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Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 |OT3| To infinites... and beyond!

Makes sense- Chris has a lot of screen control but has a huge deadzone that strider assist deals with really well. I imagine with good timing chris can confirm into a good chunk of damage off of full screen strider hits as well. Vajra is always the go-to assist when your character can fill 75% of the screen with shit but has trouble with the last quarter.
Oh sure. It's just weird to never see a team combination, and then see it several times in a week.

The first is a bad analogy or else every sport / competition sucks. Anytime an underdog wins....

If you stretch it out long enough, the underdog usually loses.

That and the ability to adapt quickly is a skill.

/oldman rant about how people don't know what they want..
Woah, where've you been?

I love you.

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man


Azure J

2. Since the DHC rearranged the team order, Dante and Strange also switched assist availability. So the game pretty much thinks Strange is Dante now since I never used his assist earlier in the combo.

I knew this was a thing from messing with raw tag combos this weekend. Surprised to see a few top tier members of Mahvel-GAF's R&D crew being surprised by this.
I knew this was a thing from messing with raw tag combos this weekend. Surprised to see a few top tier members of Mahvel-GAF's R&D crew being surprised by this.
That's just how unexplored this game is!

It's too bad I don't use Morrigan second on my teams. Two Dark Harmonizer calls...


2. Since the DHC rearranged the team order, Dante and Strange also switched assist availability. So the game pretty much thinks Strange is Dante now since I never used his assist earlier in the combo.

So if I'm getting this right:

Team is denoted A B C
A combos, uses up B assist
DHC makes order B A C
Second DHC makes order C A B
B is now in the third position, so B can use C's unused assist.

Awesome stuff.

Azure J

I think I might have a ridiculous idea for a "Betcha Cant Combo This" entry with this assist reuse thing going on. I was already thinking about a full screen corner carry using Million Carats juggles. Thing that sucks though is that I definitely don't have a camera to record anything with. :(


I think I might have a ridiculous idea for a "Betcha Cant Combo This" entry with this assist reuse thing going on. I was already thinking about a full screen corner carry using Million Carats juggles. Thing that sucks though is that I definitely don't have a camera to record anything with. :(

If I have extra time this week I could record it and send the video back to you so you can upload it to your channel.
WoW. Almost exalted with the last two reps that I need to be so the "required" time is about to drop like a rock.

Also, two buddies got invited to Curleh Mustache, so I have to play this week to help them prep.

Holy crap, you're back.

Need to get some matches with ya before Thursday -- could always use some Space Cop and Astro Boy practice.

Azure J

If I have extra time this week I could record it and send the video back to you so you can upload it to your channel.

I'm going to lab it up and see what I come up with just to give you exact notations (if possible). Right now, all I'm thinking is:

j.H - s.MH - Stinger + Viper Burn Kick assist - Volcano - TK'd Million Carats - s.H - c.H + Strider Vajra assist - s.S - TK'd Million Carats xx Devil Trigger - walk up Million Carats...

And then my mind goes blank. :lol

At the same time though, I wonder, maybe I should do a cool opening using the weird properties on the Multilock projectile for whiffed Stinger - BC Volcano - stuff concept.

They obviously saw my post on GAF and thought it was genius.

Chris/Dante/Strider is like fighting those bosses in old NES games that would take up one side of the screen. Letting it get any more real estate than that is GGs automatically.
I hope it doesn't suck.
AKA "I hope that movie isn't Iron Man tier."

More on Ghost Rider:
So I spent about 2 hours messing with him in training mode, and I decided that to really utilize him, he needs stuff that lets him combo off of a j.S when it's an instant overhead. As far as I can tell, there are only 4 assists that let him do this from anywhere on any member of the cast:

Plasma Beam
Dagger Toss

Since this is my projectile assist for the team, it's likely that this character will anchor. It's also likely, since I'm using Ghost Rider, that my anchor will have a ton of meter coming in. So, Hawkeye and Arthur seem like the best fits. Doom has no use for excess meter, and Iron Man is Iron Man. Between Arthur and Hawkeye, I'll try Hawkeye first. I don't see a compelling reason to pick one over the either, though. XF3 Arthur isn't a strong argument because it's likely that I'll burn my X-Factor to get a Penance Stare somewhat often. I also slightly lean toward Hawkeye because Arthur stays on the screen for a while, and Ghost Rider can't protect assists well when he's trying to get in.

