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Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 |OT3| To infinites... and beyond!


GGs. My Vergil was so embarrassing. -_- I did well with Wesker after I changed my approach to the matchup. I like your new Felicia team, but I think you need to utilize her infinite more.

RE: Vergil, I thought it was still pretty solid. The way your team is set up you always have meter to Gucci belt out of a bad situation. Plus you were able to do pretty good spiral sword loops. And even if you make a mistake, you could still catch me not blocking with vergils huge normals. :(

I'm having a lot of fun with Spider-Man even though I have a lot to learn with him. I'm glad I landed a full combo after L web throw at least once. Every time I went for airthrow I got helm breaker'd. :(

1. Normally I'd hate on someone for using Vergil, but he is a perfect addition to your dormammu/morrigan shell. You always seem to have meter for spiral swords. Also I can't really try to keep you out or you just avoid me and build all kinds of meter with dark harmonizer. I like the spiral swords combo extension with dark hole.

2. The wesker team was also very good. That runaway style of wesker worked quite well.

3.I continued to forget that you could beat out gimlet with any super freeze.

4. I think my team of Thor/Sentinel/Felicia has potential. My sentinel needs a ton of work though. I need to look into Felicia's XF3 infinites.

My favorite moments tonight were:

I. Landing that Ultimate Web Throw reset against Vergil.( It was so satisfying!)

II. Canceling cr.M into flight with sent just in time to avoid dorms level

III. Using Felicia's cat crawl to avoid dorms level 3 and punish you with a full combo.

( sorry bout the screwy post formatting, posting from my phone)
Shuma-Gorath tech:

RE: Vergil, I thought it was still pretty solid. The way your team is set up you always have meter to Gucci belt out of a bad situation. Plus you were able to do pretty good spiral sword loops. And even if you make a mistake, you could still catch me not blocking with vergils huge normals. :(
Quite true. I thought the loops were the worst part! :p That's what happens when I play another team for a few days. Gah.

I'm having a lot of fun with Spider-Man even though I have a lot to learn with him. I'm glad I landed a full combo after L web throw at least once. Every time I went for airthrow I got helm breaker'd. :(
After our first few matches I realized that Spider-man has absolutely no answer to Helm Breaker, so I started playing the match much more defensively and XFCing off of it because my team isn't scared of Hawkeye, and while Felicia is a monster anchor, I'm confident that I can handle her with Morrigan. Spider-man is the problem character. I think you could be a lot more aggressive with his play, too.

1. Normally I'd hate on someone for using Vergil, but he is a perfect addition to your dormammu/morrigan shell. You always seem to have meter for spiral swords. Also I can't really try to keep you out or you just avoid me and build all kinds of meter with dark harmonizer. I like the spiral swords combo extension with dark hole.
I think that's my favorite thing about Dark Harmonizer. Teams that like to play "patient" are very strongly in my favor. If I had a Trish who wants to play keepaway, I'll let her do it until I get 5 bars - fair trade, right? Haha. Vergil is an extremely good addition to my main team, and his assist works well for Dormammu and Morrigan. Every time I use Spiral Swords, I'm able to get 2 Dark Harmonizer calls off, so I'm 2/3 of the way back to another Spiral Swords. I can actually get full relaunches off of Dark Hole, but I'm not good enough to do it consistently.

2. The wesker team was also very good. That runaway style of wesker worked quite well.
It worked until I noticed that Thor was losing life slower than I was, haha.

3.I continued to forget that you could beat out gimlet with any super freeze.
I noticed that. A few times he got burned and you lost a bar. I also felt good about beating Super Scatter Shot once by DHCing to Vergil.

4. I think my team of Thor/Sentinel/Felicia has potential. My sentinel needs a ton of work though. I need to look into Felicia's XF3 infinites.
Her XF3 infinite is just dp.L over and over. It's also an infinite blockstring. Super easy to do. The second you catch someone grounded, just spam dp.L over and over until they're dead. I don't think Sentinel is the right character for that team, personally. Against a rushdown heavy team, you'll never get the Sentinel Force call off safely. Sentinel got beat up a lot just by Wesker alone, and that's not your fault - Thor just can't protect the assist. I recommend getting a faster, safer assist like Greyhound or Dagger Toss. Also, you rarely called Greyhound after DHCing Felicia in.

My favorite moments tonight were:

I. Landing that Ultimate Web Throw reset against Vergil.( It was so satisfying!)
If I held forward and did j.L, wouldn't I have survived? Just curious.

II. Canceling cr.M into flight with sent just in time to avoid dorms level
Anger-inducing. Did you do it on prediction, was it a coincidence, or...? I'm pretty sure you can't do it in time on reaction.

III. Using Felicia's cat crawl to avoid dorms level 3 and punish you with a full combo.
It was a bad night for Dark Dimension...


