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Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 |OT3| To infinites... and beyond!


Santa May Claus
Comics are garbage, yadda yadda. Let's get back to helping me compile as much tac team construction knowledge as possible ^_^

Certain characters can escape Skrull's lockdown assist on entry. I'm pretty sure that Dante assist is more or less a sure thing, no?

I'm going to have to go back through all these posts when I'm not half asleep with a rather tender head, but I just wanted to ask Frantic/Darksim/Solune/Dante-GAF something. With the regards to the use of Million Carats as an entry mix up tool, does it have enough frames of activity that Million Carats xx Devil Trigger - Air Trick could cross up if done perfectly? I just had the idea and I'd love to test it, but I'm not near the Xbox and I'm tired as shit. :lol

I don't see why not. I'm not sure how long the actual blockstun is, but your opponent won't really be able to see anything with Million Carats out there anyway.

Or, are you asking if Million Carats would actually hit as Dante crosses up? Because the answer to that would be no, I'm almost certain.
I'm going to have to go back through all these posts when I'm not half asleep with a rather tender head, but I just wanted to ask Frantic/Darksim/Solune/Dante-GAF something. With the regards to the use of Million Carats as an entry mix up tool, does it have enough frames of activity that Million Carats xx Devil Trigger - Air Trick could cross up if done perfectly? I just had the idea and I'd love to test it, but I'm not near the Xbox and I'm tired as shit. :lol
Are you talking about how the Million Carats follows you? If so, it crossed up in Vanilla, but supposedly it was fixed in Ultimate.

Comics are garbage, yadda yadda. Let's get back to helping me compile as much tac team construction knowledge as possible ^_^
I thought you figured out the best team!

I'll concede that chaos may not be a motivation. There are plenty of villains that simply have jealousy or hate as motivations with little backdrop.
Given. I do have a soft spot for characters that have an insatiable desire to kill (Zerg, Aliens, The Flood, Carnage), though.

Chaos is an end result of the exposure of human drive. It's bringing the notion of the Savage Man (Rousseau?) to the forefront, and the elimination of the rulebook provided by civilization that has re-shaped our fundamental life priorities. The elimination of civilization, both literal and philosophical, would result in disorder or chaos. Chaos being a descent into savagery, with obvious prioritization of self-preservation.
Rousseau puts man in the state of nature in a peaceful state. Chaos cannot be the end result of human drives because, clearly our world is built off of human drives, and seems to have become more orderly over time.

He does in part, actually. I don't know which is more common, though I could certainly hazard a guess. I don't see how majority opinion is relevant, though, considering that I'm speaking exclusively about people with a psych background.
The majority opinion was just me thinking out loud about what's most likely. It should have been left out of the post.

You'll find no argument here that Marvel has utilized a lot of bad writers recently. And the inconsistency is an unfortunate byproduct of having so many writers on a particular character at a given time. It's hit or miss.
On that note, fuck Squirrel Girl and every person who wanted her in this game. I put her on par with Sentry in terms of being a symptom of decay.

X-23 doesn't need a lockdown assist for the unblockable, period.
I don't think I've ever been hit by X-23's level 3. I just start teleporting around, and I don't even know what my opponent is doing. I think he loses track of his character or something. It scares the crap out of me every time, but never comes to fruition.


Santa May Claus
X-23 doesn't need a lockdown assist for the unblockable, period.

I suppose you're right. Sure helps, though.

Given. I do have a soft spot for characters that have an insatiable desire to kill (Zerg, Aliens, The Flood, Carnage), though.

Rousseau puts man in the state of nature in a peaceful state. Chaos cannot be the end result of human drives because, clearly our world is built off of human drives, and seems to have become more orderly over time.

The majority opinion was just me thinking out loud about what's most likely. It should have been left out of the post.

On that note, fuck Squirrel Girl and every person who wanted her in this game. I put her on par with Sentry in terms of being a symptom of decay.

You're right. I was thinking Hobbes, not Rousseau. I honestly know absolutely nothing about Squirrel Girl.

Azure J

Are you talking about how the Million Carats follows you? If so, it crossed up in Vanilla, but supposedly it was fixed in Ultimate.