My other thought was that maybe I don't want to use Ghost Rider on point. He has a really nice assist, and he also has two good hypers to DHC into. Spirit of Vengeance gains hyper armor on frame 1 when DHCing, meaning that it's good for punishing assists, and it would be nice to have a way to safely DHC into Penance Stare through another hyper.

I decided to mess with some other things to help determine my other partner, since there are a lot of interesting options for quick DHCs. One thing that has been bothering me about Ghost Rider is that he gets a lot of throws and air throws, but all he can do off of them is Spirit of Vengeance, which isn't really worth a bar to me unless it kills. I also think that Maelstrom is a crappy level 1 that doesn't do a lot of damage in practice. Then it hit me - a lot hitting assist! Ghost Rider does have the longest range overhead in the entire game. What if I called a low hitting assist while doing j.S for unblockables on wakeup?

I went through and tested all the low hitting assists, and Felicia's came out too slow to combo off of a j.S if I called them both simultaneously (I'd like to be able to use this for combos off an instant overhead, too), X-23's was pure crap, and Wesker's only worked when I was very close. Deadpool's worked at mid-range. She-Hulk's low hitting assist turns out to always hit regardless of the range at which I j.S from, though!

This also solved the previous problem: Taking out the Trash is the perfect hyper to DHC into Penance Stare from, giving me an Abegen-like setup. Sure, it's 4 bars of meter, but I'm not ending Ghost Rider or She-Hulk combos in hypers in favor of resets anyway, and it's not like my game is revolving around this trick.

So, it looks like my next Ghost Rider team setup to mess around with is:
Ghost Rider (Chains of Rebuttal)
She-Hulk (Torpedo)
Hawkeye (Greyhound)

Also, new fact to me: She-Hulk can cancel Torpedo into a THC.

Any thoughts on the setup are welcome.
The only thing I can say about Ghost Rider is that expect a lot of push blocks. It hurts GR a lot, especially if he doesn't have any assists left to help him get in or a mix up. That's why he should be first IMO. If he runs into trouble and you want him out, switch him in for character 2 so when he does come back he has at least one assist.

I would try to form an anitpush block strategy. I don't know where you could begin though.
The only thing I can say about Ghost Rider is that expect a lot of push blocks. It hurts GR a lot, especially if he doesn't have any assists left to help him get in or a mix up. That's why he should be first IMO. If he runs into trouble and you want him out, switch him in for character 2 so when he does come back he has at least one assist.

I would try to form an anitpush block strategy. I don't know where you could begin though.
I played 50 matches with him yesterday, so I have a good idea of what he has to deal with.

Oh god this character will be the end of my thumbs lol.
Is this your first time playing a character that has to do more than push H?

I kid.

The only part of Dante that really works your hands is bold-canceling Stinger into Air Trick and Reverb Shock. I think everything else he does is pretty normal in terms of how hard your hands are working all the time.

Azure J

I'm bored and want to play Dante.

Thinking Dante/Someone/Akuma

Is this good/ who would fit in the second spot?

If you aren't running Strider with your Dante, u r doin it rong.

Joking of course, Doom, Spencer, Felicia, Task, Hawkeye, & Sentinel are all good choices based on what kind of gameplan you want to execute. If you want finger cancer, you can add Viper (preferrably as Viper/Dante/Akuma).

Is this your first time playing a character that has to do more than push H?

I kid.

The only part of Dante that really works your hands is bold-canceling Stinger into Air Trick and Reverb Shock. I think everything else he does is pretty normal in terms of how hard your hands are working all the time.

Pretty much. After that, it's mostly about knowing rhythms/spacing for Shot Loops and fancy links like Sky Dance/Beehive in the corner. Also, get used to plink dashing, you will need to be able to move so you don't get clipped on your attack's startups.

