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Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 |OT3| To infinites... and beyond!

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
I use it in mid combo cause dashing after the Jodan Kick is a bitch and I'd rather just cancel into Denjin mode and wavedash over there.

Though you end up using more meter.


They should just allow Ryu to charge his invisible fireball by holding down any button and release it even to cancel specials like Buster.
Marvel Glitches!

Don't know if this was posted. This video takes the Nova glitch farther with new camera angles.
This would actually be really good for making your own epic fights if you'd record what you wanted then edit them together.


Marvel Glitches!

Don't know if this was posted. This video takes the Nova glitch farther with new camera angles.
This would actually be really good for making your own epic fights if you'd record what you wanted then edit them together.

For a moment I thought this was that Marvel Kinect game lol.

EDIT: Dear God how is this glitch letting Zero get all those projectiles? O_O Koryu...

Azure J

Marvel Glitches!

Don't know if this was posted. This video takes the Nova glitch farther with new camera angles.
This would actually be really good for making your own epic fights if you'd record what you wanted then edit them together.

The beginning plus the musical choice would almost fool me into thinking this was a totally different style of game. It also reminds me of how much I love the art that goes into Capcom games.


tagged by Blackace
Marvel Glitches!

Don't know if this was posted. This video takes the Nova glitch farther with new camera angles.
This would actually be really good for making your own epic fights if you'd record what you wanted then edit them together.
This game is so fucking beautiful man..

I can't mention it enough. MvC3s art style makes me cry manly tears.


They definitely did an amazing job of taking a bunch of disparate characters and making it a coherent whole- even more impressive than older games which did the same things due to current systems superior graphical fidelity.

Azure J

>Playing vs. Smurf
>Final Match out of 3
>Viper and Strider left; calls assist on the ground before getting launched for an air combo by Haggar
>As I get combo'd in the air, I'm thinking "this is taking a while" re: my Vajra call only to realize Strider is getting combo'd right next to Viper for the game.

I can't even be mad at that. The comedic value is too good. :lol

Smurf though I swear you're psychic. Only reason I wanted to play was because I felt like I downloaded enough watching Haggar's approach vs. my bro and then you go and run Hawkeye/Taskmaster on me first. Fuck. :lol
>Playing vs. Smurf
>Final Match out of 3
>Viper and Strider left; calls assist on the ground before getting launched for an air combo by Haggar
>As I get combo'd in the air, I'm thinking "this is taking a while" re: my Vajra call only to realize Strider is getting combo'd right next to Viper for the game.

I can't even be mad at that. The comedic value is too good. :lol

Smurf though I swear you're psychic. Only reason I wanted to play was because I felt like I downloaded enough watching Haggar's approach vs. my bro and then you go and run Hawkeye/Taskmaster on me first. Fuck. :lol

Seems like you have Cl0ckw0rk syndrome.



get some go again
Seems like you have Cl0ckw0rk syndrome.

actually i'm the one that got lucky. i would have been smacked down with vajra if i was a tiny bit off. i hoodlum launched viper and when i was hitting my M's in the air i caught strider as he was coming down and that's all she wrote.


Marvel Glitches!

Don't know if this was posted. This video takes the Nova glitch farther with new camera angles.
This would actually be really good for making your own epic fights if you'd record what you wanted then edit them together.
YT comment "OMG this is like Pokemon Snap meets UMvC3!" - Definitely something I'd want over shadow battles.

Wish training mode or the model viewers let you take in game screens of moves and angles and shit.
Should've went with Dante but can't go wrong with a pocket Viper.

He did say it was the best configuration, but Dante takes the most work to learn so looks like he decided to take the middle ground.
GGs Jeri, my Strider derped a couple of wins, but yours was definitely better when it got going. Definitely got away with stuff I shouldn't have. Not sure if I should say it was probably the lag or that you should work on your defense (well, not like practicing that's ever a bad thing).

Azure J

GGs SolarKnight. I can't combo Rocket Raccoon for anything. Also shoutouts to Dark Ammy. When am I ever going to look proficient in these matches...

Edit: The one and only thing that should have opened me up as many times as it did was the RR unblockable with Cold Star pinning me. That thing is fucking vicious. Every time I saw the Raccoon burrow I was thinking "s.H as Dante/Focus Attack as Viper/Grab as Strider" but every single time nothing came out. Dark Ammy jumping at an incoming character for the grab? No tech even after I caught on. Air plink dashing to avoid the woodland nonsense? LOL nope and hold this Vajra assist that you probably could have maneuvered around otherwise.

