Karst, do you think missiles disappearing upon hitting the Doom assist would be a fair nerf?
I think it would likely be a bit much. The only reason Hidden Missiles is so safe is that once the missiles get launched, people have to watch their actions. Take something like Morrigan using Hidden Missiles, and imagine the following scenario:
Morrigan vs. Dormammu
1) Morrigan jumps, fires a Soul Fist, fly-cancels.
2) Dormammu blocks Soul Fist.
3) Morrigan calls Hidden Missiles since it is not protected by Soul Fist's blockstun.
4) Morrigan fires another Soul Fist, and unflys.
5) Hidden Missiles is ~30% done.
Now, in the current meta, this is all safe and good, and Dormammu will not Chaotic Flame Dr. Doom because halfway through the hyper, missiles will hit him and interrupt the attack, making him take damage and saving Dr. Doom.
However, if Hidden Missiles disappears on hit, Dormammu has absolutely no reason to not Chaotic Flame the hyper. Morrigan is also not able to protect Dr. Doom after the second Soul Fist into unfly. Even if she air dashed into j.S, Dormammu would pushblock it, and then Chaotic Flame.
I think this is the general case people would run into. Hidden Missiles has no screen presence when it is called, and this makes it different from every other offensive assist in the game. To keep that feature while also making the missiles disappear on hit makes them virtually indefensible except by characters who teleport a lot. And even these characters would have a lot of trouble keeping the assist safe.
Hidden Missiles should work a lot like Dormammu's Liberation attacks. They should have a strong screen presence, but this strength should be a result of having to earn the attack's presence. To keep with this analogy, making Hidden Missiles disappear on hit would be a lot like Dormammu's Vanilla Liberations. 2D1C and 1D2C had huge hit ranges and did a ton of damage, but they had a legitimate startup time. For this reason, no Dormammu player ever used anything but 3D0C, because losing the startup time at close/mid range, where 2D1C and 1D2C are most effective, was just too risky. Making Hidden Missiles disappear on hit would put that assist in roughly the same place Dormammu was. Right now, Dormammu's Liberations are very well balanced (except 0D3C, which sucks) for the work they take to earn. The problem with Hidden Missiles is that it's a little too easy to earn for what it gives.
I think the adjustments to Hidden Missiles should be slight, not major. This is especially important when you consider that, before Hidden Missiles, keepaway teams were non-existent in Marvel 3. The game was a pure rushdown fest. If you nerf Hidden Missiles too much, you will go back to seeing nothing but Wesker and Wolverine on the screen. Hidden Missiles keeps these characters in check. Hell, Hidden Missiles is the only thing keeping Zero from demolishing the entire cast right now.
Keep in mind that I'm not a Hidden Missiles user, and I loathe the assist. I just don't like to see things get nerfed so bad that they're no longer worth using.
For some reason, I thought that you couldn't destroy the missiles. I don't know where I heard that, but I don't play teams that can do that readily, so I never contested it. Good to know! So, ignoring all other things, if I Jam Session after Hidden MIssiles is called, would it neutralize the missiles? I could swear that I've been hit trying to do that, but I could definitely be wrong there.
I don't know about Jam Session, but you can destroy the missiles. They only have 1 durability each. I've killed them with Purification a few times, Thor can destroy them by using Mighty Spark, and Trish's Maximum Voltage will eat them at certain angles.
Yeah, 1.5 seconds is a bit much for sure. Unless it's SFxT seconds. And yes, I think the missile count reduced by 2 would make a huge difference without sacrificing the utility of the assist.
Indeed. Maybe even reducing it by 3. It shouldn't be good for lockdown.
I'm not sure that Morrigan is only viable with Hidden Missiles. It's certainly her best option, but I think that there are alternatives that work. They won't be the catch-all that a Morrigan player ideally wants, but I don't think that renders were unable to compete.
I challenge you to use her without Hidden Missiles for a month. I think your opinion will change. The only other assist that makes Morrigan playable (but not great still) is Vajra. And this isn't entirely about the anti-air properties. Morrigan's biggest weakness is cross-unders. Her entire game is qcf/qcb motions. The true value of Hidden Missiles for Morrigan is that they appear right behind her, making her immune to cross-unders from teleporters. Play Morrigan without Hidden Missiles against a good Strider, Dante, or Wesker, and I promise you that you will rage. She just floats in the sky doing nothing when the opponent does it properly.
I guess I'm just not seeing the anti-air options for many characters (anti-air being anti-superjump/flight). I'm sure there are some, but I don't know if any would match the multi-purpose utility of Hidden Missiles.
A few really obvious AA assists that aren't utilized:
Magneto Gravitation
Nova Energy Javelin
Dr. Strange Dagger of Denak (L)
Phoenix Trap L
Dr. Doom Photon Shot
Storm Typhoon (just make it reach a little higher and give it tracking)
Super Skrull Meteor Smash (tracking)
Dormammu Purification (tracking)
Phoenix Wright evidence usage
Viewtiful Joe Voomerang (charged)
Arthur Crossbow (Gold Armor esp.)
I see a lot of choices. Several require slight modifications, but that doesn't change the fact that they're staring Capcom right in the face.