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
Is this your first time playing a character that has to do more than push H?

I kid.

The only part of Dante that really works your hands is bold-canceling Stinger into Air Trick and Reverb Shock. I think everything else he does is pretty normal in terms of how hard your hands are working all the time.


But yeah that's the tricky part for me right now.

Stinger BC Teleport I can do fine but Stinger BC Volcano has my fingers confused for whatever reason.

I can do it, it's just not very consistent.

But w/e I've only been playing him like an hour so far.



Azure J

Holy shit I actually finished a combo.


How do I do more damage?

And how the hell do I do this in the corner?

Notations? Also, here's where you wanna browse for Dante combos.

Can someone describe it in words? I am at work and can't see those videos.

Basically, DHCing from Nova's Human Rocket super when he makes contact with the floor causes the game to tag him out DHC style but the other member up next doesn't come out. Think of Zero's Happy Meal Glitch in Vanilla except it works on you instead of them.
That's just how unexplored this game is!

It's too bad I don't use Morrigan second on my teams. Two Dark Harmonizer calls...

Couldn't you do something like Vergil spin, raw tag to morrigan, pillars dhc stalking flare, liberation, whatever?

Also, I saw a cable guy on my floor today, it looked like he was installing new routers? Maybe our building finally got better internet!

Azure J

Cool stuff. You have the very basics down if you did that much. Keep dding more to your repertoire using that thread and those videos and you'll be set.


AKA "I hope that movie isn't Iron Man tier."

More on Ghost Rider:
So I spent about 2 hours messing with him in training mode, and I decided that to really utilize him, he needs stuff that lets him combo off of a j.S when it's an instant overhead. As far as I can tell, there are only 4 assists that let him do this from anywhere on any member of the cast:

Plasma Beam
Dagger Toss
Does Chris' Gunfire assist work? Seems like it should depending on when the assist call occurs.
My other thought was that maybe I don't want to use Ghost Rider on point. He has a really nice assist, and he also has two good hypers to DHC into.
I think in the matches that we played and you dominated / OCV I had trouble protecting my space because your basically instant overhead J.S but also the really long ass C.H. How about setting something up with Nova / Viper and making people guess between the J.S / C.H?
So, it looks like my next Ghost Rider team setup to mess around with is:
Ghost Rider (Chains of Rebuttal)
She-Hulk (Torpedo)
Hawkeye (Greyhound)
I think a possible problem here is, when GR is in trouble there's no safe DHC unless you have 3 meters but other than that, it seems like an alright team.
Also, new fact to me: She-Hulk can cancel Torpedo into a THC.
What the, mind blown.
How do I do more damage?

Buff Dante.

Who's a good second for Nova/x/Strider? I was thinking of Doom(beam) or Frank West.

I think you definitely want a horizontal assist here but, Marvelo uses Nova / Dante / Strider. Doom is great since he gets that unscaled rawtag throw damage from Nova + he has Plasma beam so that may be ideal.
GGs Karst, your the most legit GR I've played. Then again I've played so few. My highlight was the last match. Poor Wright. He flat out Objected GR on his motorcycle to only be killed in the next second by She Hulk's car. For shame.
GGs Slasher. What do you think of the team? Keep in mind that it's only my second day playing Ghost Rider, and first time playing She-Hulk and Hawkeye. I was literally figuring out their inputs as we fought (especially Hawkeye's, you probably noticed a ton of dropped combos and stupid stuff with him, lol). I was extremely flattered when you started to burn XF1 with Wesker to kill Ghost Rider.

I need to figure out how to DHC between everyone...did you feel like the She-Hulk assist was doing its job? I know I dropped the post-unblockable combo a LOT, but that's my problem, not She-Hulk's. :p

Couldn't you do something like Vergil spin, raw tag to morrigan, pillars dhc stalking flare, liberation, whatever?

Also, I saw a cable guy on my floor today, it looked like he was installing new routers? Maybe our building finally got better internet!
That would mean spending 4 bars of meter and having 1D2C ready just to steal a bar of meter. -_- (I still don't think it would work)

Also, I hope you get better internet!

