Sent def does deserve a health buff though.
He needs to be 1000 at most, he's too mobile for anything else.
Sent def does deserve a health buff though.
Sent def does deserve a health buff though.
He needs to be 1000 at most, he's too mobile for anything else.
Swap Task's health with Sentinel.
Um... buffing Dante and Wesker over Captain America? Saying that characters like Taskmaster, Dormammu, Strider, and Magneto (a character pretty much everyone has in their top 3) are on the same level as Spider-man and Haggar? Deadpool and Chris needing a buff as much as Tron and Arthur do? Nerfing Hulk?
I'm sorry, but I simply can't agree with this.
I'm curious to know what you think needs changing with Dormammu, Poltergust.
I look at it this way, Magneto right now is used differently than MVC3 launch. The reason people are so good with him because he has been explored and played with a heck of a
lot more than some of the other characters. With system and character changes, many of the balanced characters will be altered. For example, Magneto is so much more harder to fight when he is fighting with hidden missiles. If you remove HM, he is not as scary any more. Same with Morrigan.
Secondly, I have seen some shit being pulled off with Spider-man players that have put in the time with their character. And with the top tier getting nerfed, mid teir characters like Spidey will always be relevant.
As an in your face character, Haggar is very good already. He has a lot of tools that make him good when he is close. But naturally he will lose to good zoning characters. Its an age old Zangeif issue.
And in regards to Dante and Wesker, my buffs for them are simply giving Dante his magic series on the ground and Wesker's Rhino Charge counter back. Its not anything major.
Makes me wish I went to EVO this year, though. It was bad timing because I had a family trip during that time, plus it was the weekend of me getting back to Austin for college.
I think his damage should be lower overall (I think he's one of the few characters whose minimum damage scaling is at 30%... yeah), and some of his hitboxes should be shortened or have less active frames (like his s.S or j.S). I also don't think that meteors or that volcano move should come out at frame 1 guaranteed.
I really don't see any amount of system changes making Magneto not top-tier. He still has 7f Disruptor, incredible mobility, huge damage, great hitboxes, a fantastic mix-up game complemented with one of the best grabs in the game, etc. He's still scary even without HM, you know. He's one of the best rushdown characters in the game, and HM augments that, not grants it. There's no way that he and characters like Spider-man and Haggar are even comparable.
Let me put it this way: which character rushes down the best with no assist backing them up?
A) Magneto
B) Spider-man
C) Haggar
D) Tron (lol)
The answer is extremely clear here.
I use Sentinel hardcore (over 10,000 matches with him on xbl alone...probably 20,000+ total) and I don't even give a shit about the health buff. There are many things I'd take over that.
Neither of those would make him a better character.I would kill for Tony Stark to have a better c.H but even more so a legit launcher with a few less punishable frames.
A damage need is fine, but 1D2C and 2D1C need a massive buff if they don't come out in 1 frame. I don't know if you played this game in Vanilla, but no one used anything but 3D0C back then because the risk was not worth it for the other two. All of Dormammu's spells need to be worth using, or the character does not make sense.I think his damage should be lower overall (I think he's one of the few characters whose minimum damage scaling is at 30%... yeah), and some of his hitboxes should be shortened or have less active frames (like his s.S or j.S). I also don't think that meteors or that volcano move should come out at frame 1 guaranteed.
What are Sentinel's biggest weakness's besides easy overheads and his size?
I thought you meant something fun.I thought of something fun, what if they got rid of the unfly cancel trick![]()
Angelic made top 8 with Wolverine/Mystic Ray. Dormammu just cleaned up sometimes. He rarely did any work himself. And when I say rushdown, I mean j.S/j.H approaches, not teleport + beam. Teleport + beam clearly works, but that's not rushdown, it's just a teleport mix-up. Unless you think Dr. Strange teleporting behind Eye of Agamotto is "rushdown Dr. Strange".Rushdown Dorm not doing any work at top level play?
Both Angelic and Ranmasama made top 8 EVO with a rushdown Dorm. Angelic barely even knows how to charge spells with the character.
Now I am not saying he needs a nerf in that department but the facts are facts if you want to start arguing tournament results.
The discussion sort of trailed off because the question was raised about who needed buffs and who needed nerfs. It was a fair question and clearly there is even discrepancy on that. I am going to punch someone if I see Magneto being referred to as the Ryu of the game.. fucking only Mag players say that. Magneto is more equivalent to Akuma, the Ryu of this game would be Taskmaster.
