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Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 |OT3| To infinites... and beyond!

Azure J

I burst out laughing at 5:20. Makes me think Vergil is ice skating or something. I also really like the super jump into Starfall he does to maximize Round Trip's damage after the DHC and get the OTG assist.

It's about time he picked up that team. I've been waiting for him to switch to that team since I first played it, lol.

I really feel like its the second team in the game that allows players to do whatever the fuck they want whenever they want to and with people like this using it, things are going to get insane.

Sigh, back to the lab for me. I refuse to get outpaced. I also need more matches.


My top ten most used is:

1. Dante (5404)
2. Vergil (4191)
3. Strider (3422)
4. Morrigan (872)
5. Wesker (845)
6. Amaterasu (841)
7. Phoenix Wright (657)
8. Doctor Doom (627)
9. Chris (336)
10. Hawkeye (295)​

Bottom ten:
40/41. Felicia/C.Viper (9)
42/43/44. Arthur/Wolverine/Hulk (8)
45. Akuma (6)
46/47. Super Skrull/Shuma Gorath (3)
48/49/50. MODOK/Storm/Dormammu (2)​

Huh, I'm surprised I only used Wolvy/Akuma/Dorm that little. I actually have somewhat fun with those guys.
Gotta steal some of these lol. I love Dickwin's new team.


My top ten used:

1. Nemesis
2. Ghost Rider
3. Doctor Strange
4. Iron Man
5. Spider-Man
6. Hulk
7. Sentinel
8. Doctor Doom
9. Deadpool
10. Frank West

Bottom Ten:

C. Viper
Strider Hiryu
Viewtiful Joe
Random idea I got when there was discussion about making characters more accurate to their canon.

What if, to make him more accurate to his games, they made ALL of Zero's normals dash cancellable (on both hit and block)? You MMX fans know what I mean.

Azure J

Random idea I got when there was discussion about making characters more accurate to their canon.

What if, to make him more accurate to his games, they made ALL of Zero's normals dash cancellable (on both hit and block)? You MMX fans know what I mean.

I think technically this is already accounted for with Hienkyaku being a special, but good God, a full canon incarnation of Zero is right up there with Sparda himself for bullshit potential. Morrigan would also be the scariest Capcom female since she's like the HBIC of the underworld IIRC.

So not much changed from the current game. Just much harder to fight. :p

Azure J

Question for everyone in the thread: When you dabble with new things team composition wise, how long does it take for you to get comfortable with them? Right now, I'm realizing pretty strongly that my shell is pretty much ingrained in me and trying to do things without that core has me not getting anywhere with it. It's strange. And it sucks too because there are a ton of combinations and characters I'd like to try and learn, but during the learning process I say fuck it and go pick my bros in Dante and Strider.

Bonus question: What's everyone's core duo (if you have one)?

You can't cancel Hyenkaku so it doesn't count. At least it won't count until you can do (LMxxDash)xN with it :T

Gotcha. Also talking about this now has me wanting to play X6. Guard Shell + Dash Canceled Saber is Vanilla Phoenix levels of busted.


Question for everyone in the thread: When you dabble with new things team composition wise, how long does it take for you to get comfortable with them? Right now, I'm realizing pretty strongly that my shell is pretty much ingrained in me and trying to do things without that core has me not getting anywhere with it. It's strange. And it sucks too because there are a ton of combinations and characters I'd like to try and learn, but during the learning process I say fuck it and go pick my bros in Dante and Strider.

Bonus question: What's everyone's core duo (if you have one)?

Gotcha. Also talking about this now has me wanting to play X6. Guard Shell + Dash Canceled Saber is Vanilla Phoenix levels of busted.

In vanilla I had the core duo of She-hulk/Doom with my third constantly rotating (Morrigan, Sent, Ammy, Phoenix, Gouki), and I could never quite settle on a permanent team.

In ultimate, I settled on a team very very early (Doom/Dante/Strider, in that order), and I don't consider any one pair of those characters a duo with the other being extraneous. I'm very happy that unlike vanilla, I have something stable to improve instead of a revolving door of characters. Honestly, if She-hulk hadn't been removed from the game, I might have never picked up Dante and would've played She-hulk/Doom/Strider, but I think the team I ended up with is much better overall :)
Top 10 for UMvC3:
1. Dormammu (2891 matches)
2. Morrigan (2713 matches)
3. Firebrand (1272 matches)
4. Vergil (536 matches)
5. Dr. Strange (475 matches)
6. Super-Skrull (353 matches)
7. Dr. Doom (326 matches)
8. Hsien-ko (254 matches)
9. Akuma (198 matches)
10. Sentinel (153 matches)

Do I win anything for having Hsien-ko in my Top 10 used?