At the same time, I need to work on what I put out with Dante (getting hit with teleport/burrow while I'm starting up Crystal is saddening), going in after Seismos with Viper and starting my zoo up before others start their nonsense with Strider.

Seems like you have Cl0ckw0rk syndrome.


Nah that's smurf, I caught you with that roll away Lariatooo strategy on knockdown with your Hawkeye in that one match. :p

Azure J

Also, I appreciate that you want to get rid of problem characters, but you really need to be more careful with your XF activations

Most of them wouldn't even be an issue if I could continue what I start without a completely dropped input, but this is true even without that.

There are just too many characters I don't know what to expect with and I get locked into that mindset of "kill at all costs" on first touch.


YT comment "OMG this is like Pokemon Snap meets UMvC3!" - Definitely something I'd want over shadow battles.

Wish training mode or the model viewers let you take in game screens of moves and angles and shit.

He did say it was the best configuration, but Dante takes the most work to learn so looks like he decided to take the middle ground.

He said he thinks viper takes less work than dante? Neither character is simple to just pick up and play, but I've never heard a high level player like ray ray express such sentiments before. Also, you'd think repeatedly getting bodied by chrisg would drive him toward dante over viper as well- with yipes recent showing proving dante has the tools to handle the matchup, while all the while chrisg makes pie's viper look free.


You can grow to enjoy any character if you spend enough time with them. Team-making based on love might be the craze these days, but it only leads to tears in the end.


He said he thinks viper takes less work than dante? Neither character is simple to just pick up and play, but I've never heard a high level player like ray ray express such sentiments before. Also, you'd think repeatedly getting bodied by chrisg would drive him toward dante over viper as well- with yipes recent showing proving dante has the tools to handle the matchup, while all the while chrisg makes pie's viper look free.

Sorry if I paraphrased him incorrectly. During T13, he said Viper was easier to learn not that she takes less work. Also it might be that he felt Viper combos are more consistent or do more damage than Dante combos. I don't think anythings final since he was using Ryu still during the last Big Two. Chrisis uses Viper/Magneto and did fairly well so, I think its a strong combination.


I disagree with both of your statements.

I was half joking. I think you can make just about any character work, but just throwing three characters you like on a team obviously doesn't work. I liked doom and strider, but for the glue to told the team together, I needed someone who played well with doom, supporting him, while still working well as a duo with strider once doom goes down. Dante doesn't fit my playstyle perfectly, but his presence makes the team so much better and enjoyable as a whole, that it was well worth it. You're fortunate that the characters you like (dorm/morrigan) function so well together. If somebody really like a character like jill, they have to really make a team to support her to play her at full force, right?

Sorry if I paraphrased him incorrectly. During T13, he said Viper was easier to learn not that she takes less work. Also it might be that he felt Viper combos are more consistent or do more damage than Dante combos. I don't think anythings final since he was using Ryu still during the last Big Two. Chrisis uses Viper/Magneto and did fairly well so, I think its a strong combination.

Ahh, I gotcha. I wasn't doubting that viper/mags was a strong pairing, I just thought the logic behind ray ray's choice was strange.


I have a feeling he might want to play Viper more for her defensive options than anything else. I remember him saying on Bum's stream once that while Dante is good, he does not do well against 'nuts' since he's got slow normals and all that jazz. Viper has Focus Attack and EX Seismo to fall back on against someone going ham, which is always appealing.
I was half joking. I think you can make just about any character work, but just throwing three characters you like on a team obviously doesn't work. I liked doom and strider, but for the glue to told the team together, I needed someone who played well with doom, supporting him, while still working well as a duo with strider once doom goes down. Dante doesn't fit my playstyle perfectly, but his presence makes the team so much better and enjoyable as a whole, that it was well worth it. You're fortunate that the characters you like (dorm/morrigan) function so well together. If somebody really like a character like jill, they have to really make a team to support her to play her at full force, right?
Keep in mind that it took me until a month before Ultimate came out to discover my love for Dormammu+Morrigan. I struggled around with lots of combinations before I settled on those two.

