Good change; I would do the same.I know this is a double post but I wanted to separate it from the previous thread.
Here are my suggestions for system changes.
*Damage reduction by 1/3rd AFTER specific character damage changes. Chip damage slightly rescaled. Will do more damage on specials but LESS damage on normals. This is mostly because when I do my character specific stuff, characters like Sentinel and Ghost Rider will have chip on some of their normals and I have to rescale the chip value for normals because they would become too good with it otherwise (like Frank West is now, this also nerfs LVL4/5 Frank a bit and that is intentional). To counter the damage reduction, time is slightly increased... around 1/4th to 1/3rd more overall time to the round to avoid time outs.
Ditto.*Mashable hyper damage reduced to Vanilla levels or somewhere in between Vanilla and Ultimate. Stuff like Fatal Claw, Hailstorm do way too much damage for 1 bar even at max scaling. This needs to be done on a case by case basis though because some characters don't need a reduction as much as others. If I had it my way I would reverse the mashing requirement altogether.
Keep in mind that reducing mashable hyper damage is a THC nerf, since to do so you will have to nerf non-mashed hyper damage. That means character hypers that get called in during THCs will be worse, as will early DHC setups like Ice Storm -> Hyper Sentinel Force. I don't approve of that.
Blech. Still a bad system.*TAC system fixed. 20 frame window to counter a TAC that is highlighted by the required TAC. After a successful TAC counter the color of the TAC is shown (this should already be in the game though). HSD starts at 0 after TACs and builds back up to normal in air. Will still keep some characters useful in terms of TAC combos like Iron Man, MODOK, Doom but not give them ridiculous combos. Also TACs are now more like a true mix up in that you can actually react to them like throws in Tekken. 20 frames is just about what a normal human being can react to. This will generally make TACs less desirable than resets except when you desperately need to switch out a character after getting a hit. Also you are allowed unlimited chances to break TACs, no more TAC glitching someone into a guaranteed combo.
Good changes.*Throw tech window increased, more space after tech and you cannot be grabbed during tech recovery. That last one is very very specific but a character like Wolverine when in Berserker Charge + XF recovers so fast they he can throw you again while you are still tech recovering. Also you cannot option select a down + forward/back move with throws, this is mostly a nerf to characters like Wolverine/Vergil and air dashers who like to OS throws with diagonal dashes. You can still OS back and forward moves.
Losing the combo breaker is a good chance. Wolverine/Doom is so dumb because it lets Wolverine do whatever the hell he wants without consequence every 90 frames or so, because Plasma Beam catches everything.*Assist characters take less damage than before (still more than the point character). Damage scaling applies to them like normal characters in ALL situations. Assist characters go back out of the game after being comboed faster, less time to continuously OTG loop them. Cannot call assists a certain time after throw techs (it's a short window of cool down, this is mostly to prevent throw + assist option selects), cannot call assists at super jump height when a combo is dropped/reset is attempted and cannot call assists during tech roll. Finally if a point character is being comboed and an assist is called right before it, the assist character is completely disabled and cannot be hit nor does the assist comes out... this is pretty much MVC2 style and it prevents assists having "combo breaking" properties while still having some legitimate GTFO assists.
If damage is already being nerfed, I don't know if assist damage needs to be nerfed. I think OTG looping assists should be easy - you got punished, eat it.
I think I like this change, but I'm not certain.*Cannot mash Light chains on whiff. Can only do it on block or hit.
It wouldn't change anything, because you would need to add more HSD to a lot of other combos in response. New broken stuff would come up. If you want Doom or Magneto to have shorter combos, just change their HSD values.*HSD timer goes to full scaling faster. What this means is that certain characters like Doom and Magneto who just repeat a few loops over and over again until they reach max HSD will now have to do fewer loops (so if Doom can get like 4 relaunches he will now only get 3). This will definitely reduce some of the lengthier combos in the game.
Blech. XF2 and XF3 are fair right now. You'll just make everyone go back to XF1 burns.*XF2 and XF3 values decreased. New XF3 value is what XF2 value is now and new XF2 value is essentially current XF1.5 value. Current XF3 is active far too long and gives too much boost, in most cases it's the superior XF to choose unless your team is extremely point heavy.
A thought: what if the non-incoming character player had assists disabled just like the incoming character does? It's already bad enough that a player has to come in through a pre-decided side, but now they have to mess with an assist as well. That's a big problem. Also, maybe let players choose which side they come in on.*Incoming character falling arc adjusted so it's more vertical and less horizontal.. making it easier to block/react to cross up attempts. No more guard break set ups can be applied to an incoming character until that character has touched the ground or has done some action. Incoming characters need more help than this but it's hard to come up with something because if you give too much then you are giving a character like Vergil or Strider more chance to make a comeback.
Making TACs non-random just means you could get Frank in guaranteed.I like the current TACs. But then again I use them so I'm clearly biased.