Morrigan/Doom made JRosa competitive in tourneys and NerdJosh uses them so you know its the best. S-tier confirmed.
When you have lost the past 8 tournaments to one character/player it starts to get to your head.
And I can't blame him. Although even he should see that something is wrong when a S+ character has that many weaknesses. He even cites that baiting her into a push block is essentially a death sentence for her.
At this stage Morrigan is going to be top 5 in the tier list of every top/pro player. Even on ChrisG's own list... he and Dieminion declared Morrigan top 5 at the start of Ultimate when people were still on that Wesker bandwagon. The rest of the players are just now falling in line.
At least ChrisG and Dieminion are backing up their claim.
I'll support this anyway I can.
I'll work on it. Should be interesting to do.I would enjoy that.
There's no real evidence to suggest that she isn't top 5 in the game. Yes she has weaknesses but so do some of the other S+ characters in the game (just check Justin's list). The whole "stop her before she gets started" argument is a bad one and can be used against every other top character (snap in Vergil, zone out Zero/kill him first, snap in/zone out Doom).There's no question that she's good, but Wong should know better... especially with how much thought he's seemingly giving this list. Morrigan isn't Top 5, all things considered.
You would have to find the archive of a ChrisG interview from WAY back (like over a year ago). I will try to find it but I don't think I will be successful.Got a source? Not that I don't believe you, I'm curious as to what else ChrisG or Dieminion said at the time.
*slow clap*Why do we continue to fall into the trap of tiering individual characters? Character change lists have to be done on a character by character basis, but tiering based on evaluating individual characters in a vacuum are a waste of time.
It's obvious that not even Justin is evaluating characters in a vacuum. He is evaluating Morrigan in her most optimum situation which is backed up by Doom. Just like no one would evaluate an assistless Wolverine or a Vergil with no resources in a vacuum. If people tiered characters in a vacuum... Frank West would be C- tier.Why do we continue to fall into the trap of tiering individual characters? Character change lists have to be done on a character by character basis, but tiering based on evaluating individual characters in a vacuum are a waste of time.
Why do we continue to fall into the trap of tiering individual characters? Character change lists have to be done on a character by character basis, but tiering based on evaluating individual characters in a vacuum are a waste of time.
There's no real evidence to suggest that she isn't top 5 in the game. Yes she has weaknesses but so do some of the other S+ characters in the game (just check Justin's list). The whole "stop her before she gets started" argument is a bad one and can be used against every other top character (snap in Vergil, zone out Zero/kill him first, snap in/zone out Doom).
Morrigan more than any other character in the game makes a good portion of the cast unplayable. Yes I know it's Morrigan PLUS Doom but that applies to other characters as well... they need an additional caveat to be truly S+ (like Zero + Dante, Viper + Strider, Vergil plus XF3). MorriDoom is like the inverse of Wolverine/Akuma in Vanilla... what MorriDoom does against rushdown/grapple characters Wolverine/Akuma did against zoning/keep away teams.
You would have to find the archive of a ChrisG interview from WAY back (like over a year ago). I will try to find it but I don't think I will be successful.
Morrigan doesn't NEED Missiles either just like Zero doesn't NEED Jam Session. Those assists are there for them to play optimum. Players have performed well without Doom missiles... Xian placed high at a couple of tourneys with just Plasma Beam. I mean if we are going to play that card.If Morrigan/Doom is pretty much the only combination that's dominant (which thus far is absolutely true... the only Morrigan I've seen without Doom is Dieminion), then I don't see how she can be labeled as S+. Zero doesn't need Dante. Viper doesn't need Strider. Their dominance can be fulfilled, compellingly, with alternatives and is not ENTIRELY dependent on a single other character.
The most puzzling number on there, I think, is Rocket Raccoon. Solid anchor with great assists, and no one uses him. Oi.It's obvious that not even Justin is evaluating characters in a vacuum. He is evaluating Morrigan in her most optimum situation which is backed up by Doom. Just like no one would evaluate an assistless Wolverine or a Vergil with no resources in a vacuum. If people tiered characters in a vacuum... Frank West would be C- tier.
Also this is interesting and relevant to my interests:
I guess we can stop saying Morrigan is a rare character in the meta game.
Another interesting statistic... characters who have survived the most as a point.
I am thinking of paying $4 for all the stats. Take one for Marvel GAF.
No I am saying that I should take one for Marvel GAF and purchase it, then share it with the rest of you guys here.Don't lump us in with the suckers who would pay for those stats. That's all you.
Who the hell cares what a character is like in non optimum situations? Should we really care to evaluate Vergil as a character when he's backed up by bad assists or no assists or no XF? In that case he isn't S+ tier if played on point... I mean why would he be?