Sentinel is not even supposed to be a mix up character. The problem is that he is always put into a position where he NEEDS to open up someone to win the game because he is left playing solo against 3 characters. If he was a better point people would consider playing him second.
The character ALMOST needs a rework. Faster flight speed is a must, faster air limbs, more block stun on Rocket Punch, adjusted hit box, higher health, Hard Drive fixed. Hell I would not mind a more controlled unfly/refly mechanic added to the character.
Why does Wolverine need his walk speed decreased if we are enabling superjumps and air dashes at the start of the round?Teleport + beam isn't rushdown? Since when did we change the classification on rushdown? Also both players go for swipes a lot and Ranmasama goes for that stupid unblockable set up as well.
The Magneto/Ryu analogy is what every Magneto player says when talk of balance comes up as a means to get away without serious nerfs on him.
Nah if you nerf the FC damage to below Berserker Barrage you not only make Berserker Barrage hyper actually usable in combos but most DHC options would lead to more damage than two FCs. He should still have the option of linkable FCs in case he is playing solo.I think Wolverine shouldn't have the ability to link his tornado claws. Fatal claw damage can stay the same.
I think someone suggested it to ShadyK and he said that would be cool. After that there was no real discussion on it. Certainly I did not know this was even being implemented, let alone considered.Why are start of the match options being changed so radically? I don't remember this being mentioned before...
Yup, horrible ideaWhy are we even making this radical change? This is a ridiculous buff to all air dashers in the game. So we gonna enable flight too? What about teleports?
If this is just because people are salty over Wolverine then please stop. Making aggressive changes to the system because of one character is a roundabout way of fixing things. Fix the character not the system.
Of course ground dashes would be allowed.We are enabling super jumps and air dash at start of match? Since when? THAT'S A HUGE CHANGE! If air dashes are allowed then ground dashes should be allowed too.
And Hawkeye can rushdown actually, he can pressure you with poison tip and he has good normals. In XF this is especially effective and his tick throw game is good. Obviously not his best attribute but he can get in and apply some pressure just like Dorm can apply some tri jump pressure some of which leads to cross up j.S into 800k damage. Opening someone up is part of rushdown.
This is one of like three things that take skill for Wolverine players. Let's not remove it.I think Wolverine shouldn't have the ability to link his tornado claws. Fatal claw damage can stay the same.
Either no movement before the match, or enable more movement. It doesn't make sense that right now you can do the following:Why are we even making this radical change? This is a ridiculous buff to all air dashers in the game. So we gonna enable flight too? What about teleports?
If this is just because people are salty over Wolverine then please stop. Making aggressive changes to the system because of one character is a roundabout way of fixing things. Fix the character not the system.
Yeah, I don't like this either.Why are we even making this radical change? This is a ridiculous buff to all air dashers in the game. So we gonna enable flight too? What about teleports?
No one complains about Akuma or X-23's walk speed because Wolverine is better at it, but I promise you that if we nerf Wolverine's walk speed, people will pick X-23 up and we'll have the same problems. I used to fight an X-23 as my main sparring partner, and it didn't feel any different from Wolverine. Sometimes it felt worse because her dash is so fast.Agree to disagree on the semantics of rushdown but a bigger issue has now emerged.
I already know Akuma and X23 have high walk speed and so what? No one complained about point Akuma being god tier in first 5 seconds same for X23. Wolverine is the problem because of his walk speed, his option selects and his normals/pressure. We already nerfed one part of his OS and by giving him slower walk speed we reduce another aspect of his start of game gambit.
If Wolverine is such a huge problem for people then pick armored characters like Hulk/Haggar or pick Joe/Chun Li/Viper or pick a rushdown character yourself like Jill who has a reversal. That's why these characters have such tools.
This is the opposite of my perspective. Only a few select characters should be tailored for specific positions. C. Viper is going to be a good anchor when I am done with her.Every character is "viable" in every position but every character is not 100% balanced for all 3 positions. Viper can be played anchor but no one should do it because she has better tools as a point and she has unsafe DHCs. You shouldn't give her safe DHCs just because you want to play her second. Characters should have some modicum of roles in the game based on their toolset. Due to this some characters having a natural advantage at start of round is a part of the game and a design decision.
Of course ground dashes would be allowed.
Either no movement before the match, or enable more movement. It doesn't make sense that right now you can do the following:
1) Walk
2) Jump
3) Double Jump
Why do double jump characters get that kind of advantage, but other characters can't air dash?
Wolverine is NOT the only character with crazy walk speed. Fight a point Akuma or point X-23, and it's the same thing. There's no reason some characters should start with inherent start of the round benefits.
