I'm definitely for no glasses mechanic option. Keep it just as a cosmetic change.
I think the vote is reserved for committee members, but for what it's worth:
Karst, you keep insisting that speedboosting Wesker is a buff in these changes, but I don't think that's 100% accurate. As it stands currently in Ultimate, Wesker will already have the speed AND damage buff as long as he gets one combo or takes enough damage. The main purpose of doing Phantom Dance is to do damage as a combo ender. The removal of his glasses is a benefit, but that's not really the reason for the meter expenditure except in certain circumstances (Unknown's random opener or to kill an opponent early in a combo). And once the glasses come off, they stay off until tagout... a passive attribute that persists. You can argue that the tagout = less time in "no glasses" mode, but I could similarly argue that having the "no glasses" mode also tied to damage taken balances this out.
This all means that Ultimate Wesker has the speed and damage buff on for roughly half the time he's played, and it's really for free, whether it's because he takes damage (which will happen it he's losing no matter what) or via Phantom Dance. If Ultimate Wesker has the speed and damage buff for roughly half the time he's played anyway, I think that the removal of the damage buff is a fair tradeoff for having the speed buff 100% of the time, and a fair way of eliminating the shades mechanic entirely without sacrificing variety within the character. You're nerfing him and buffing him at the same time.
So, obviously, I think you guys should consider Option 3.