Characters in this game are usually specialists. You don't say Wolverine is not a good character because he isn't a good support. Or Amaterasu a bad character because she isn't godly on point. You don't need to be a jack of all trades to be an effective character, you can win with a simple but powerful game plan and toolset.
In the end a tier list is there to figure out who when played at their optimum has the best chance at winning a match when both players are equally skilled. You don't tier based on non optimum play.
Morrigan doesn't NEED Missiles either just like Zero doesn't NEED Jam Session. Those assists are there for them to play optimum. Players have performed well without Doom missiles... Xian placed high at a couple of tourneys with just Plasma Beam. I mean if we are going to play that card.
In that case we shouldn't be rating Zero as a S+ tier character because in sub optimal conditions (which is anchor or un-assisted Zero) he is not the best.
Vergil without meter, XF and assists is not even a High tier character. Iron Fist can beat Vergil in that situation. I mean if things go to shit fast in UMVC3... that situation CAN happen (and it has happened, most players lose in this situation).
You just have to ask yourself how often do players get to fight ChrisG's Morrigan unassisted? Or how many times do you go against an unassisted Zero? How many times do you fight a Vergil with absolutely no resources? The weightage of these sub optimal situations is very low.
People do that a lot and they get defeated by Morrigan backed up by Rapid Slash. It has been long ascertained that blowing resources to take out just Doom is not the best strategy at all.. I think it'd be interesting to see a player spend all their resources to kill Doom.
People do that a lot and they get defeated by Morrigan backed up by Rapid Slash. It has been long ascertained that blowing resources to take out just Doom is not the best strategy at all.
*CHANTS* Rate Teams, Not Characters! *CHANTS*
I haven't seen a player try to do that in a long ass time. I rarely RARELY see ChrisG left with Morrigan/Vergil. And when he does, it's Vergil that gets him the win. And ChrisG knows this, which is why he will DHC PhotoArray into Astral Vision ASAP.
Yeah, you're right. Pairings, at least.
She is one of the few rushdown characters that can actually beat out Shell Kick and can maneuver on the ground fast enough to pressure Morrigan with a good assist. With 2 meters plus something like a full screen hyper (like Proton Cannon, Million Dollars) she can take care of Doom while also getting mix ups on Morrigan with a clutch THC... IF she gets the meter.I really think Jill has the potential to end this MorriDoom bullshit.
She is one of the few rushdown characters that can actually beat out Shell Kick and can maneuver on the ground fast enough to pressure Morrigan with a good assist. With 2 meters plus something like a full screen hyper (like Proton Cannon, Million Dollars) she can take care of Doom while also getting mix ups on Morrigan with a clutch THC... IF she gets the meter.
5v5 WC vs EC exhibition confirmed for ECT.
Place your picks.
West Coast:
Justin "Marvelous" Wong
Filipino "EVO" Champ
PR "YOLO" Balrog
AGE "Promo Code" Fanatiq
"Golden Boy" Neo
East Coast:
AGE Christopher "Genius" Gonzalez
IFC "maybe casual mode but probably drunk mode" Yipes
MH "Gohan" RayRay
TA "Technical Athlete" Moonz
Noel "The Best in the World Professional" Brown
GU "2nd place expert" Flocker
EMP "The Lame One" Dieminion
Although it's hard to say who is coming. I listed it based on who will be showing up.
That's basically what I've been doing. I've been pairing her with Strange, Ammy, Deadpool, Iron Man, and Dante. 2 bars and I'm good, but one bar I'm kinda lost. If Tron still had her awesome assist then I'd probably be good to go.
What I've been trying is to just use her super to get in and do a little damage to Doom and then call Haggar afterward and try for some sort of mixup on Morrigan.
Hmm, does that work with Shuma-Gorath?
If Tron still had her bullshit assist, the Morrigan player would have access to it too![]()
I think in Morrigan's case, it probably wouldn't make a difference if she used Tron or Haggar.
For Jill, at least for me, it's a DHC and THC thing.
Zak Bennet claimed he had a million damage combo with Firebrand plus Doom.
Zak Bennet claimed he had a million damage combo with Firebrand plus Doom.
Zak Bennet claimed he had a million damage combo with Firebrand plus Doom.
VJoe just keeps ruining GB's life. :lol
You need to be more specific here. Are you talking about TACs (Team Aerial Combos) or wall bounce combos?hi there, iam relatively new to this game. i saw a lot of youtube videos, and i did the tutorial in this game, but i cant do this freaking links where youre smashing your opponents from left to right and back again... is there some kind of good and easy tutorial out there?