You all know that my #1 goal with this patch is making every character viable in every position (save Phoenix, for obvious reasons). Tell me how to make that happen without changing the opening gambit. Even if not superjumps, air dashes, for sure. You can't get higher in the air with an air dash than you can with a double jump, so that's fair, right? I can understand not wanting superjumps, but give me one good reason we shouldn't enable ground and air dashes.
Dante is excellent at the start of the round...he can start the round out of every single character's range if he wants to.All characters are already "viable" on point depending upon the match up. It's obviously not everyone's best position and that's how it should be. I don't need Dante to be excellent at start of the round because he is versatile and can play numerous positions. However I do need Viper or Chun Li to be good there because they have unsafe DHCs and they need assists to be optimum. This is the game we play. If your character has problems at start of round then put him lower down the order or pick Lariat.
How is Viper gonna be a good anchor "when you are done with her"? You are going to give her safe DHCs options?
I never said anything about not wanting matchups. I am talking about general point viability. I don't play point Dormammu, and I don't think I ever would play point Dormammu unless I were using Dormammu/Morrigan/Phoenix for fun. I'm looking to try and make Sentinel my point character, so I am completely unbiased when I am talking about double jumps being unfair (since he has one).I just don't think that's going to happen, nor do I think it should happen. Matchups, character advantages/disadvantages are something I love about fighting games. Whenever I play point Modok or Joe I know I'm pretty damn safe at the start of the round and that's one of the advantages of playing them on point. And I certainly don't think everyone should have that advantage. Wolverine's opening gambit is easily the most terrifying thing about him. Why take that away? And this is coming from a Chris player.
When you're playing point Dorm against Wolverine you are just fucking yourself. Yes it sucks, but I believe it's part of matchups. I do believe in making it not suck as bad....but kinda removing it altogether doesn't feel like it's the answer. Yes I'm aware that Wolvie could superjump and possibly keep up with you, but it's gonna make him a lot less scary overall.
I will say that your changes will certainly bring a lot more team variety and that is a very good thing.
Anyway, let's try to get back to our four characters. I was gone all of yesterday and don't have time to read every post, but what changes need to be made from this list?
Magneto is not "balanced". Any character who is top 5 is not balanced.
Magneto shouldn't be able to make his air dash safe. Nobody else gets that without an assist. Blast is the only thing that bugs me about his character
Dorm mostly needs reduction in base damage. He gets easier damage than Wolverine despite being a hybrid character.
Magneto is more equivalent to Akuma, the Ryu of this game would be Taskmaster.
lol no we aren't. I'm also not agreeing to nerfing Wolverine's walk speed.Why does Wolverine need his walk speed decreased if we are enabling superjumps and air dashes at the start of the round?
You should read the recent discussion before responding to comments.![]()
If you read everything, then you know I said I don't support adding superjumps, and ground dashes should be allowed. Tell me how Doom will start full-screen at the start of the round by bunny hopping around the screen with Wolverine's ground dash chasing him.
I begrudgingly add this change, and return Ace Attorney to its previous startup time:TB Wright's C.H. hits low. Every Wright player agrees.
Dante is excellent at the start of the round...he can start the round out of every single character's range if he wants to.
C. Viper doesn't need safe DHCs because if you want her in, she has two amazing alpha counters that lead into full combos. If you want to be really villainous, you can cancel those alpha counter assists into her EX attacks.
This is not a Dormammu issue, please stop pretending that I look at everything in this game from Dormammu's perspective. I play fucking Firebrand on point, I have great start of the round gambits. They are so good that most characters can't handle him. It's not about me, it's about what's good for the game. Everyone should have strong options at the start of the round, and allowing air and ground dashes would be an improvement.
And stop dodging half of my point. I take time to make my posts and make my arguments, and you skip half of the shit I say while selecting minor points to counter. It's really irritating. Tell me why double jumps are okay pre-round, but air dashes and ground dashes are not. Why do a select few characters get to start out of everyone else's range?
I also plan on adding a few more assists that are alternatives to Double Lariat - you'll see.
I never said anything about not wanting matchups. I am talking about general point viability. I don't play point Dormammu, and I don't think I ever would play point Dormammu unless I were using Dormammu/Morrigan/Phoenix for fun. I'm looking to try and make Sentinel my point character, so I am completely unbiased when I am talking about double jumps being unfair (since he has one).
I'm cool with removing the superjump option - I just copied it in there from the ShadyK changes to think about later because I was rushed. I am still defending the idea of air and ground dashes being allowed, however.