Suddenly half my games on Vita make more sense. Boooo. Between unbreakable players and the disconnects, I'm surprised I braved through ranked as long as I did. Still, what an amazing port.
i made it all the way to high lord the first time, but after switching memory cards (bigger capacity) i forgot to backup my data and lost my rankings.
rankings mean so little based on the number of disconnects, but yea.
i was playing 973 and 13 person last night who would go to the "home" screen mid combo so it would lag and you would drop your combo (no joke, people do that and I tested it myself)
he proceeded to rage quit in rank in 4 separate matches after beating him every time. the 5th time he joined my lobby i refused to "ready up". I have a feeling they grow impatient and are questioning why I choose not to continue playing.
i really, really don't mind losing to people with higher skill, but this BS is rage inducing to say the least.
I do agree the port is amazing. I think that's why I come back every now again. I just happened to be on vacation for 5 days and my son (4) always leaves the game in his vita (we have 2). I was up late the one evening for a kid related issue and just started hitting training mode again.