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Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 |OT3| To infinites... and beyond!


Personally I think you should have a choice on when to use the mechanic. There's many times when I want to set up a grav pulse H, but I'm not willing to lose so much life to do it. Kind of a bummer.

I feel that's what balances them. Powered up they're some of the best specials in the game so they should take a serious investment to use for Nova since he has no many great tools in his arsenal.

The way I see it, assuming no scaling is in place...

1 Grav Pulse M/L lvl3 would do 250k damage. You are sacrificing 200k health of your own to use it. Sacrificing your own health and doing slightly more of the same damage to your opponent.... I think that's fair.

Plus its not like it will be every match you will be sitting on that much red health to use multi Grav combos. You will be using the Shields as well so that will deplete your health. The number of LVL3 moves you can actually do in a move is very very limited, they should be powerful and they should use a specific amount of red health. Because in a real match if you are sitting on 600K health and you want to use a Grav Pulse M move.. you now wasted 600k health to do 250k damage. Or worse you used it and it missed/was blocked so now you have shit to show for it aside from all that health you lost.

People should be encouraged to use the red health mechanic not discouraged.
Even multiple level 2 pulses are problematic. Nova is already one of the best point characters in the game and giving him easier access to his more powerful tools would make him too strong in a re-balanced Marvel 3.


I feel that's what balances them. Powered up they're some of the best specials in the game so they should take a serious investment to use for Nova since he has no many great tools in his arsenal.
Right now the investment vs reward isn't balanced. If they weren't some of the best specials in the game after sacrificing health they would be garbage. They are supposed to be good because the investment is high.

So basically investment = over 200k damage upto 900k damage
Reward = 204k damage

If this ratio was balanced you would see more people use the moves in matches. Instead the red health mechanic is an after thought, people use it on Shields or the beam hyper. My proposed adjustment would also make the shield a more viable assist as assists take a shit ton of damage and you don't want to lose all that health over a single assist call.

You can't have multiple LVL2s in a combo Vice. If you have more red health than is required for a LVL2, you go to LVL3..



-Skrull Torch to have start up invincibility for safe in coming. He gets mauled easily and I want him to at least have that hyper as a way out.

-Rolling hook as an assist instead of stone smite.

-Stomp connects easier and does more damage.


- Nerf the Goddam dolphin kick. Its so stupid having his best aerial attack an option select for a grab especially when he has a fast air dash


Most likely in this patch Nova's j.H offense is going to be nerfed. People will also nerf the Speeding Tackle hyper. Both of these options are a bit too derpy right now. Though I am not sure how a Speeding Tackle nerf would go about.


Right now the investment vs reward isn't balanced. If they weren't some of the best specials in the game after sacrificing health they would be garbage. They are supposed to be good because the investment is high.

So basically investment = over 200k damage upto 900k damage
Reward = 250k damage

If this ratio was balanced you would see more people use the moves in matches. Instead the red health mechanic is an after thought, people use it on Shields or the beam hyper. My proposed adjustment would also make the shield a more viable assist as assists take a shit ton of damage and you don't want to lose all that health over a single assist call.

They're underused because most Nova players don't realize their utility. They make matchups like Nova Zero and Nova Morrigan nearly even. Being able to toss out multiple red health pulses somewhat rapidly in these matchups would shift everything over to Nova's favor.

It is used mainly for shield because in matchups where the shield is useful it completely swings things in Nova's favor in a very obvious way. L/M clear the screen and allow for follow ups against zoners. Combined with Human rocket Punch Nova's tool set already allows him to go 5-5, or 6-4, with nearly every projectile heavy character in the game. As he is I feel he's already a top 5 point character and would rather him not get any better outside of assist selection.

For H. Speed tackle you can nerf the follow up potential. It already requires prediction to use, no start-up invincibility, so it's risky. If you remove the follow-up potential a slight damage increase would ease the pain.

Edit: A level 3 and level 2 being able to be used in rapid succession would also be problematic. It's a very strong tool against projectiles and with the way Nova is set up it would increase his combo damage and his tools in the neutral too much to be fair.


Everytime I see Moons use the red health Gravimetric Pulse L or M, I get hype. I want to see more of them.

Also, aren't there only two levels of the Gravimetric Pulses besides the normal non-red health ones?
Most likely in this patch Nova's j.H offense is going to be nerfed. People will also nerf the Speeding Tackle hyper. Both of these options are a bit too derpy right now. Though I am not sure how a Speeding Tackle nerf would go about.