Bottom 10:
41. Viewtiful Joe - 2
41. Crimson Viper - 2
41. Phoenix Wright - 2
41. Thor - 2 (funny since I played him a good amount in Vanilla)
41. X-23 - 2 (dunno)
41. Iron Fist - 2 (random select fights with Slasher I think)
47. Zero - 1 (ran out of time before picking Strider once)
47. MODOK - 1 (tried him with Morrigan/Dormammu and hated it)
49. Chris - 0
49. Captain America - 0
49. She-Hulk - 0

If I had to make a team from this...Thor/Chris/X-23. Pretty much guarantees 5 bars for X-23, and Chris is the only good horizontal assist there for Thor.

Question for everyone in the thread: When you dabble with new things team composition wise, how long does it take for you to get comfortable with them? Right now, I'm realizing pretty strongly that my shell is pretty much ingrained in me and trying to do things without that core has me not getting anywhere with it. It's strange. And it sucks too because there are a ton of combinations and characters I'd like to try and learn, but during the learning process I say fuck it and go pick my bros in Dante and Strider.
It depends on what position the new character is in. At least a week of play if the new character is on point. My Morrigan is still just so-so because she anchors. Using her on point backed by Strider is helping a lot, though.

Bonus question: What's everyone's core duo (if you have one)?
Why, Dormammu+Morrigan, of course!

I think technically this is already accounted for with Hienkyaku being a special, but good God, a full canon incarnation of Zero is right up there with Sparda himself for bullshit potential. Morrigan would also be the scariest Capcom female since she's like the HBIC of the underworld IIRC.
Morrigan is planet buster status. Oddly enough, she's the only Darkstalker in the game that isn't worse than her Darkstalkers incarnation.

Honestly, if She-hulk hadn't been removed from the game
That's a cold way to refer to a woman you dumped.

Azure J

As it stands right now, Viper/Dante/Strider is the trio that I feel is most complete for me even at the base level I'm at. Everyone gets along well with one another, there's still a lot of synergy to be discovered and I have fun when all is working well. I don't think I'll be doing much with others anymore besides getting a handle of how they work, but in the case of Zero and Vergil, I'm slowly warming up to them as much as I hate them. :lol

Doesn't help that Devil May Stride/Zero May Stride are good as hell.

This is the beginning of the "I like the cheap stuff" arc of my character development here in MahvelGAF.


She-hulk just isn't the women she was when I fell in love with her. Also, the meta shift hasn't been kind to her style, she needed to get with times, but she can't let go of the past :(


Question for everyone in the thread: When you dabble with new things team composition wise, how long does it take for you to get comfortable with them? Right now, I'm realizing pretty strongly that my shell is pretty much ingrained in me and trying to do things without that core has me not getting anywhere with it. It's strange. And it sucks too because there are a ton of combinations and characters I'd like to try and learn, but during the learning process I say fuck it and go pick my bros in Dante and Strider.

Bonus question: What's everyone's core duo (if you have one)?

Gotcha. Also talking about this now has me wanting to play X6. Guard Shell + Dash Canceled Saber is Vanilla Phoenix levels of busted.

My new teams work out great in training mode and then fall apart if I ever try to use them in ranked or player matches. Even relatively small changes to my team throw me out of my rhythm. For example, I switched from Tron/Skrull/Arthur to Tron/Skrull/Doctor Strange, a team that should play very similarly (bolts instead of daggers) but with some better DHC options (inferno into read a book into x-factor/teleport/kill).

My Doctor Strange, unfortunately, is terrible in the neutral game and I can never open anyone up. To fix that, I would have to let Strange get bodied repeatedly until I was comfortable using him, but I don't feel like torpedoing my rank right now.

I don't really have a core duo right now. Despite the example I gave above, Arthur is my most played character and I stick him on as the anchor for almost every team I dabble with. Daggers is an incredible assist and he is really a menace in level three x-factor. One team I'd like to play around with more is Deadpool/Raccoon/Arthur for a constant barrage of zoning and teleport/daggers mixups. My Tron teams tend to get shut down by zoning, so having a backup team that could hold its in own in the lamer matchups would be very helpful.
She-hulk just isn't the women she was when I fell in love with her. Also, the meta shift hasn't been kind to her style, she needed to get with times, but she can't let go of the past :(
That conditional love...

