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Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 |OT3| To infinites... and beyond!

Do you play Dante?

What kind of damage do you usually get off his bnb?

Also looking for someone to put between Dante and Akuma. Kinda don't want Spencer since my Spencer still sucks.
It's easier if you give a list of who you do want to use.

For KillaSasa:

Edit: I could try and use Sentinel again on the team. I thought he was pretty good for Ghost Rider, just not as the only projectile assist. So something like Ghost Rider / Iron Man / Sentinel could work, or Ghost Rider / Doom / Sentinel. I would probably run the order as Ghost Rider / Sentinel / Iron Man for the delicious DHC and the fact that I like to put my most-called assist last for safety purposes.

Sollune, I need another long set of matches against you since you play a zoning team. :p
The first is a bad analogy or else every sport / competition sucks. Anytime an underdog wins....

If you stretch it out long enough, the underdog usually loses.

That and the ability to adapt quickly is a skill.

/oldman rant about how people don't know what they want..

Most sports tend to take a lot longer for one game than Marvel does, though. It's a pretty bad comparison to make.


Ghost Rider seems to have the "I need more than two characters backing me up to be a complete character" syndrom, that afflicts a lot of low/mid tier characters. GR/She-hulk/Hawkeye is fine until you fight Trish or any other character who can chuck stuff endlessly at you from super jump height, but removing either your horizontal projectile assist or your low-hitting assist exposes other flaws in GR's game, so what can you do?
Ghost Rider seems to have the "I need more than two characters backing me up to be a complete character" syndrom, that afflicts a lot of low/mid tier characters. GR/She-hulk/Hawkeye is fine until you fight Trish or any other character who can chuck stuff endlessly at you from super jump height, but removing either your horizontal projectile assist or your low-hitting assist exposes other flaws in GR's game, so what can you do?
I remember when Keits said the same thing about MODOK. Keits said MODOK needed a low assist to open people up because his lows are bad, a zoning assist to help him play keepaway, and a "get off me" assist because his hitbox is so big. It turns out that Frutsy only has one of the three, and does really well.

Ghost Rider's j.H is a ridiculously good anti-air at any jump height. Solune will attest to this. It doesn't lead to anything big, but it pretty much has better priority than anything outside of Sentinel has in the air. So, it's not like Trish can just pelt away at me in the top-right corner. I'll make her come down and convince her that she belongs on the ground.

Plus, Trish isn't even scary when she's zoning. She deals piss poor damage up there. I can take my time to make my move. Sure, I'll have problems with a character like Zero, but that's...Zero. Not much I can do about him, haha.

I could pair Ghost Rider with Jam Session. We'll see. I'd need to play against a good Trish and see how it goes. Ghost Rider had several natural anti-airs. They don't REACH Trish outside of j.H, but she's not going to hit me either, and I'm a patient player.


Only way to compare FGs or in this case Marvel to sports is to use Tennis as an example.

It's one player against another. One game is essentially just a first to four points (15, 30, 40, win) similar to Marvel where if you make 4 big plays you usually end up winning the game. The problem is that this is not indicative of who is actually better and sometimes you get lucky. Plus one player has to serve so you have to alternate. But then if you do it like 2/3 the person who gets first serve has advantage and will most likely win the match, even if he is an inferior player all around. So every set (which is sort of a first to 6) has to be won with a margin of at least 2 (like 6-4). If it's 6-6 then it goes into tie breaker.

That's just one set... then you have to win 3/5 sets. If the final set comes down to 6-6 then you have to win 2 games... and this can lead to an outrageously long match which had 183 games. As you can see... not only do you have to win a lot of games in tennis to win a match but you have to do it all by a margin. Did I mention that even single games have to be won by a margin of at least 2? If both players get 40-40 in a game, it goes into Deuce and then a player has to win 2 points in a row after resetting to deuce.

For Marvel to be compared to that... you would have to play first to 50s in tournaments to decide who is the "better" player and even then that would be debatable just like it is in Tennis (top 3 players sort of alternate winning tournaments these days but there is a general consistency among the top 8 or so players). Obviously it is not feasible but that's what has to happen before people start making comparisons between Marvel (or any FG) to sports. An average sports match is around 3 hours (Tennis, Football, Soccer, Cricket T20, Rugby etc)... imagine watching a single Marvel match for 3 hours.