Well I know Karst was complaining about how Speed Tackle can be made safe. How about no more backward movement? But the super starts up faster. Not sure what you can do about jump H.

Cr. M should be faster. Not sure why more people don't just block Nova high. Same with people that get opened up by Modok. Block high and don't give in to the temptation to go low. Both of those characters have slow lows that aren't super difficult to react to.


Everytime I see Moons use the red health Gravimetric Pulse L or M, I get hype. I want to see more of them.

Also, aren't there only two levels of the Gravimetric Pulses besides the normal non-red health ones?

Yea. Level 1(no health), level 2(any amount of red health below (200k) and level 3(200k+). Moons is one of the few Nova players that uses the moves to their potential.


Cr. M should be faster. Not sure why more people don't just block Nova high. Same with people that get opened up by Modok. Block high and don't give in to the temptation to go low. Both of those characters have slow lows that aren't super difficult to react to.
Easy enough in theory, but people get bopped by a 21 frame overhead(Spencer) all the time, how exactly do you expect people to block 11/15 frame lows?

I'm just sayin'...


Realistically speaking you are not going to be able to use more than 3-4 LVL3 Pulses in a match. Its not comparable to a Buster or AV because Nova's own health limits the move in terms usability. Overall health cannot be replenished so once you blow those LVL3s that's it. They SHOULD be powerful because anything that you can't do more than a few times has to make up for that investment.

Its not even close to using say 3 bars. You can get 3 bars again, you aren't getting over 900k health on Nova. Its the most finite resource in the game.

Actually I would make some adjustments because of the health buff. Would need to adjust red health requirements to 200k and 400k max. At 400k its IMPOSSIBLE to do more than 3 LVL3 Pulses in a match.
Easy enough in theory, but people get bopped by a 21 frame overhead(Spencer) all the time, how exactly do you expect people to block 11/15 frame lows?

I'm just sayin'...

Ehhh....I do it. I can't even remember the last time I got hit by Spencer's overhead. But I play all 3 characters (my Spencer is ass) so I suppose I know what to look for.

Point taken though.

Azure J

Dormammu's pretty perfect outside of assists and 0D3C honestly.

+ 0D1C, 0D2C and 0D3C all OTG.
+/- 0D3C now stops opponents from using double jumps or air dashes. Length of active time on move decreased.
- Chaotic Flame minimum scaling decreased slightly
- Flame Carpet no longer hits low

Assists: Flame Carpet, Purification (with limited tracking), Dark Matter

That's really all I'd change. I almost gave 0D3C the "first frame active" change but I think he'd be like new Dante with all the shit he'd get for point play and sudden zero-to-awesome support value he could bring a team with these changes.

Edit: Forgot one.


Realistically speaking you are not going to be able to use more than 3-4 LVL3 Pulses in a match. Its not comparable to a Buster or AV because Nova's own health limits the move in terms usability. Overall health cannot be replenished so once you blow those LVL3s that's it. They SHOULD be powerful because anything that you can't do more than a few times has to make up for that investment.

Its not even close to using say 3 bars. You can get 3 bars again, you aren't getting over 900k health on Nova. Its the most finite resource in the game.

Actually I would make some adjustments because of the health buff. Would need to adjust red health requirements to 200k and 400k max. At 400k its IMPOSSIBLE to do more than 3 LVL3 Pulses in a match.
It's the ability to use a level 3 and then a level 2 in succession that's dangerous. For certain matchups being able to toss up 3 shields gives Nova complete control of the screen and lets him have his way.

In other matchups being able to do 3 followed by 2 would make him able to quickly clear projectiles, snipe assists and lead into full combos. His toolset makes up for his pulses appearing to be such heavy investments. Even a level 2 pulse, currently usable when you take any amount of red health which is going to happen in Marvel, is a very powerful tool that requires very little health investment.


Honestly think Nova is fine as is compared to other characters. Centurion Rush H takes too long to start up, imo, for the distance he goes, but otherwise he feels fine.


Ehhh....I do it. I can't even remember the last time I got hit by Spencer's overhead. But I play all 3 characters (my Spencer is ass) so I suppose I know what to look for.

