It's why I enjoy him. Constantly keeps me on my toes and makes me think - something I feel a lot of people don't actually do when playing Marvel.
Be psychic. Sounds like a joke, but it's kinda not. You basically have to read what the Wolverine wants to do in every spot and preemptively counter it. There's not much I can give in the way of tips besides play the matchup and recognize spots where Wolverine wants to do things and figure out what beats it. Maybe even play Wolverine a bit yourself to get a hang of when and where you want to be doing stuff. Crystal and Hysteric are definitely recommended in the matchup.
The obvious point teams would be Dante/Vergil/Magneto or Dante/Vergil/Strider, but there's also Dante/Trish(Low Voltage or Peekaboo would be my recommendations, but Hopscotch can be useful against Wolverine)/Strider, Dante/Iron-Man/Strider, Dante/Doom/Strider, Dante/Sent/Strider, Dante/Magneto/Sentinel, Dante/Iron-Man/Sent, Dante/Dorm/Magneto, Dante/Dorm/Doom to name a few.
Generally, you want either Strider or a horizontal projectile on your team. Both is the best of both worlds.