Nah, I know the "wall of fuck you" mixup is gone with the transition from Vanilla to Ultimate. I'm wondering about how long the actual active time of Carats is so that I can leave it as a stationary "psuedo-projectile" and cross up the character incoming with a teleport out of it.
Nah, I know the "wall of fuck you" mixup is gone from Vanilla, but I'm wondering about how long the actual active time of Carats is so that I can leave it as a stationary psuedo-projectile and cross up the character incoming with a teleport out of it.
Does it no longer follow Dante?

Side note: All Doom mirrors go from "boring" to "how did he fall for that?"

@God's Beard: FChamp just punished the recover of EMD with Chaotic Flame on stream. The whole world knows.


Santa May Claus
Nah, I know the "wall of fuck you" mixup is gone with the transition from Vanilla to Ultimate. I'm wondering about how long the actual active time of Carats is so that I can leave it as a stationary "psuedo-projectile" and cross up the character incoming with a teleport out of it.

I think it depends on when you do the MC, but it should work provided you do it late enough.


I'm going to have to go back through all these posts when I'm not half asleep with a rather tender head, but I just wanted to ask Frantic/Darksim/Solune/Dante-GAF something. With the regards to the use of Million Carats as an entry mix up tool, does it have enough frames of activity that Million Carats xx Devil Trigger - Air Trick could cross up if done perfectly? I just had the idea and I'd love to test it, but I'm not near the Xbox and I'm tired as shit. :lol
Yes, but it's very improbable. Million Carats is active for 23 frames. Devil Trigger is 8 frames total, and then it's 11 frames for Air Trick to crossup(I think?). You would essentially have to DT on the very first active frame, and teleport on the very first frame upon recovery, giving you a 2 frame window for error. That's not even getting into the fact you would have to time the MC perfectly to hit during the last few active frames.

Azure J

Does it no longer follow Dante?

Nope, it just stays in place.

Side note: All Doom mirrors go from "boring" to "how did he fall for that?"

Random tangent: Doom is very overrated sometimes. He has amazing synergies to bring to a team between assists, DHCs, and TAC shenanigans but his point ability without Ninja or Goddess leaves much to be desired. It's one of the biggest reasons why I can't ever support Anth0ny's notion that Doom is a top 5er. Top 10-15 easy, but too much shuts him down for him to be up in Top 5 who are all established as being oppressive to the point of shutting out other people's ability to play. Hawkeye, Morrigan or Dormammu vs Doom is an exercise in frustration.

@Frantic: So you're saying there's a chance.gif

Cool stuff to know. I'm not about to start adding more impracticalities to my game, but something about this seems too good not to try and have in the back of my head.


Santa May Claus
Yes, but it's very improbable. Million Carats is active for 23 frames. Devil Trigger is 8 frames total, and then it's 11 frames for Air Trick to crossup(I think?). You would essentially have to DT on the very first active frame, and teleport on the very first frame upon recovery, giving you a 2 frame window for error. That's not even getting into the fact you would have to time the MC perfectly to hit during the last few active frames.

Does the actual wall of ice stay up longer than the active frames?

Nope, it just stays in place.

Random tangent: Doom is very overrated sometimes. He has amazing synergies to bring to a team between assists, DHCs, and TAC shenanigans but his point ability without Ninja or Goddess leaves much to be desired. It's one of the biggest reasons why I can't ever support Anth0ny's notion that Doom is a top 5er. Top 10 easy, but too much shuts him down for him to be up in Top 5 who are all established as being oppressive to the point of shutting out other people's ability to play. Hawkeye or Dormammu vs Doom is an exercise in frustration.

It depends on how you're rating characters. Doom's versatility is what sets him apart. He makes almost any team better.
Random tangent: Doom is very overrated sometimes. He has amazing synergies to bring to a team between assists, DHCs, and TAC shenanigans but his point ability without Ninja or Goddess leaves much to be desired. It's one of the biggest reasons why I can't ever support Anth0ny's notion that Doom is a top 5er. Top 10 easy, but too much shuts him down for him to be up in Top 5 who are all established as being oppressive to the point of shutting out other people's ability to play. Hawkeye or Dormammu vs Doom is an exercise in frustration.
Pretty much any character who can aim projectiles along the horizontal or vertical axis is a pain for Doom to deal with. You know I don't believe in individual character tiers, but I definitely think that Doom is a liability against certain team constructions. He's a master at anti-rushdown but that's about all he has on offense. IMHO, Clockw0rk hasn't been placing in anything partially because he runs Doom on point, and he's not strong enough for the role even with that team.