Point taken though.
It's easier when you know what to look for. What you're doing is not so much blocking on reaction, but blocking in reaction to an anticipated event. It isn't until they start varying their timing/setups and start baiting out the low blocks that you'll end up getting opened up. I played Spencer in vanilla, and early Ultimate, so I know the spots the overhead are coming from and can react to them. It isn't until they start switching up the spots and timing of when they go overhead that I start to get opened up.

I played a ridiculously good MODOK in vanilla that opened me up like no other, simply because he trained me to block high, and everytime he went low it was in a completely different spot than before. I never knew when he was going to go low, and that tripped me up every time because while I might have been looking for it, it was never in the spots I was looking for.

Of course, some people have the super fast twitch reflexes that probably would allow them to block something like Nova's low without anticipating it, but they're called 'Gods', not people. :p


It's the ability to use a level 3 and then a level 2 in succession that's dangerous. For certain matchups being able to toss up 3 shields gives Nova complete control of the screen and lets him have his way.

In other matchups being able to do 3 followed by 2 would make him able to quickly clear projectiles, snipe assists and lead into full combos. His toolset makes up for his pulses appearing to be such heavy investments.
So a one time manuever that depletes 600k health is a problem... why exactly? Its not like he has access to this tool all the time, he has to be hit first. Compared to Dorm who can charge Volcano spell numerous times in a game and gain match up advantage with no limitation on the number of times he can use the spell.

Let me ask you this... do you think a single LVL3 Grav Pulse L/M is better than an EX Seismo?? If so by how much? Because unless a Grav Pulse is 10x better than EX Seismo it would still be a way more situational and less practical move to use in live matches.


So a one time manuever that depletes 600k health is a problem... why exactly? Its not like he has access to this tool all the time, he has to be hit first. Compared to Dorm who can charge Volcano spell numerous times in a game and gain match up advantage with no limitation on the number of times he can use the spell.

Let me ask you this... do you think a single LVL3 Grav Pulse L/M is better than an EX Seismo?? If so by how much? Because unless a Grav Pulse is 10x better than EX Seismo it would still be a way more situational and less practical move to use in live matches.

For Nova in certain matchups I feel both level 2 and 3 pulses are as essential as spells or EX moves when playing them and having the ability to use more them in somewhat rapid succession would swing more matchups in Nova's favor.

I don't feel an already strong character should be made better just to make a mechanic more usable. With his current toolsets and restrictions he is already an incredibly strong character, one of the best in the game, and doesn't need more options to remain competitive with other characters. If these are for re-balancing then Nova is a character who is about as balanced as a strong character can get in Mavel.


Re: Iron Fist
*Cr.L should hit low (although the way the move is animated it doesn't really look like a low even though game play wise it definitely should be

Not really that strange, considering Deadpool's cr.M hits low. I think that would be perfectly fine, and give him at least some modicum of a mix-up, especially with your Crescent Heel change.


Viper can use 2 EX moves in rapid succession. Only she loses 2 bars for it (replenish-able resource), Nova loses 600K+ health for it (non replish-able resource). It's not even close to being comparable in terms of investment involved. And then when you do a head to head of the two moves you realize they aren't even that different:

EX Seismo:

Damage: 135K
Start up: 14
Recovery: 19, extremely + on block due to jump cancel
Depletes 1 bar (technically unlimited usage but realistically speaking you can get over 5 off in a match, under 10)
Not full screen projectile but still has a big hit box
Leads into a full combo
Extremely invincible

Grav Pulse L/M:

Damage: 204K
Start up: 26
Recovery: 21, +7, +1 on block
Depletes at the minimum 200K red health (maximum potential usage in a match in the current game = 4 times, realistically much less than that. In new game he would get off like 1 more Grav Pulse at the most)
Full screen projectile
Leads into a full combo
Not invincible

So two moves which are not that different but have widely different resource requirement. 1 meter is FAR FAR easier to come by than 200K+ red health. In terms of match practicality, the threat of an EX Seismo is far more real than a threat of Grav Pulse L/M. It's not even close in terms of investment vs reward.

Also Nova is getting nerfed in his j.H game, his Speed Tackle hyper and his throw game. This is probably the only buff he gets to his point game. Not only that but the rest of the cast is getting buffed... a lot more characters are getting buffed than nerfs. Some are getting like 10 buffs.

The only thing I am asking here is that instead of 200K to 899K red health drained, it's changed to 200K to 400K red health drained.


