Why Ammy in a Cap team? Cap gets no real mix ups off of Ammy and it doesn't help you get in nor does it make your Charging Stars safe.
Honestly I would run Cap/Nova/Doom on Beam. Beam can nullify the assist calls and allow you to get in which Cold Shots will not help you with. Cap HCS into Nova hyper is boat loads of easy damage too.
A simple wave dash is still enough to move across the screen in 1 second if you can't plinkdash. Wavedashing's when you use a two button press to dash and press down to cancel the recovery of the dash, then perform the two button dash again.
I just watched your videos. lol, my message is still in your inbox. Just some general observations. You probably already know a bunch of this, but I figured I'd just jot some stuff down:
Your biggest issue seems to be just dropping random stuff. It looked like lag may have had something to do with it. I'm not sure if it's the abbreviated Wolverine combo that you're doing, but those drops are, obviously, really dangerous. Mash out that divekick in the aircombo if you have to, just get it out there.
Also, you need to be up in that ass at the start as Wolverine. The first second of a Marvel match should be terrifying for your opponent if you're playing Wolverine. Option select throw into Berserker Slash/Divekick + Assist Call is a simple way to start the match in Wolverine's favor. I'm not a Wolverine player, but I think that's a viable option. Regardless, it would be helpful to have a gameplan and then adapt accordingly to your opponent's response. Like, I'll approach from the air, then do this groundstring into Berserker Slash cross-up, then try to throw if it's blocked. Have something in mind when going into the match.
Also, you have some not very safe groundstrings. You should be using Wolverine's c.L a lot more to hitconfirm into bigger damage. It's safer, counterhits, punishes faster, and can be staggered as a frame trap to bait pushblocks. I noticed you doing c.H a lot, sometimes when the opponent is pretty far away. I'm not sure if that's a messed up input, but it's not the best button to press in those situations.
Do NOT do raw S unless you have a good read or you know that it'll work on your opponent (for example, a raw S blows up some teleport attempts). There are exceptions to this, but it's generally always a bad idea to do. S cannot be canceled and many are unsafe on block. If your opponent is blocking your ground string, do not go into the S. Even with characters where it's safe on block (Wesker), a proper pushblock will force the S to whiff and lead into a vulnerable character.
You also need to call assists more often to cover your approach. You did a few divekicks from pretty high up, but Wolverine didn't have anything covering him and you got punished.
You may want to work on your incoming character mixup. A few times, you did a raw divekick that whiffed, and you didn't call Vergil for a crossup mixup or to maintain pressure. I can understand your reluctance to do so against Strange in case you mistime it, because of his Vishanti super, but the incoming mix-up is so important in Marvel that you'll need to get it down. Wolverine/Vergil is a pair that has nasty nasty mixups on incoming that are important for you to know if you continue to rock that team. You did an Acid Rain mix-up with Dante, which is a fine option, but you did it a little too far away, which made it difficult to capitalize off of.
Then there were just certain things that you didn't block. When jumping in, you should be blocking until you're ready to press a button. Same with your grounded approach.
Ammy is pretty much safe after her super. The way to punish it is to grab her between the different elements. As Dante, you can actually teleport after the fire element and get a free punish with HelmBreaker or KillerBee.
If you wanna play any matches tonight (or anyone for that matter on XBL!), just send me a message.
Sorry my writing was all over the place, I meant it might be better to have Iron Man over Strange on your first team since beams are Wolvie's best friends.
For the second team I mean that if you're going to use that team in that particular order, when using Phoenix , use the meter assist. However if you use Akuma it might be better to put Morrigan on Shadow Blade assist. I really feel that isn't a good team tbh. Not because Iron Fist is bad but because the synergy is lacking. If you're willing to grind it out to make it work though then more power to you. I feel that Iron Fist's Rising Fang assist is his best virtue so it might be better to make a team with that.
Ahh I see, ok. Well I guess I'll experiement with both in any case.