Her XF3 infinite is just dp.L over and over. It's also an infinite blockstring. Super easy to do. The second you catch someone grounded, just spam dp.L over and over until they're dead. I don't think Sentinel is the right character for that team, personally. Against a rushdown heavy team, you'll never get the Sentinel Force call off safely. Sentinel got beat up a lot just by Wesker alone, and that's not your fault - Thor just can't protect the assist. I recommend getting a faster, safer assist like Greyhound or Dagger Toss. Also, you rarely called Greyhound after DHCing Felicia in.

Ooh, its an infinite blockstring too! Nice! Could be just as rage inducing as XF3 Gold Arthur Lances Infinite. I'll have to work on incorporating this into my gameplan. Also I think I didn't call greyhound much after felicia was DHCed in because i was too afraid of getting happy birthdayed.

I do like the great screen coverage I get with sentinel force, the potential command grabs after the opponent is just out of block stun from drones and no-effort damaging DHCs. I think i like Thor/Sentinel/Felicia enough to still pick it up from time to time, despite its shortcomings.

I'll experiment with Thor/Hawkeye/Felicia next time I play. I'm already pretty comfortable with Hawkeye/Felicia together on a team.

If I held forward and did j.L, wouldn't I have survived? Just curious.
I'm not sure, I haven't been playing spiderman long enough to know. We should ask KillaSasa about that. I would think it would depend on how fast Vergil's j.L is...

Anger-inducing. Did you do it on prediction, was it a coincidence, or...? I'm pretty sure you can't do it in time on reaction.
It was pretty much a lucky coincidence. I wish I'd predicted it...

It was a bad night for Dark Dimension...


Sweet lord this is some Koryu stuff. Thats really weird that is affects damage scaling. Its very stylish too.
Ooh, its an infinite blockstring too! Nice! Could be just as rage inducing as XF3 Gold Arthur Lances Infinite. I'll have to work on incorporating this into my gameplan. Also I think I didn't call greyhound much after felicia was DHCed in because i was too afraid of getting happy birthdayed.
Well, when Felicia in XF2, you usually don't have to worry about getting caught by Chaotic Flame. She's too fast for me to do anything but block and go for air throws just as you're landing (lol).

I do like the great screen coverage I get with sentinel force, the potential command grabs after the opponent is just out of block stun from drones and no-effort damaging DHCs. I think i like Thor/Sentinel/Felicia enough to still pick it up from time to time, despite its shortcomings.
Maybe try Rocket Raccoon's Spitfire assist?

I'll experiment with Thor/Hawkeye/Felicia next time I play. I'm already pretty comfortable with Hawkeye/Felicia together on a team.
I think it's a solid combination, personally.

I'm not sure, I haven't been playing spiderman long enough to know. We should ask KillaSasa about that. I would think it would depend on how fast Vergil's j.L is...
I heard someone on the SRK forums say that Spider-man's UWT resets are never guaranteed.

It was pretty much a lucky coincidence. I wish I'd predicted it...
*feels better*


Maybe try Rocket Raccoon's Spitfire assist?
This way be worth a try. I've played someone online who used Dante/RR/Deadpool and made really good use of the spitfire assist. But then I'd have to learn how to play as the Raccoon. (Plus he's got such low health..). I'm sure I'll play around with this team configuration regardless.

In general, what did you think of Spiderman/Hawkeye/Felicia? I think it worked pretty well in at least a few matches, even though I still lost most of them.
This way be worth a try. I've played someone online who used Dante/RR/Deadpool and made really good use of the spitfire assist. But then I'd have to learn how to play as the Raccoon. (Plus he's got such low health..). I'm sure I'll play around with this team configuration regardless.

In general, what did you think of Spiderman/Hawkeye/Felicia? I think it worked pretty well in at least a few matches, even though I still lost most of them.
I thought it worked really well. I especially like your DHC to Felicia, but shouldn't it lead to a full combo?


I thought it worked really well. I especially like your DHC to Felicia, but shouldn't it lead to a full combo?
Yeah I should be able to get a full combo off of it, but I need to go into training mode and get the timing down(Should be able to SJ into air Delta kick). Even without that, I still appreciate having a safe DHC into kitty helper. And having the advantages to felicia's pressure and solo unblockables that kitty helper provides.

I heard someone on the SRK forums say that Spider-man's UWT resets are never guaranteed.
You're probably right about this.

EDIT: I think I may have to try Thor backed by Bolts of Balthakk assist sometime. It seems like it would be good.


Just out of curiousity, if you Crossover Counter, does the move retain the properties of the assist or the properties of the move as a point character? Like, Haggar for example.

Some of them do, and some of them have added properties. Some examples are

Vergil's Rapid Slash If timed / used properly can get a full combo when you cannot with the point version solo.

