I played 6 hours of local casuals last night. Firebrand cleaned house. It's amazing how little experimentation people do. I had three different people ask me whether Firebrand's charged H is an unblockable, and two people said they've never fought a Firebrand or Shuma-Gorath.
And just as people used to slowly switch to Wesker/Dante/Strider when they lost six months ago, and swapped to Phoenix in Vanilla, now people slowly switch to Wolverine/Doom/Vergil. This team is ridiculously free to Firebrand/Dormammu/Shuma-Gorath once Wolverine dies. Vergil has no answer to Firebrand unblockables, and Doom is just plain "lol" against Dormammu/Mystic Ray. The only problem is getting that hit in on Wolverine. It's not a good matchup for Firebrand, and one opponent just kept blocking with Wolverine while calling Plasma Beam, which hit Firebrand out of any approaches. Then he got a full Wolverine combo and killed Firebrand. I don't really know what to do about that matchup. I can win it maybe 1/3 of the time, but it's not in my favor. I might have to start burning Luminous Body at the start of the match and playing the whole thing in install mode, foregoing finishing hypers. That's a big risk, though.
I was sad when I discovered the first station I sat down at didn't even have Shuma-Gorath unlocked. :-(
Edit: Oh yeah, and I also met the tournament organizer for UFGT9. Nice guy. He posts on GAF. I think his name was...CurlyW, or something? I'm drawing a blank.