I fought one Chris anchor that made me respect it, but he had clearly been playing the character for a very, very long time...
I felt like trying against your GR team, but I seriously need to work on Strider comebacks if I gonna make it my main team. Right now I rely way too much on Chris and Dante with Vajra than the whole team.
One neat thing about Chris is that his THC OTGs, so if I THC it means everyone gets to beat up on the opponent. Why does She-Hulk have the worst THC in the game? -_-
It's funny Chris' Grenade is great for THC but is terrible for DHCing... And I don't know I think they should've made some cinematic supers have different properties when using THC ala XvSF / MSHvSF. So She-Hulks AA grab lands, and while she's spinning the other hypers are connecting as well.
I don't care too much about landing She-Hulk's hyper. I like going for resets instead. I'm all about the c.L into Taking out the Trash!
I'm all about that guaranteed damage so I rarely go for resets (intentionally). That one game I did that Chris throw followup into another reset into Level 3 didnt even kill Haggar ¬.¬
I did discover that if I THC with Dormammu + Morrigan, I can link Dark Hole into another Chaotic Flame afterward.
Wait, so you can also call Morrigan again after the THC too?!
Wow, brilliant. That should have been obvious to me, since Ghost Rider has the best snapback in the game.
I have my moments here and there =D
Also, I love She-Hulk's command grabs. I love command grabs in general, except that Morrigan's is ass.
Morrigan's Command throw should cause a ground bounce so she can followup =p.
Do you play Dante?

What kind of damage do you usually get off his bnb?

Also looking for someone to put between Dante and Akuma. Kinda don't want Spencer since my Spencer still sucks.

In the corner around 750k, otherwise I do the same one that Azure posted. I'd also consider Frank West on your Dante team.
I felt like trying against your GR team, but I seriously need to work on Strider comebacks if I gonna make it my main team. Right now I rely way too much on Chris and Dante with Vajra than the whole team.
Yeah, your Strider is definitely the weak link on your team. It doesn't help that you tend to use Dante's level 3 and leave him with too little meter. It's actually odd, since you're kind of a combo fiend, but your Strider combos are very basic and lacking.

It's funny Chris' Grenade is great for THC but is terrible for DHCing... And I don't know I think they should've made some cinematic supers have different properties when using THC ala XvSF / MSHvSF. So She-Hulks AA grab lands, and while she's spinning the other hypers are connecting as well.
She-Hulk is especially weird because I think she's the only character who has a THC that just has no hope of landing (yet she can THC cancel Torpedo...why?!).

I'm all about that guaranteed damage so I rarely go for resets (intentionally). That one game I did that Chris throw followup into another reset into Level 3 didnt even kill Haggar ¬.¬
I don't think too much about it because Morrigan can't really do resets, and Chaotic Flame kind of ends in a natural reset position for Dormammu. So if more needs to be done, I just keep going! :p

Wait, so you can also call Morrigan again after the THC too?!
Hmm, maybe. I haven't tried it. Her missiles are what keep the opponent suspended enough to pop another Dark Hole out there, so she might not be available as an assist at that point. I'll have to check.

I have my moments here and there =D
You have a lot sir!

Morrigan's Command throw should cause a ground bounce so she can followup =p.
Or steal half a bar of meter so I can get a half-free Astral Vision out of it...

I'm actually really enjoying Ghost Rider. If Dormammu had tracking Purification, I would try Ghost Rider / Dormammu / Morrigan out.


I remember when Keits said the same thing about MODOK. Keits said MODOK needed a low assist to open people up because his lows are bad, a zoning assist to help him play keepaway, and a "get off me" assist because his hitbox is so big. It turns out that Frutsy only has one of the three, and does really well.

Ghost Rider's j.H is a ridiculously good anti-air at any jump height. Solune will attest to this. It doesn't lead to anything big, but it pretty much has better priority than anything outside of Sentinel has in the air. So, it's not like Trish can just pelt away at me in the top-right corner. I'll make her come down and convince her that she belongs on the ground.

Plus, Trish isn't even scary when she's zoning. She deals piss poor damage up there. I can take my time to make my move. Sure, I'll have problems with a character like Zero, but that's...Zero. Not much I can do about him, haha.

I could pair Ghost Rider with Jam Session. We'll see. I'd need to play against a good Trish and see how it goes. Ghost Rider had several natural anti-airs. They don't REACH Trish outside of j.H, but she's not going to hit me either, and I'm a patient player.

Keits' complaints about modok are like James Chen's regarding cammy- trying to blame their personal failings on the character instead of themselves. While modok benefits from a lot of different assists, it doesn't mean he needs them.