Zero's Ryuenjin is super cancellable on the first hit, this is not true for the point version.


Just started playing DMC4 again and holy shit I love Nero. Such a badass character. I'm down for another DMC character for UMvC3 :3


get some go again
Just started playing DMC4 again and holy shit I love Nero. Such a badass character. I'm down for another DMC character for UMvC3 :3


I heard someone on the SRK forums say that Spider-man's UWT resets are never guaranteed.

Probably true. I've played Sasa enough where I've / he's helped figure a way out of the reset with every character I've used, so much so that he has to cut his combo short / do it at random times or I'll get out of it.

Nova's is fun.


More like Spencer + Zero + Viper + Dante/Vergil. Only thing fair about Nero would be that he wouldn't have a teleport.

Still wouldn't be nearly as top tier as Sparda in Marvel. His normals make Dante/Vergil normals look like Joe's.


Santa May Claus
Nice! Too bad I already have Okami. Maybe I'll try for fun.
Hey, if you have anyone who has a PS3 and hasn't had the experience, gift it to them.

Thanks, My execution with Ammy is ass though... I'll see if I can cook something up. Probably more like Azure's style or whoever else plays Ammy here~

Re: Nero. Hate the actual character, fun to play as though.
Ammy/Dante, something about 3 Veil of Mist DHCs...

Finally learned Vergil sword loops today. That shit isn't even hard.
I know, right? Though I think it's hard to keep them going in the corner, personally, and if you do a HS clash instead of c.H, it becomes harder as well. PLaying against a Vergil recently, I remembered that they are so long and boring to watch.

Probably true. I've played Sasa enough where I've / he's helped figure a way out of the reset with every character I've used, so much so that he has to cut his combo short / do it at random times or I'll get out of it.

Nova's is fun.
What's Vergil's?


I don't remember exactly, but I think it's just j.B. I did knock him out of it, though. I am rusty as hell.

The thing is you can't wait, at all, you have to make whatever your specific counter is happen immediately. So if they know that you know how to get out, they can reset you.

But, if you know that they know that you know that they know..

Azure J

Actually I was using Magneto/Wolverine/Ammy in Vanilla at one point.

If I had started with Vanilla, chances are my three main teams would have been:


Maybe a Dante/Dormammu/Magneto as the 4th "black cat" team.

Edit: F.Champ's Dormammu/Phoenix synergy is really interesting. Bombarding people with Meteors to build half a meter on block/more on hit, using Doom Plasma Beam to recharge all 3 while the opponent blocks meteors and the assist or gets hit and play a strong zoning game until Phoenix is guaranteed. Didn't think Dorm could "work" on a Phoenix team.

Maybe it's time to try some Dormammu/Magneto/Phoenix?


Going through the Runback archive from yesterday, and I am LOVING Combofiend's Nova/Spencer/Strange. Great synergy. Has Combo finally found his team?


Then you learned to make good teams. :)
Haha thank you sir, but they are often teams I can't play! Though I kind of constructed that team due to the "necessity" of a DHC glitch team and it wasn't a popular team either.
If I had started with Vanilla, chances are my three main teams would have been:


Maybe a Dante/Dormammu/Magneto as the 4th "black cat" team.

Edit: F.Champ's Dormammu/Phoenix synergy is really interesting. Bombarding people with Meteors to build half a meter on block/more on hit, using Doom Plasma Beam to recharge all 3 while the opponent blocks meteors and the assist or gets hit and play a strong zoning game until Phoenix is guaranteed. Didn't think Dorm could "work" on a Phoenix team.

Maybe it's time to try some Dormammu/Magneto/Phoenix?

Those are all pretty good teams!

Re: Dormammu . He is pretty potent with meter and alot of keepaway involving Stalking Flares, so unless he's tagging into Dorm, he's playing him on point which can be pretty dangerous on his part.

Also playing Dorm before Phoenix means he can blow X-factor / Meter if he catches someone in a happy bday easily and spend the remaining meter on flares or whatever without the opponent ever getting to Jean.
Going through the Runback archive from yesterday, and I am LOVING Combofiend's Nova/Spencer/Strange. Great synergy. Has Combo finally found his team?
Got a link for me? I couldn't find the matches, just a bunch of TTT2.

Haha thank you sir, but they are often teams I can't play! Though I kind of constructed that team due to the "necessity" of a DHC glitch team and it wasn't a popular team either.
That's the cool thing about "low tier" characters: they all tend to have pretty low execution requirements.

Re: Dormammu . He is pretty potent with meter and alot of keepaway involving Stalking Flares, so unless he's tagging into Dorm, he's playing him on point which can be pretty dangerous on his part.