My new teams work out great in training mode and then fall apart if I ever try to use them in ranked or player matches. Even relatively small changes to my team throw me out of my rhythm. For example, I switched from Tron/Skrull/Arthur to Tron/Skrull/Doctor Strange, a team that should play very similarly (bolts instead of daggers) but with some better DHC options (inferno into read a book into x-factor/teleport/kill).

My Doctor Strange, unfortunately, is terrible in the neutral game and I can never open anyone up. To fix that, I would have to let Strange get bodied repeatedly until I was comfortable using him, but I don't feel like torpedoing my rank right now.

I don't really have a core duo right now. Despite the example I gave above, Arthur is my most played character and I stick him on as the anchor for almost every team I dabble with. Daggers is an incredible assist and he is really a menace in level three x-factor. One team I'd like to play around with more is Deadpool/Raccoon/Arthur for a constant barrage of zoning and teleport/daggers mixups. My Tron teams tend to get shut down by zoning, so having a backup team that could hold its in own in the lamer matchups would be very helpful.
Dr. Strange is a trash tier anchor unless you have ChrisG-like power. Do you use the s.H trick with Tron to help with zoning?


Dr. Strange is a trash tier anchor unless you have ChrisG-like power. Do you use the s.H trick with Tron to help with zoning?

It helps, and I have a lot of room to improve in terms of timing it better, but I still feel lost in some situations. Granted, they include setups that most teams would struggle against (Morrigan/missiles, Doom floating in the air and shooting finger lasers, Zero throwing out buster shots with Jam Session's protection, Hawkeye with assists, etc.), but I end up panicking and throwing out random drills in an effort to close the gap. I'm not giving up on my main team, but it definitely makes me want to have a zoning team of my own that might have more options in these situations.

And yeah, I'm definitely not skilled enough to make Strange a functional anchor.
It definitely helps, and I have a lot of room to improve in terms of timing it better, but I still feel lost in some situations. Granted, they include setups that most teams would struggle against (Morrigan/missiles, Doom floating in the air and shooting finger lasers, Zero throwing out buster shots with Jam Session's protection, Hawkeye with assists, etc.), but I end up panicking and throwing out random drills in an effort to close the gap. I'm not giving up on my main team, but it definitely makes me want to have a zoning team of my own that might have more options in these situations.

And yeah, I'm definitely not skilled enough to make Strange a functional anchor.
I can't help you with all of those, but the key to rocking a Doom floating around shooting finger shots is to predict the jump and j.S him back down to the ground where he belongs. I think Tron tends to do well with Jam Session along with a horizontal assist for this reason.


here i thought i was the only haggar player here.

In Vanilla before he got the OTG I ran a LOT of Haggar/Hulk/Sentinel and Haggar/ Ryu/Sentinel

I didn't use the guy for lariat I was basically going in for the easiest combo he had which was generic magic series ending in a super late pipe as he falls out of the air series which allowed you to land low enough to get another launcher and go for another series. Couldn't do it if you started with Pipe though so I used a lot of gamma wave or tatsu stuff to setup jumping legdrop. In both games I love Haggar and he's gotten me a lot of good memories. You runback a match online with Haggar and people pour the salt. Never learned the good stuff for either of the other two so I was always just riding out on armor and punishes. Had one team that was pure BS with Hulk on point/ Taskmaster H shot/Sent drones. I'd basically walk back and forth with hulk and use assists to pin folks and if they jumped forward I used armor to catch them jumping in. Team was fun, but it had no real combos. Needed an OTG assist pretty badly which was one of my biggest problems in vanilla...the lack of OTG's.

Hmm...in both games I refused to play anyone that wasn't a pure footsie dude. I never experienced a strong mixup character in either game outside of my interest in RR. How on Earth did I end up playing Smoke in MK9 with that kind of history?