Yeah, with the second team I can't quite figure out which approach is best for me - I remember Morrigan having the meter building assist from Vanilla and it seems like good synergy to have her there building meter for Phoenix; but on the other hand I'm not sure if that's even the general strategy / style I want to play (i.e. building meter for Dark Phoenix). I'm not even sure if I want Phoenix on my team, but I do really want to give Iron Fist a shot... any suggestions for characters (other than the ones I've mentioned) who might work well with Iron Fist?
rare day off. anyone wanna play soon?
I was gonna play some FF7, but I'll play you.
you can get some ff7 in if you want. im eating lunch right now, so i'll be on in about 20 minutes.
Ok. Make sure not to send me a message on PSN, since I don't get notifications while playing PS1 games.
hopping on now. shoot me an invite whenever.
Haha GGs as always, Beef.GGs Kevo. Damn that Taskmaster of yours. :lol
Oh...I should've included the tidbit of it being for Evo. So yeah I know they use PS3's, so I need to be able to use a 360 controller. Do I need an adapter or something? I was looking on amazon but had no luck. Any recommendations?
Oh okay. I don't ever recall someone wanting to use a 360 controller on a PS3. I know there are PS2/3 converters for 360 but not the other way around. I don't know if a wired 360 controller would work or not. Are they USB?
Ask in the FGW thread.Oh...I should've included the tidbit of it being for Evo. So yeah I know they use PS3's, so I need to be able to use a 360 controller. Do I need an adapter or something? I was looking on amazon but had no luck. Any recommendations?
On PSN if anyone wants to play some sets.
Sounds good. Send me an invite.If you wanna play a FT10 I can get on in a minute.
Yes they are usb. Doesn't Fanatiq use a 360 controller?Oh okay. I don't ever recall someone wanting to use a 360 controller on a PS3. I know there are PS2/3 converters for 360 but not the other way around. I don't know if a wired 360 controller would work or not. Are they USB?
Anchor Strider is great.........as long as you're fighting only 2 other characters and you have 3 bars or more. After orbs and xf run out.....you'd better be a smart motherfucker. I run anchor Strider all the time though. In fact my anchors are almost always Strider or Sentinel. Every time I play Vergil I just wonder why I don't just play VergilThinking about dropping Strider. He's such a buns ass anchor... How about anchor Dorm? Maybe ill go back to Wesker anchor, I dunno wdf to do.
Thanks for that info. You have any links to any...or the one that you have?There are 360<->PS3 converters, I have one. The problem is that only one can be connected to a console at the same time, a second one just won't be detected at all, which is why I want to get a PS3 stick or mod my 360 one right before the tournament.
Will do.Ask in the FGW thread.
Yes they are usb. Doesn't Fanatiq use a 360 controller?
Put simply, an option select is putting in an input or series of inputs that can result in several favorable outcomes (options) depending on what your opponent does. In the link you posted, they describe how crouch teching in SFIV is an option select because you will either tech an opponent's throw attempt or you will come out with a c.LK, but in both cases you will simply have to have pressed LP+LK while holding down. It's a risk mitigation technique.
In Marvel, throws are so good (1 frame) and can lead to big damage, or at least heavy momentum. Throws are performed with forward + H, but if your opponent is out of range, you'll simply perform a s.H or a j.H instead, which Wolverine can also capitalize on. So, you either get an H or a throw - a simple option select. If your opponent techs the throw or blocks the H, you should be able to follow it up with a Berserker Slash or a Divekick, depending on if you're on the ground or in the air. And you can definitely combo off of throws... Wolverine needs an assist or X-Factor to do so, but a Wolverine team needs to have that setup available to him. Both Vergil or Dante assist can pick up the character after a Woilverine claw ground slide (DF+M) for a full combo.
You don't have to call assists at the same time as you're pressing a button for incoming mixups. Call Vergil, jump up and Divekick. Assists as face buttons are fine. That's what I do. And I have the Right Trigger set as L+M and the Left Trigger set as L (or S if I'm playing as Phoenix Wright).
If you don't training mode, then you probably want to. Repeating motions, moves, and combos is the only way to retrain your muscle memory... and training mode is the easiest place to do that.
For the Ammy punish, Hammer works, too. Anything works since you're behind her, and in the blind spot of the super.