FChamp makes him look amazing, but it seems like a lot of people just don't know how to handle is setups.

Cool stuff to know. I'm not about to start adding more impracticalities to my game, but something about this seems too good not to try and have in the back of my head.
I read this as "I'm about to start adding more impracticalities to my game", and thought "don't you have enough as it is?"

On a related note, I think I'm going to take a bit of a break from Dormammu and focus on Ghost Rider.
I thought you figured out the best team!

I haaaaaaaaaate playing Zero. And believe me, I've spent time trying. Zero/Dante/X-23 is so good I hate myself for not dropping everything to play it.

Right now I'm still playing Magneto/(Doom/Dante)/X-23, but I'd like to play around with (Strider/Skrull)/Sentinel/X-23.

Azure J

Pretty much any character who can aim projectiles along the horizontal or vertical axis is a pain for Doom to deal with. You know I don't believe in individual character tiers, but I definitely think that Doom is a liability against certain team constructions. He's a master at anti-rushdown but that's about all he has on offense. IMHO, Clockw0rk hasn't been placing in anything partially because he runs Doom on point, and he's not strong enough for the role even with that team.

FChamp makes him look amazing, but it seems like a lot of people just don't know how to handle is setups.

It's actually entirely because of his support values that he'd get as high on my personal tier list (if I ever made one). Foot Dive can only go so far.

I read this as "I'm about to start adding more impracticalities to my game", and thought "don't you have enough as it is?"


I don't think I'm that bad in actual match situations, but I do have the desire to "style" more times when something plain jane would get wins more decisively. I'm a fraud though, ask Frantic for more on that.

Totally pointless Spencer/Doom/Vergil combo using Caj's tech and that rawtag that I stole from Dickwin, unless he stole it from someone else.

The game totally trolled you from making that a clean 2 mil combo. :lol
only if you promise to start playing living, breathing people
I'm tellin' ya, you and GB need to play, and I want a recording of the lagfest. GB wants to play against others, his internet is just ass right now. He'll play me in 50 set matches, so I don't think the "GB get out of training mode" stuff can be thrown at him anymore.
I'm tellin' ya, you and GB need to play, and I want a recording of the lagfest. GB wants to play against others, his internet is just ass right now. He'll play me in 50 set matches, so I don't think the "GB get out of training mode" stuff can be thrown at him anymore.

The match we had wasn't even that laggy. Certainly not a match that required yellow-bar combos, at least.


The game totally trolled you from making that a clean 2 mil combo. :lol
Haha yah, even if I add 2 more S.S for the 2nd rep of missiles into upgrapples I get 1.93m. I can break 2mil if I add j.HS though.
What's scary is that you cut it short...and that this is your main team. -_-

Edit: Posted on GFAQs!
As far as I know I didn't cut it short haha unless you know something I don't?! That was 5 meter wastage! But you own my team with Dormmamu anyways =p. I suffer from nerves and I can't pull off that stuff online even though I always try. And thanks for spreading it, it's mostly meant for marvelGAF.
Haha awesome. Last few days I've been on a personal mission just to see how many 80k I can get in one combo. Spencer is rather fun... now I know why so many people play him.

Yup, dat damage man. But then it comes down to picking extensions for Spencer if you play him on point than assists that help you in neutral game. Unless you pick something like Jam Session.

wow awesome.


Foot Dive can only go so far.

Not the 6H version, it goes all the way (to the other side of the screen). = D

So I'm wanting to pick up a new team. My general rule is to not have any common characters between my teams. My teams are Dante/Frank/Wesker and Arrow Mercs, Task/Deadpool/Hawkeye.

Really wanting to pick up Skrull. Who would go with him? Spencer? I tried to pick up Spencer, but ended up dropping him. Maybe he'll be okay with the new team.
As far as I know I didn't cut it short haha unless you know something I don't?! That was 5 meter wastage! But you own my team with Dormmamu anyways =p. I suffer from nerves and I can't pull off that stuff online even though I always try. And thanks for spreading it, it's mostly meant for marvelGAF.
Oh, you're right. I was thinking that at the end, you could have done c.H, Stinger, Round Trip from the wall bounce, but you already used it with Spencer, didn't you?

