I can't play this game anymore.
I've had it for nearly a year and ever since then I've been trying so hard to get good at it. Spending the only time I had for gaming on it which, during school time is around 3 or 4 hours a week (I know that's not much, but now it's summer and I've been spending 7 or 8 hours
a day playing online), I just want to get good at this game and I've been trying so hard and yet I manage to get bodied by someone who hasn't owned the game for 2 days mashing buttons. I mean, I can do so much in training, but I just get destroyed every time fight a moving player. About a month ago I was fighting Gaurdian (from here) and even trying my best he managed to perfect me.I don't know why I'm so bad at this game, all the friends I've been playing with have managed to get so good. It's just so depressing when I've spent the past year pouring my time and sweat into this game believing that at the end of sucking I'll get better. But no, I lose more matches trying to play compared to button mashing. I can't even beat my friends who choose random all and take it easy on me, I enjoy watching it so much. I've put hundreds of hours into playing and even more into watching it and yet I'm no better than Day 1 mashing. It feels bad man, it feels so bad. It makes me even sadder to think about all the fun I could've been having in other games, but I pushed them aside for Marvel. I mean, I can barely play FPS games competitively now because of how little I've played them trying to get good at Marvel. Maybe I'm just a moron when it comes to fighting games, maybe I should just go back to easy, instant gratification CoD. Marvel's the game that doesn't give back for me. I don't know what to say now, I'm just so frustrated and broken because of this game.
Edit: For the record, I have over 800 losses and <30 wins.