How can you agree with Gonzo when half of the stuff he misinterpreted what we were saying? He thought that TACs were still guesses and that we were buffing XF. Those were 2 major system mechanics he went ham on for no reason.
I really need to stop jumping all these guns. It's getting dangerous. :lol
It really looks like Honzo might actually be on board with a lot of the real changes/intentions we want although either through him misreading or a failure of communication, there were a lot of assumptions made on his part.
I definitely don't like the "pick where you come from" change since that does take away from the entry mixup which is a part of the game no matter how powerful it may be currently. The goal of this theory re-design is to make sure it doesn't decide matches immediately as opposed to putting one person in a decidedly bad situation to block through or accept with a chance of regaining composure albeit at a health deficit.
X-Factor stuff was confusing admittedly because I didn't chime in with any real thoughts on the matter and kinda left it to the committee only to find out today through the critique and comments going on now. I left my own suggestion, realized the wrong in it and retracted/learned from it and now wait to see a better implementation of the mechanic. Stacking changes (adding instead of multiplying) are a no-brainer.
Throw break stuff I agree with because it still does the job I initially wanted it to with a small distance between the two preventing forward heavy-a-thons while also accounting for "MAHVEL". If I knew any better, I'd have suggested less than a full character between the two, but it's good to see that people want that change. Same for the changes to option selecting a grab mid air dash. (Haven't heard about anyone asking for the same for ground dashes for people plinking dashes with H though.)
TAC I'm mixed on, mostly because I feel like the big reason why they're so powerful and prominent in the game from the barest minimum level are because they're free for any engagement leading into a universal air combo. By making them cost a meter I was of the opinion that they'd allow people to use their judgement more in a "what are my resources/what do I stand to gain or lose attempting this" way than "which sides won't they guess?" No meter build post successful TAC was to make it so people who get great meter building combos off of a TAC as per the current system (used as a reference) wouldn't just build massive meter then TAC again into another character with similar ability and have the metagame revolve around such tactics. HSD nerf (reset to 0 and continue building instead of staying at 0 while the game considers the character airborne) would also make it so you couldn't just TAC then initiate stupidly long combo for guaranteed character kill.
I do however feel myself kinda liking the idea of the different directions leading to different benefits if they're executed in manners similar to his example in the note. If the Rock-Paper-Scissors element must stay intact, that plus the meter requirement to initiate would probably be a better incentive to give everyone a chance versus the current way.
The damage thing, I'm both in full understanding of but half agreement with. On one hand, he's right in that the top tier in the game will still do the same things and build the same meter with the same confirms while the lower tier will still have issues getting started to their effectiveness. On the other hand, a universal damage nerf would make it so these top tier weren't running around ending matches off their ridiculous confirms/mixups/neutral control and would in fact have to learn to deal with things after a first and second touch situation.
He agreed with the main changes I wanted to see in the assist area with no assists on recovery. I don't completely see how the change on assists combo breaking is "coddling", but I can respect the opinion.