Really wanting to pick up Skrull. Who would go with him? Spencer? I tried to pick up Spencer, but ended up dropping him. Maybe he'll be okay with the new team.
Skrull's BFF is Sentinel.
gatdamn. spencer bros. we gotta play again. i like playing against other spencers.
Spencer mirrors answer the age-old question of what happens when two unstoppable objects collide with one another.
Whichever one loses its invincibility frames first gets smashed.


Oh, you're right. I was thinking that at the end, you could have done c.H, Stinger, Round Trip from the wall bounce, but you already used it with Spencer, didn't you?
Yah, I was stewing my brain trying to figure out how to rawtag into spencer without spending the wallbounce but, i didnt try too hard.
gatdamn. spencer bros. we gotta play again. i like playing against other spencers.

Yah we can play sometime. I didn't realize there was a PSN update yesterday. And for some reason I couldn't add funds to my account using my CC.


Are you talking about how the Million Carats follows you? If so, it crossed up in Vanilla, but supposedly it was fixed in Ultimate.

It actually didn't cross up even though if followed Dante as he teleported, I don't actually know why. Probably the same reason why Spiral Swords > Teleport doesn't cross up, the swords (and presumably Million Carats) appears on the other side of the character while the character teleporting still hasn't come back into existence yet, so they technically haven't switched sides yet.

If this is how the side switching works, than doing Million Carats > DT > teleport would be impossible to cross up with. It might work with XFC > Teleport though.


Frank West works pretty well for Nemesis. Shopping Cart is great lockdown, and one command grab is a level 4 Frank (if I don't screw it up). I still feel like I need a full-screen assist though, for tentacle pressure.

I love doing that Command Grab tag THC level up trick with Frank. Problem (if you can call it that) is it does so much damage! If you have whittled their health a bit, they end up dying before you get the first camera shot off.
GGs Twilt. I really love playing She-Hulk and Ghost Rider, even though I don't really know She-Hulk's inputs. I was surprised by how effective she was in some matches.

Anyone else up for games? I think I'm going to sub She-Hulk out. While I like her a lot, I don't think this is the right team for her.

It actually didn't cross up even though if followed Dante as he teleported, I don't actually know why. Probably the same reason why Spiral Swords > Teleport doesn't cross up, the swords (and presumably Million Carats) appears on the other side of the character while the character teleporting still hasn't come back into existence yet, so they technically haven't switched sides yet.

If this is how the side switching works, than doing Million Carats > DT > teleport would be impossible to cross up with. It might work with XFC > Teleport though.
Are you sure Spiral Swords > Teleport doesn't cross up? I feel like I catch people with that all the time.


Good games Karst. Sorry for my rather embarrassing performance. I just started learning how to play on stick on Monday, and I'm (obviously) still learning how to get used to it (my movement is so bad right now lol).

Your Ghost Rider was quite frustrating to fight against; I lost count on how many times I got hit by Penance Stare and Sunday Driver haha.
Good games Karst. Sorry for my rather embarrassing performance. I just started learning how to play on stick on Monday, and I'm (obviously) still learning how to get used to it (my movement is so bad right now lol).

Your Ghost Rider was quite frustrating to fight against; I lost count on how many times I got hit by Penance Stare and Sunday Driver haha.
I felt like your play was rougher than last time. It'll take about 2 months to get fully used to the stick IMO.

Thanks for the Ghost Rider compliment. You're the second person to start blowing XF1 to kill him. Makes me feel good, y'know? The Penance Stare gambles are always a lot of fun. I especially loved catching Dante and Vergil when they thought they were safe behind Fireworks or Spiral Swords. I hate those moves. :p
Well, my laptop got stolen. And I missed a nice comic discussion.

Also Batman has evolved beyond a vengeful brat to a borderline psychotic vigilante who only keeps his sanity by obeying the rule of no killing. Hell, half the JL knows he is batshit crazy. Why him and Joker are such good parallels. Joker is a being who embraces his neurosis where Batman is a being who fights his neurosis.

And oldschool Panther used to tell Tony to STFU.

And Skrull goes well with Drones and BoB.


Are you sure Spiral Swords > Teleport doesn't cross up? I feel like I catch people with that all the time.
It doesn't cross up. The Vergil is actually going through the opponent and taking his swords with him. They have to block forward and then switch sides once they have confirmed it.
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