With the Trish comment, I didn't want to imply trish exclusively- just characters with Trish-like keep away. I think doom can do a commendable job of it by doing super jump, photon spark (L), fly, photon spark (L), photon spark (L), S footdive back to the ground with the photon sparks still on the screen, do a single H plasma beam since they're grounded to force them to eat the chip, and repeat ad nauseum.

Speaking of modok, you'd have similar problems against him, and Morrigan seems like she would be very difficult to deal with as well. Of course you could counter pick with hidden missiles or vajra when the situation called for it.
Keits' complaints about modok are like James Chen's regarding cammy- trying to blame their personal failings on the character instead of themselves. While modok benefits from a lot of different assists, it doesn't mean he needs them.

With the Trish comment, I didn't want to imply trish exclusively- just characters with Trish-like keep away. I think doom can do a commendable job of it by doing super jump, photon spark (L), fly, photon spark (L), photon spark (L), S footdive back to the ground with the photon sparks still on the screen, do a single H plasma beam since they're grounded to force them to eat the chip, and repeat ad nauseum.

Speaking of modok, you'd have similar problems against him, and Morrigan seems like she would be very difficult to deal with as well. Of course you could counter pick with hidden missiles or vajra when the situation called for it.
Indeed, regarding Keits.

Doom is in a similar situation to Trish. I can follow him up and j.H, no big deal. Photon Shot doesn't even hit most of the time, and each one does like 10,000 chip damage. He has to hit me with like 10 of those to equal out one j.H from me. I doubt he'll be able to keep it up perfectly. People make mistakes. Ghost Rider also has those half-screen command attacks that, if they hit, will let him dodge the Photon Shots while getting a combo. Also, b+H will easily destroy any projectile Doom throws out. It has 15 projectile durability! Basically, it's very likely that I can out-turtle Doom.

MODOK...yeah, he'd likely be a problem, but who plays MODOK? ;-D

I think Ghost Rider tends to handle Morrigan rather well. Those command attacks go right through the Soul Fist walls and grab her. He's not even vulnerable to her stuff unless she has Astral Vision up, and j.S will knock Doom out as needed. THen again, I could be wrong. If anyone here wants to learn Morrigan and try to show me up, I'm all for it! I think I'm the only one here who has any ability to play her though, so I'm not too worried. ;-)

Plus She-Hulk is a total bitch for Morrigan to fight...
iron is a pretty crappy hero enzo.
At least you didn't pretend he's a superhero. I'm not even clear on how Iron Man is a hero. In fact, Iron Man would make a great villain one day. He could try to establish a gigantic religion following Ayn Rand. Terrible idea, right? I'll go inform Marvel writers so they can get to work on it right away.

:-D Really though, what was so great about the movie? I'm 50/50 on whether I want to spend the time to watch the Captain America and Iron Man 2 films, which are available on Netflix right now. Ditto with Thor. I feel like I should probably watch them so I can appreciate Avengers like the groundlings do.

Right now the wife and I are watching Desperate Housewives, which is a very nice show.


At least you didn't pretend he's a superhero. I'm not even clear on how Iron Man is a hero. In fact, Iron Man would make a great villain one day. He could try to establish a gigantic religion following Ayn Rand. Terrible idea, right? I'll go inform Marvel writers so they can get to work on it right away.

:-D Really though, what was so great about the movie? I'm 50/50 on whether I want to spend the time to watch the Captain America and Iron Man 2 films, which are available on Netflix right now. Ditto with Thor. I feel like I should probably watch them so I can appreciate Avengers like the groundlings do.

Right now the wife and I are watching Desperate Housewives, which is a very nice show.
I would watch Thor and Captain America, those 2 movies were pretty good. But you could easily skip Iron Man 2 and you wouldn't be missing much.


At least you didn't pretend he's a superhero. I'm not even clear on how Iron Man is a hero. In fact, Iron Man would make a great villain one day. He could try to establish a gigantic religion following Ayn Rand. Terrible idea, right? I'll go inform Marvel writers so they can get to work on it right away.

:-D Really though, what was so great about the movie? I'm 50/50 on whether I want to spend the time to watch the Captain America and Iron Man 2 films, which are available on Netflix right now. Ditto with Thor. I feel like I should probably watch them so I can appreciate Avengers like the groundlings do.

Right now the wife and I are watching Desperate Housewives, which is a very nice show.