Re: Iron Fist

Not really that strange, considering Deadpool's cr.M hits low. I think that would be perfectly fine, and give him at least some modicum of a mix-up, especially with your Crescent Heel change.
Even weirder is Thor's cr.M being a low. Iron-Fist's cr.L looks way more like a low than that one.


Viper can use 2 EX moves in rapid succession. Only she loses 2 bars for it (replenish-able resource), Nova loses 600K+ health for it (non replish-able resource). It's not even close to being comparable in terms of investment involved. And then when you do a head to head of the two moves you realize they aren't even that different:

EX Seismo:

Damage: 135K
Start up: 14
Recovery: 19, extremely + on block due to jump cancel
Depletes 1 bar (technically unlimited usage but realistically speaking you can get over 5 off in a match, under 10)
Not full screen projectile but still has a big hit box
Leads into a full combo
Extremely invincible

Grav Pulse L/M:

Damage: 204K
Start up: 26
Recovery: 21, +7, +1 on block
Full screen projectile
Leads into a full combo
Depletes at the minimum 200K red health (maximum potential usage in a match in the current game = 4 times, realistically much less than that. In new game he would get off like 1 more Grav Pulse at the most)
Not invincible

So two moves which are not that different but have widely different resource requirement. 1 meter is FAR FAR easier to come by than 200K+ red health. In terms of match practicality, the threat of an EX Seismo is far more real than a threat of Grav Pulse L/M. It's not even close in terms of investment vs reward.

Also Nova is getting nerfed in his j.H game, his Speed Tackle hyper and his throw game. This is probably the only buff he gets to his point game. Not only that but the rest of the cast is getting buffed... a lot more characters are getting buffed than nerfs. Some are getting like 10 buffs.

The only thing I am asking here is that instead of 200K to 899K red health drained, it's changed to 200K to 400K red health drained.

Even with mimimum red health, a level 2 L/M pulse, the move is a very powerful and as a tool can give Nova an intimidating option in a match. A level three pulse followed by a level 2 is something Nova doesn't need to remain competitive. Neither is a limit on the amount of red health his moves use.

What nerfs are there for High Speed Tackle? It can't be performed on reaction as it is against most projectile supers. It has limited invincibility and the only thing that can be taken away without making it pointless would be removing its combo follow up potential and making it unsafe on block. That would make it a less useful but air-OK Hyper Charging Star.

His throws will remain strong as he's still able to convert from them.

And right now no one has mentioned how to make j.H less powerful. Even my suggestion would just fix box dash H.


Why are you nerfing Nova's throw game? The major (imo) issue with it is related to being able to tag out and get unscaled damage in some situations which any patch should fix.

Speed Tackle is also an odd nerf unless it's part of your crusade against "brainless" play, but it's also easy to counter so it's an odd choice to nerf. Especially as it's fun to use,


Even with mimimum red health, a level 2 L/M pulse, the move is a very powerful and as a tool can give Nova an intimidating option in a match. A level three pulse followed by a level 2 is something Nova doesn't need to remain competitive. Neither is a limit on the amount of red health his moves use.
So you don't deny any of my facts or arguments?

You have now backed yourself into a corner and have taken up the position that "Nova doesn't need this to remain competitive". Obviously we all know that, plenty of characters are getting changes that they don't "need" but would be nice to have. I like playing Nova too, it sucks not being able to use your special moves because there is no red health limit. Right now the mechanic is gimmicky and situational at best... and honestly even with my change it will remain that way only it will be slightly less situational.

On the topic of Speeding Tackle, Karst said he would nerf it. The main problem with the move is that it can be made safe, it eats/destroys projectiles, it can be made to cross up and it leads into a combo. There's a lot of derpy shit that comes off of this move in high level play. One of these aspects is going to change most probably the cross up property although it's hard to say how we can do that.

On J.H, people have recommended changing in the air dash and/or change in the hit box. The hit box change was recommended by FGTV.

And the cr.M change is no way in hell going in. Shit would be stupid.
Why are you nerfing Nova's throw game? The major (imo) issue with it is related to being able to tag out and get unscaled damage in some situations which any patch should fix.

Speed Tackle is also an odd nerf unless it's part of your crusade against "brainless" play, but it's also easy to counter so it's an odd choice to nerf. Especially as it's fun to use,

I agree. Also, perfect avatar quote for Nova.