Maybe it's because most MK9 characters are the same, and there's no such thing as a strong footsies character in it (right?).
There are no footsie specialist characters in Tekken either and it's because all you do is footsies with every character. There are no defensive vs offensive characters either... all characters are capable of both to some degree.
Anyone want to play on the PS3? Keep in mind that I haven't played this game in like five months or something...
Loved that movie and that scene. Me and my cousin still mimic the guy every now and then if we are facing some big threat in a game haha.
At least the aliens all learned English for me, unlike many immigrants.
I sincerely doubt that any alien race we encounter will not be warlike. There are no dominant species that are not violent in any ecosystem.

The prospect of first contact used to be something exciting in my mind. Nowadays I think it is probably the last thing we need for a while. It'd be kickass if we made first contact with a peaceful species though!
I'm coming from the angle of working in politics, so my thoughts tend to be more about interactions between dedicated people, and not half-hearted voters. That might make the claim more clear.
Ah Okay
The masses aren't educated enough to have opinions I respect enough to make fun of.
Understandable view imo...
It was primarily blacks that were targeted. What's different between the groups, in your opinion?
In relation to abortion? I find that most hispanic people are open enough to the idea. Americans are just particularly stubborn about that many other things that the world accepts though and that has a pretty direct impact on the black population. Most of us hispanics here are new though so that fervor just hasn't rooted itself in our demographic yet. I hope it stays that way. :p
I still say that when Capcom was coming up with the design for Vergil he was not supposed to be a high damage character. He was supposed to be an intermediary character between Wesker and Strider ie health, damage and toolset somewhere in the middle. That's what I expected but that's not what ended up happening.

In fact no character below 900k was supposed to be high damage.
You make it sound like you work at Capcom.
Top 10 for UMvC3:
1. Dormammu (2891 matches)
2. Morrigan (2713 matches)
3. Firebrand (1272 matches)
4. Vergil (536 matches)
5. Dr. Strange (475 matches)
6. Super-Skrull (353 matches)
7. Dr. Doom (326 matches)
8. Hsien-ko (254 matches)
9. Akuma (198 matches)
10. Sentinel (153 matches)

Do I win anything for having Hsien-ko in my Top 10 used?
A useless item.
Anyone want to play on the PS3? Keep in mind that I haven't played this game in like five months or something...

The prospect of first contact used to be something exciting in my mind. Nowadays I think it is probably the last thing we need for a while. It'd be kickass if we made first contact with a peaceful species though!
There are no peaceful species in the known universe, though, so I doubt we'll find one in space. It would help rid humans of petty differences, though. The peasants would finally have the boogieman they have always wanted to explain why their lives suck, and the hawks would have a reason to increase military spending the world over!

In relation to abortion? I find that most hispanic people are open enough to the idea. Americans are just particularly stubborn about that many other things that the world accepts though and that has a pretty direct impact on the black population. Most of us hispanics here are new though so that fervor just hasn't rooted itself in our demographic yet. I hope it stays that way. :p
Hmm, but why are they open to the idea?

A useless item.
A month ago I hit someone with two star objects in a row. I felt like superman.


Maybe it's because most MK9 characters are the same, and there's no such thing as a strong footsies character in it (right?).

There are no footsie specialist characters in Tekken either and it's because all you do is footsies with every character. There are no defensive vs offensive characters either... all characters are capable of both to some degree.

I thought so too till I played it, but its so odd how it works that even though a lot of folks have similar footsie tools that they play so incredibly different footsie-wise. There are a lot of teleporters sure, but the startup and recovery on people's stuff is pretty different on everything especially the teleports so even that didn't feel like the same kind of threat when I faced folks with them. Noob's got a damned teleport throw that drives me nuts that you have to dodge, Scorpion's can be stuffed by a low attack, and all kinds of stuff like this exists thats different on each. The Footsie options in the game aren't restricted very much to who has what, but they are pretty diverse in who is actually good at what or in terms of what sort of stuff you can counter with each variation on any tool that was repeated in different movesets.

If you got time pickup a cheap copy or just go in on Komplete Edition. I was really shocked by the game and it feels pretty awesome. I really didn't expect this much from it, but its really impressive. I'm not asking you to flip games and focus on MK9 or anything, but I'd strongly recommend it as a good game now to anyone. I can definitely say after playing its story mode, seeing its challenge tower, and seeing all the stuff to buy in the Krypt that Marvel could use a major boost in its single player stuff sometime. I went in after accidently catching EVO both years for it coming home on my lunch and I'm spending a lot of time following Injustice since I'm a DC fan and the folks on TYM kept telling me cool sounding stuff in MK9 so I picked it up and was actually pretty blown away.
All I remember is a broken training mode, universal normal animations and glitched gameplay so I traded the damn thing after a week. The team battle was garbage, too.