You're right, that throwing three characters you like on a team doesn't work, but 2 you like plus one good assist will make most teams functional.


Keep in mind that it took me until a month before Ultimate came out to discover my love for Dormammu+Morrigan. I struggled around with lots of combinations before I settled on those two.

You're right, that throwing three characters you like on a team doesn't work, but 2 you like plus one good assist will make most teams functional.

I think part of it also depends on how the individual player defines/accepts as functional. For me personally, functional means 'when this team is played skillfully, it has the potential to deal with many of the types of teams that define the current meta reasonably well.' I know having a single set team that can deal with absolutely everything is probably impossible, so you may have to substitute characters or counterpick sometimes, regardless of how versatile your team is, but most of the time when I pick a team, I don't want to see who my opponent picked and know that if they're competent, I essentially lost at the character select screen.

These days, for example, I actually run into morridoom and other keep-away (hawkeye, etc.) a fair amount online. There are some characters/teams that really aren't viable against that. If I pick she-hulk, she's only there to die and build a bit of meter for the other two- she's next to worthless.

Azure J

I have a feeling he might want to play Viper more for her defensive options than anything else. I remember him saying on Bum's stream once that while Dante is good, he does not do well against 'nuts' since he's got slow normals and all that jazz. Viper has Focus Attack and EX Seismo to fall back on against someone going ham, which is always appealing.

I know this is why I picked her up. Dante's a great point character until you realize people will press buttons and depending on which characters they play as, they're encouraged to do so. :p

In other news, that Richard N video made me explore meter gain from double Acid Rains midscreen into S - Crystal - S - Clay Pigeon full rep only for me to find out that you can combo into Weasel Shot by just standing under the Acid Rain pressing H when they come down and cancelling into it. I don't have any utility planned currently, but something like this is too cool looking not to try and setup with. :D
I think part of it also depends on how the individual player defines/accepts as functional. For me personally, functional means 'when this team is played skillfully, it has the potential to deal with many of the types of teams that define the current meta reasonably well.' I know having a single set team that can deal with absolutely everything is probably impossible, so you may have to substitute characters or counterpick sometimes, regardless of how versatile your team is, but most of the time when I pick a team, I don't want to see who my opponent picked and know that if they're competent, I essentially lost at the character select screen.

These days, for example, I actually run into morridoom and other keep-away (hawkeye, etc.) a fair amount online. There are some characters/teams that really aren't viable against that. If I pick she-hulk, she's only there to die and build a bit of meter for the other two- she's next to worthless.
That's why you don't put her on point!

I still maintain that any two characters, plus one good assist, is a functional team by your definition.


I agree with Karst. You can pick any 2 characters but the 3rd has to be a character that glues them altogether. Only real exception is Wright and a character who he doesn't benefit from.

And even then you can't dedicate yourself to one team, always be ready to switch it up in match ups


That's why you don't put her on point!

I still maintain that any two characters, plus one good assist, is a functional team by your definition.

Isn't that self-contradictory? I mean, the more holes a given character has in their toolset, the more they would need to be backed be the absolute best assist/support characters to stand a chance. The further you put them down in the rotation, the worse off they are.

Regarding your statement of any two characters you'd like plus one great assist = functional- I disagree, at least for certain characters. One thing great about morridoom is that it acts as a fantastic gatekeeper team- it's a potent combination and it's becoming more and more widespread, both at weeklies/tournaments and online. For any team I think of, I immediately ask myself: could this team stand a chance against that sort of keep away? If the answer is no, I don't consider the team functional. So the ANY two characters plus a good assist formula rings false to me because if the two characters you like are hsien-ko and she-hulk, there's no character in the game that good possibly offer enough support to make that duo work.

@Dahbomb- I don't think a team can be designed to cover EVERY possible match-up, but it needs to deal with the common stuff fairly well, IMHO. In vanilla, there was no point to designing a team if it lost to wolverine and/or phoenix. In ultimate, morridoom has taken their place (though I don't think morridoom is too good, like vanilla wolvie and phoenix clearly were).
i <3 my 3 characters. :D


*hi five*

Also, 2 and Glue theory works no matter who you pick.


I have a feeling he might want to play Viper more for her defensive options than anything else. I remember him saying on Bum's stream once that while Dante is good, he does not do well against 'nuts' since he's got slow normals and all that jazz. Viper has Focus Attack and EX Seismo to fall back on against someone going ham, which is always appealing.

