You can more or less use that advantage to walk people into the corner at about mid range, then you have the opportunity to use cartwheel when they're afraid to attack you.

If you want to do a blockstring and don't have access to an assist, remember to go all the way to launcher because it's his safest move. croughing light, standing medium medium launcher is pretty good.
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