Also playing Dorm before Phoenix means he can blow X-factor / Meter if he catches someone in a happy bday easily and spend the remaining meter on flares or whatever without the opponent ever getting to Jean.
Dormammu/Phoenix puts people in a very strange position; I'll try to lay it out as best I can:
1) Not pressuring Dormammu is very bad, because it gives him time for Dark Spells.
2) You need to pressure any Phoenix team to make sure she doesn't get 5 bars.
3) 1 and 2 lead to a lot of desperate, reckless play.
4) FChamp (and me, when I use the combination) don't actually care all that much about getting 5 bars for Phoenix. It's definitely a goal, and something nice to have, but a Phoenix anchor only needs to touch a character once to go into her XF3 infinite, which usually tops off any meter you are lacking.
5) This means that Dormammu can throw Chaotic Flame out sometimes, because XF3 non-Dark Phoenix is still a nasty, nasty character to deal with, and it's worth spending 1 bar to kill a character to guarantee she has one less opponent to deal with.
6) EMD is almost as good as Double Lariat as a "get off me" assist. If you want proof, look at old Vanilla matches when FChamp ran this team. He could actually survive Wolverine/Akuma with Dormammu on point backed by EMD, which shouldn't be possible (haha).

So, I think the team looks like it's a bunch of contradictions, but it actually all works out in this crazy kind of way. Is it the best Phoenix team? No, but it does work in its own strange way.

Azure J

Dormammu/Phoenix puts people in a very strange position; I'll try to lay it out as best I can:
1) Not pressuring Dormammu is very bad, because it gives him time for Dark Spells.
2) You need to pressure any Phoenix team to make sure she doesn't get 5 bars.
3) 1 and 2 lead to a lot of desperate, reckless play.
4) FChamp (and me, when I use the combination) don't actually care all that much about getting 5 bars for Phoenix. It's definitely a goal, and something nice to have, but a Phoenix anchor only needs to touch a character once to go into her XF3 infinite, which usually tops off any meter you are lacking.
5) This means that Dormammu can throw Chaotic Flame out sometimes, because XF3 non-Dark Phoenix is still a nasty, nasty character to deal with, and it's worth spending 1 bar to kill a character to guarantee she has one less opponent to deal with.
6) EMD is almost as good as Double Lariat as a "get off me" assist. If you want proof, look at old Vanilla matches when FChamp ran this team. He could actually survive Wolverine/Akuma with Dormammu on point backed by EMD, which shouldn't be possible (haha).

So, I think the team looks like it's a bunch of contradictions, but it actually all works out in this crazy kind of way. Is it the best Phoenix team? No, but it does work in its own strange way.

You know, I really appreciate your write ups. A lot of this I figured was true (exception going to EMD as a GTFO assist, I always thought it was a left-right tool/enhanced horizontal zoning over anything, but I have no experience using it properly), but seeing it all in concise writing always helps when a newbie like me needs to see what the game plan should be with some "boutique" team combinations. :p
Is there a guide to learning how to play this? I own it in vita and I just can't chain together combos. The game looked fun as hell to watch but wasn't fun actually learning how to play.
Graces to you sir.

Is there a guide to learning how to play this? I own it in vita and I just can't chain together combos. The game looked fun as hell to watch but wasn't fun actually learning how to play.
There are lots of guides around on youtube. If your problem is as simple as not being able to chain a basic combo, though, I think you should just go into training mode and practice it for a bit. That's not the kind of thing a video will be able to solve for you.

You know, I really appreciate your write ups. A lot of this I figured was true (exception going to EMD as a GTFO assist, I always thought it was a left-right tool/enhanced horizontal zoning over anything, but I have no experience using it properly), but seeing it all in concise writing always helps when a newbie like me needs to see what the game plan should be with some "boutique" team combinations. :p


get some go again
so watching streams does help you out. push blocked the last bits of sentinel's hard drive and threw him and killed him. forgot which streamed i learned that from. btw this is blocking from one end to the other. of course i know you can throw him out of it when you are close to him and he misses.
so watching streams does help you out. push blocked the last bits of hard drive and threw him and killed him. forgot which streamed i learned that from. btw this is blocking from one end to the other. of course i know you can throw him out of it when you are close to him and he misses.
I rock people with Wesker just because I've spent the last year watching streams filled with Wesker. I just needed to know the inputs and the learning was all done for me!

Azure J

so watching streams does help you out. push blocked the last bits of sentinel's hard drive and threw him and killed him. forgot which streamed i learned that from. btw this is blocking from one end to the other. of course i know you can throw him out of it when you are close to him and he misses.

I totally added another layer to the Viper FA setup just because of seeing someone mention that a well timed push block from the incoming character ruins the setup. Also Crazy Joe always shows up with something new every Big Two that makes me explore something with Spy May Stride. :p
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