That's why I said "or some other advantage" because otherwise there is no real distinction between the 3 TACs other than slight positioning.
Honestly fuck Phoenix right up the god damn ass. If it weren't for that character fixing some of these mechanics would've been a hell of a lot easier. Every time I come up with a decent suggestion (or really anyone else here), it falls flat because "lol Phoenix". It either hurts her really bad or makes her way better, no ones wants either.
Shitty character all around. I mean just think about your own suggestion... putting meter requirement on TAC means that's just yet another mechanic that a Phoenix player cannot use.
Phoenix is one of my favorite characters. :-(
If we made all of our system changes, I would go back to Dormammu/Morrigan/Phoenix, probably. I don't think Phoenix teams not using some tech is a big deal. They already don't use alpha counters, snapbacks, and hypers. That's just how they go.
Now, keep in mind that if it were my team of Dormammu/Morrigan/Phoenix, I would use my 1-meter TAC suggestion sometimes. Dormammu -> Morrigan lets me connect Soul Drain, and with assist changes there's probably a way for me to combo into a second one. So, it wouldn't be useless for all teams. Plus I don't really care if I lose a bar with that team.

I end every combo into Chaotic Flame just because I can.
I think to make it easier for everyone, we should just make a small vote on the smaller issues on TAC. For example:
Good idea.
*Do you want the meter resource gain/steal to stay in tact for TACs? Note that if you say no this will make TACs like they were in Vanilla if there was no additional change to the system.
*Do you want TACs to be guaranteed for a bar? If yes then you have to accept that post TAC combos don't build any meter.
DISAGREE. There's no problem at all with the post-TAC building meter. Remember, HSD is not being reset. I fully expect that a low damage character might just do c.LMHS, TAC to a big damage character, and earn most of their meter back plus some big damage. That's the entire idea. The meter cost is only there so that there's a reason to consider not using the TAC.
*If no, do you want TACs to be reactable to?
*Do you want the 3 way positioning aspect of TACs to stay in tact? If no then there will just be one default TAC, no up or down.
*Should post TAC combos start at 0 HSD or should they start at a set percentage/number after TACs? Note that even in the 0 HSD scenario combos will gradually build back up to normal/full HSD even when both characters are in the air.
They should retain current HSD when the TAC is performed, or reduce current HSD slightly to ensure the incoming character can do a little more than just j.S at the end of long combos.
*Should post TAC combos incur a damage penalty? What about a HSD penalty?
Definitely no on HSD penalty. That would ruin them even for random TAC systems. TAC damage penalty is an interesting idea.
*Should there be any additional limit put on TAC usage? If so then please give suggestions.[/QUOTE]
Looks like Kusoru is a bad player.
But you realize that doing this takes away what Phoenix needs too right?
No more...c.LLLLLL or sLLLLL
or more importantly
She needs this since her health is beyond shit, her healing sphere is crap when she is attacked. Do you just expect her to run all day? Come on she needs good things too...
Yes she is a pain in the ass to balance, But just leave her good then, does the game really need two Hsien Ko's? Besides with her current health level, the amount of anti tech, anti characters, she is as dead as she is now.
Phoenix has other abilities besides c.L spam. Hell, c.L spam isn't even good outside of X-Factor. Good Phoenix players use her other tools like tridash j.S, teleport cancel for a mix-up, her traps, etc. c.L is situational for good Dark Phoenix players. Losing it is small, especially since we are going to make changes to ensure that she is still good. If she loses c.L, I think we should buff the range on her feathers by ~15% so that they cover a little more area.
Also, it's pretty stupid that Phoenix beats some characters just by spamming s.L all day. No matchup should be that bad.
You know I love Phoenix, and I totally want to go back to maining her, so there's no anti-Phoenix bias in this opinion. It's irritating for her, but it's a nerf she has to take for the general betterment of the game.
I think the entire Dark Phoenix Rises mechanic needs to be overhauled. I think it constantly lends itself to balance issues. It's a gimmick that's run it's course.
I'd say 700,000+ Healing Field, which effectively makes her a 900,000 character or so. She's such a ridiculous character sans Dark mode. Give her the option of turning Dark for 3 meters, reduce her damage and ease up on the feathers. Give her a speed boost and draining health.
Giving her more health as regular Phoenix also gives her utility as an assist character, because she really does have decent assists.
Her damage is actually not absurd outside of XF3. She can't even ToD everyone in the game. We're already going to reduce the game's overall damage, so Dark Phoenix will
need to reset characters to kill. That's a pretty huge (but fine) change for her, since it will also mean she won't die so easily.
Turning dark for 5 meters is fine. With the damage reduction we are doing, I expect we are actually not going to reduce damage at all, but rather buff character health. This is important because if we actually reduced damage, it would mess up meter building. Like, right now Dormammu only builds about 60% of a bar with his ABC combo, and advanced combos barely reach a full bar when they are fully optimized (read: very hard). If we really did reduce damage by 50%, you're looking at Dormammu only building 1/3 of a bar per combo, which is really, really sad and just won't work.
With everyone having more health, the game will have more meter built over all. Getting Phoenix to 5 bars will be pretty easy.