Thinking about dropping Strider. He's such a buns ass anchor... How about anchor Dorm? Maybe ill go back to Wesker anchor, I dunno wdf to do.
Really cool raw tag Haggar tech, this ones for you smurf.
Deadpool/Dorm/Task combo vid.
I had a funny moment where I caused a hard-knockdown, backed up in anticipation of a roll forward, then TK'd a Vortex(a completely random, spur of the moment decision) as the other person was starting to recover and bopped a wakeup button press into full combo. Might have to start using it more often since even if they don't push a button there's a ton of frame advantage to be had off a TK'd Vortex.
DP TKs are hard dawg. It's why Zero will never be viable!I have always been an advocate of TK'ed Vortexes. No clue why people don't use it more. Any fully invincible move should be abused to the max.
Ah ok, so Berserker Slash is safe on block? I know that cancelling stuff into Wolverine's Berserker Rage makes stuff safe. Sweet, I'll try calling in assists more often when it's safe and try to get used to that.
I do Training Mode, a lot, my issue that when school's happening I'm only playing for a couple hours a week so my execution and knowledge turn terrible during the downtime and I don't get an opportunity to practice. I'll be spending a lot of time there working on Wolverine, the thing is I've spent over half my time in Training practicing Dante bold cancelling stuff and combos with him and he's still the weakest character on my team, I generally get nothing done with him and it's all Wolverine and Vergil doing the work. I usually can't open enemies up with him and generally if I do I've pushed them back too far to do a bold cancel combo. I can do nothing in the air with him aside from Hammer so that's all I have to work with if they start flying or jumping around, though a friend offered to teach me some anti-air stuff with Dante I refused because I was angry at him at the time (He was being an ass with Magneto and doing shit he knows I can't counter without explaining to me how to counter it), I'll probably take him up on that offer another day.
Anchor Strider is great.........as long as you're fighting only 2 other characters and you have 3 bars or more. After orbs and xf run out.....you'd better be a smart motherfucker. I run anchor Strider all the time though. In fact my anchors are almost always Strider or Sentinel. Every time I play Vergil I just wonder why I don't just play Vergil
First off, what in the world are you doing with Strider to consider him "buns"? :lol
Second, I guess you can roll with anchor Vergil again. No, this isn't a clever attempt to set people up with characters that are free as fuck to a Viper unblockable on incoming.
Vergil's s.L/H/S all gain a thousand times more salt than Zero's j.H. I can actually outspace Zero's j.H and punish him - and if you're really on the ball, you can throw him in between spins. Good luck trying that with Vergil's normals since they take up half the screen! /dailyvergilsaltFuck Zero's j.H.......like seriously fuck that shit all the way to hell. I mean is there a move any more retarded than that? It's like there's never a bad time to use it....EVER.
Using it from super jump height is a bad idea, as I'm pretty sure it can't be buster canceled. Easy throw bait.Fuck Zero's j.H.......like seriously fuck that shit all the way to hell. I mean is there a move any more retarded than that? It's like there's never a bad time to use it....EVER.
Ah ok, so Berserker Slash is safe on block? I know that cancelling stuff into Wolverine's Berserker Rage makes stuff safe. Sweet, I'll try calling in assists more often when it's safe and try to get used to that.
I do Training Mode, a lot, my issue that when school's happening I'm only playing for a couple hours a week so my execution and knowledge turn terrible during the downtime and I don't get an opportunity to practice. I'll be spending a lot of time there working on Wolverine, the thing is I've spent over half my time in Training practicing Dante bold cancelling stuff and combos with him and he's still the weakest character on my team, I generally get nothing done with him and it's all Wolverine and Vergil doing the work. I usually can't open enemies up with him and generally if I do I've pushed them back too far to do a bold cancel combo. I can do nothing in the air with him aside from Hammer so that's all I have to work with if they start flying or jumping around, though a friend offered to teach me some anti-air stuff with Dante I refused because I was angry at him at the time (He was being an ass with Magneto and doing shit he knows I can't counter without explaining to me how to counter it), I'll probably take him up on that offer another day.