All I remember is a broken training mode, universal normal animations and glitched gameplay so I traded the damn thing after a week. The team battle was garbage, too.

Training is nothing special, but its definitely not glitchy anymore. Haven't messed with team battle, but to each their own. Its not meant to be UMVC3. I gotta say though that I want someone in the next Marvel to have Smoke's smokebomb. Tracking low projectile with fast startup that teleports opponent to fall in hitstun from the top of the screen in front of you. Reset machine. :)


I think there are two kinds of fighting game players. Those who enjoy spending a little time with each of the major releases as they come out, and those who want to go in deep and really get good at one or two fighting games. I'm the latter, so I don't think I will ever have time to play any MK or really anything outside of Marvel due to my otherwise busy life.
Training is nothing special, but its definitely not glitchy anymore. Haven't messed with team battle, but to each their own. Its not meant to be UMVC3. I gotta say though that I want someone in the next Marvel to have Smoke's smokebomb. Tracking low projectile with fast startup that teleports opponent to fall in hitstun from the top of the screen in front of you. Reset machine. :)

Training dummies can block high/low chains when set to
"block all" now? I'm so happy for Neatherrealm.

Azure J

I think there are two kinds of fighting game players. Those who enjoy spending a little time with each of the major releases as they come out, and those who want to go in deep and really get good at one or two fighting games. I'm the latter, so I don't think I will ever have time to play any MK or really anything outside of Marvel due to my otherwise busy life.

My sentiments exactly. Still trying to find that second, but with the Era of The Darkstalkers upon us, it might be closer than I think. I hope it's done justice.

Azure J

so GAF, its question time.

Which of these teams is better:

Vergil/Dante/Strider or Viper/Dante/Strider?

Personally, the way I'm looking at these two teams is that Viper/Dante/Strider is more defensive while Vergil/Dante/Strider (why isn't it Dante/Vergil/Strider though, trying to get the match start movers advantage or something else?) is more offensive. They're both just as potent but focus on the Yin to the other's Yang.


so GAF, its question time.

Which of these teams is better:

Vergil/Dante/Strider or Viper/Dante/Strider?
First team should be Dante/Vergil/Strider.

2nd team is better because Dante only needs Vergil to TOD via DHCs, he doesn't really need his assist (nice to have but not BFF status). Viper + Dante on the other hand IS BFF status and Viper doesn't really need another character to TOD for her. I also think Viper + Strider is more solid than Vergil + Strider.

They are both top tier teams and you can add Viper/Vergil/Strider in that category as well.


I still don't like Vergil/Strider very much. It's derpy and doesn't require much thought behind it, but Vergil really doesn't get as much off Vajra as lot of other characters do.

Then again, I suppose getting more off Vajra doesn't matter when Vergil + Vajra is derp autopilot. I'm glad I dropped it, because it was seriously making me play worse since XF2 Vergil + Vajra was enough to tear through any team in a few seconds.
I have a question. I'm wondering why notable Ryu players (I suppose RayRay is the only one) don't use Denjin mode more often? It seemed like a cool feature they gave him in this game yet I never see it used.


Denjin mode is ass that's why. It's only real use is for safe DHC and to add more solo damage to Ryu's combo. It has non existent utility by itself and it lasts for only a few seconds. It's actually in some ways a nerf to Ryu like Swiss Cheese in that you might mess up a wave dash input and get that instead. It's a poorly designed super all around.


tagged by Blackace
Denjin mode is ass that's why. It's only real use is for safe DHC and to add more solo damage to Ryu's combo. It has non existent utility by itself and it lasts for only a few seconds. It's actually in some ways a nerf to Ryu like Swiss Cheese in that you might mess up a wave dash input and get that instead. It's a poorly designed super all around.
The length of it is fucking offensive.
Denjin mode is ass that's why. It's only real use is for safe DHC and to add more solo damage to Ryu's combo. It has non existent utility by itself and it lasts for only a few seconds. It's actually in some ways a nerf to Ryu like Swiss Cheese in that you might mess up a wave dash input and get that instead. It's a poorly designed super all around.

Well that sucks. I was thinking of giving Ryu a try and wondering if anyone came up with some cool or useful tools for that mode.
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