Why are you nerfing Nova's throw game? The major (imo) issue with it is related to being able to tag out and get unscaled damage in some situations which any patch should fix.
Why does it even matter to Nova players? He still gets a full combo off of it. What's being fixed is the stupid trolling shit that you get with Nova players mashing st.Ls even doing a FULL launcher before going for the OTG. No character in the game is capable of doing this. It's way too much leniency on the throw. Even with the -40 less untechable time... some characters would KILL to have that air throw game.

Also on the red health mechanic, it will be put to a committee vote since it's apparently also controversial.

Right now the Nova changelog is looking something like this:

- J.H hit box reduced slightly so it's easier to anti air OR air dash forward dash reduced in speed on start up (keeps acceleration)

- Untechable time after air throw decreased by 40 frames (still can get a full combo after throws)

- Speeding Tackle made harder to cross up (? Don't know but something is being changed about the hyper)

+ Gravimetric LVL3 moves drain a maximum of 400K health (Debated change, would be put to committee vote)


Nova's airthrow is more or less a giant middle finger to every character that cannot solo convert off their airthrow. While a character like Hsien-Ko has them recover nearly as soon as she recovers, getting zilch even with an assist, Nova is over there doing acrobatics and still having enough time to convert off it solo.

Hell, you could probably take those 40 frames of untechable time and spread it out among the characters that don't have a lot of time after an airthrow before a character recovers and be left with frames to spare.


So you don't deny any of my facts or arguments?
Nova's other other specials and normals are already great. Not every character needs to be able to use extremely powerful tools like EX moves or spells constantly. Viper and Dorms's poor normals justify their need for easily accessible special mechanics to me. With the way things are now Nova is able to control the match from 3/4 of the screen away and closer.

You have now backed yourself into a corner and have taken up the position that "Nova doesn't need this to remain competitive". Obviously we all know that, plenty of characters are getting changes that they don't "need" but would be nice to have. I like playing Nova too, it sucks not being able to use your special moves because there is no red health limit. Right now the mechanic is gimmicky and situational at best... and honestly even with my change it will remain that way only it will be slightly less situational.
Making Nova more fun to play in this case would lead him being a stronger character. The mechanic is integratable into your game plan but many Nova players ignore it because his other tools are more than enough in the majority of matchups especially when paired with assists. Sacrificing red health has never been scary to me as I see him as a point character who is rarely ever going to be able to recover his red health in a match.

On the topic of Speeding Tackle, Karst said he would nerf it. The main problem with the move is that it can be made safe, it eats/destroys projectiles, it can be made to cross up and it leads into a combo. There's a lot of derpy shit that comes off of this move in high level play. One of these aspects is going to change most probably the cross up property although it's hard to say how we can do that.
It's slow start up requires a strong read to use. It's an anti-projectile hyper that''s invincibility is countered by the need to make a read against projectiles that quickly appear on the screen. It's also one of the few moves that Nova has that is somewhat safe to throw out.

On J.H, people have recommended changing in the air dash and/or change in the hit box. The hit box change was recommended by FGTV.

Its hit box is more or less fine as it is though. It's a strong tool but one that's a big part of Nova's arsenal. It's important to his approach as he ground based normals are all unsafe.
I was taking a nap, so I missed Dahbomb announcing two of my favorite characters. Here are the changes I came up with. There has been a lot of discussion that I missed, so tell me what should be added to them.


Super Skrull
Iron Fist

aka "The fire rises"

*j.M hit float properties returned to Vanilla status (no knockback).
*1D0C, 2D0C, and 3D0C are all +10 on block.
*0D3C now slows characters by 25% and is unblockable.
*Ground and air throw range extended slightly.
*c.M returned to Vanilla hitstun status.
*s.S -4 on block.
*0D1C and 0D2C now hit OTG.
*s.H frontal hitbox made slightly larger (c.L, s.H always hits).
*Minimum damage scaling for normals reduced to 15%.
*0D0C startup is 5 frames; hitbox increased slightly.
*Dark Dimension is now a level 1; damage reduced to 200,000.

Iron Fist:
*Crescent Heel assist startup time reduced to 37 frames.
*Volanic Roar causes a soft knockdown on all but the last hit.
*Iron Fist now has enough time to OTG opponents following Dragon’s Prey.

Assists: Rising Fang, Crescent Heel, Wall of K’un-Lun

*Air throw range reduced considerably.
*Timing for comboing off of throws made more strict.
*j.H hitbox reduced slightly.