I was about to say this. It's really where the s.L/Hammer nerfs come back to haunt Dante.

If you look at his losses (such as Summer Jam), it's usually against nuts already. I don't think he wants to main a character who has a harder time dealing with nuts than his current one does already.

He also finally gets to kill people off of throws, among other things, which I'm sure we will see quite a bit.


As far as She Hulk + Hsien Ko goes:

Ghost Rider/Hsien Ko/She Hulk would be a potent team if only because it would obliterate rushdown teams. Also gives Ghost Rider near full screen unblockables.

Replace Ghost Rider with Hawkeye and you have a potent team against keepaway. For a mix you can try She Hulk/Hsien Ko/Dante. You can even try out She Hulk/MODOK/Hsien Ko or Thor/She Hulk/Hsien Ko or She Hulk/Strange/Hsien Ko.



*hi five*

Also, 2 and Glue theory works no matter who you pick.

We need a 'two and glue challenge' or something. Like somebody has to pick two characters who they think are trash, somebody else picks the third character and designs the team for them, and then they have to go online and prove it stacks up.


That would require you to know how to play those characters first. I guess Karst and Frantic can take up the challenge since they have some wide character experience....

Better yet best man for the job is GB.

Azure J

We need a 'two and glue challenge' or something. Like somebody has to pick two characters who they think are trash, somebody else picks the third character and designs the team for them, and then they have to go online and prove it stacks up.

This, the "your top ten characters are banned" and the "pick from your bottom ten" ideas have to happen sometime.


That would require you to know how to play those characters first. I guess Karst and Frantic can take up the challenge.

I know I'm in the minority in this debate- I just want to see some proof! It'd be a neat experiment either way. Anybody on PS3 could create a new account specifically for this purpose, so they wouldn't mess up their online ranking or whatever, and the online stats would be only for the solitary experimental team so it'd be easy to keep track of.

@AzureJericho- I think the two and glue challenge would be potentially easier to do, since it doesn't require coordinating peoples schedules to set up matches like the bottom 10 tourny would need. You just need one person with the time/dedication to be willing to give the team a fair shake.


Two and Glue huh? Phoenix Wright and Jill will be my picks. Yeah I know about Jill "secret tech" talk, but she's a lot of work to get that damage so I don't think highly enough of her to care.

Any Ideas for a third for Phoenix/ Jill


Two and Glue huh? Phoenix Wright and Jill will be my picks. Yeah I know about Jill "secret tech" talk, but she's a lot of work to get that damage so I don't think highly enough of her to care.

Any Ideas for a third for Phoenix/ Jill

Doom beam or Iron Man beam for sure.
Isn't that self-contradictory? I mean, the more holes a given character has in their toolset, the more they would need to be backed be the absolute best assist/support characters to stand a chance. The further you put them down in the rotation, the worse off they are.
I'm not following you. It's not like any character needs two good assists to function. In general, there's always one assist out there that compliments any two characters. When in doubt, I tend to pick Arthur for Dagger Toss since he's a good anchor and his assist, when powered up, is IMO a top 5 quality assist.

Regarding your statement of any two characters you'd like plus one great assist = functional- I disagree, at least for certain characters. One thing great about morridoom is that it acts as a fantastic gatekeeper team- it's a potent combination and it's becoming more and more widespread, both at weeklies/tournaments and online. For any team I think of, I immediately ask myself: could this team stand a chance against that sort of keep away? If the answer is no, I don't consider the team functional. So the ANY two characters plus a good assist formula rings false to me because if the two characters you like are hsien-ko and she-hulk, there's no character in the game that good possibly offer enough support to make that duo work.
With Hsien-ko and She-Hulk, you already have a good assist! Plus Hsien-ko is excellent for setting up DHC baits to She-Hulk. No one gets in on Hsien-ko without superjumping when you back her with a good assist. I'll never say that Hsien-ko is a good character, but I've OCVed plenty of people with her.

I also find it ironic that you chose Hsien-ko because she's one of the few characters who can completely shut Morrigan down. Morrigan simply has no answer to the gongs. If you give Hsien-ko a good assist (personally, I like Hidden Missiles a lot), she'll have complete control of the entire match. Hsien-ko is also one of the characters with the most air delay time, letting her run out the timer on Astral Vision if she doesn't feel like dealing with it.