Captain America, Thor, and Iron Man 2 are all bad IMO...I would recommend you don't waste your time


Those 3 movies were bad. IM1 is the truth. Avengers is better than all of them.

I do think you probably have to watch all the movies to get the minor hints in the movie. Stuff like Stark's interaction with Coulson in Avengers wouldn't have the same impact without their interaction in IM2. And stuff like the Natalie Portman pic in Avengers and what she means to Thor. Only thing you can skip for sure is the Incredible Hulk because it doesn't even use the same actor.

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
I thought Cap was boring the first time I saw it. Thought Thor was oay at first but then I watched it recently and hated all the dutch angles. Like wtf why is every other shot a dutch angle?

I didn't think Iron Man 2 was terrible.

I wish all Dante, Doom and Taskmaster mains had Triforce in charge of their family's budgets.


Hey Beef did you hear I started playing Dante today.


Iron Man 1 was good I thought, I really liked it.

I'm fond of Thor, it just needed more action but Natalie Portman and Kat Dennings mmmmmn.

Iron Man 2 wasn't terrible but it wasn't good either. Just a directional mess all around. It wasn't a sequel on the level of say, Ocean's Twelve but it was pretty close.

Captain America IS a bad movie where RDJ steals the spotlight lol ironically?


Neo Member
Probably should've specified which game.

Iron Man in any game before MVC3 was near top minimum.

When watching Iron Man in MvC1 and MvC2 I really think something got lost in transition.

I like all the Marvel movies post Iron Man. Iron Man 2 was definitely weaker than the first, but I still think its good as a comic book movie.

I'd actually probably put Thor at the one I think is the 'worst', but that's relative, like I said I think they are all good movies. Thor was also probably the hardest to transition from the source material.
IM1 is part of my trinity of superhero movies and easily the best origin. Plus it made Tony A-List for mainstreamers, which is a good thing. And the casting is pretty much the best in a blockbuster that I can think of. I wonder if Tony Stark becomes as iconic as Bond for actors, because whoever comes next has huge ass shoes to fill. Jeff Bridges was fun in this too.

Thor was good I thought. Much funnier than I thought it would be and I thought this helped. Dutch angles everywhere. I think I might like this more because it could've been so, so, so bad. It's Thor.

Cap was another solid flick, it dragged a bit but was alright. Had that old school adventure feel which fits the character. Not mega interesting outside of the Captain though.

Incredible Hulk -- despite me really liking Norton as an actor, I thought it was kinda bad. Never been one to like the Hulk really. Twas redeemed by the Stark cameo at the end <3

Let us not discuss IM2. It's clearly not a horawful film (ala that fan cut and unofficial movie known as Spider-Man 3), but the levels of disappointment coming from IM1 and the wasted potential brought it down for me. Looking back, it's probably better than I remember but hey, they raised the bar.


Avengers and IM1 are both in my top 5 superhero flicks. Personally:

5. IM1
4. Rises
3. Dark Knight
2. Avengers (more fun)
1. Spider-Man 2 (even more fun, dat score, and the webface)

Honorable mention for First Class (and I absolutely haaaaaaaaaaate X-Men. Magneto redeems them all and Fassbender is a champ. McAvoy was solid too).


Every superhero comic book property that's been made into a film has at best been a fun but forgettable popcorn action flick with the exception of the nolan batman movies.
How do you hate the X-Men?

Why do you play X-23?

Way too whiny, Logan is everywhere, Cyclops is a supreme asshole (and not even likable). Most of the rest don't really resonate with me. Don't like Nightcrawler for some reason. I remember being tortured by trying to follow the 90s series as a kid, especially during the Dark Phoenix saga.

Iceman, Storm and Magneto are a-okay by me though.

I play X-23 because she's fun and her trailer reminded me of Cammy's style for some reason (dive kick + hooligan = Cammy to me back then). I tend to go for pixie characters that mix you up fast. Dirt Nap looked super cheap too in the trailer.

X-Men Evolution was also a reason, lol. I really lucked out that my team kinda sorta fits together.
Every superhero comic book property that's been made into a film has at best been a fun but forgettable popcorn action flick with the exception of the nolan batman movies.
Entirely agreed. But with the category of "forgettable", there are others called things like "want to forget" and "vaguely memorable". Iron Man 1 was "vaguely memorable" for me. Spider-man 3 is "want to forget". Personally, I find the first Dark Knight movie vaguely memorable, even though I've seen it 5 times. It's just so uninteresting. The second and third films are more memorable, though still not great.