Does Chris' Gunfire assist work? Seems like it should depending on when the assist call occurs.
Oh right, Gun Fire works too! I knew there was one more. I'm not sure I could handle Chris anchor, though. Hawkeye at least has some virtues alone.

I think in the matches that we played and you dominated / OCV I had trouble protecting my space because your basically instant overhead J.S but also the really long ass C.H. How about setting something up with Nova / Viper and making people guess between the J.S / C.H?
That's why She-Hulk is there! Or do you mean something other than an unblockable? It's better to go for the low assist than a high, because c.H only hits once while j.S hits three times, so I don't have to time it super well. I tried Burning Kick for unblockables, and it has really crappy range for what I'm trying to do. Plus, a whiffed j.S is really safe, whereas a whiffed c.H is not.

I think a possible problem here is, when GR is in trouble there's no safe DHC unless you have 3 meters but other than that, it seems like an alright team.
That's true, but I can raw tag since She-Hulk has so much health, haha. :p

What the, mind blown.
I know, right?! I just picked her for the first time today and figured some stuff out. Just sticking to ABCs in matches, though. I keep holding d.H when jumping to get a down-back option select, but it does her butt press, which sucks as a combo starter. -_-

GGs Karst, your the most legit GR I've played. Then again I've played so few. My highlight was the last match. Poor Wright. He flat out Objected GR on his motorcycle to only be killed in the next second by She Hulk's car. For shame.
Thanks! I had a ton of highlights. I was pissed so many times because of your XF3 comebacks. You're the only person to ever make me think "fuck Phoenix Wright". That last match I thought that I would wait until the last second and DHC from the motorcycle to She-Hulk's level 3, but then I realized I don't actually know when the motorcycle stops hitting, and while I was thinking about it I died. -_-

I need to figure out an answer to your guardstun XFCs. I'm not sure what Ghost Rider can do, but there must be an answer. Maybe just b.H would work. If I've started the input for dp.H, I think I might be screwed.
GGs Slasher. What do you think of the team? Keep in mind that it's only my second day playing Ghost Rider, and first time playing She-Hulk and Hawkeye. I was literally figuring out their inputs as we fought (especially Hawkeye's, you probably noticed a ton of dropped combos and stupid stuff with him, lol). I was extremely flattered when you started to burn XF1 with Wesker to kill Ghost Rider.

I think your team does what it does very well. It seems to be keepaway team mostly. Your team is similar to mine in the way of it does what you want it to very well and can eat certain teams alive but at the same time has some weaknesses.

And to be honest I think She Hulk could be replaced. She does an okay job at setting up the unblockables for GR but I feel another character could do it better, but at the sametime I think you want a more long range unblockable as opposed to a short faster unblockable. Plus I don't see how see benefits Hawkeye too much. Then again I'm no She Hulk expert, just my casual musings.

I felt I had to burn X-Factor on GR because he does very well against 2/3 of my characters. Can't take that risk, since you were doing great at the lockdown game. The only problem I see with your opening start are teleporters backed with beams.

Also once I started to realize that I could X-Factor with Wesker inbetween GR's H,H > Eat Flames I started to wait for it go for that.

The best part of the team I thought was your timing of GR's J.S and Hawkeye assist. I kept trying to block the first set of attacks and then go all out right afterwards on the cooldown but GR could block right afterwards. Arrggg. It was really hard to get in. The only time I got in was through a teleport, a lucky jump in or X-Factor.

I think your team does what it does very well. It seems to be keepaway team mostly. Your team is similar to mine in the way of it does what you want it to very well and can eat certain teams alive but at the same time has some weaknesses.

And to be honest I think She Hulk could be replaced. She does an okay job at setting up the unblockables for GR but I feel another character could do it better, but at the sametime I think you want a more long range unblockable as opposed to a short faster unblockable. Plus I don't see how see benefits Hawkeye too much. Then again I'm no She Hulk expert, just my casual musings.

I felt I had to burn X-Factor on GR because he does very well against 2/3 of my characters. Can't take that risk, since you were doing great at the lockdown game. The only problem I see with your opening start are teleporters backed with beams.