For Hsien-ko/She-Hulk, a strong horizontal assist clearly takes precedence to hulk She-Hulk get in. Hsien-ko would be okay with just a vertical assist. Hidden Missiles is not a good option because She-Hulk can't protect it.

I would likely either choose Hsien-ko/She-Hulk/Arthur or Hsien-ko/She-Hulk/Dr. Strange. If Shuma-Gorath weren't such an awful anchor, he'd be up there too. Doom with Plasma Beam is not a bad option either, since he makes good use of She-Hulk's unblockable and can call armored Senpu Bu at any time during his j.f+H to give him absurd pressure. Arthur also has really fantastic DHCs with Hsien-ko.

The irony if your She-Hulk/Hsien-ko choice is that you picked two characters that are actually very good against a variety of matchups. Hsien-ko is the anti-zoning character of this game (though Dormammu destroys her), and She-Hulk is a good anti-rushdown character, especially when backed by armored Senpu Bu. In your first match, put She-Hulk on point because you don't know the matchup and use her high health to guarantee a DHC into armored Hsien-ko if things aren't going well. IMO, once you have armored Hsien-ko smart play should win the game for you. LLND very rarely loses if he has Rimoukon up, he usually only loses when Hsien-ko dies before she goes armored.

Other neat options are Chris and Taskmaster, since they have good horizontal assists and back Hsien-ko up well. Taskmaster is an especially good choice because he makes good use of Senpu Bu with Shield Skills -> Aim Master L and She-Hulk's low assist via Spidey Swing -> j.M.

I'm not seeing these two as a terrible combination.

@Dahbomb- I don't think a team can be designed to cover EVERY possible match-up, but it needs to deal with the common stuff fairly well, IMHO. In vanilla, there was no point to designing a team if it lost to wolverine and/or phoenix. In ultimate, morridoom has taken their place (though I don't think morridoom is too good, like vanilla wolvie and phoenix clearly were).
I think there are teams that cover every possible matchup. Personally, I feel as though my previous Vergil/Dormammu/Morrigan covered every matchup. Morrigan + Vergil is fantastic for anti-rushdown, Dormammu+Morrigan covers aerial characters, and Vergil+Morrigan covers keepaway teams by letting you Spiral Swords through anything. I never, ever felt outmatched with that team.

We need a 'two and glue challenge' or something. Like somebody has to pick two characters who they think are trash, somebody else picks the third character and designs the team for them, and then they have to go online and prove it stacks up.
It's your claim that it doesn't work, so I say you should take up the challenge to come up with two characters that won't work with a third assist. ;-) I guarantee you that in almost all cases, Arthur will make that team solid.

That would require you to know how to play those characters first. I guess Karst and Frantic can take up the challenge since they have some wide character experience....

Better yet best man for the job is GB.
I don't have the time to learn a new team though. :p I'm busy figuring out my own!

Two and Glue huh? Phoenix Wright and Jill will be my picks. Yeah I know about Jill "secret tech" talk, but she's a lot of work to get that damage so I don't think highly enough of her to care.

Any Ideas for a third for Phoenix/ Jill
I would undoubtedly go for Plasma Beam. People underrate Wright's assist. He's the only character in the whole game with a full screen projectile that also hits low. Put him with a character that has a lot of overheads and it's very frustrating for your opponent. I think MODOK with Balloon Bomb assist is also a good choice. It's a great footsies assist for Jill, and just sits there to protect Wright. Shield Barrier would be an interesting choice, too. Sentinel Force could work if you're willing to burn meter with Jill to get in (which you should be).

mr. puppy

If I wanted to make a team with 3 characters that are incredibly strong against incoming mixups, what would it be? Guys with double jumps or something?

If I wanted to make a team with 3 characters that are incredibly strong against incoming mixups, what would it be? Guys with double jumps or something?

Characters with double jumps:
Captain America
Viewtiful Joe

Personally, I would run:
Deadpool (Katanarama) / Dante (Jam Session) / Strider (Vajra)

mr. puppy

Characters with double jumps:
Captain America
Viewtiful Joe

Personally, I would run:
Deadpool (Katanarama) / Dante (Jam Session) / Strider (Vajra)

yea i had thought about it, but i feel like i'm just jacking max's team :(
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