Assists: Energy Javelin, Centurion Rush M, Gravimetric Pulse H (Centurion Rush L?)

*Says “He loves you!” again during Inferno.
*Meteor Smash assist causes a soft knockdown; hitbox reduced slightly from point version.
*Orbital Grudge now -1 on block.
*Skrull Torch no longer makes Super-Skrull prone until landing; full startup invincibility.
*Stone Smite gains 2 hits of super armor on frames 14-58.
*Stone Dunk gains 2 hits of super armor on frames 16-42.
*Brutal Pile Bunker is now -2 on block.
*Flame Kick gains 2 hits of super armor on frames 12-52.

Assists: Tenderizer L, Orbital Grudge M x Fatal Buster, Meteor Smash (Tracking)


Wow are you fucking serious...

I am sitting here defending one single buff on Nova and Karst comes in here with fucking 10 buffs on Dormammu.

Jesus christ...

I don't even know where to start on Dorm but one thing is for sure... NO Meteor Smash assist.
Wow are you fucking serious...

I am sitting here defending one single buff on Nova and Karst comes in here with fucking 10 buffs on Dormammu.

Jesus christ...
Most of my Dormammu changes are trying to make all of his Liberation spells useful in some way. It's a core mechanic for the character, and it's really dumb that only 3 are useful at all.

Meteor Smash assist is less bad than Vajra; what's the problem?

A few of the Dormammu changes are fixes, like j.M no longer causing pushback. It didn't in Vanilla, and I don't know why the hell they changed it in Ultimate.



Super Skrull
Iron Fist

aka "The fire rises"

I've said my piece on Iron Fist in a 4 part conversation in the ONO rumor thread
The initial breakdown of his faults and how he works and doesn't work
Detailed reasoning behind my air dash and rising fang logic
Why Rising Fang doesn't really DP and a bit on why Double Jumps would be a bit much IMO
Final breakdown on the Rising Fang not being a good replacement for a launcher logic

,but in general it goes as follows in a bulleted list:
  • Airdash
  • nerf his damage down to mortal levels and let players utilize the chi if they want that stuff
  • make the launcher hit folks normally and not just on the ground to remove the issue of having to create combos that force folks to stay grounded...this also helps with his team building issues and relieves Spencer from teams wishing to get better crumple combo setups
  • Remove the requirement that Wall of K'un Lun and Rising Fang require 2 rekkas performed before they are able to be used. Make them available at any time. Mainly this allows at full screen with the proper assists for Rising fang to put Iron Fist up and over projectiles and in people's faces.
  • Give him a roll like Frank West so that he can have proper mixup potential and not just pressure. Given the proposed Nerf of his damage this essentially turns him into a rekka Wolverine in many ways.
  • Iron Fist's overhead Ax Kick (that is also his only OTG) is needed to help open people up, but is never used that way as it cripples his combos. Get rid of the knockdown it causes on standing opponents and only have that on airborne opponents so it can be used properly as an opener and so it doesn't force people off of their feet. This means it can be used as an opener WITHOUT removing his option of using the crumple in any combos that open this way.

My Logic:

With all these proposed changes it'd be braindead...his damage is WAAAAAAAAAAAY too high normally. This is why I'd nerf his damage down to a human level to possibly even low damage as essentially he is a reset character anyways and with the changes he needs his combo potential is too high. In that scenario just nerf him on damage and give him better air mobility, mixup and combo potential to mitigate this loss. Considering better tools like the one I mention would lead to longer and higher meter build combos and FAR more team setup potential for the character he'd easily make up the loss of damage in the amount of potential hits and mixups he should get with the new tools anyways.

These changes would make him mobile enough to not be so assist specific on teams and it would also greatly help with the team order problem he suffers as well on any team he is in. He would be more combo friendly as he would not be completely reliant upon grounded opponents to perform any combos since he relied previously on the crumple reset that required a standing state and it'd finally open him up to experimentation.
Hahaha, wtf at all those Dorm buffs.

I can understand the buffs on his spells though.

I love Dorm and all, he's one of my most played characters, but something would have to give.


Most of my Dormammu changes are trying to make all of his Liberation spells useful in some way. It's a core mechanic for the character, and it's really dumb that only 3 are useful at all.