Also once I started to realize that I could X-Factor with Wesker inbetween GR's H,H > Eat Flames I started to wait for it go for that.

The best part of the team I thought was your timing of GR's J.S and Hawkeye assist. I kept trying to block the first set of attacks and then go all out right afterwards on the cooldown but GR could block right afterwards. Arrggg. It was really hard to get in. The only time I got in was through a teleport, a lucky jump in or X-Factor.

I've never felt so not-scared of Hulk before, it's an amazing feeling. Every j.S or dp.H was just a bit "fuck you" to him. I felt really saucy when I fought him. The times when I caught you with Penance Stare after a Gamma Charge put a big shit-eating grin on my face. Like "YEAH, WHERE'S YOUR GAMMA CRUSH FRAME TRAP NOW?!" I'm amazed I never screwed myself over with it.

She-Hulk does nothing at all for Hawkeye except for the fact that if someone is jumping in on Hawkeye, you can do Gimlet -> Taking out the Trash and anti-air someone for a full combo. That's like...all of their synergy. Hawkeye backs She-Hulk well, though.

I feel like if She-Hulk weren't there, my opponent's could just standing block all day and pushblock. That's what I do against Ghost Rider. I just pushblock him all day until he gets annoyed and does something dumb or predictable. I felt like She-Hulk was forcing you to chicken block Ghost Rider a lot because you couldn't risk staying on the ground, so in a sense the assist was doing its job right there. I also nailed you with the unblockable a few times, but I'm not good at timing it or following up.

Who would you replace She-Hulk with?

Edit: It occurs to me that I can just do s.HH, and then when you XFC, I can chain into S, which should hit you. Duh me.


Oh right, Gun Fire works too! I knew there was one more. I'm not sure I could handle Chris anchor, though. Hawkeye at least has some virtues alone.
Yah I definitely am not a fan of Chris anchor. I also don't like having him second either since his DHCs generally aren't safe.
That's why She-Hulk is there! Or do you mean something other than an unblockable? It's better to go for the low assist than a high, because c.H only hits once while j.S hits three times, so I don't have to time it super well. I tried Burning Kick for unblockables, and it has really crappy range for what I'm trying to do. Plus, a whiffed j.S is really safe, whereas a whiffed c.H is not.
Oh I just mean, if you wanted to use someone besides She-Hulk, because DHCing into She-Hulk means not using your wallbounce.
I know, right?! I just picked her for the first time today and figured some stuff out. Just sticking to ABCs in matches, though. I keep holding d.H when jumping to get a down-back option select, but it does her butt press, which sucks as a combo starter. -_-
I wonder if there's a compilation of moves that are THC OK...
I need to figure out an answer to your guardstun XFCs. I'm not sure what Ghost Rider can do, but there must be an answer. Maybe just b.H would work. If I've started the input for dp.H, I think I might be screwed.

Yah I definitely am not a fan of Chris anchor. I also don't like having him second either since his DHCs generally aren't safe.
I fought one Chris anchor that made me respect it, but he had clearly been playing the character for a very, very long time...

One neat thing about Chris is that his THC OTGs, so if I THC it means everyone gets to beat up on the opponent. Why does She-Hulk have the worst THC in the game? -_-

Oh I just mean, if you wanted to use someone besides She-Hulk, because DHCing into She-Hulk means not using your wallbounce.
I don't care too much about landing She-Hulk's hyper. I like going for resets instead. I'm all about the c.L into Taking out the Trash!

I wonder if there's a compilation of moves that are THC OK...
Flame Carpet should be! :-D

I did discover that if I THC with Dormammu + Morrigan, I can link Dark Hole into another Chaotic Flame afterward.

Wow, brilliant. That should have been obvious to me, since Ghost Rider has the best snapback in the game.

I dunno. Is it fast enough?
Let me see...15 frames, whereas dp.H is 25 frames on startup. Tight fit. But now that I realized I can snapback...mmm! I'll bring Wright back in. :-D

Also, I love She-Hulk's command grabs. I love command grabs in general, except that Morrigan's is ass.
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