Way too whiny, Logan is everywhere, Cyclops is a supreme asshole (and not even likable). Most of the rest don't really resonate with me. Don't like Nightcrawler for some reason. I remember being tortured by trying to follow the 90s series as a kid, especially during the Dark Phoenix saga.

Iceman, Storm and Magneto are a-okay by me though.

I play X-23 because she's fun and her trailer reminded me of Cammy's style for some reason (dive kick + hooligan = Cammy to me back then). I tend to go for pixie characters that mix you up fast. Dirt Nap looked super cheap too in the trailer.

X-Men Evolution was also a reason, lol. I really lucked out that my team kinda sorta fits together.
Oh, so plot stuff.


Neo Member
Thor was a super hero romcom. Chicks liked that movie, decent flick to watch with your significant other.

Speaking of romance, the love interest shoehorned into Captain America was really my only problem with it. It just didn't need to be there. At least Thor and Jane Foster is based on something.

As far as movies go, Iron Man is only my second favorite Marvel character. Deadpool is my favorite by a longshot, and I really hope the Deadpool movie is good (or even gets made, it seems like its in development hell or something).


Every superhero comic book property that's been made into a film has at best been a fun but forgettable popcorn action flick with the exception of the nolan batman movies.

For that combo challenge video, I felt like it wouldn't be right to rehash my old Dorm/Spencer/Mags raw tag 6-bar combo.

So now I'm going the other way. Wesker/Magneto/X-23, 3 raw tags, no meter, dead character.
Spider-man 2 is the hokey-est movie like ever
Why shouldn't it be?

On a related note, the Spider-man pinball game is the best pinball machine ever.

For that combo challenge video, I felt like it wouldn't be right to rehash my old Dorm/Spencer/Mags raw tag 6-bar combo.

So now I'm going the other way. Wesker/Magneto/X-23, 3 raw tags, no meter, dead character.
No one knows what you're talking about with either one, so I say do both.

I love First Class, need to rewatch that. Also never saw X2 which is supposedly amazing.
I liked First Class a lot, too. It also introduced my wife to the term "bromance", which is now one of her favorite terms.

Azure J

Grinding out some Dante/Dark Hole combos because I was bored and someone asked for lab work and then I find out that Dante has another potent ass reset if you do the Prop Shredder - Acid Rain reps. Basically, stick an M swing under them calling an assist of choice and cancel that normal into teleport. Rain keeps them in place, your assist brings the kind of mixup layer you like best and Dante's in the air for j.M/H. Science.

I'm also wondering if its possible to do 2 Acid Rain reps - j.H - Hammer - Cold Shower with Dark Hole relaunch - Acid Rain - j.H - Hammer and have it work out altogether. If it does, then there should never be an issue with the Devil Trigger - Stalking Flare DHC. :lol

I wish all Dante, Doom and Taskmaster mains had Triforce in charge of their family's budgets.

Well that's not very nice. :lol


I love First Class, need to rewatch that. Also never saw X2 which is supposedly amazing.

Yessssssss, First Class and X2 are high tier superhero films. Was so happy with First Class after the turd that was Wolverine Origins.

Not sure how to feel about the Wolverine reboot (?) next year and Days of Future Past.
No one knows what you're talking about with either one, so I say do both.
I've posted the first one before, it's my Sphere Flame to Bionic Lancer combo where I use Dorm's hyper to get a buch of up grapples.

My new one is Wesker command grab, raw tag to magneto, hyper grav, raw tag to wesker, wall bounce, raw tag to X-23.
I've posted the first one before, it's my Sphere Flame to Bionic Lancer combo where I use Dorm's hyper to get a buch of up grapples.

My new one is Wesker command grab, raw tag to magneto, hyper grav, raw tag to wesker, wall bounce, raw tag to X-23.
I don't remember it.

Slasher, I figured out a way to end my combos while doing more damage with ghost rider AND putting my opponent in a better spot for resets (i.e. not getting rolled under. -_-).

Can't wait to test it out. :-D

Azure J

I've posted the first one before, it's my Sphere Flame to Bionic Lancer combo where I use Dorm's hyper to get a buch of up grapples.

My new one is Wesker command grab, raw tag to magneto, hyper grav, raw tag to wesker, wall bounce, raw tag to X-23.

You should do both. Lord knows the Dormammu/Spencer shit is hilarious. :lol
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