Meteor Smash assist is less bad than Vajra; what's the problem?
Most characters are going to get a full combo off Meteor Smash assist that's why. There's enough float time on the hit of Meteor Smash for ground dash characters to get a full combo off of it. I mean Skrull HIMSELF gets a combo off of Meteor Smash in XF, you don't think point characters can get combo off of it? Not to mention that this is a tracking super jump assist assist attached to a 1 million health character and the move itself has a good hit box, way harder to punish than Vajra.

This is easily the WORST assist suggestion made thus far.


I just don't feel buffing gimmicks is a good idea. Nova is one of the few characters whose gimmick isn't entirely broken, entirely useless or overly difficult. As it is now Nova players can chose to burn red life many times to toss out many level 2 pulses during a match or save their health for a few level threes. The problem is most players ignore L/M in exchange for H Pulse. They are strong and fair tools and I would rather they remain that way then risk him becoming some dominating character.

His air throw range is fair as is. He lacks the air options, like full screen projectiles, other characters have so his throw is fair compensation imo


Why does it even matter to Nova players? He still gets a full combo off of it. What's being fixed is the stupid trolling shit that you get with Nova players mashing st.Ls even doing a FULL launcher before going for the OTG. No character in the game is capable of doing this. It's way too much leniency on the throw.
If he still gets full combo conversion, it's fine. Still seems silly.

Even with the -40 less untechable time... some characters would KILL to have that air throw game.

Also on the red health mechanic, it will be put to a committee vote since it's apparently also controversial.

I actually like your ideas on red health, though.

Right now the Nova changelog is looking something like this:

- J.H hit box reduced slightly so it's easier to anti air OR air dash forward dash reduced in speed on start up (keeps acceleration)
His air dash forward already starts pretty slowly. The hit box reducing slightly could destroy his H loop air combo as well or at least limit the places he can do the combo.

- Untechable time after air throw decreased by 40 frames (still can get a full combo after throws)
If he keeps combo, it's fine.

- Speeding Tackle made harder to cross up (? Don't know but something is being changed about the hyper)

Not a good nerf because you can easily stop being crossed up by jumping. I'm open to listen to it since this doesn't really say anything, but being crossed up should not happen in high level.
+ Gravimetric LVL3 moves drain a maximum of 400K health (Debated change, would be put to committee vote)

Seems good to me :)

I'd also suggest Centurion Rush H being looked at.
Why do people care about timing of throws?

I am now convinced that Karsticles only wants buffs on the characters he plays. Dark Dimension a lvl 1?! Hope it scales based on the combo.


The funny thing is the nerf Karst put on Dorm isn't even a big nerf... Dorm gets easy mode combos before damage scaling even kicks in. He would still get 800K combos with that "nerf" off of clean hit. The nerf was supposed to be reduced base damage, not reduced scaling.
Also, don't treat me like just because my Dormammu list is 10, and my Nova list is 3 or whatever, that I think Dormammu needs 10 changes and Nova needs 3. I try to think of 10 for every character. I just didn't have time to sit down and think about Nova and Iron Fist, while I think about Skrull and Dormammu a lot.

I'm gonna go get some popcorn.

Meteor Smash is an overhead, and it OTGs. A bit different than Vajra, I'd say.
So remove the overhead and OTG.

Most characters are going to get a full combo off Meteor Smash assist that's why. There's enough float time on the hit of Meteor Smash for ground dash characters to get a full combo off of it. I mean Skrull HIMSELF gets a combo off of Meteor Smash in XF, you don't think point characters can get combo off of it? Not to mention that this is a tracking super jump assist assist attached to a 1 million health character and the move itself has a good hit box, way harder to punish than Vajra.

This is easily the WORST assist suggestion made thus far.
It says right in there that Meteor Smash causes a soft knockdown; there won't be a post-hit bounce.

Why do people care about timing of throws?

I am now convinced that Karsticles only wants buffs on the characters he plays. Dark Dimension a lvl 1?! Hope it scales based on the combo.
What? I buffed the hell out of a ton of characters. Dark Dimension as a level 1 is more of a discussion point than anything else. Of course it would scale, and starting at a 200,000 damage 1 hit. So it would be nigh pointless for damage except for setting up Liberation combos (making his combos more interesting) or being a reversal for random full-screen hypers.

I put it there mostly as a "what if" situation for folks to talk about. I'm tired of everyone shitting on me just because I put an idea out there for people to discuss. Because that's what these first draft lists are: ideas to think about. None of them are full-on suggestions until people look at them and approve of them.
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