She wasn't keeping me out :/ she had nothing, I started in the right corner and she came in and immediately did the first Hail Storm and X-factor canceled it and did another one iirc and I couldn't move up. I didn't know what to do because I had lost so much life that fast and didn't react fast and gave her time to dash bak while I was dashing forward, I then tp'd and did Hammer but got hit by another Hail Storm she started a moment before. At that point I died because she was still in X-Factor lvl 3 and I took loads of damage. Also, just to know, by wave dashing do you mean canceling a dash with a directional input (down)? Because I wouldn't think to do that because if I just did that forward anyone could just do a normal on me if I don't react fast enough and put me in a combo, right? I really want to learn how to plink dash in Marvel, I'll probably try to look some tutorials up later.
I think I'll practice that in training with the recording mode, I can at least learn how to time it. Looking at it again I should've planned ahead and snapped Storm in and left eithe Capt America or Hulk last since they don't have too much at their disposal to chip me aside from maybe one of Cap's supers.
Also, I was wondering, do you guys know if it's safe to TP after Ammy's the lightning in that lvl 1 super and do a grab or something?
A simple wave dash is still enough to move across the screen in 1 second if you can't plinkdash. Wavedashing's when you use a two button press to dash and press down to cancel the recovery of the dash, then perform the two button dash again.
I just watched your videos. lol, my message is still in your inbox. Just some general observations. You probably already know a bunch of this, but I figured I'd just jot some stuff down:
Your biggest issue seems to be just dropping random stuff. It looked like lag may have had something to do with it. I'm not sure if it's the abbreviated Wolverine combo that you're doing, but those drops are, obviously, really dangerous. Mash out that divekick in the aircombo if you have to, just get it out there.
Also, you need to be up in that ass at the start as Wolverine. The first second of a Marvel match should be terrifying for your opponent if you're playing Wolverine. Option select throw into Berserker Slash/Divekick + Assist Call is a simple way to start the match in Wolverine's favor. I'm not a Wolverine player, but I think that's a viable option. Regardless, it would be helpful to have a gameplan and then adapt accordingly to your opponent's response. Like, I'll approach from the air, then do this groundstring into Berserker Slash cross-up, then try to throw if it's blocked. Have something in mind when going into the match.
Also, you have some not very safe groundstrings. You should be using Wolverine's c.L a lot more to hitconfirm into bigger damage. It's safer, counterhits, punishes faster, and can be staggered as a frame trap to bait pushblocks. I noticed you doing c.H a lot, sometimes when the opponent is pretty far away. I'm not sure if that's a messed up input, but it's not the best button to press in those situations.
Do NOT do raw S unless you have a good read or you know that it'll work on your opponent (for example, a raw S blows up some teleport attempts). There are exceptions to this, but it's generally always a bad idea to do. S cannot be canceled and many are unsafe on block. If your opponent is blocking your ground string, do not go into the S. Even with characters where it's safe on block (Wesker), a proper pushblock will force the S to whiff and lead into a vulnerable character.
You also need to call assists more often to cover your approach. You did a few divekicks from pretty high up, but Wolverine didn't have anything covering him and you got punished.
You may want to work on your incoming character mixup. A few times, you did a raw divekick that whiffed, and you didn't call Vergil for a crossup mixup or to maintain pressure. I can understand your reluctance to do so against Strange in case you mistime it, because of his Vishanti super, but the incoming mix-up is so important in Marvel that you'll need to get it down. Wolverine/Vergil is a pair that has nasty nasty mixups on incoming that are important for you to know if you continue to rock that team. You did an Acid Rain mix-up with Dante, which is a fine option, but you did it a little too far away, which made it difficult to capitalize off of.
Then there were just certain things that you didn't block. When jumping in, you should be blocking until you're ready to press a button. Same with your grounded approach.
Ammy is pretty much safe after her super. The way to punish it is to grab her between the different elements. As Dante, you can actually teleport after the fire element and get a free punish with HelmBreaker or KillerBee.
If you wanna play any matches tonight (or anyone for that matter on XBL!), just send me a message.